What "Supply and Demand" have to do with "Capitalism":




Features of capitalism
In a capitalist system private households need goods. They buy these goods from the income that they have. Some households have more income than others. Sometimes only one member of a household has a job, at other times both husband and wife go to work. Then they have more money to buy goods. This is the demand side of the economy.

On the other side companies and businesses offer private households goods and services. They produce the goods that they think consumers will want to buy. To do this they need workers to produce these goods and services. This is the supply side of the economy.

Companies and households get together at markets. Here they exchange goods, services and jobs (labour). A market is a place where people buy and sell things. In a capitalist society the prices of goods, services and labour are determined by supply and demand. If a lot of people want to buy a certain product its price will go up. Products that are mass produced usually have low prices.

Capitalism | How governments regulate the economy | Supply and Demand | History of Capitalism

Articles in Easy, Understandable English for Learners

I found this especially for "anti science" and "anti education" USMB Republicans who don't believe that anyone who says "Supply and Demand" understands "Capitalism".

I really believe they are worth "salvaging". They just need a little education and then their positions can possibly become "coherent".

This is why their saying, "Corporations make jobs" is retarded. Without "demand", corporations won't make jobs. They are not charities. When people don't have money, there is no demand, which means "no jobs". There has to be a "demand".

This is why we need to rebuild America. Rebuilding America's infrastructure will also rebuild America's economy. Why? Because people will have jobs. That means they will have disposable income. That means "demand". THEN comes "supply". A rebuilt infrastructure will generate even more jobs. Corporations are attracted to easy and inexpensive transportation, electricity, roads and bridges. Yes Virginia, it's just that simple and that's how it really works in real life.
Before you go piling more crap on top of crap, could you address another one of your threads...?

Liberals argue for things that aren't theirs.
Conservatives argue to keep what is theirs.

You're not rich. What is it you think you are "keeping"?

Republican Middle Class to their corporate masters, "Please sir, can I have some more of that shit pie?"

The wealthy, "Of course, here".


Republican Middle Class to their corporate masters, "Thank you sir, can I have some more?"

I'm wealthy beyond my dreams, but money has nothing to do with my wealth. Wealth is when you have jack shit with respect to monetary assets, yet you realize true worth in life.

Rich? That's relative isn't it? Compared to many, yes I'm rich. Compared to many others, no.
I'm a corporate master. I am the man. My corporation makes lots of money- more so for others than for myself. Why's that? Because I spend shitloads of money to make money.

You see, the money I must spend in order to generate revenues is considerable. In ordinary circumstances, the amount of money spent in such activity is deducted from my gross revenues as the cost of generating those revenues. Therefor, I'm not taxed on the dollar amount of those expenditures. You with me so far?

What I, corporate master, wish to keep is my ability to continue to reduce my taxable revenues by the amount of money I spend in generatiing those revenues. THIS is what liberals desire to TAKE from me. Why? Because it will result in higher taxes for my corporation, and it will increase revenues to the U.S. Treasury.

The result would be less revenue to my evil corporation which would reduce my ability to spend the money I must spend. I would produce less product, cut back on development and expansion, and lay off employees.

Now it's your turn, rdean. You tell me what is it of MINE that you want to keep?
And why?
Before you go piling more crap on top of crap, could you address another one of your threads...?

You're not rich. What is it you think you are "keeping"?

Republican Middle Class to their corporate masters, "Please sir, can I have some more of that shit pie?"

The wealthy, "Of course, here".


Republican Middle Class to their corporate masters, "Thank you sir, can I have some more?"

I'm wealthy beyond my dreams, but money has nothing to do with my wealth. Wealth is when you have jack shit with respect to monetary assets, yet you realize true worth in life.

Rich? That's relative isn't it? Compared to many, yes I'm rich. Compared to many others, no.
I'm a corporate master. I am the man. My corporation makes lots of money- more so for others than for myself. Why's that? Because I spend shitloads of money to make money.

