What physical symptoms of anxiety do you experience?


Senior Member
Oct 9, 2017
I often feel very alone in my experience of having physical chest (what I think is heart) spasms and was wanting to create a space for everyone to list their physical feelings that come hand in hand with anxiety so we can all feel less alone.

Hope everyone is well.
As for me, I used to have a twitching eye back before a big game. Every now and then it comes back but it used to be very annoying.
I often feel very alone in my experience of having physical chest (what I think is heart) spasms and was wanting to create a space for everyone to list their physical feelings that come hand in hand with anxiety so we can all feel less alone.

Hope everyone is well.
I'm sorry for you been alone is one of the most horrible thing specialy in this time of the Pandemic . we need to care for our love one and talk about what we feel when we need help.
MrG has panic attacks. Or rather..did. Doctor put him on lexapro. I have depression myself but take nothing for it. I just...deal with it the best I can. Usually by visiting cute animal/nature pics via google. Or, I sleep alot. It hasn't gotten better either over the years...and about 3 years or so ago I was diagnosed with ptsd due to the Paradise Fire. I can't go anywhere without having to come back home to make sure the oven is not on, or the burners. Fire freaks me out now. I have always loved wind and rain, but now wind makes me nervous. What if it blows another power line and it starts another fire? I have never been without a dog...but I haven't had one since Karma died just prior to the fire. She was my emotional support dog but I am afraid to get another one even if I could (where I live is one pet only policy and I have a feral cat I tamed). If I got another dog, it would die too eventually. Too painful for me to have to do what needs done. I had 3 dogs and 1 cat. All dead. Lost it all. Then lost it all again in the fire. Back to semi normal now, with a roof I am not crazy about (apt complex has dumb rules, is not clean, is noisy, but its a roof), but what if I wind back up homeless again? Paranoia. Fear. Despair. Disgust at what the USA is experiencing now. Dealing with MrG even though he takes his meds faithfully, etc etc etc.

I find myself withdrawing more and more and becoming more grumpy. Not sure if thats a good sign or not.
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Feeling anxiety is a complete waste of time. Unlike pain, which protects us from dangers happening now, anxiety does nothing to protect us from dangers that might someday be.
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Feeling anxiety is a complete waste of time. Unlike pain, which protects us from dangers happening now, anxiety does nothing to protect us from dangers that might someday be.
wish I had that mindset. I can't help it when it overcomes me.
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Feeling anxiety is a complete waste of time. Unlike pain, which protects us from dangers happening now, anxiety does nothing to protect us from dangers that might someday be.
wish I had that mindset. I can't help it when it overcomes me.

What could possibly happen to you that worrying about it makes better?
I don't know.
Let me ask myself: well?
Myself: I'm more prepared now. I think.
Self: how?
Myself: If I knew, I wouldn't be asking myself.
Meanwhile...are you pulling a Tom Cruise on me? Isn't this thread to help each other deal with this malady, and not be questioned in such a manner that makes us feel...not better and almost loser-ish?
I'll say one more thing, then I am bailing this thread:

I had a friend online. Knew her for years, but never met. Planned to do it one summer...me flying out to meet her, her show me around town, etc. Then, for some time, she was not posting. When I called, nobody answered. Finally, a month or so later and closer to the time I was to go there, I got an email from her husband. She hung herself in the damn fucking closet. She never let on she was suicidal. Could I have helped? No clue. But if I did know, I damn sure wouldn't question her as you just did me. And she probably told nobody for the same reasons.

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Feeling anxiety is a complete waste of time. Unlike pain, which protects us from dangers happening now, anxiety does nothing to protect us from dangers that might someday be.
wish I had that mindset. I can't help it when it overcomes me.

What could possibly happen to you that worrying about it makes better?
There is also the human instinct, the survival instinct without being always paranoid a person can perceive a danger. ;)
I often feel very alone in my experience of having physical chest (what I think is heart) spasms and was wanting to create a space for everyone to list their physical feelings that come hand in hand with anxiety so we can all feel less alone.

Hope everyone is well.
See a doctor.
Have to agree with Candy on this----shortage of blood like if you heart isn't pumping can create a "feeling" of anxiety. It's one of the key signs of circulatory problem.
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Feeling anxiety is a complete waste of time. Unlike pain, which protects us from dangers happening now, anxiety does nothing to protect us from dangers that might someday be.
wish I had that mindset. I can't help it when it overcomes me.

What could possibly happen to you that worrying about it makes better?
There is also the human instinct, the survival instinct without being always paranoid a person can perceive a danger. ;)

There is a fight or flight reflex that manifests itself with the appearance of danger (real or imagined). The FFR creates physical symptoms, releases adrenaline in the the system, and prepares the body to deal with the danger.

But, and correct me if I'm wrong, we're talking about anxiety over things that may, or may not happen, in our future. FFR has a distinct evolutionary purpose. Anxiety, on the other hand, is detrimental to our existence.
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Feeling anxiety is a complete waste of time. Unlike pain, which protects us from dangers happening now, anxiety does nothing to protect us from dangers that might someday be.
wish I had that mindset. I can't help it when it overcomes me.

What could possibly happen to you that worrying about it makes better?
There is also the human instinct, the survival instinct without being always paranoid a person can perceive a danger. ;)

There is a fight or flight reflex that manifests itself with the appearance of danger (real or imagined). The FFR creates physical symptoms, releases adrenaline in the the system, and prepares the body to deal with the danger.

But, and correct me if I'm wrong, we're talking about anxiety over things that may, or may not happen, in our future. FFR has a distinct evolutionary purpose. Anxiety, on the other hand, is detrimental to our existence.
Yes, there is anxiety about things that might or might not happen in our future, we can try to prevent things that might happen instinctively.
Follow our instincts or ignore them.
As an example to feel observed at certain times and that it is a potential threat to not ignore that could make a difference.
Some people live every day with anxiety that is in their nature, I'm not an anxiety person, but I prefer to be careful with certain event .
As for me, I used to have a twitching eye back before a big game. Every now and then it comes back but it used to be very annoying.
That's different. That's performance anxiety.

If it happens for no apparent reason, that's probably a medical problem.
Meanwhile...are you pulling a Tom Cruise on me? Isn't this thread to help each other deal with this malady, and not be questioned in such a manner that makes us feel...not better and almost loser-ish?

Guy goes to a doctor and says, "Doc, my arm hurts like hell when I do this".

Doctor says, "Don't do this".

That’s a Tommy Cooper joke.
Meanwhile...are you pulling a Tom Cruise on me? Isn't this thread to help each other deal with this malady, and not be questioned in such a manner that makes us feel...not better and almost loser-ish?

Guy goes to a doctor and says, "Doc, my arm hurts like hell when I do this".

Doctor says, "Don't do this".

That’s a Tommy Cooper joke.

That joke was inscribed on the pyramids.
Anxiety happen to every human no matter if they believe they have it or not because no one is perfect and we all have a form of mental illness and issues...

My leg twitches and I am like Thumper even in the car when driving...

How to deal with it is to relax and realize you can not control every aspect of life...

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