What really happen in New York to lose 25K high paying jobs

Y’all act like New York won’t have other businesses swoop in .

It’s a disgrace how righties kiss big biz ass . “Let the working stiffs pay taxes while the billionaire company pays nothing”

Reading comprehension is not the strong suit of you stupid Moon Bats, is it?

"Incredibly, I have heard city and state elected officials who were opponents of the project claim that Amazon was getting $3 billion in government subsidies that could have been better spent on housing or transportation. This is either a blatant untruth or fundamental ignorance of basic math by a group of elected officials. The city and state 'gave' Amazon nothing. Amazon was to build their headquarters with union jobs and pay the city and state $27 billion in revenues. The city, through existing as-of-right tax credits, and the state through Excelsior Tax credits - a program approved by the same legislators railing against it - would provide up to $3 billion in tax relief, IF Amazon created the 25,000-40,000 jobs and thus generated $27 billion in revenue. You don't need to be the State's Budget Director to know that a nine to one return on your investment is a winner.

You act as if Amazon was doing everyone a favor. They put cities against each other so they could score special favors.

Boston was on their short list and everyone was glad they passed !

You assume that other business will not be moving into that prime biz real estate . It’s not amazon or nothing .

Companies arnt in business to do people favors, they are in business to make money and the by product of that, is that they create jobs and tax revenue which are all positive things. And in this case yes, they would be doing massive upgrades to a blighted area. All positive.
Y’all act like New York won’t have other businesses swoop in .

It’s a disgrace how righties kiss big biz ass . “Let the working stiffs pay taxes while the billionaire company pays nothing”

Reading comprehension is not the strong suit of you stupid Moon Bats, is it?

"Incredibly, I have heard city and state elected officials who were opponents of the project claim that Amazon was getting $3 billion in government subsidies that could have been better spent on housing or transportation. This is either a blatant untruth or fundamental ignorance of basic math by a group of elected officials. The city and state 'gave' Amazon nothing. Amazon was to build their headquarters with union jobs and pay the city and state $27 billion in revenues. The city, through existing as-of-right tax credits, and the state through Excelsior Tax credits - a program approved by the same legislators railing against it - would provide up to $3 billion in tax relief, IF Amazon created the 25,000-40,000 jobs and thus generated $27 billion in revenue. You don't need to be the State's Budget Director to know that a nine to one return on your investment is a winner.

You act as if Amazon was doing everyone a favor. They put cities against each other so they could score special favors.

Boston was on their short list and everyone was glad they passed !

You assume that other business will not be moving into that prime biz real estate . It’s not amazon or nothing .

Companies arnt in business to do people favors, they are in business to make money and the by product of that, is that they create jobs and tax revenue which are all positive things. And in this case yes, they would be doing massive upgrades to a blighted area. All positive.

These stupid greedy Moon Bats think everybody should be in the business of providing them with welfare. That is just how those asshole roll.
Y’all act like New York won’t have other businesses swoop in .

It’s a disgrace how righties kiss big biz ass . “Let the working stiffs pay taxes while the billionaire company pays nothing”

Reading comprehension is not the strong suit of you stupid Moon Bats, is it?

"Incredibly, I have heard city and state elected officials who were opponents of the project claim that Amazon was getting $3 billion in government subsidies that could have been better spent on housing or transportation. This is either a blatant untruth or fundamental ignorance of basic math by a group of elected officials. The city and state 'gave' Amazon nothing. Amazon was to build their headquarters with union jobs and pay the city and state $27 billion in revenues. The city, through existing as-of-right tax credits, and the state through Excelsior Tax credits - a program approved by the same legislators railing against it - would provide up to $3 billion in tax relief, IF Amazon created the 25,000-40,000 jobs and thus generated $27 billion in revenue. You don't need to be the State's Budget Director to know that a nine to one return on your investment is a winner.

You act as if Amazon was doing everyone a favor. They put cities against each other so they could score special favors.

Boston was on their short list and everyone was glad they passed !

You assume that other business will not be moving into that prime biz real estate . It’s not amazon or nothing .

Companies arnt in business to do people favors, they are in business to make money and the by product of that, is that they create jobs and tax revenue which are all positive things. And in this case yes, they would be doing massive upgrades to a blighted area. All positive.

These stupid greedy Moon Bats think everybody should be in the business of providing them with welfare. That is just how those asshole roll.

Stupid cons cheer welfare. Corporate welfare .
Y’all act like New York won’t have other businesses swoop in .

It’s a disgrace how righties kiss big biz ass . “Let the working stiffs pay taxes while the billionaire company pays nothing”

Reading comprehension is not the strong suit of you stupid Moon Bats, is it?

"Incredibly, I have heard city and state elected officials who were opponents of the project claim that Amazon was getting $3 billion in government subsidies that could have been better spent on housing or transportation. This is either a blatant untruth or fundamental ignorance of basic math by a group of elected officials. The city and state 'gave' Amazon nothing. Amazon was to build their headquarters with union jobs and pay the city and state $27 billion in revenues. The city, through existing as-of-right tax credits, and the state through Excelsior Tax credits - a program approved by the same legislators railing against it - would provide up to $3 billion in tax relief, IF Amazon created the 25,000-40,000 jobs and thus generated $27 billion in revenue. You don't need to be the State's Budget Director to know that a nine to one return on your investment is a winner.

