What will Israel do with 7 Million Palestinians?


Gold Member
Oct 24, 2016
We are thoroughly inured to poverty, pain, agony, and harsh life, so no matter what Israel does to us short of physical extermination, we will remain a thorn in its side until Israel’s comes to terms with our humanity and human rights, including the right to absolute equality. After all, Ismael was not a child of a lesser God.


Please at least read the essay prior to posting your idiotic crap.


We are thoroughly inured to poverty, pain, agony, and harsh life, so no matter what Israel does to us short of physical extermination, we will remain a thorn in its side until Israel’s comes to terms with our humanity and human rights, including the right to absolute equality. After all, Ismael was not a child of a lesser God.

View attachment 138237

Please at least read the essay prior to posting your idiotic crap.



OMG! do you fact check anything?

For example, there is no evidence that Einstein ever uttered the following statement which has been falsely attributed to him:

It would be my greatest sadness to see Zionists do to Palestinian Arabs much of what Nazis did to Jews.

We are thoroughly inured to poverty, pain, agony, and harsh life, so no matter what Israel does to us short of physical extermination, we will remain a thorn in its side until Israel’s comes to terms with our humanity and human rights, including the right to absolute equality. After all, Ismael was not a child of a lesser God.

View attachment 138237

Please at least read the essay prior to posting your idiotic crap.



That you could show those maps without mentioning that the changes were the results of

war start by arabs.

to destroy Israel

the arabs lose, then whine like faggots,


destroys any shred of credibility that you have, or any source you are using.
We are thoroughly inured to poverty, pain, agony, and harsh life, so no matter what Israel does to us short of physical extermination, we will remain a thorn in its side until Israel’s comes to terms with our humanity and human rights, including the right to absolute equality. After all, Ismael was not a child of a lesser God.

View attachment 138237

Please at least read the essay prior to posting your idiotic crap.



That you could show those maps without mentioning that the changes were the results of

war start by arabs.

to destroy Israel

the arabs lose, then whine like faggots,


destroys any shred of credibility that you have, or any source you are using.
Oh jeese, more stupid Israeli talking points.
you want to quote him try this

“It is outrageous that world opinion should only criticize Israel’s response to hostility and should not actively seek to bring an end to the Arab hostility which is the root cause of the tension.”

“It is, therefore, a bitter paradox to find that a State which was destined to be a shelter for a martyred people is itself threatened by grave dangers to its own security.”

“International policies in the Middle East should be dominated by efforts to secure peace for Israel. This would conform with the universal ideals of peace and brotherhood which have been the most significant contribution of the people of Israel in its long history.”
While some zionists despute the quote in the meme, Einstein did sign an open letter by Jewish intellectuals in 1948 that said, “Among the most disturbing political phenomena of our times is the emergence in the newly created state of Israel of the “Freedom Party” (Tnuat Haherut), a political party closely akin in its organization, methods, political philosophy and social appeal to the Nazi and Fascist parties.”

We had a whole thread on his actual views which certainly put the above in perspective.

Albert Einstein penned this letter in 1948... just wow!

Beyond that, you clowns never even read the essay from the OP, heartless tools.
While some zionists despute the quote in the meme, Einstein did sign an open letter by Jewish intellectuals in 1948 that said, “Among the most disturbing political phenomena of our times is the emergence in the newly created state of Israel of the “Freedom Party” (Tnuat Haherut), a political party closely akin in its organization, methods, political philosophy and social appeal to the Nazi and Fascist parties.”

We had a whole thread on his actual views which certainly put the above in perspective.

Albert Einstein penned this letter in 1948... just wow!

Beyond that, you clowns never even read the essay from the OP, heartless tools.

The Times letter was not about Israel, It was about the Freedom Party and Begin.


You seriously have no understanding of fact checking.
He and the group of Jewish intellectuals responsible for that letter specifically wrote "the newly created state of Israel.'

You are a tool. This was posted in what you quoted.
He and the group of Jewish intellectuals responsible for that letter specifically wrote "the newly created state of Israel.'

You are a tool. This was posted in what you quoted.

"the emergence in" ... "of the Freedom Party"

"New Palestine Party" title of the letter

You can not rewrite what was said to suit your agenda.
We are thoroughly inured to poverty, pain, agony, and harsh life, so no matter what Israel does to us short of physical extermination, we will remain a thorn in its side until Israel’s comes to terms with our humanity and human rights, including the right to absolute equality. After all, Ismael was not a child of a lesser God.

View attachment 138237

Please at least read the essay prior to posting your idiotic crap.



That you could show those maps without mentioning that the changes were the results of

war start by arabs.

to destroy Israel

the arabs lose, then whine like faggots,


destroys any shred of credibility that you have, or any source you are using.

