What will cost $100 billion in lost tax revenue and 400,000 jobs?


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
1) where will the $100 billion A YEAR come from to make up the losses in Federal ,state,local income, payroll and property taxes
2) where will the unemployment benefits come from for the 400,000 people will be unemployed when the 1,300 health insurance companies go out of business?

The whole point of Obamacare was to have as Obama stated:""I happen to be a proponent of a single payer universal health care program."
Single payer means ONE payer not 1,300 health payers.

Now these 1,300 health insurance companies CURRENTLY under STATES' insurance regulation laws MUST make profits!

Profits pay taxes and build reserves to pay future claims.

If as actuaries, (the people that ACTUALLY determine what premiums are to be to pay the future claims and to make a profit required by states where health insurance is sold) predict premiums will climb solely because of Obamacare 122% more by 2017 for private insurance?
Especially when employer paid insurance will be declining in surveys of businesses as 30% businesses report they will drop it.

NONE of these consequences have EVER been written about by the MSM as it is a negative story about Obamacare!

All of you Obamacare/single payer /universal health people you MUST understand these consequences WHICH HAVE NEVER been calculated!
Well, let's see what those consequences of Universal Single Payer Health Care Systems have been for nations like Germany, Japan, Great Britain, and Canada.

Cost. Anywhere from 25% to 50% less per citizen than here in the US. And all their citizens are covered.

Results. They live longer, and have a far lower infant mortality rate than we do. Even little Costa Rica exceeds us in these categories.

CEO salaries. Oh Woe Is Me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Their health care CEO's don't get tens of millions in salaries and bonuses for denying the people that they insure the benefits that they have paid for.

Sick Around The World | FRONTLINE | PBS

Oh yes, and they don't have 700,000 to one million familes going bankrupt every year because of medical bills.

But those CEO salaries trump all the rest, correct?
Right wingers have become mostly unintelligable in their rantings since their best man lost to the worst president in history.
Well, let's see what those consequences of Universal Single Payer Health Care Systems have been for nations like Germany, Japan, Great Britain, and Canada.

Cost. Anywhere from 25% to 50% less per citizen than here in the US. And all their citizens are covered.

Results. They live longer, and have a far lower infant mortality rate than we do. Even little Costa Rica exceeds us in these categories.

CEO salaries. Oh Woe Is Me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Their health care CEO's don't get tens of millions in salaries and bonuses for denying the people that they insure the benefits that they have paid for.

Sick Around The World | FRONTLINE | PBS

Oh yes, and they don't have 700,000 to one million familes going bankrupt every year because of medical bills.

But those CEO salaries trump all the rest, correct?
What a dummy!!!
FACTS something YOU don't DEAL IN!!!!

Health Care Service(Blue Cross Illinois..) had $49 billion in revenue in 2011.
NOW the CEO's salary was ..$12.9 million in 2011, 2/10ths of ONE percent!

WOW that would REALLY make a difference would it!!!!


Health Care Services Corp. had a medical loss ratio of 78.7% in the individual market and 77.9% in the small group market.
This means almost $40 billion went out in CLAIMS!!!
Do you understand you dummy???

NOW IDIOT... I know I absolutely know from you stupid comments YOU have NO IDEA what that medical loss ratio means but for the more intelligent readers (not you!!)
This is how much of every dollar in premium goes out in CLAIMS!!!
This company spent 78.7%
$38 billion .. in CLAIMS IN CLAIMS!!! of their $49 billion in revenue

Kind of puts to shame you stupid idiotic comment that affects less the 2/10ths of one percent of the gross revenue!!!

For Simpletons LIKE YOU ..
IT HAS NEVER been the salaries of CEOs that average less the 1/10th of one percent.
IT HAS always been the average of 80% of every dollar spent on CLAIMS!!!
AND HERE dumb f...k take it from the people that KNOW!!!

