What makes you support one or the other?

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Technically, they have not been. But "Arab" as a term, like all language evolves. And it includes people who speak Arabic. In at least some criteria Palestinians qualify.

There is no such thing as a "Palestinian." These are Arabs who are genetically identical to Jordanians, Syrians, and Saudis.

Palestine was a region, like the "mid-West." Palestine under the Ottomans included all of Trans-Jordan, all of Israel, all of Lebanon, and most of Syria. It is ONLY the bigotry of the Muslims which says that despite gaining 90% of Palestine, they don't have enough. It is only the evil of Islam which says that they will murder any non-Muslim who controls a single grain of what they view as Muslim land.

Islam is a cancer on the human race.
Well the US and Israel are the greatest proponents of the "preemptive attack".

But apart from that, you say that one group of hot heads in a city reacting to a creeping conquest of their land by violence would deem the murder and dispossession of all Arabs in that land as permissible?

And to be clear, you are implying that you are confident that there was no incitement from European Jews for the Arab violence. You sound certain of that. Are you?

Regarding preemptive attacks, what makes you think I support all elements of American foreign policy? The wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, in particular, qualify as losses which have hurt us more than it would ever help. Israel, on the other hand, may have struck military installations preemptively but shit like the wars against Hamas and Hezbollah have been a result of provocation from the latter.

Yes, European Jews did not do anything worthy of being attacked violently by the Pali Arabs.
Islam is a cancer on humanity.

The attacks on Israel are based on Muslim supremacy, the concept as Arafat put it that "not one grain of sand in Muslim lands shall by governed by Kafir,"

This attitude of eternal war against any who fail to bow to the supremacy of Islam is a great evil which decent people must resist.

The Muslims have 99.9% of the middle east, but will never stop fighting until the deprive the Jews of tiny Israel.

Islam disgusts me.

and yet numerous posters claim the Pals are not Arabs.

I heard once, from a reputable source, that they're Japanese.
I'm not a Zionist. Although I support the idea of Jews having a state of their own, after what they've endured, I could care less whether it was in the middle of the Arab world or the fields of Montana.

And how do you feel about those who are at risk because they hold land, water and mineral wealth which is taken - by force where necessary - to establish said new state?

They started the war. Tough titties.

How can the people living in a place be accused of starting a war against an invading population, from another continent, at that?

Given that the Arabs instigated pogroms against Jews decades prior to 1948, you tell me?

If I buy a house in your neighborhood and you have a problem with my race or religion, that countenances the use of violence against me?

When, you mean when the Jews first invaded Palestine?

I didn't realize immigration implied invasion. Thanks Penny, I've learnt something new.
Islam is a cancer on humanity.

The attacks on Israel are based on Muslim supremacy, the concept as Arafat put it that "not one grain of sand in Muslim lands shall by governed by Kafir,"

This attitude of eternal war against any who fail to bow to the supremacy of Islam is a great evil which decent people must resist.

The Muslims have 99.9% of the middle east, but will never stop fighting until the deprive the Jews of tiny Israel.

Islam disgusts me.

and yet numerous posters claim the Pals are not Arabs.

I heard once, from a reputable source, that they're Japanese.

And who is this reputable source, of course its ridiculous.
And how do you feel about those who are at risk because they hold land, water and mineral wealth which is taken - by force where necessary - to establish said new state?

They started the war. Tough titties.

How can the people living in a place be accused of starting a war against an invading population, from another continent, at that?

Given that the Arabs instigated pogroms against Jews decades prior to 1948, you tell me?

If I buy a house in your neighborhood and you have a problem with my race or religion, that countenances the use of violence against me?

When, you mean when the Jews first invaded Palestine?

I didn't realize immigration implied invasion. Thanks Penny, I've learnt something new.

Yes it was an invasion, not immigration, when they come in large numbers its an invasion. Britain said only so many a year, but they came in such large numbers they had to put them in camps on Cyprus. They made no illusions that they came in peace but to take over the land. They came with the "fighting spirit" with money from rich Jews in America and Rothschilds help.
Islam is a cancer on humanity.

The attacks on Israel are based on Muslim supremacy, the concept as Arafat put it that "not one grain of sand in Muslim lands shall by governed by Kafir,"

This attitude of eternal war against any who fail to bow to the supremacy of Islam is a great evil which decent people must resist.

The Muslims have 99.9% of the middle east, but will never stop fighting until the deprive the Jews of tiny Israel.

Islam disgusts me.

and yet numerous posters claim the Pals are not Arabs.

I heard once, from a reputable source, that they're Japanese.

And who is this reputable source, of course its ridiculous.

Wow, you redefine the word "obtuse".....
They started the war. Tough titties.

How can the people living in a place be accused of starting a war against an invading population, from another continent, at that?

Given that the Arabs instigated pogroms against Jews decades prior to 1948, you tell me?

