What true leadership looks like!


Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2012

So Biden gets up before the press and announces that nationwide he will mandate masks for everyone outside for 3 months, and then leaves without answering any follow up questions as to under what authority does he make this decree or why can't states make these policies for themselves, etc.

Even more puzzling is, in an era where Biden and the Dims want to defund the police how will they enforce this dictatorial policy for everyone in America going outside? Do we tell people they can't work as they await government hand outs to keep financially afloat and then fine them for not wearing a mask, or do we throw them in prison where Covid is spreading very easily?

So Biden gets up before the press and announces that nationwide he will mandate masks for everyone outside for 3 months, and then leaves without answering any follow up questions as to under what authority does he make this decree or why can't states make these policies for themselves, etc.

Even more puzzling is, in an era where Biden and the Dims want to defund the police how will they enforce this dictatorial policy for everyone in America going outside? Do we tell people they can't work as they await government hand outs to keep financially afloat and then fine them for not wearing a mask, or do we throw them in prison where Covid is spreading very easily?
Ari is a has been nobody.

So Biden gets up before the press and announces that nationwide he will mandate masks for everyone outside for 3 months, and then leaves without answering any follow up questions as to under what authority does he make this decree or why can't states make these policies for themselves, etc.

Even more puzzling is, in an era where Biden and the Dims want to defund the police how will they enforce this dictatorial policy for everyone in America going outside? Do we tell people they can't work as they await government hand outs to keep financially afloat and then fine them for not wearing a mask, or do we throw them in prison where Covid is spreading very easily?
They obviously didnt think this through and most dim wits wont either.. God has spoken.... do as you are told.

So Biden gets up before the press and announces that nationwide he will mandate masks for everyone outside for 3 months, and then leaves without answering any follow up questions as to under what authority does he make this decree or why can't states make these policies for themselves, etc.

Even more puzzling is, in an era where Biden and the Dims want to defund the police how will they enforce this dictatorial policy for everyone in America going outside? Do we tell people they can't work as they await government hand outs to keep financially afloat and then fine them for not wearing a mask, or do we throw them in prison where Covid is spreading very easily?
True leadership guides the states without threats, something that we do not have in the White House today.
True leadership does not openly lie to the public about its accomplishments and then wonder why it is being vilified. True leadership does not threaten other countries and arbitrarily abandon international agreements arranged for by our leaders, using that as an excuse to cover its foul-ups. It goes on and on.

So Biden gets up before the press and announces that nationwide he will mandate masks for everyone outside for 3 months, and then leaves without answering any follow up questions as to under what authority does he make this decree or why can't states make these policies for themselves, etc.

Even more puzzling is, in an era where Biden and the Dims want to defund the police how will they enforce this dictatorial policy for everyone in America going outside? Do we tell people they can't work as they await government hand outs to keep financially afloat and then fine them for not wearing a mask, or do we throw them in prison where Covid is spreading very easily?
True leadership guides the states without threats, something that we do not have in the White House today.
True leadership does not openly lie to the public about its accomplishments and then wonder why it is being vilified. True leadership does not threaten other countries and arbitrarily abandon international agreements arranged for by our leaders, using that as an excuse to cover its foul-ups. It goes on and on.
BWHAAAAAaaaaaaaaa Biden lied out of his pie hole and ass at the same time.... You people are hilarious...

So Biden gets up before the press and announces that nationwide he will mandate masks for everyone outside for 3 months, and then leaves without answering any follow up questions as to under what authority does he make this decree or why can't states make these policies for themselves, etc.