What war was started by Arabs? The Europeans invaded Palestine, the Christians and Muslims were simply defending themselves. It's like claiming the American Indians started the war against the British colonists. You are a nutcase.
We are thoroughly inured to poverty, pain, agony, and harsh life, so no matter what Israel does to us short of physical extermination, we will remain a thorn in its side until Israel’s comes to terms with our humanity and human rights, including the right to absolute equality. After all, Ismael was not a child of a lesser God.

View attachment 138237

Please at least read the essay prior to posting your idiotic crap.



That you could show those maps without mentioning that the changes were the results of

war start by arabs.

to destroy Israel

the arabs lose, then whine like faggots,


destroys any shred of credibility that you have, or any source you are using.

What war was started by Arabs? The Europeans invaded Palestine, the Christians and Muslims were simply defending themselves. It's like claiming the American Indians started the war against the British colonists. You are a nutcase.

The invasions of Pal'istan were by the European Xtian Crusaders and the muhammedan hordes. It's like claiming that the Jewish immigrants, invited to immigrate is comparable to the warring xtians and muhammedans who actually did invade.

You really are an ignorant buffoon.
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Moreover, the estimated seven million people are expected to double their numbers in three or four decades. Am I dreaming? I don’t think so. After all, people will continue to mate and sire children. Sixty years ago, my late father and late mother started our family. Now their progeny exceeds a hundred people.

I know that the size of the Palestinian population alone will not make Israel budge and reconsider its military occupation and apartheid. Today’s Israel, especially under the present quasi-fascist government, made up of extreme nationalists and Talmudic fanatics (Likud and ha-Bayt ha-yehudi- present-day Gush Emunim) is too arrogant, too insolent, too impetuous and too intoxicated by their arrogance of power to really think wisely, even rationally. That is why it is utterly unlikely that the three jingoes (Netanyahu, Bennett, and Lieberman) will soon sober up from their false euphoria and begin to see reality on the ground.

Instead, they will continue to profusely pass provocative racist laws consolidating the “Jewishness” of Israel, mainly at the expense of non-Jewish inhabitants.

That was from the Op. Y'all might try reading it in full.
Moreover, the estimated seven million people are expected to double their numbers in three or four decades. Am I dreaming? I don’t think so. After all, people will continue to mate and sire children. Sixty years ago, my late father and late mother started our family. Now their progeny exceeds a hundred people.

I know that the size of the Palestinian population alone will not make Israel budge and reconsider its military occupation and apartheid. Today’s Israel, especially under the present quasi-fascist government, made up of extreme nationalists and Talmudic fanatics (Likud and ha-Bayt ha-yehudi- present-day Gush Emunim) is too arrogant, too insolent, too impetuous and too intoxicated by their arrogance of power to really think wisely, even rationally. That is why it is utterly unlikely that the three jingoes (Netanyahu, Bennett, and Lieberman) will soon sober up from their false euphoria and begin to see reality on the ground.

Instead, they will continue to profusely pass provocative racist laws consolidating the “Jewishness” of Israel, mainly at the expense of non-Jewish inhabitants.

That was from the Op. Y'all might try reading it in full.

"Moreover, the estimated seven million people are expected to double their numbers in three or four decades."

Who do you believe will be responsible for the welfare burden of these people who breed like rabbits while having no viable means to support themselves?
Moreover, the estimated seven million people are expected to double their numbers in three or four decades. Am I dreaming? I don’t think so. After all, people will continue to mate and sire children. Sixty years ago, my late father and late mother started our family. Now their progeny exceeds a hundred people.

I know that the size of the Palestinian population alone will not make Israel budge and reconsider its military occupation and apartheid. Today’s Israel, especially under the present quasi-fascist government, made up of extreme nationalists and Talmudic fanatics (Likud and ha-Bayt ha-yehudi- present-day Gush Emunim) is too arrogant, too insolent, too impetuous and too intoxicated by their arrogance of power to really think wisely, even rationally. That is why it is utterly unlikely that the three jingoes (Netanyahu, Bennett, and Lieberman) will soon sober up from their false euphoria and begin to see reality on the ground.

Instead, they will continue to profusely pass provocative racist laws consolidating the “Jewishness” of Israel, mainly at the expense of non-Jewish inhabitants.

That was from the Op. Y'all might try reading it in full.

"Moreover, the estimated seven million people are expected to double their numbers in three or four decades."

Who do you believe will be responsible for the welfare burden of these people who breed like rabbits while having no viable means to support themselves?
That welfare burden started with Israel. There was no welfare required before that.
Moreover, the estimated seven million people are expected to double their numbers in three or four decades. Am I dreaming? I don’t think so. After all, people will continue to mate and sire children. Sixty years ago, my late father and late mother started our family. Now their progeny exceeds a hundred people.

