What political pundits with opposing views of your do you respect?


Democrat Party - the REAL Fascist Party
Dec 31, 2011
There are political pundits who I disagree with, yet I respect. For me, they are the following:

Rachael Maddow - I rarely agree with her, but I truly respect her and her staff in the research they do in finding information to back what she is discussing. Very intelligent person.

Mark Lamont Hill - I have always been impressed by how quick his responses are, his intelligence and civility.

Bob Beckel - sure, he is abrasive, but I just like him. I believe Beckel is a good person, I'd much rather FAUX News have him on instead of that pile of shit Karl Rove.

Then we have Chris Matthews, Ed Schultz, Karl Rove, and the guy who pees his pants, Keith Olbermann: these 4 assholes; if I ever met any of them, I don't think I could resist punching them in the face.

So......what pundits do you disagree with, but respect?
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Laura Ingram. It's been years since she's been on the radio here, at least that I know of; but she was witty, biting, and IMO sincere about everything she said.

Michael Savage. When he gets into the religious hatred I tune him out and can't stand him, but otherwise he'll rail against Republicans and Democrats equally if he truly disagrees. And I remember he was the only conservative talking head who truly took W. Bush to task for his incompetence.

Mancow Muller. He's more "shock jock" than pundit, but he clearly leans conservative. His show was broadcast here for a few years and I thought it was fantastic. It was broadcast on one of the conservative politics radio stations and that's why I'm including him. He's my favorite of all of them.

Here are the pundits who I think are strictly in the game to make money off of low information partisan rubes: Levin, Limbaugh, Hannity, Chris Plante, and Beck. There's probably a few I'm forgetting about.

My favorite liberal pundit and radio host was/is Stephanie Mills. There are no longer any liberal talk radio stations where I live but her show was fantastic. I will say that I got annoyed when she took overly liberal stances on certain things though.
No doubt about it, the one pundit from the opposition team that I love to death is the one, the only, THE Mouth of the South, the wonderful James Carville!
No doubt about it, the one pundit from the opposition team that I love to death is the one, the only, THE Mouth of the South, the wonderful James Carville!
Met him in high-school at a ball game. I saw him on the big screen and wanted to shake his hand so I ran him down after the game. He was on the phone and I shouted "excuse me Mr. Carville!" He should've blown me off and kept going! He was just trying to get out of there of course! But he told the person on the phone to hold on a second. I asked him for the opportunity to shake his hand because I watched him on "Crossfire" all the time. He shook my hand, asked me my name, thanked me for my support, and went back to his phone call.

A tiny, minuscule gesture! But I'll be a fan and consider him a nice guy the rest of my life. :thup:
Mancow Muller. He's more "shock jock" than pundit, but he clearly leans conservative. His show was broadcast here for a few years and I thought it was fantastic. It was broadcast on one of the conservative politics radio stations and that's why I'm including him. He's my favorite of all of them.

Mancow blows. You should be ashamed of yourself. :mad:
Mancow Muller. He's more "shock jock" than pundit, but he clearly leans conservative. His show was broadcast here for a few years and I thought it was fantastic. It was broadcast on one of the conservative politics radio stations and that's why I'm including him. He's my favorite of all of them.

Mancow blows. You should be ashamed of yourself. :mad:

Well he was only on the air here for a year maybe and I enjoyed it. Maybe I'd hate him if he'd been around longer.
Mancow Muller. He's more "shock jock" than pundit, but he clearly leans conservative. His show was broadcast here for a few years and I thought it was fantastic. It was broadcast on one of the conservative politics radio stations and that's why I'm including him. He's my favorite of all of them.

Mancow blows. You should be ashamed of yourself. :mad:

Well he was only on the air here for a year maybe and I enjoyed it. Maybe I'd hate him if he'd been around longer.

I'm just biased as an Opie and Anthony fan. Mancow was openly critical of a couple scandals they were involved in. :tongue:

On topic, I like Hannity and Maddow. I disagree with both on plenty of things, but they seem to actually believe the things they say.
Juan Williams? I disagree with him on most everything, but he seems sincere and frankly, like a nice guy.
Kirsten Powers and Juan Williams both are strong Democrats but will call the left out on their B.S. when needed.
There are political pundits who I disagree with, yet I respect. For me, they are the following:

Rachael Maddow - I rarely agree with her, but I truly respect her and her staff in the research they do in finding information to back what she is discussing. Very intelligent person.

