What role does Affirmative Action play in the events playing out in Ferguson?


How are the laws fair to me? If I want to hire a roomful of incompetent, but beautiful, employees. Who's business is that but mine?

You certainly don't have a right to force me to hire competent help. Shit we can't even force each other to vote for competent politicians.

You see, I think you don't understand the concept of "fair".

Fair means exactly that. All sides deal with each other honestly.

How are the laws fair to me? If I want to hire a roomful of incompetent, but beautiful, employees. Who's business is that but mine?

You certainly don't have a right to force me to hire competent help. Shit we can't even force each other to vote for competent politicians.

You see, I think you don't understand the concept of "fair".

Fair means exactly that. All sides deal with each other honestly.

So, I could honestly tell a black man " sorry I prefer hot young blonde employees" and he could honestly go find a job somewhere else.

what's the problem?

Also, don't overlook the fact that about 3/4 of the blacks admitted to Harvard and other prestigious universities are either bi-racial or are immigrants or the children of immigrants.

The native African-American population that AA was set up to serve is being cast aside as immigrant blacks or biracial blacks take advantage.

Then you should change the laws to make sure that original group are the ones being helped.

I'm past the point of caring. I want all Affirmative Action torn down.

Of course, you do.

YOu suffer under some delusion the rich care more about you because of the pigment of your skin, and would reward you for it if those do-gooders weren't giving the darkies a step up.

Here's a hint. They don't.

This is when I became a liberal. When I figured out that I had more in common with the Hispanic Lesbian on the production line than I had with my fellow white male in the corner office who was just looking for an excuse to screw me over.

How are the laws fair to me? If I want to hire a roomful of incompetent, but beautiful, employees. Who's business is that but mine?

You certainly don't have a right to force me to hire competent help. Shit we can't even force each other to vote for competent politicians.

You see, I think you don't understand the concept of "fair".

Fair means exactly that. All sides deal with each other honestly.

So, I could honestly tell a black man " sorry I prefer hot young blonde employees" and he could honestly go find a job somewhere else.

what's the problem?

Sure, if you want to get hit with a big old lawsuit for not following the law.

YOu work under the assumption I care about business owners. I don't. I assume they are up to no good which is why we need OSHA, EEOC, the EPA and every other agency to keep them from screwing the rest of us.

Also, don't overlook the fact that about 3/4 of the blacks admitted to Harvard and other prestigious universities are either bi-racial or are immigrants or the children of immigrants.

The native African-American population that AA was set up to serve is being cast aside as immigrant blacks or biracial blacks take advantage.

Then you should change the laws to make sure that original group are the ones being helped.

I'm past the point of caring. I want all Affirmative Action torn down.

Of course, you do.

YOu suffer under some delusion the rich care more about you because of the pigment of your skin, and would reward you for it if those do-gooders weren't giving the darkies a step up.

Here's a hint. They don't.

This is when I became a liberal. When I figured out that I had more in common with the Hispanic Lesbian on the production line than I had with my fellow white male in the corner office who was just looking for an excuse to screw me over.

well, that about sums up liberals

"hey if you can't succeed on your own join us we'll blame someone else"

Also, don't overlook the fact that about 3/4 of the blacks admitted to Harvard and other prestigious universities are either bi-racial or are immigrants or the children of immigrants.

The native African-American population that AA was set up to serve is being cast aside as immigrant blacks or biracial blacks take advantage.

Then you should change the laws to make sure that original group are the ones being helped.

I'm past the point of caring. I want all Affirmative Action torn down.

Of course, you do.

YOu suffer under some delusion the rich care more about you because of the pigment of your skin, and would reward you for it if those do-gooders weren't giving the darkies a step up.

Here's a hint. They don't.

This is when I became a liberal. When I figured out that I had more in common with the Hispanic Lesbian on the production line than I had with my fellow white male in the corner office who was just looking for an excuse to screw me over.

I've already stated on this board that I believe that there is a white civil war taking place. Idiot leftist whites are engaged in fratricide and are using minorities as allies to wage war against normal whites. Oh, you'd be one of them, so i guess you don't need me to spell out your idiocy.
You have to understand where Joe B is coming from...he got fired from a job and ever since he has a knee jerk hate towards anyone that owns a business.

Now he wants Government to protect him from the mean 'ole owners!

well, that about sums up liberals

"hey if you can't succeed on your own join us we'll blame someone else"

Naw, I just don't count success the way you do.

I don't count success as h ow many Dressage HOrses and Mansions the rich have.

I count success on how many decent working people are living middle class lifestyle.

And it's progressives - Teddy Roosevelt, FDR, Truman, Ike, JFK, Clinton, who got us there.

It's Conservatives - Coolidge, Reagan, the Bushes- who have been trying to reverse that.
You have to understand where Joe B is coming from...he got fired from a job and ever since he has a knee jerk hate towards anyone that owns a business.

Now he wants Government to protect him from the mean 'ole owners!

Exactly as I said. He even admitted it.

I became a liberal when I realized I couldn't succeed on my own merit.

This is when I became a liberal. When I figured out that I had more in common with the Hispanic Lesbian on the production line than I had with my fellow white male in the corner office who was just looking for an excuse to screw me over.

I've already stated on this board that I believe that there is a white civil war taking place. Idiot leftist whites are engaged in fratricide and are using minorities as allies to wage war against normal whites. Oh, you'd be one of them, so i guess you don't need me to spell out your idiocy.[/QUOTE]

You see, the problem is, what do you consider "normal".

