What occurred on Oct. 7 was not an anomaly in Islamic history


Diamond Member
Mar 16, 2012
Quite the contrary, Muslim invaders have tried to exterminate non Muslims for the last 1500 years. Look it up. Every single land that Muslims are now sitting on has been obtained by invasion, slaughter and rape of it’s inhabitants. What occurred on Oct. 7 has occurred over and over throughout Islam‘s history, and it all started with Mohammad himself:

“Muhammad’s violence was directed towards groups as well. Muhammad once said to his followers, “I will expel the Jews and Christians from the Arabian Peninsula and will not leave any but Muslims.”viThe Jews of Qurayza resisted Muhammad and attempted to form an alliance against him. When the alliance faltered, Muhammad acted quickly. His armies surrounded them and “besieged them for twenty-five nights until they were sore pressed and God cast terror into their hearts.”

Then they surrendered, and the apostle confined them in Medina. . . . Then the apostle went out to the market of Medina (which is still its market today) and dug trenches in it. Then he sent for them and struck off their heads in those trenches as they were brought out to him in batches. . . . There were 600 or 700 in all, though some put the figure as high as 800 or 900.vii”

***Ring a bell? Hamas was just following in the footsteps of their prophet.
Quite the contrary, Christian invaders have tried to exterminate non Christians for the last 1500 years. Look it up. Every single land that Christians are now sitting on has been obtained by invasion, slaughter and rape of it’s inhabitants. What occurred on Oct. 7 has occurred over and over throughout Christian history, and it all started with the common imagined god himself:
Quite the contrary, Christian invaders have tried to exterminate non Christians for the last 1500 years. Look it up. Every single land that Christians are now sitting on has been obtained by invasion, slaughter and rape of it’s inhabitants. What occurred on Oct. 7 has occurred over and over throughout Christian history, and it all started with the common imagined god himself:

Christian countries have gone through a reformation, as a matter of fact, places like Britain are allowing Muslims to come live there and open mosques. It's time for the Islamic world to reform themselves and stop resorting to violence as a form of diplomacy. The proof of their backwardness is the way Shia and Sunnis kill each other over fundamental religious beliefs. They are way past due reformation, you dont need to go back 1500 years to see a problem where it IS.
I wonder what it will take to wake people up to the threat that open border poses? Maybe they'll twig in the days after we get hit with the same kind of slaughter here on our own soil? Those demons used a few RPGs but mostly they did their work up close with rifles and knives. For the less imaginative among our Leftists here, think of it as a "wave of mass shootings" that are done by guys with keffias around their heads. Oh, and btw, it won't occur in podunk Alabama or Mississippi. Nah, they'll hit the places where there are plenty of unarmed targets just waiting to be butchered. When the smoke clears and burying the dead is underway, it would be a really good time NOT to be known as a supporter of the Demcorat party, just sayin'...
More Racist nonsense from Troll Rowdy .

When did you realise that Ethnic Cleansing was your philosophy , Rowdy ?

Are you pleased to share a philosophy with the Nazis ?
Quite the contrary, Muslim invaders have tried to exterminate non Muslims for the last 1500 years. Look it up. Every single land that Muslims are now sitting on has been obtained by invasion, slaughter and rape of it’s inhabitants. What occurred on Oct. 7 has occurred over and over throughout Islam‘s history, and it all started with Mohammad himself:

“Muhammad’s violence was directed towards groups as well. Muhammad once said to his followers, “I will expel the Jews and Christians from the Arabian Peninsula and will not leave any but Muslims.”viThe Jews of Qurayza resisted Muhammad and attempted to form an alliance against him. When the alliance faltered, Muhammad acted quickly. His armies surrounded them and “besieged them for twenty-five nights until they were sore pressed and God cast terror into their hearts.”