You act as if Amazon was doing everyone a favor. They put cities against each other so they could score special favors.

Boston was on their short list and everyone was glad they passed !

You assume that other business will not be moving into that prime biz real estate . It’s not amazon or nothing .

Companies arnt in business to do people favors, they are in business to make money and the by product of that, is that they create jobs and tax revenue which are all positive things. And in this case yes, they would be doing massive upgrades to a blighted area. All positive.

These stupid greedy Moon Bats think everybody should be in the business of providing them with welfare. That is just how those asshole roll.

Stupid cons cheer welfare. Corporate welfare .

And you would cheer our corporations being beaten by overseas corporations, anything to beat down greedy American individuals right?... meanwhile corruption and graft goes on worldwide everywhere else. Just do the best you can to keep jobs here and try to fix any problems but don't kill the goose that lays the golden eggs unless you want to walk into an empty grocery store.
What Are the Benefits of Corporate Welfare?
Y’all act like New York won’t have other businesses swoop in .

It’s a disgrace how righties kiss big biz ass . “Let the working stiffs pay taxes while the billionaire company pays nothing”

Sure, there's another Amazon waiting around the corner...dumbass.
Y’all act like New York won’t have other businesses swoop in .

It’s a disgrace how righties kiss big biz ass . “Let the working stiffs pay taxes while the billionaire company pays nothing”

Reading comprehension is not the strong suit of you stupid Moon Bats, is it?

"Incredibly, I have heard city and state elected officials who were opponents of the project claim that Amazon was getting $3 billion in government subsidies that could have been better spent on housing or transportation. This is either a blatant untruth or fundamental ignorance of basic math by a group of elected officials. The city and state 'gave' Amazon nothing. Amazon was to build their headquarters with union jobs and pay the city and state $27 billion in revenues. The city, through existing as-of-right tax credits, and the state through Excelsior Tax credits - a program approved by the same legislators railing against it - would provide up to $3 billion in tax relief, IF Amazon created the 25,000-40,000 jobs and thus generated $27 billion in revenue. You don't need to be the State's Budget Director to know that a nine to one return on your investment is a winner.

You act as if Amazon was doing everyone a favor. They put cities against each other so they could score special favors.

Boston was on their short list and everyone was glad they passed !

You assume that other business will not be moving into that prime biz real estate . It’s not amazon or nothing .

Companies arnt in business to do people favors, they are in business to make money and the by product of that, is that they create jobs and tax revenue which are all positive things. And in this case yes, they would be doing massive upgrades to a blighted area. All positive.

These stupid greedy Moon Bats think everybody should be in the business of providing them with welfare. That is just how those asshole roll.

Stupid cons cheer welfare. Corporate welfare .

Stupid Moon Bats cheer welfare. Period.
Amazon wanted $3 billion in tax breaks for those jobs.

Fuck them, we don’t need your stinking jobs.

Stupid cons cheer welfare. Corporate welfare .

I bet you weren't against corporate welfare when that worthless piece of shit Obama was bailing out the banks, giving barrels of cash to the environmental wackos and bailing out GM and Chrysler.

I am a real conservative. I am against all welfare; corporate, foreign, Illegals and to the ghetto welfare queens that are the voting base of the filthy Democrat Party.

If you really had any convictions on anything you would also be against all welfare.

Instead you just spout your mindless hate.
You act as if Amazon was doing everyone a favor. They put cities against each other so they could score special favors.

Boston was on their short list and everyone was glad they passed !

You assume that other business will not be moving into that prime biz real estate . It’s not amazon or nothing .

Do you do anything different every time you go shopping or fill up with gas?

If Boston was not interested and did not want them to be considered, why were they being seriously considered? Please demonstrate your sincerity by providing a reliable source and working link.

As to your comment. "It's not Amazon or nothing". Amazon is like getting the Super Bowl for your city and all the rest are like getting one of the also-ran college bowl games.

Amazon was going into a blighted area of New York. They would have renovated the area plus provide hundreds for customers for all the existing businesses in the area as well as apartments.

I have been self-employed for over 45 years. I am a Realtor. Every month I spent thousands of dollars investing in my business. It may have been taking courses to improve my skills or advertising. That would be in the newspaper, back in the day, the Homes magazines, direct mail, entertainment, gifts. I never considered any of that money wasted unless it did not result in a return on my investment. Would you not do the same? How is that different than what New York was going to attract Amazon?
There’s no shortage of jobs in NYC.

Amazon should their business to somewhere where jobs are actually needed.

Like Appalachia.

Shouldn't you place your business where it will best prosper? Would New York or Appalachia be most likely able to provide the workers necessary to fill jobs that average $150,000i per year?

Why should Amazon place their business where YOU believe it should be located?

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