What political message would you give at the Olympics?


Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2012
Kids today are all taught socialism and the need for activism because the world or their lives are not worth anything unless it is Marxist. This can be seen with the responses of college kids in relation to be asked about the political activism at the Olympics and how they feel about it

They all pretty much embrace those who diss the American flag and who find it odd to be proud to be an American. The indoctrination is complete.

So if you were an athlete and able to protest something while being handed a metal, what would it be?

Or would you just join the crowd and protest the same tired causes like global warming or systermic racism or guns?
None. There shouldn't be any political message at the Olympics - it's irrelevant if it's a message I agree with or not.

Sport is something that's enjoyed by everyone (regardless of your race or political beliefs) so it shouldn't be the platform for it.

Sport is also something where people should be able to forget about race or politics for a couple of hours and come together for a short time to support their team, nation or whatever.

If there's a gun to my head and I'm forced to pick a message anyway, my message would be very simple - sport is for everyone and that no life is above another or matters more.
This is what is wrong with extreme zealots. They find "several students" who say something and then try and paint everyone with their broad brush.
None. There shouldn't be any political message at the Olympics - it's irrelevant if it's a message I agree with or not.

Sport is something that's enjoyed by everyone (regardless of your race or political beliefs) so it shouldn't be the platform for it.

Sport is also something where people should be able to forget about race or politics for a couple of hours and come together for a short time to support their team, nation or whatever.

If there's a gun to my head and I'm forced to pick a message anyway, my message would be very simple - sport is for everyone and that no life is above another or matters more.
Correction, there is ONLY to be Left wing activism at sporting events from here on out

This is a mandate from the Left in the US.

They are all programmed to do this now, much like a cult member in Wako does what they do.
Correction, there is ONLY to be Left wing activism at sporting events from here on out

This is a mandate from the Left in the US.

They are all programmed to do this now, much like a cult member in Wako does what they do.
No "correction" needed, I know fine well the left have a grip on everything including sports and are aggressively pushing their agenda.

My post is that there shouldn't be any political messages in sport because it's not the place. I don't even want a right-wing message in it's place (as someone who leans to the right) - I just want sport back to normal and not bastardised.
This is what is wrong with extreme zealots. They find "several students" who say something and then try and paint everyone with their broad brush.
American education is predominantly Left wing

And so most children are political pawns for their activism

This is a fact.

Have you not seen first graders being pulled out of class during class time to protest guns?

Have you not seen Gretta in front of the UN crying saying she only has 12 years to lilve and her life is over due to global warming?

These kids are only regurgitating what their teachers tell them

Notice there is not one instance of right wing acitvism

It does not exist in American acaedemia.
No "correction" needed, I know fine well the left have a grip on everything including sports and are aggressively pushing their agenda.

My post is that there shouldn't be any political messages in sport because it's not the place. I don't even want a right-wing message in it's place (as someone who leans to the right) - I just want sport back to normal and not bastardised.
If there were a right wing message, they would be censored and thier familes threatened.

So no worries there.
No, you just did the same thing.
And you fail to give any examples of right wing academic activism

Just the facts please

I can also show you journal article after journal article that points out the EXACT same thing I am saying, which is academia is overrun with Left wing lunacy.
My message would be "Hey China! We're going to kick your ass!", followed by "America First, bitches."

Unfortunately, we currently have a so-called "president" and administration who's weak and feckless. So their message would be "Please don't kick sand in our faces, honorable China man. You and me, we're the same. Kumbaya."


None. There shouldn't be any political message at the Olympics - it's irrelevant if it's a message I agree with or not.

Sport is something that's enjoyed by everyone (regardless of your race or political beliefs) so it shouldn't be the platform for it.

Sport is also something where people should be able to forget about race or politics for a couple of hours and come together for a short time to support their team, nation or whatever.

If there's a gun to my head and I'm forced to pick a message anyway, my message would be very simple - sport is for everyone and that no life is above another or matters more.
Sports yes. Olympics, not so much.

The Olympics is inherently political. That is the point, to get nations to participate in a competition to foster better relations.

That said, the only real political message that belongs at the Olympics is a sense of national pride and international cooperation.
Kids today are all taught socialism and the need for activism because the world or their lives are not worth anything unless it is Marxist. This can be seen with the responses of college kids in relation to be asked about the political activism at the Olympics and how they feel about it

They all pretty much embrace those who diss the American flag and who find it odd to be proud to be an American. The indoctrination is complete.

So if you were an athlete and able to protest something while being handed a metal, what would it be?

Or would you just join the crowd and protest the same tired causes like global warming or systermic racism or guns?

Do you believe in miracles? The greatest minute in Olympic history. Will never forget that game. Leave the politics at home ...

Except transgender. There you go.

I've never said transgenders shouldn't compete in sports - they should compete in the category's of their own, proper genders in the interests of the game/s integrity and most of all fairness.

Or wait until there's enough of them for a transgender games.

No-one (including me) has ever said trans folk can't play sports. There's mentally ill folk that play all manner of sports. People with mental illness will be in every team, in every sport, in every country in the world.

Nice try though. I see what you TRIED to do there.

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