The nation's biggest health insurer, Minnetonka, Minn.-based UnitedHealth Group Inc., posted $102 billion in revenue in 2011.
CEO Steve Hemsley made $13.4 million. 1/10th of one percent!!!! and YOU idiots point to that totally
ignoring that UnitedHealth Group Inc. consolidated medical care ratio of 81.3% !
Unitedhealth Group Management Discusses Q2 2012 Results - Earnings Call Transcript - Seeking Alpha
YOU dummies though don't seem to get it!!! $81 billion of United's premiums GOES RIGHT BACK OUT IN CLAIMS!!!!

The Affordable Care Act (the Act) includes a provision calling for fully insured health plans and issuers to annually calculate the medical loss ratio (MLR) to
show the percentage of premium dollars spent on medical claims, clinical services and activities designed to improve health care quality. Insurers are required
to spend a minimum percentage of premium dollars in these areas in a given calendar year, beginning January 1, 2011.
The Act specifies a target of an 80% MLR for individual and small group markets and 85% for large group markets.

But see IDIOTS like you deal in fuzzy math, hyperbole, hysteria... "woe is me..." and NOT FACTS!!
In summary average outgo of health insurance companies is 80% of premium going to PAY CLAIMS d..b f..k!!!
less the 1/10th of one percent in those EvIL CEOs salaries!!!
Dumb fu...ks you guys are so stupid and you are going to be the PaYERS and we're telling YOU are f...king idiots!!!
But again... YOU like most dummies LOOK at the total tip of the iceberg forgetting that 80% of the problem comes from
1) FALSE LIE about 50 million "uninsured" when 10 million are not citizens,14 million ALREADY covered and 18 million never wanted or needed!
Yet the fact there were less then 8 million that truly needed coverage and
2) $600 billion in duplicate tests out of FEAR of lawsuits stated clearly by 90% of physicians
3) Hospitals required to see uninsured REcoUP by charging Medicare sometimes 6,000% MORE then the costs of performing the services!

These two components ARE why health insurance premiums of which 80% goes out to pay these skyrocketing bogus costs!

But Obamacare did tax tanning salons because they caused cancer ... TOTALLY IGNORING the biggest "CANCER" lawyers causing fear of lawsuits and the resulting
$600 billion a year in defensive medicine!!

WHY is this so hard to understand?
If 80% of insurance companies premiums goes to pay claims and claims are based on the $600 billion and padded and passed hospitals .. WHY not attack the cause?
Well, let's see what those consequences of Universal Single Payer Health Care Systems have been for nations like Germany, Japan, Great Britain, and Canada.

Cost. Anywhere from 25% to 50% less per citizen than here in the US. And all their citizens are covered.

Results. They live longer, and have a far lower infant mortality rate than we do. Even little Costa Rica exceeds us in these categories.

CEO salaries. Oh Woe Is Me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Their health care CEO's don't get tens of millions in salaries and bonuses for denying the people that they insure the benefits that they have paid for.

Sick Around The World | FRONTLINE | PBS

Oh yes, and they don't have 700,000 to one million familes going bankrupt every year because of medical bills.

But those CEO salaries trump all the rest, correct?

A single payer government run system also has the advantage of being able to tell people to fuck off and just die, as opposed to private insurers who must meet government regulations.

Of course, we can trust the government to regulate itself......
Like many franchisees, Robert U. Mayfield, who owns five Dairy Queens in and around Austin, Tex., is always eager to expand and — no surprise — has had his eyes on opening a sixth DQ.

But he said concerns about the new federal health care law had persuaded him to hold off.

"I'm scared to death of it," he said. "I'm one of the ones sitting on the sidelines to see what's really going to happen."

Mr. Mayfield, who has 99 employees, said he was worried he would face penalties of $40,000 or more because he did not offer health insurance to many of his full-time workers — generally defined as those working an average of 30 hours a week or more.
So isn't anyone concerned where $100 billion a year in tax revenue will come from once Obamacare is completely in force?
NOT ONE person it seems that supports Obamacare has ANSWERED my question which is WHERE will the $100 billion in annual tax revenue come from and the jobs to replace the 400,000+ that will be unemployed due to insurance companies going out of business?
Do you honestly think with health care costs continually rising due to fear of lawsuits, duplicate testing,etc. is done AND will hospitals seeing more "uninsured" patients increase the padding and passing on sometimes with 6,000% mark up over costs to Medicare/insurance companies that companies can double premiums as the actuaries are predicting by 2017? Right private health is about $4,000 and per the people that calculate premiums by 2017 increase by 122% or $9,000!
Do you think then people will buy health insurance? Do you think employers will continue to offer?
AND then what? 1,300 insurance companies go out of business and AGAIN IDIOTS... where will the $100 billion a year come from???
1) where will the $100 billion A YEAR come from to make up the losses in Federal ,state,local income, payroll and property taxes
2) where will the unemployment benefits come from for the 400,000 people will be unemployed when the 1,300 health insurance companies go out of business?