If I buy a house in your neighborhood and you have a problem with my race or religion, that countenances the use of violence against me?

When, you mean when the Jews first invaded Palestine?

I didn't realize immigration implied invasion. Thanks Penny, I've learnt something new.

Yes it was an invasion, not immigration, when they come in large numbers its an invasion. Britain said only so many a year, but they came in such large numbers they had to put them in camps on Cyprus. They made no illusions that they came in peace but to take over the land. They came with the "fighting spirit" with money from rich Jews in America and Rothschilds help.

More of the same ludicrous metric from you. So the millions of refugees from war-torn lands who try and seek asylum in a particular country are actually hostile invaders? Those Holocaust survivors had malicious intents in clamoring to go to Palestine, instead of trying to save their lives and that of their families?
How can the people living in a place be accused of starting a war against an invading population, from another continent, at that?

Given that the Arabs instigated pogroms against Jews decades prior to 1948, you tell me?

If I buy a house in your neighborhood and you have a problem with my race or religion, that countenances the use of violence against me?

When, you mean when the Jews first invaded Palestine?

I didn't realize immigration implied invasion. Thanks Penny, I've learnt something new.

Yes it was an invasion, not immigration, when they come in large numbers its an invasion. Britain said only so many a year, but they came in such large numbers they had to put them in camps on Cyprus. They made no illusions that they came in peace but to take over the land. They came with the "fighting spirit" with money from rich Jews in America and Rothschilds help.

More of the same ludicrous metric from you. So the millions of refugees from war-torn lands who try and seek asylum in a particular country are actually hostile invaders? Those Holocaust survivors had malicious intents in clamoring to go to Palestine, instead of trying to save their lives and that of their families?

Most of the went before WWII and during the beginning with the transfer agreement with Hitler, see Hitler wanted rid of the Jews , he didn't want to kill them. The Zionist Jews worked hard to get the German Jews out of Germany, the polish Jews got stuck in the war, and most died from starvation and typhus, but that is for the History thread.

Back to the thread at hand, I am for the Palestinians due to the map changes and that should be enough said. Obviously the Israelites plan on taking over all the land.
Given that the Arabs instigated pogroms against Jews decades prior to 1948, you tell me?

If I buy a house in your neighborhood and you have a problem with my race or religion, that countenances the use of violence against me?

When, you mean when the Jews first invaded Palestine?

I didn't realize immigration implied invasion. Thanks Penny, I've learnt something new.

Yes it was an invasion, not immigration, when they come in large numbers its an invasion. Britain said only so many a year, but they came in such large numbers they had to put them in camps on Cyprus. They made no illusions that they came in peace but to take over the land. They came with the "fighting spirit" with money from rich Jews in America and Rothschilds help.

More of the same ludicrous metric from you. So the millions of refugees from war-torn lands who try and seek asylum in a particular country are actually hostile invaders? Those Holocaust survivors had malicious intents in clamoring to go to Palestine, instead of trying to save their lives and that of their families?

Most of the went before WWII and during the beginning with the transfer agreement with Hitler, see Hitler wanted rid of the Jews , he didn't want to kill them. The Zionist Jews worked hard to get the German Jews out of Germany, the polish Jews got stuck in the war, and most died from starvation and typhus, but that is for the History thread.

Back to the thread at hand, I am for the Palestinians due to the map changes and that should be enough said. Obviously the Israelites plan on taking over all the land.

You need to start fact-checking, Penny. The majority of the Jews in Palestine by the 1948 declaration of Israel's independence came from those who escaped Europe and the tide of Nazism. I am aware of Zionist collaboration with Nazi leaders, what is your point again? The fact remains that the 6 million souls who didn't have the chance to escape ended up victims of genocide.
So you are Zionist then.

Just a bit more lazy than most, and uncaring, like most.

I'm not a Zionist. Although I support the idea of Jews having a state of their own, after what they've endured, I could care less whether it was in the middle of the Arab world or the fields of Montana.

And how do you feel about those who are at risk because they hold land, water and mineral wealth which is taken - by force where necessary - to establish said new state?

They started the war. Tough titties.

How can the people living in a place be accused of starting a war against an invading population, from another continent, at that?

Given that the Arabs instigated pogroms against Jews decades prior to 1948, you tell me?

If I buy a house in your neighborhood and you have a problem with my race or religion, that countenances the use of violence against me?

If you buy a house with the intention of taking over the neighborhood and expelling me, which was a clear Zionist intention, violence is certainly appropriate. No one claims that the Native Americans were the aggressors against the Europeans.
So you are Zionist then.

Just a bit more lazy than most, and uncaring, like most.

I'm not a Zionist. Although I support the idea of Jews having a state of their own, after what they've endured, I could care less whether it was in the middle of the Arab world or the fields of Montana.

And how do you feel about those who are at risk because they hold land, water and mineral wealth which is taken - by force where necessary - to establish said new state?

They started the war. Tough titties.