You see, the money I must spend in order to generate revenues is considerable. In ordinary circumstances, the amount of money spent in such activity is deducted from my gross revenues as the cost of generating those revenues. Therefor, I'm not taxed on the dollar amount of those expenditures. You with me so far?

What I, corporate master, wish to keep is my ability to continue to reduce my taxable revenues by the amount of money I spend in generatiing those revenues. THIS is what liberals desire to TAKE from me. Why? Because it will result in higher taxes for my corporation, and it will increase revenues to the U.S. Treasury.

The result would be less revenue to my evil corporation which would reduce my ability to spend the money I must spend. I would produce less product, cut back on development and expansion, and lay off employees.

Now it's your turn, rdean. You tell me what is it of MINE that you want to keep?
And why?

You got most of the buzz words, but sometimes in the wrong order. Corporations spend less on "development" than you would think. For the most part, corporations grow by buying up other companies. This is why a partnership between Universities, government and business works best. Most companies buy or lease the fruits of research. Also, you never once mentioned "demand". You don't build a company without demand, I don't care who you imagine yourself to be. Without demand, there is no company. None. Squat. Zero.
Features of capitalism
In a capitalist system private households need goods. They buy these goods from the income that they have. Some households have more income than others. Sometimes only one member of a household has a job, at other times both husband and wife go to work. Then they have more money to buy goods. This is the demand side of the economy.

On the other side companies and businesses offer private households goods and services. They produce the goods that they think consumers will want to buy. To do this they need workers to produce these goods and services. This is the supply side of the economy.

Companies and households get together at markets. Here they exchange goods, services and jobs (labour). A market is a place where people buy and sell things. In a capitalist society the prices of goods, services and labour are determined by supply and demand. If a lot of people want to buy a certain product its price will go up. Products that are mass produced usually have low prices.

Capitalism | How governments regulate the economy | Supply and Demand | History of Capitalism

Articles in Easy, Understandable English for Learners

I found this especially for "anti science" and "anti education" USMB Republicans who don't believe that anyone who says "Supply and Demand" understands "Capitalism".

I really believe they are worth "salvaging". They just need a little education and then their positions can possibly become "coherent".

This is why their saying, "Corporations make jobs" is retarded. Without "demand", corporations won't make jobs. They are not charities. When people don't have money, there is no demand, which means "no jobs". There has to be a "demand".

This is why we need to rebuild America. Rebuilding America's infrastructure will also rebuild America's economy. Why? Because people will have jobs. That means they will have disposable income. That means "demand". THEN comes "supply". A rebuilt infrastructure will generate even more jobs. Corporations are attracted to easy and inexpensive transportation, electricity, roads and bridges. Yes Virginia, it's just that simple and that's how it really works in real life.

Without schools America would not produce idiots.
the logistic map for the supply of anything is the end of a parabola pointing up. After stimulating demand goes on for a while shortages and bottlenecks develop that causes supply to decline.
the logistic map for the supply of anything is the end of a parabola pointing up. After stimulating demand goes on for a while shortages and bottlenecks develop that causes supply to decline.

You can't be saying what I think you're saying.

Shortages and bottlenecks are at the beginning, not the end. That's why you develop a process.
Features of capitalism
In a capitalist system private households need goods. They buy these goods from the income that they have. Some households have more income than others. Sometimes only one member of a household has a job, at other times both husband and wife go to work. Then they have more money to buy goods. This is the demand side of the economy.

On the other side companies and businesses offer private households goods and services. They produce the goods that they think consumers will want to buy. To do this they need workers to produce these goods and services. This is the supply side of the economy.

Companies and households get together at markets. Here they exchange goods, services and jobs (labour). A market is a place where people buy and sell things. In a capitalist society the prices of goods, services and labour are determined by supply and demand. If a lot of people want to buy a certain product its price will go up. Products that are mass produced usually have low prices.

Capitalism | How governments regulate the economy | Supply and Demand | History of Capitalism

Articles in Easy, Understandable English for Learners

I found this especially for "anti science" and "anti education" USMB Republicans who don't believe that anyone who says "Supply and Demand" understands "Capitalism".