Then they surrendered, and the apostle confined them in Medina. . . . Then the apostle went out to the market of Medina (which is still its market today) and dug trenches in it. Then he sent for them and struck off their heads in those trenches as they were brought out to him in batches. . . . There were 600 or 700 in all, though some put the figure as high as 800 or 900.vii”

***Ring a bell? Hamas was just following in the footsteps of their prophet.
Allah akbar

was the cry



and mutilating

bodies .
Quite the contrary, Christian invaders have tried to exterminate non Christians for the last 1500 years. Look it up. Every single land that Christians are now sitting on has been obtained by invasion, slaughter and rape of its inhabitants. What occurred on Oct. 7 has occurred over and over throughout Christian history, and it all started with the common imagined god himself:
Wrong. Christianity came before Islam. The Crusades goal were to repel the Muslim invaders from Christian lands.

Crusades, military expeditions, beginning in the late 11th century, that were organized by western European Christians in response to centuries of Muslim wars of expansion. Their objectives were to check the spread of Islam, to retake control of the Holy Land in the eastern Mediterranean, to conquer pagan areas, and to recapture formerly Christian territories; they were seen by many of their participants as a means of redemption and expiation for sins. Between 1095, when the First Crusade was launched, and 1291, when the Latin Christians were finally expelled from their kingdom in Syria, there were numerous expeditions to the Holy Land, to Spain, and even to the Baltic; the Crusades continued for several centuries after 1291.
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More Racist nonsense from Troll Rowdy .

When did you realise that Ethnic Cleansing was your philosophy , Rowdy ?

Are you pleased to share a philosophy with the Nazis ?
Ethnic cleansing is what your beloved Muslim Palestinian animals want to do.

Plus, your Palestinians are the bastard children of the marriage between Nazism and Islamism. That the truth, IslamoNazi scum.

Recent work by historians and apologists has revealed that an influential, international religious leader was also an ardent supporter of Adolf Hitler. His name was not Pope Pius XII but Hajj Amin al-Husseini. This Grand Mufti of Jerusalem recruited whole divisions of fanatics to fight and kill in the name of extremism.

Revered in some circles today as one of the fathers of modern radical Islam, al-Husseini has been the subject of a number of modern studies. Scholars such as David Dalin, John Rothmann, Chuck Morse, and others have courageously brought al-Husseini’s actions to light. “Hitler’s Mufti,” as many have called him, had a direct hand in some of the darkest moments of the Holocaust, the slaughter of tens of thousands of Christians, and the formation of some of the most hate-filled generations of modern history. Al-Husseini is a testament to the way that evil finds evil.
Baba Sali refused consolidation - Rabbi David Abuhatzira HY"D

In 1919 Mulai Mahammad ordered a toll of execution on the Jewish community.

As Rabbi David Abuhatzira HY"D, one of the community leaders, and brother of Baba Sali, pleaded to spare the other Jews in the community, Mulai "agreed" instead,
to execute Rabbi David, by strapping him to a cannon...

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Quite the contrary, Christian invaders have tried to exterminate non Christians for the last 1500 years. Look it up. Every single land that Christians are now sitting on has been obtained by invasion, slaughter and rape of it’s inhabitants. What occurred on Oct. 7 has occurred over and over throughout Christian history, and it all started with the common imagined god himself:
So you're against God but defending Islamic led persecutions?
Marina Medvin:

Israeli witness recounts seeing Palestinian civilians laugh as they raped a woman who they pulled out of a car. They then slaughtered her with a knife and continued to rape the dead body, laughing. These civilians then went on to find a couple running away and they butchered the couple with axes and knives. Palestinian civilians came prepared to butcher and torture Jews on October 7 — prepared with axes and knives.
Jan 5, 2024
  • "It's disheartening to know that among the fallen heroes are Bedouin and Druze soldiers, Muslims, and Christians who courageously defended our country. The Bedouin community mourns all civilian victims, regardless of their background — Jews, Christians, or Muslims. This brings me to a crucial point: we all share the same destiny, and our strength lies in unity. Unfortunately, there are those who seek to undermine cooperation between different sectors, sowing seeds of mistrust. I urge you not to be swayed by such attempts and to stand strong in our shared commitment to unity." — IDF Sergeant First Class (reserve) Ahmed Abu Latif, 26, a husband and father to a one-year-old baby, who was killed on January 22 during the fighting between Israel and Hamas in the Gaza Strip. Facebook, November 13, 2023,

  • Hamas's October 7 atrocities did not distinguish between Jew and Arab, old and young, male and female, black and white. At least 20 Arab Israeli citizens were murdered by Hamas terrorists during the attack on that day or by Hamas rocket attacks in the ensuing days. Most of the victims were Bedouin residents living in the south of Israel. Moreover, several Bedouin men and women were abducted by Hamas.