Even more puzzling is, in an era where Biden and the Dims want to defund the police how will they enforce this dictatorial policy for everyone in America going outside? Do we tell people they can't work as they await government hand outs to keep financially afloat and then fine them for not wearing a mask, or do we throw them in prison where Covid is spreading very easily?
True leadership guides the states without threats, something that we do not have in the White House today.
True leadership does not openly lie to the public about its accomplishments and then wonder why it is being vilified. True leadership does not threaten other countries and arbitrarily abandon international agreements arranged for by our leaders, using that as an excuse to cover its foul-ups. It goes on and on.
BWHAAAAAaaaaaaaaa Biden lied out of his pie hole and ass at the same time.... You people are hilarious...
Just following in Trump's footsteps.
Is there any science supporting Biden's notion that all of us should wear a mask for three months?
Biden has zero authority to force people to do this. Someone inform the blithering idiot he reports to the American people we are his boss not the other way around. Biden if you are listening blow it out your ass you slimy creepy hair sniffing weirdo.
True leadership does not openly lie to the public

Our last "Leader" lied about Benghazi, overthrew the government in Egypt for the terrorist group, the Muslim Brotherhood, lied about his true religion, killed the leader of Libya, interfered with the elections in Israel, sold our uranium mines to Russia, and wrote a book about how much his daddy hated whitey, just to name a few...

So Biden gets up before the press and announces that nationwide he will mandate masks for everyone outside for 3 months, and then leaves without answering any follow up questions as to under what authority does he make this decree or why can't states make these policies for themselves, etc.

Even more puzzling is, in an era where Biden and the Dims want to defund the police how will they enforce this dictatorial policy for everyone in America going outside? Do we tell people they can't work as they await government hand outs to keep financially afloat and then fine them for not wearing a mask, or do we throw them in prison where Covid is spreading very easily?
if you think that is what true leadership looks like you are pretty easily impressed
Is there any science supporting Biden's notion that all of us should wear a mask for three months?

It's not really the main point. Biden has no authority to order the people to do this. Who the hell does he think he is? We the people are his boss. What's next ordering people to get vaccinated or subject themselves to some Covid treatment. He's not a doctor or my doctor and he's not in charge of my healthcare decisions. This is so typical for control freak Dems and their desire to rule the people with an iron fist.
Is there any science supporting Biden's notion that all of us should wear a mask for three months?
The medical community has noticed better reactions to infections when masks are used. It is common sense to make the effort to keep someone else's spittle off your face.
True leadership does not openly lie to the public

Our last "Leader" lied about Benghazi, overthrew the government in Egypt for the terrorist group, the Muslim Brotherhood, lied about his true religion, killed the leader of Libya, interfered with the elections in Israel, sold our uranium mines to Russia, and wrote a book about how much his daddy hated whitey, just to name a few...

You must be talking about Ears. What a disaster that queer was.
True leadership does not openly lie to the public

Our last "Leader" lied about Benghazi, overthrew the government in Egypt for the terrorist group, the Muslim Brotherhood, lied about his true religion, killed the leader of Libya, interfered with the elections in Israel, sold our uranium mines to Russia, and wrote a book about how much his daddy hated whitey, just to name a few...
Our last leader did not lie about Benghazi, did not sell any mines to Russia (an invention of Trump's imagination),
did not interfere in elections in Israel, Did do the Egypt thing, and did kill the leader of Lybia.
Let's see: Trump got his tit in the ringer in Ukraine, abandoned the Kurds to the Turks in Syria, was an abject failure in NK (making matters worse), gave China an opening into foreign economies, abused our allies and has generally been responsible for the uptick in world disruption due to his boorish behavior, watched as the virus consumed our country.
True leadership does not openly lie to the public

Our last "Leader" lied about Benghazi, overthrew the government in Egypt for the terrorist group, the Muslim Brotherhood, lied about his true religion, killed the leader of Libya, interfered with the elections in Israel, sold our uranium mines to Russia, and wrote a book about how much his daddy hated whitey, just to name a few...
Our last leader did not lie about Benghazi, did not sell any mines to Russia (an invention of Trump's imagination),
did not interfere in elections in Israel, Did do the Egypt thing, and did kill the leader of Lybia.
Let's see: Trump got his tit in the ringer in Ukraine, abandoned the Kurds to the Turks in Syria, was an abject failure in NK (making matters worse), gave China an opening into foreign economies, abused our allies and has generally been responsible for the uptick in world disruption due to his boorish behavior, watched as the virus consumed our country.

You're severely misinformed,Huffpo subscriber?

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