I really believe they are worth "salvaging". They just need a little education and then their positions can possibly become "coherent".

This is why their saying, "Corporations make jobs" is retarded. Without "demand", corporations won't make jobs. They are not charities. When people don't have money, there is no demand, which means "no jobs". There has to be a "demand".

This is why we need to rebuild America. Rebuilding America's infrastructure will also rebuild America's economy. Why? Because people will have jobs. That means they will have disposable income. That means "demand". THEN comes "supply". A rebuilt infrastructure will generate even more jobs. Corporations are attracted to easy and inexpensive transportation, electricity, roads and bridges. Yes Virginia, it's just that simple and that's how it really works in real life.

Without schools America would not produce idiots.

You didn't go to school and you're an idiot.
the logistic map for the supply of anything is the end of a parabola pointing up. After stimulating demand goes on for a while shortages and bottlenecks develop that causes supply to decline.
then prices go up, till the next ''Joe or Josephine business/person'' comes in and makes more to take up the slack....then prices fall....

it really isn't as easy as all that though....there are a lot of miscalculations of what people will be demanding a year from now, yet with production in China, and the shipping time to land the goods here along with customs taking time, the lead time could be 6-12 months...so buyers have a very hard job, they analyze everything, from here to high heaven to be as accurate or opportunistic as possible before they order the goods or have the goods produced, but as the saying goes, 20% of ones merchandise, drives 80% of ones business...(.thus buyers for retail operations and product marketing managers for whole sale operations, make a lot more mistakes at that 'supply guesstimate', than an outsider would think.....)

Features of capitalism
In a capitalist system private households need goods. They buy these goods from the income that they have. Some households have more income than others. Sometimes only one member of a household has a job, at other times both husband and wife go to work. Then they have more money to buy goods. This is the demand side of the economy.

On the other side companies and businesses offer private households goods and services. They produce the goods that they think consumers will want to buy. To do this they need workers to produce these goods and services. This is the supply side of the economy.

Companies and households get together at markets. Here they exchange goods, services and jobs (labour). A market is a place where people buy and sell things. In a capitalist society the prices of goods, services and labour are determined by supply and demand. If a lot of people want to buy a certain product its price will go up. Products that are mass produced usually have low prices.

Capitalism | How governments regulate the economy | Supply and Demand | History of Capitalism

Articles in Easy, Understandable English for Learners

I found this especially for "anti science" and "anti education" USMB Republicans who don't believe that anyone who says "Supply and Demand" understands "Capitalism".

I really believe they are worth "salvaging". They just need a little education and then their positions can possibly become "coherent".

This is why their saying, "Corporations make jobs" is retarded. Without "demand", corporations won't make jobs. They are not charities. When people don't have money, there is no demand, which means "no jobs". There has to be a "demand".

This is why we need to rebuild America. Rebuilding America's infrastructure will also rebuild America's economy. Why? Because people will have jobs. That means they will have disposable income. That means "demand". THEN comes "supply". A rebuilt infrastructure will generate even more jobs. Corporations are attracted to easy and inexpensive transportation, electricity, roads and bridges. Yes Virginia, it's just that simple and that's how it really works in real life.

When you say
This is why we need to rebuild America. Rebuilding America's infrastructure will also rebuild America's economy.
can you explain specifically what you are proposing? What is your plan?
Supply and Demand are present even in a Socialist society.

When everyone has equal and unlimited access to services the price goes up. In a Capitalist Society the price dictates the demand and vice-verse. In a Socialist society the demand remains constant which means the price will continue to go up until the service runs out or people stop using it or the government runs out of money. This means the government has to ether limit benefits, pick winners and losers, raise taxes, or discourage demand or maybe even all of the above.