  • It is no wonder, then, that an overwhelming majority of the Israeli-Arab public opposed the Hamas attack. A study conducted by Nimrod Nir of the Adam Institute and Dr. Mohammed Khalaily among the Arab public showed that most Arabs support Israel's right to defend itself and even expressed a willingness to volunteer to help civilians who were harmed during the Hamas attack. The study showed that almost 80% of Israeli Arabs opposed the Hamas attack, and 85% opposed the kidnapping of civilians.

  • "Like...wtf": Israel's Arab Citizens Feel Lucky
  • History has the form of a double helix: history is indeed the DNA of living memory. There is what actually happened and there is what people believe happened. They are not the same but they are inseparable....
  • Hamas had told Israel that it intended to focus on helping its people in Gaza and that it did not want war. Israel, to show good faith, had even provided work permits for thousands of Palestinians to enter Israel every day for better wages than in Gaza. What Israel did not know was that many of them were spies who would tell Hamas exactly where in the villages to attack.
  • An elated youth called Mahmoud called home to his father and mother in Gaza using a murdered Israeli woman's phone to boast about how he had just killed ten Jews with his own hands ("oh my son God bless you"... "Mom, your son is a hero"). Part of the recording was played to the judges of the ICJ as part of the State of Israel's must-see rebuttal of South Africa's accusations.
Quite the contrary, Christian invaders have tried to exterminate non Christians for the last 1500 years. Look it up. Every single land that Christians are now sitting on has been obtained by invasion, slaughter and rape of it’s inhabitants. What occurred on Oct. 7 has occurred over and over throughout Christian history, and it all started with the common imagined god himself:
not true!
Quite the contrary, Muslim invaders have tried to exterminate non Muslims for the last 1500 years. Look it up. Every single land that Muslims are now sitting on has been obtained by invasion, slaughter and rape of it’s inhabitants. What occurred on Oct. 7 has occurred over and over throughout Islam‘s history, and it all started with Mohammad himself:

“Muhammad’s violence was directed towards groups as well. Muhammad once said to his followers, “I will expel the Jews and Christians from the Arabian Peninsula and will not leave any but Muslims.”viThe Jews of Qurayza resisted Muhammad and attempted to form an alliance against him. When the alliance faltered, Muhammad acted quickly. His armies surrounded them and “besieged them for twenty-five nights until they were sore pressed and God cast terror into their hearts.”

Then they surrendered, and the apostle confined them in Medina. . . . Then the apostle went out to the market of Medina (which is still its market today) and dug trenches in it. Then he sent for them and struck off their heads in those trenches as they were brought out to him in batches. . . . There were 600 or 700 in all, though some put the figure as high as 800 or 900.vii”

***Ring a bell? Hamas was just following in the footsteps of their prophet.
true …..
Quite the contrary,

So, Raspberry our novce Trilly Troll admits that Israel regularly runs False Flags and promotes Racist frenzy by giving full Stand Down orders to shift blame .

These Nazi Racist practises must stop Trilly Trolls .

You are responsible for the hatred of the Nazi Israelis right around the world

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So, Raspberry our novce Trilly Troll admits that Israel regularly runs False Flags and promotes Racist frenzy by giving full Stand Down orders to shift blame .

These Nazi Racist practises must stop Trilly Trolls .

You are responsible for the hatred of the Nazi Israelis right around the world

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Show me where I admitted that, asylum escapee, or are you off your meds again?

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