Mark Lamont Hill - I have always been impressed by how quick his responses are, his intelligence and civility.

Bob Beckel - sure, he is abrasive, but I just like him. I believe Beckel is a good person, I'd much rather FAUX News have him on instead of that pile of shit Karl Rove.

Then we have Chris Matthews, Ed Schultz, Karl Rove, and the guy who pees his pants, Keith Olbermann: these 4 assholes; if I ever met any of them, I don't think I could resist punching them in the face.

So......what pundits do you disagree with, but respect?

Sadly, if I disagree with a pundit these days, it's because they're being dishonest, and I simply do not respect dishonesty in any way.
Mancow Muller. He's more "shock jock" than pundit, but he clearly leans conservative. His show was broadcast here for a few years and I thought it was fantastic. It was broadcast on one of the conservative politics radio stations and that's why I'm including him. He's my favorite of all of them.

Mancow blows. You should be ashamed of yourself. :mad:

Well he was only on the air here for a year maybe and I enjoyed it. Maybe I'd hate him if he'd been around longer.

I'm just biased as an Opie and Anthony fan. Mancow was openly critical of a couple scandals they were involved in. :tongue:

On topic, I like Hannity and Maddow. I disagree with both on plenty of things, but they seem to actually believe the things they say.
Are Opie and Anthony back together yet?
Charles Krauthammer is the gold standard for rational political analysis. On the liberal side, Kirsten Powers is at least honest, although subject to occasional bouts of hysteria. The others seem to rely on misinformation and logical fallacies to cover their talking points.
I wouldn't say that I have "opposing views" on all things with anyone, but out of people who I often see on TV arguing against my own opinion:

PJ O'Rourke
Eugene Volokh
Andrew Sullivan
Mancow Muller. He's more "shock jock" than pundit, but he clearly leans conservative. His show was broadcast here for a few years and I thought it was fantastic. It was broadcast on one of the conservative politics radio stations and that's why I'm including him. He's my favorite of all of them.

Mancow blows. You should be ashamed of yourself. :mad:

Well he was only on the air here for a year maybe and I enjoyed it. Maybe I'd hate him if he'd been around longer.

I'm just biased as an Opie and Anthony fan. Mancow was openly critical of a couple scandals they were involved in. :tongue:

On topic, I like Hannity and Maddow. I disagree with both on plenty of things, but they seem to actually believe the things they say.
Are Opie and Anthony back together yet?

No. In fact, they both revealed on their respective shows why they haven't liked each other for years. Then when Joe Rogan was guest hosting for Opie one day, and Anthony tried to make an appearance, SiriusXM wouldn't let him past the lobby.
Mancow Muller. He's more "shock jock" than pundit, but he clearly leans conservative. His show was broadcast here for a few years and I thought it was fantastic. It was broadcast on one of the conservative politics radio stations and that's why I'm including him. He's my favorite of all of them.

Mancow blows. You should be ashamed of yourself. :mad:

Well he was only on the air here for a year maybe and I enjoyed it. Maybe I'd hate him if he'd been around longer.

I'm just biased as an Opie and Anthony fan. Mancow was openly critical of a couple scandals they were involved in. :tongue:

On topic, I like Hannity and Maddow. I disagree with both on plenty of things, but they seem to actually believe the things they say.
Are Opie and Anthony back together yet?

No. In fact, they both revealed on their respective shows why they haven't liked each other for years. Then when Joe Rogan was guest hosting for Opie one day, and Anthony tried to make an appearance, SiriusXM wouldn't let him past the lobby.
Oh damn. Well I guess that's over. I listen to Howard Stern though so I was never that into Opie and Anthony.

He had the balls to apologize for creating a dividing line between his audience at Fox and the country.

He called them "fragile" .. then left Fox.
I don't know if Libertarian counts as "opposing side" for me, but I enjoy listening to Jerry Doyle despite some of his more Libertarian positions that I disagree with.
Juan Williams, he can disagree without being abusive and unfortunately he really believes what he says, but he will admit when he's wrong.

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