The goal in a Capitalist society is to stimulate as much demand as possible while in a Socialist Society you want as little demand as possible. The less beneficiaries that actually use benefits the better. The perfect situation is if there is no demand yet revenues remain constant. Any Socialist Society that tries to stimulate demand is cutting it's own throat.......like the Obama Administration does.
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Features of capitalism
In a capitalist system private households need goods. They buy these goods from the income that they have. Some households have more income than others. Sometimes only one member of a household has a job, at other times both husband and wife go to work. Then they have more money to buy goods. This is the demand side of the economy.

On the other side companies and businesses offer private households goods and services. They produce the goods that they think consumers will want to buy. To do this they need workers to produce these goods and services. This is the supply side of the economy.

Companies and households get together at markets. Here they exchange goods, services and jobs (labour). A market is a place where people buy and sell things. In a capitalist society the prices of goods, services and labour are determined by supply and demand. If a lot of people want to buy a certain product its price will go up. Products that are mass produced usually have low prices.

Capitalism | How governments regulate the economy | Supply and Demand | History of Capitalism

Articles in Easy, Understandable English for Learners

I found this especially for "anti science" and "anti education" USMB Republicans who don't believe that anyone who says "Supply and Demand" understands "Capitalism".

I really believe they are worth "salvaging". They just need a little education and then their positions can possibly become "coherent".

This is why their saying, "Corporations make jobs" is retarded. Without "demand", corporations won't make jobs. They are not charities. When people don't have money, there is no demand, which means "no jobs". There has to be a "demand".

This is why we need to rebuild America. Rebuilding America's infrastructure will also rebuild America's economy. Why? Because people will have jobs. That means they will have disposable income. That means "demand". THEN comes "supply". A rebuilt infrastructure will generate even more jobs. Corporations are attracted to easy and inexpensive transportation, electricity, roads and bridges. Yes Virginia, it's just that simple and that's how it really works in real life.

You can begin by preventing Congress from stealing from the Gasoline Tax Fund and using it for other things.

You know....pay off your union buddies, bail out the Bank of Libya to the tune of 8 billion dollars, stuff like that.
How to post like Rdean in 2 easy steps

1. Pick any Topic
2. Add the phrases "and that's why 6% of scientists are Republicans!"
The ultimate goal of unregulated capitalism is to control the supply so they can demand whatever they want for the product.
The ultimate goal of unregulated capitalism is to control the supply so they can demand whatever they want for the product.

Oh....that's why Obama cut off Deep-Sea Oil Drilling.

So he can score big in Brazil and force us to wean ourselves off of fossil-fuels.
The ultimate goal of unregulated capitalism is to control the supply so they can demand whatever they want for the product.

Oh....that's why Obama cut off Deep-Sea Oil Drilling.

So he can score big in Brazil and force us to wean ourselves off of fossil-fuels.
Umm the gulf oil spill might have something to do with that.
According to the investigation capitalistic enterprises were to blame for that spill.

Plus by cuttin off the deep sea oil supply Obama keeps the price of oil up.
As I keep saying a 3rd Bush term.
the logistic map for the supply of anything is the end of a parabola pointing up. After stimulating demand goes on for a while shortages and bottlenecks develop that causes supply to decline.

You can't be saying what I think you're saying.

Shortages and bottlenecks are at the beginning, not the end. That's why you develop a process.
I mean exactly what I said. Why do you think it is necessary to continuously have next big things like steam engines in the 1770s to prevent Malthusian events? That by the way is a biological law not an economic law because it has been true for all animals studied without displaced status seeking economic activity such as buying iphones people start dying somewhere.
the logistic map for the supply of anything is the end of a parabola pointing up. After stimulating demand goes on for a while shortages and bottlenecks develop that causes supply to decline.

You can't be saying what I think you're saying.

Shortages and bottlenecks are at the beginning, not the end. That's why you develop a process.

That is incredibly ignorant, even for you.

Toyota had a well developed supply chain that met the demand for new cars for years. They were so successful at it that they moved from being nothing to the number 1 car maker in the world. Earlier this year a bottleneck developed and the supplies of Toyotas was affected, and they dropped back to number 2. Does that mean that Toyota is a new company, or does it prove you have no idea what you are talking about.

