What to do about the Syrian Refugee problem


Gold Member
Aug 19, 2008
For humanitarian reasons, the EU and U.S. should accept Syrian & Iraqi refugees, supply them with housing, food and see to their other needs. However, the U.S. and EU should required all abled-body refugee men to serve in the Free Syrian army.

They could be trained, equipped and supplied by the U.S. & EU militaries, including training in directing close air support. They could be paid and therefore provide an income to their families.

Out of the ~400,000 refugees, there should be at least 75,000 able bodied men. This would be a considerable force that could almost certainly change the military situation in Syria & Iraq.

IF they succeeded then their families could return to their home countries and not depend on the U.S. & EU for support.
let Europe have them , don't let the 'syrian' invaders into the USA . That's how I'd work things if I had my way Richard .
For humanitarian reasons, the EU and U.S. should accept Syrian & Iraqi refugees, supply them with housing, food and see to their other needs. However, the U.S. and EU should required all abled-body refugee men to serve in the Free Syrian army.

They could be trained, equipped and supplied by the U.S. & EU militaries, including training in directing close air support. They could be paid and therefore provide an income to their families.

Out of the ~400,000 refugees, there should be at least 75,000 able bodied men. This would be a considerable force that could almost certainly change the military situation in Syria & Iraq.

IF they succeeded then their families could return to their home countries and not depend on the U.S. & EU for support.

Eh, you want to turn them into "moderate" jihadis to help your ISIS buddies remove Assad?

Why can't you guys ever learn anything from history

For humanitarian reasons, the EU and U.S. should accept Syrian & Iraqi refugees, supply them with housing, food and see to their other needs. However, the U.S. and EU should required all abled-body refugee men to serve in the Free Syrian army.

They could be trained, equipped and supplied by the U.S. & EU militaries, including training in directing close air support. They could be paid and therefore provide an income to their families.

Out of the ~400,000 refugees, there should be at least 75,000 able bodied men. This would be a considerable force that could almost certainly change the military situation in Syria & Iraq.

IF they succeeded then their families could return to their home countries and not depend on the U.S. & EU for support.

Eh, you want to turn them into "moderate" jihadis to help your ISIS buddies remove Assad?

Why can't you guys ever learn anything from history

If they were Jihadists, they already had more than enough opportunity to join ISIS or any other Jihadist group. Most likely, the vast majority of refugees are moderate Muslims which is why they've no alternative than escaping from Syria & Iraq.

If we had supported these people earlier, there wouldn't be a refugee crisis now.
If they were Jihadists, they already had more than enough opportunity to join ISIS or any other Jihadist group. Most likely, the vast majority of refugees are moderate Muslims which is why they've no alternative than escaping from Syria & Iraq.

If we had supported these people earlier, there wouldn't be a refugee crisis now.

Agreed, but Obama just couldn't leave Syria alone after the smashing successes in Afghanistan, Iraq and Libya.....

Let places like Saudi Arabia who have Islamic cultures absorb them.
Keep them out of the U.S. and Europe, or you're going to witness the end of western culture much sooner than we ever expected.
We'll Take Your Women and Children If....

You men go back to fight the Islamic State

That's what a Kiwi politician is proposing about accepting Syrian refugees in his country. Why don't others do the same? As the article says, liberals are furious. Read more @ BOOM: New Zealand Leader Releases Epic Plan for MALE Muslims ... Liberals FURIOUS

The article is wrong about one thing - I'm a 'bleeding heart liberal' and I came up with basically the same plan.

Good for you. Shows a whole lot of common sense.
We'll Take Your Women and Children If....

You men go back to fight the Islamic State

That's what a Kiwi politician is proposing about accepting Syrian refugees in his country. Why don't others do the same? As the article says, liberals are furious. Read more @ BOOM: New Zealand Leader Releases Epic Plan for MALE Muslims ... Liberals FURIOUS

It's no epic plan. It's not even new. They tried something similar for the Jewish refugees fleeing Europe. They granted a certain number of visa's for children, but no adults (kinder transport in England). Of course, most of the parents ended up slaughtered.

On 75th Anniversary of the Kindertransport, British Jews finding it hard to ask questions - Jewish World Features

What's so great about the plan?

Who do the men fight? There are so many factions - who do you even support? Some are running from Assad, some from ISIS, some from both.
We'll Take Your Women and Children If....

You men go back to fight the Islamic State

That's what a Kiwi politician is proposing about accepting Syrian refugees in his country. Why don't others do the same? As the article says, liberals are furious. Read more @ BOOM: New Zealand Leader Releases Epic Plan for MALE Muslims ... Liberals FURIOUS

It's no epic plan. It's not even new. They tried something similar for the Jewish refugees fleeing Europe. They granted a certain number of visa's for children, but no adults (kinder transport in England). Of course, most of the parents ended up slaughtered.

On 75th Anniversary of the Kindertransport, British Jews finding it hard to ask questions - Jewish World Features

What's so great about the plan?

Who do the men fight? There are so many factions - who do you even support? Some are running from Assad, some from ISIS, some from both.

You take the men, train them, arm them and lead them. They'll be a considerable force themselves. They can make alliances with the Free Syrian Army and any other factions that support a democrat and secular Syrian government.

Their primary enemy should be ISIS. The Assad regime is not a direct threat to Europe, the U.S. or anyone else. Having a sizable military force allied with the free Syrian army will provide an impetus for the Assad regime to negotiate, which would be the best solution for dealing with the Assad regime.
Well since Obuma was the moving force in forming ISIS, I imagine he has a plan.... I don't think that it will work, though!


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