What things do people put in turkey stuffing that ruins it for you?



I quit going to that restaurant after hearing the Kitchen Kiddies Kackling over their little prank.
Cigarette ashes. My stepmother used to smoke while she cooked.
No joke......

Lady I knew kept a (deceased) moose on the (frozen) roof of her cabin. When she had visitors she'd take a wood saw up the ldder and cut off some big steaks. Then, from an old Folger's can, she'd take a handful of cigarette butts, saute them in a (never washed) black cast iron frypan with a wad of what she said was bear grease then sear the steaks, turn down the heat and let it all stew for a bit.

Then she'd scrape the butts off and serve. No vegs. No salads. Just the most tender moose you could ask for! Never thought of butts as a tenderizer but she may have had a point. Only other thing the table were bottles of ketchup and "old" (fermented) seal oil. Those who had visited before stuck to the ketchup.

She'd be insulted if you asked for a steak knife and, really, it wasn't needed.

In Dolly's defense, she WAS Canadian.......
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Corn bread, white bread, walnuts, saute green pepper, onion, celery, and poultry seasoning, butter, turkey broth, and whipped eggs mixed in to hold it together.

BEST SOUTHERN Cornbread dressing around!

Anything else in it, is unacceptable!

Corn bread, white bread, walnuts, saute green pepper, onion, celery, and poultry seasoning, butter, turkey broth, and whipped eggs mixed in to hold it together.

BEST SOUTHERN Cornbread dressing around!

Anything else in it, is unacceptable!

It sounds absolutely delicious, minus the nuts! Lol seriously it sounds amazing and I could even probably like the nuts considering the other great tasty ingredients:)
It sounds absolutely delicious, minus the nuts! Lol seriously it sounds amazing and I could even probably like the nuts considering the other great tasty ingredients:)
I don't prefer the nuts either but my hubby loves them, same with dad!

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