NOrmal to me is trying to get by, do my job, pay my bills, and enjoy a few creature comforts and cheap pleasures. It means not having to worry that slipping on some ice would totally fuck up my life because I ran up some medical bills that was cutting into rich people's profits.

And it wasn't the Lesbian, Hispanic babe who was screwing me over. It was what I guess you would consider a "normal" white guy.
You have to understand where Joe B is coming from...he got fired from a job and ever since he has a knee jerk hate towards anyone that owns a business.

Now he wants Government to protect him from the mean 'ole owners!

Exactly as I said. He even admitted it.

I became a liberal when I realized I couldn't succeed on my own merit.

actually, I do just fine on my own merit.

I just don't mistake the corner office for my friend.
You have to understand where Joe B is coming from...he got fired from a job and ever since he has a knee jerk hate towards anyone that owns a business.

Now he wants Government to protect him from the mean 'ole owners!

Exactly as I said. He even admitted it.

I became a liberal when I realized I couldn't succeed on my own merit.

actually, I do just fine on my own merit.

I just don't mistake the corner office for my friend.

The "corner office" is your BOSS, Joe...if you can't understand that concept then it's no wonder you struggle to understand so many others.
You have to understand where Joe B is coming from...he got fired from a job and ever since he has a knee jerk hate towards anyone that owns a business.

Now he wants Government to protect him from the mean 'ole owners!

No, i was illegally let go for a medical issue. And they spent a year trying to get around the legal protections that were there to keep them from doing exactly what they did.

And, yes, I want the government to protect me from people who would screw me over.

I want government to protect me from people who would put carcinogens in my workplace, so I'm not coughing up chunks of my lungs like my dad was at 56.

I want the government to make sure businesses aren't importing lead poisoned toys from China that my nieces and nephews might play with.

I'm just not sure why you don't. Although I am sure your answer will involve "Freedom" or some other such garbage you heard on Hate Radio.

The "corner office" is your BOSS, Joe...if you can't understand that concept then it's no wonder you struggle to understand so many others.

Right. He has the right to demand certain work from me.

Nothing more. NOthing less.

He doesn't have the right to deny me medical attention. (He once made me delay an operation for six weeks because of a data transfer, because I might be out for one day. No, seriously, this happened.)

And, yes, I want the government to bring a big hammer down on them when they get out of line.
You see, the problem is, what do you consider "normal".

NOrmal to me is trying to get by, do my job, pay my bills, and enjoy a few creature comforts and cheap pleasures. It means not having to worry that slipping on some ice would totally fuck up my life because I ran up some medical bills that was cutting into rich people's profits.

And it wasn't the Lesbian, Hispanic babe who was screwing me over. It was what I guess you would consider a "normal" white guy.

I once explained to you why increased diversity in society destroyed job prospects and social trust within society and you didn't want to hear that jazz. Remember? So yes, it was that Lesbian Hispanic chick and others who eroded the social ties that held us all together.

The "corner office" is your BOSS, Joe...if you can't understand that concept then it's no wonder you struggle to understand so many others.

Right. He has the right to demand certain work from me.

Nothing more. NOthing less.

He doesn't have the right to deny me medical attention. (He once made me delay an operation for six weeks because of a data transfer, because I might be out for one day. No, seriously, this happened.)

And, yes, I want the government to bring a big hammer down on them when they get out of line.

so, one white guy screwed you over (so you say) and so now you want to screw all whites over?

seems reasonable.

oh and I don't want to hear your whining about having to put a surgery off for 6 weeks either. I've had to put off seeing my wife and children for a year. Several times.

I once explained to you why increased diversity in society destroyed job prospects and social trust within society and you didn't want to hear that jazz. Remember? So yes, it was that Lesbian Hispanic chick and others who eroded the social ties that held us all together.

I'm sure that shit flies on Stormfront.

No, diversity doesn't damage society. Lots of nations have diverse societies, and they are just fine.

What causes problems is income inequality. It's what happens when 1% controls half the wealth and still doesn't think they have enough. It's what happens when the richest country in the world lets children go to bed hungry or poor people die of treatable diseases.

so, one white guy screwed you over (so you say) and so now you want to screw all whites over?

seems reasonable.

No, just the ones who own businesses and aren't treating their employees right.

Most white folks are in the same boat I'm in. You're just too dense to realize it.

I once explained to you why increased diversity in society destroyed job prospects and social trust within society and you didn't want to hear that jazz. Remember? So yes, it was that Lesbian Hispanic chick and others who eroded the social ties that held us all together.

I'm sure that shit flies on Stormfront.

No, diversity doesn't damage society. Lots of nations have diverse societies, and they are just fine.

What causes problems is income inequality. It's what happens when 1% controls half the wealth and still doesn't think they have enough. It's what happens when the richest country in the world lets children go to bed hungry or poor people die of treatable diseases.

Irrelevant to the topic of affirmative action. I am very pro raising the minimum wage. Has nothing to do with telling me who i can and can't hire.

so, one white guy screwed you over (so you say) and so now you want to screw all whites over?

seems reasonable.

No, just the ones who own businesses and aren't treating their employees right.

Most white folks are in the same boat I'm in. You're just too dense to realize it.

I'm too busy working my ass off to pay $106K in federal income tax a year to hatching plans to "get" some guy in a "corner office" Joe

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