Are you pulling this from some third grade textbook? Is that why you think that bottlenecks never develop after you have a process?
Features of capitalism
In a capitalist system private households need goods. They buy these goods from the income that they have. Some households have more income than others. Sometimes only one member of a household has a job, at other times both husband and wife go to work. Then they have more money to buy goods. This is the demand side of the economy.

On the other side companies and businesses offer private households goods and services. They produce the goods that they think consumers will want to buy. To do this they need workers to produce these goods and services. This is the supply side of the economy.

Companies and households get together at markets. Here they exchange goods, services and jobs (labour). A market is a place where people buy and sell things. In a capitalist society the prices of goods, services and labour are determined by supply and demand. If a lot of people want to buy a certain product its price will go up. Products that are mass produced usually have low prices.

Capitalism | How governments regulate the economy | Supply and Demand | History of Capitalism

Articles in Easy, Understandable English for Learners

I found this especially for "anti science" and "anti education" USMB Republicans who don't believe that anyone who says "Supply and Demand" understands "Capitalism".

I really believe they are worth "salvaging". They just need a little education and then their positions can possibly become "coherent".

This is why their saying, "Corporations make jobs" is retarded. Without "demand", corporations won't make jobs. They are not charities. When people don't have money, there is no demand, which means "no jobs". There has to be a "demand".

This is why we need to rebuild America. Rebuilding America's infrastructure will also rebuild America's economy. Why? Because people will have jobs. That means they will have disposable income. That means "demand". THEN comes "supply". A rebuilt infrastructure will generate even more jobs. Corporations are attracted to easy and inexpensive transportation, electricity, roads and bridges. Yes Virginia, it's just that simple and that's how it really works in real life.

Without schools America would not produce idiots.

You didn't go to school and you're an idiot.

Sorry to disappoint you, but I went to school. I have multiple diplomas to prove it.
Features of capitalism
In a capitalist system private households need goods. They buy these goods from the income that they have. Some households have more income than others. Sometimes only one member of a household has a job, at other times both husband and wife go to work. Then they have more money to buy goods. This is the demand side of the economy.

On the other side companies and businesses offer private households goods and services. They produce the goods that they think consumers will want to buy. To do this they need workers to produce these goods and services. This is the supply side of the economy.

Companies and households get together at markets. Here they exchange goods, services and jobs (labour). A market is a place where people buy and sell things. In a capitalist society the prices of goods, services and labour are determined by supply and demand. If a lot of people want to buy a certain product its price will go up. Products that are mass produced usually have low prices.

Capitalism | How governments regulate the economy | Supply and Demand | History of Capitalism

Articles in Easy, Understandable English for Learners

I found this especially for "anti science" and "anti education" USMB Republicans who don't believe that anyone who says "Supply and Demand" understands "Capitalism".

I really believe they are worth "salvaging". They just need a little education and then their positions can possibly become "coherent".

This is why their saying, "Corporations make jobs" is retarded. Without "demand", corporations won't make jobs. They are not charities. When people don't have money, there is no demand, which means "no jobs". There has to be a "demand".

This is why we need to rebuild America. Rebuilding America's infrastructure will also rebuild America's economy. Why? Because people will have jobs. That means they will have disposable income. That means "demand". THEN comes "supply". A rebuilt infrastructure will generate even more jobs. Corporations are attracted to easy and inexpensive transportation, electricity, roads and bridges. Yes Virginia, it's just that simple and that's how it really works in real life.

When you say
This is why we need to rebuild America. Rebuilding America's infrastructure will also rebuild America's economy.
can you explain specifically what you are proposing? What is your plan?

You are new here, I can tell. Welcome to the board, and your introduction to rdean, USMB's village idiot.
The ultimate goal of unregulated capitalism is to control the supply so they can demand whatever they want for the product.

The ultimate goal of government controlled capitalism is to artificially inflate the price so that they can demand whatever they want for the supply.

Which makes more sense?

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