How can the people living in a place be accused of starting a war against an invading population, from another continent, at that?

Simple answer.First off, there was no invasion. Second, as I have proved MANY times, it was the Arabs who started with the killing and massacres. nk I need

Your argument is that because the European Jews came from another continent, that the Palestinians were free to massacre them just like that.
I don't think I need to tell you how ridiculous that sounds.

The Europeans came with the intention of expelling the locals and creating their own state. The massacres of the locals were started by the Europeans as early as the late 1800s.
I'm not a Zionist. Although I support the idea of Jews having a state of their own, after what they've endured, I could care less whether it was in the middle of the Arab world or the fields of Montana.

And how do you feel about those who are at risk because they hold land, water and mineral wealth which is taken - by force where necessary - to establish said new state?

They started the war. Tough titties.

How can the people living in a place be accused of starting a war against an invading population, from another continent, at that?

Simple answer.First off, there was no invasion. Second, as I have proved MANY times, it was the Arabs who started with the killing and massacres. nk I need

Your argument is that because the European Jews came from another continent, that the Palestinians were free to massacre them just like that.
I don't think I need to tell you how ridiculous that sounds.

The Europeans came with the intention of expelling the locals and creating their own state. The massacres of the locals were started by the Europeans as early as the late 1800s.

Show me a link of these 'massacres' started by the Europeans .
I'm not a Zionist. Although I support the idea of Jews having a state of their own, after what they've endured, I could care less whether it was in the middle of the Arab world or the fields of Montana.

And how do you feel about those who are at risk because they hold land, water and mineral wealth which is taken - by force where necessary - to establish said new state?

They started the war. Tough titties.

How can the people living in a place be accused of starting a war against an invading population, from another continent, at that?

Given that the Arabs instigated pogroms against Jews decades prior to 1948, you tell me?

If I buy a house in your neighborhood and you have a problem with my race or religion, that countenances the use of violence against me?

No one claims that the Native Americans were the aggressors against the Europeans.

Because they weren't. History attests to that.

Unlike the case of the Pali Arabs and the Jews from Europe.
But, that fact is, the Europeans went to Palestine to take over, that's just a fact.

No, it's not. They went there because they were promised a homeland.

What SOME of the right wing European Zionists WANTED is irrelevant. Jews were being massacred in many separate cases long before any Arab was killed or any land was taken over.
And how do you feel about those who are at risk because they hold land, water and mineral wealth which is taken - by force where necessary - to establish said new state?

They started the war. Tough titties.

How can the people living in a place be accused of starting a war against an invading population, from another continent, at that?

Simple answer.First off, there was no invasion. Second, as I have proved MANY times, it was the Arabs who started with the killing and massacres. nk I need

Your argument is that because the European Jews came from another continent, that the Palestinians were free to massacre them just like that.
I don't think I need to tell you how ridiculous that sounds.

The Europeans came with the intention of expelling the locals and creating their own state. The massacres of the locals were started by the Europeans as early as the late 1800s.

Show me a link of these 'massacres' started by the Europeans .

"Ha'am has no truck with such wishful thinking. The behaviour of settlers disturbed him. They had not learned from experience as a minority, but, like a slave who has become king, "behave towards the Arabs with hostility and cruelty, infringe upon their boundaries, hit them shamefully without reason, and even brag about it". The Arab did indeed respect strength, but only when the other side used it justly. When his opponent's actions were unjust and oppressive, then "he may keep his anger to himself for a time ... but in the long run he will prove to be vengeful and full of retribution".
David Goldberg The 1907 writings of one traveller to Palestine vividly describe the roots of the region s enmity Comment is free The Guardian
They started the war. Tough titties.

How can the people living in a place be accused of starting a war against an invading population, from another continent, at that?

Simple answer.First off, there was no invasion. Second, as I have proved MANY times, it was the Arabs who started with the killing and massacres. nk I need

Your argument is that because the European Jews came from another continent, that the Palestinians were free to massacre them just like that.
I don't think I need to tell you how ridiculous that sounds.

The Europeans came with the intention of expelling the locals and creating their own state. The massacres of the locals were started by the Europeans as early as the late 1800s.

Show me a link of these 'massacres' started by the Europeans .

"Ha'am has no truck with such wishful thinking. The behaviour of settlers disturbed him. They had not learned from experience as a minority, but, like a slave who has become king, "behave towards the Arabs with hostility and cruelty, infringe upon their boundaries, hit them shamefully without reason, and even brag about it". The Arab did indeed respect strength, but only when the other side used it justly. When his opponent's actions were unjust and oppressive, then "he may keep his anger to himself for a time ... but in the long run he will prove to be vengeful and full of retribution".
David Goldberg The 1907 writings of one traveller to Palestine vividly describe the roots of the region s enmity Comment is free The Guardian

Uhhh, what does this have to do with your claims about Europeans "massacring" Arabs in the 1800's?
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