What was your FIRST internet addiction?

mine was Prodigy.
I was addicted to the games and the message forum.

My game addiction was MASTERMIND (where you have to guess the hidden pegs, colors, blanks etc.)
I started a message forum called NAME THAT TUNE, where you post lines from song and people guess what the song is. At that time, the internet was in baby stages so you couldn't just look them up.

Are you trying to earn the Poster of the Day or Month poster?
mine was Prodigy.
I was addicted to the games and the message forum.

My game addiction was MASTERMIND (where you have to guess the hidden pegs, colors, blanks etc.)
I started a message forum called NAME THAT TUNE, where you post lines from song and people guess what the song is. At that time, the internet was in baby stages so you couldn't just look them up.

Are you trying to earn the Poster of the Day or Month poster?

I'm not trying to earn anything. I have been just extra chatty lately. It normally starts off like this but then some else wins poster of the month because my posting here depends on what is going on at home. lately, there has been a lot of downtime at home and work, so, I have had the chance to post more.

I'll be gone for a few days next week, so, I probably won't be posting quite as much at the end of the month.
There used to be a handful of search engines, all equally popular - I always used Yahoo!, I forget the names of the others..... one started with an L I think..... gotta look them up.... LYCOS!

I mainly used Yahoo! and WebCrawler

Ask Jeeves
Usenet newsgroups, accessed from a UNIX shell account, which in turn was accessed using the MS-kermit terminal program. 1200 baud at first, then 14.4k, then 33.6k. Though the crappy local phone lines could usually only handle 28.8k, and rainy days often caused disconnections.

And I did the text-based RPGs. Still occasionally do one, but it's basically dead, just us old fossils talking about the old days.

I think my first internet addiction was a message board for a RTS game. Warlords Battlecry. I can't recall the name of the site at the moment.

People who liked the game would talk strategies, but there were sub-forums where people would discuss other subjects such as sports, politics or whatever.
I think my first internet addiction was a message board for a RTS game. Warlords Battlecry. I can't recall the name of the site at the moment.

People who liked the game would talk strategies, but there were sub-forums where people would discuss other subjects such as sports, politics or whatever.

Was it on the internet or a BBS? There were 2 main formats. Wildcat! was mostly for what you are talking about. My ex and I ran a BBS which was on Major BBS software (he did all that stuff, I just did the socializing with the people on the site...) We had about 30 or 40 modems! maybe more it was crazy!
When I bought my first PC, it was a Franklin-1200 with a dot matrix printer and a dial up modem. I bought it for the word processor so I could go further with my writing.

But I soon discovered Electronic Bulletin Boards. We had several here in Vegas and, after finding the one about Apple products, I discovered another that discussed political things. THAT is what got me hooked!
When I bought my first PC, it was a Franklin-1200 with a dot matrix printer and a dial up modem. I bought it for the word processor so I could go further with my writing.

But I soon discovered Electronic Bulletin Boards. We had several here in Vegas and, after finding the one about Apple products, I discovered another that discussed political things. THAT is what got me hooked!

dot matrix LOL! I remember printing resumes and envelopes on those ugh! at least I had better opportunities at jobs that.. I can't even get a call back now!
You know I have never owned an Apple product in my life?? Hard to believe.

My favorite operating system of all time was Windows 3.1

I've never owned an Apple product. Not hard to believe at all. :)

The first thing I can remember I'd call and internet addiction was the game Everquest. I played for close to 7 years.

I'm sure I did other things with the internet as well, but I don't remember anything particular I did a lot of before that.
I got hooked on games more easily than chat/forums.

After Mastermind on Prodigy, it was Spades - I forget the name of the site but it was expensive. It was the first site I remember having Avatars. You could choose your face, hair, clothes etc.

It was called the Imagination Network - I forgot how much it cost per month to play

mine was Prodigy.
I was addicted to the games and the message forum.

My game addiction was MASTERMIND (where you have to guess the hidden pegs, colors, blanks etc.)
I started a message forum called NAME THAT TUNE, where you post lines from song and people guess what the song is. At that time, the internet was in baby stages so you couldn't just look them up.

SitcomsOnline.com back in 2002

Forum List