The whole point of Obamacare was to have as Obama stated:""I happen to be a proponent of a single payer universal health care program."
Single payer means ONE payer not 1,300 health payers.

Now these 1,300 health insurance companies CURRENTLY under STATES' insurance regulation laws MUST make profits!

Profits pay taxes and build reserves to pay future claims.

If as actuaries, (the people that ACTUALLY determine what premiums are to be to pay the future claims and to make a profit required by states where health insurance is sold) predict premiums will climb solely because of Obamacare 122% more by 2017 for private insurance?
Especially when employer paid insurance will be declining in surveys of businesses as 30% businesses report they will drop it.

NONE of these consequences have EVER been written about by the MSM as it is a negative story about Obamacare!

All of you Obamacare/single payer /universal health people you MUST understand these consequences WHICH HAVE NEVER been calculated!
Nobody cares about them. They all work for the EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEVIL insurance companies.
Well, let's see what those consequences of Universal Single Payer Health Care Systems have been for nations like Germany, Japan, Great Britain, and Canada.

Cost. Anywhere from 25% to 50% less per citizen than here in the US. And all their citizens are covered.

Results. They live longer, and have a far lower infant mortality rate than we do. Even little Costa Rica exceeds us in these categories.

CEO salaries. Oh Woe Is Me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Their health care CEO's don't get tens of millions in salaries and bonuses for denying the people that they insure the benefits that they have paid for.

Sick Around The World | FRONTLINE | PBS

Oh yes, and they don't have 700,000 to one million familes going bankrupt every year because of medical bills.

But those CEO salaries trump all the rest, correct?

SO explain trhe confiscatory taxes rates, the intrusive government meddling in the private lives of citizens, the piles of debt, unfunded obligations, death panels, bureaucracy, long waits for procedures we here in the States can have almost same day.
Yep, sounds like paradise to me.
The Internal Revenue Service has released new rules for investment income taxes on capital gains and dividends earned by high-income individuals that passed Congress as part of the 2010 healthcare reform law.
The 3.8 percent surtax on investment income, meant to help pay for healthcare, goes into effect in 2013. It is the first surtax to be applied to capital gains and dividend income.
The 159 pages of rules spell out when the tax applies to trusts and annuities, as well as to individual securities traders.

Released late on Friday, the new regulations include a 0.9 percent healthcare tax on wages for high-income individuals.

"The proposed regulations surely will increase tax compliance burdens for individuals," said Grace, a former IRS official. "There's clearly some drafting left to be done."

IRS aims to clarify investment income tax under healthcare law | Reuters

Comment NOTE: DID anyone ever calculate how MUCH more time will be spent simply complying with Obamacare like the above statement "increase compliance"...
The last major healthcare in Clinton gave us HIPAA and it's been calculated HIPAA adds :

Of the 83 hospitals with 400 or fewer beds who reported, 55 percent will spend $100,000 or less in 2001. Thirty-four percent will spend between $100,000 and $500,000, and 11 percent expect to spend over $500,000 -- including five hospitals that have budgeted over $1 million in 2001.

Of the 67 hospitals with 400 or more beds who reported 2001 budgets, 28 percent have set aside less than $100,000; 39 percent will spend between $100,000 and $500,000; 19 percent will spend between $500,000 and $1 million; and 13 percent expect to go over the $1 million mark.
Using $100,000 per hospital times 6,000 hospitals or over $600 million a year.
What Will HIPAA Cost? and HIPAA Privacy and Proposed Security Standards: A Tandem Approach to Compliance on ADVANCE for Health Information Professionals

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