I know that the size of the Palestinian population alone will not make Israel budge and reconsider its military occupation and apartheid. Today’s Israel, especially under the present quasi-fascist government, made up of extreme nationalists and Talmudic fanatics (Likud and ha-Bayt ha-yehudi- present-day Gush Emunim) is too arrogant, too insolent, too impetuous and too intoxicated by their arrogance of power to really think wisely, even rationally. That is why it is utterly unlikely that the three jingoes (Netanyahu, Bennett, and Lieberman) will soon sober up from their false euphoria and begin to see reality on the ground.

Instead, they will continue to profusely pass provocative racist laws consolidating the “Jewishness” of Israel, mainly at the expense of non-Jewish inhabitants.

That was from the Op. Y'all might try reading it in full.

"Moreover, the estimated seven million people are expected to double their numbers in three or four decades."

Who do you believe will be responsible for the welfare burden of these people who breed like rabbits while having no viable means to support themselves?
That welfare burden started with Israel. There was no welfare required before that.

I understand you're desperate to find excuses for the inability of Arabs-Moslems to cope with a modern, technical world but your usual slogans of "I blame the Jooooos" ignores a rather glaring reality across the muhammedan Middle East.
Hamas does NOT consider Gaza occupied:

BETHLEHEM (Ma'an) -- Hamas leader Mahmoud Zahhar has cast doubt his party will take up peaceful resistance against Israel as advocated by former rivals Fatah.
Under a reconciliation deal between the factions signed in May, officials called for a unified "national strategy," and Fatah officials say that Hamas chief-in-exile Khalid Mashaal agreed to adopt non-violent popular action in favor of armed struggle.

But in comments to Ma'an late Monday, senior Hamas official in Gaza Zahhar stressed the situation in the Gaza Strip is different to the occupied West Bank.

"Against whom could we demonstrate in the Gaza Strip? When Gaza was occupied, that model was applicable," Zahhar said.

Hamas: Peaceful resistance not applicable to Gaza
We are thoroughly inured to poverty, pain, agony, and harsh life, so no matter what Israel does to us short of physical extermination, we will remain a thorn in its side until Israel’s comes to terms with our humanity and human rights, including the right to absolute equality. After all, Ismael was not a child of a lesser God.

View attachment 138237

Please at least read the essay prior to posting your idiotic crap.



That you could show those maps without mentioning that the changes were the results of

war start by arabs.

to destroy Israel

the arabs lose, then whine like faggots,


destroys any shred of credibility that you have, or any source you are using.

What war was started by Arabs? The Europeans invaded Palestine, the Christians and Muslims were simply defending themselves. It's like claiming the American Indians started the war against the British colonists. You are a nutcase.

The invasions of Pal'istan were by the European Xtian Crusaders and the muhammedan hordes. It's like claiming that the Jewish immigrants, invited to immigrate is comparable to the warring xtians and muhammedans who actually did invade.

You really are an ignorant buffoon.
Define immigrant.
Moreover, the estimated seven million people are expected to double their numbers in three or four decades. Am I dreaming? I don’t think so. After all, people will continue to mate and sire children. Sixty years ago, my late father and late mother started our family. Now their progeny exceeds a hundred people.

I know that the size of the Palestinian population alone will not make Israel budge and reconsider its military occupation and apartheid. Today’s Israel, especially under the present quasi-fascist government, made up of extreme nationalists and Talmudic fanatics (Likud and ha-Bayt ha-yehudi- present-day Gush Emunim) is too arrogant, too insolent, too impetuous and too intoxicated by their arrogance of power to really think wisely, even rationally. That is why it is utterly unlikely that the three jingoes (Netanyahu, Bennett, and Lieberman) will soon sober up from their false euphoria and begin to see reality on the ground.

Instead, they will continue to profusely pass provocative racist laws consolidating the “Jewishness” of Israel, mainly at the expense of non-Jewish inhabitants.

That was from the Op. Y'all might try reading it in full.

"Moreover, the estimated seven million people are expected to double their numbers in three or four decades."

Who do you believe will be responsible for the welfare burden of these people who breed like rabbits while having no viable means to support themselves?
That welfare burden started with Israel. There was no welfare required before that.

I understand you're desperate to find excuses for the inability of Arabs-Moslems to cope with a modern, technical world but your usual slogans of "I blame the Jooooos" ignores a rather glaring reality across the muhammedan Middle East.
Palestine is just as technical as any "western" country.
Hamas does NOT consider Gaza occupied:

BETHLEHEM (Ma'an) -- Hamas leader Mahmoud Zahhar has cast doubt his party will take up peaceful resistance against Israel as advocated by former rivals Fatah.
Under a reconciliation deal between the factions signed in May, officials called for a unified "national strategy," and Fatah officials say that Hamas chief-in-exile Khalid Mashaal agreed to adopt non-violent popular action in favor of armed struggle.

But in comments to Ma'an late Monday, senior Hamas official in Gaza Zahhar stressed the situation in the Gaza Strip is different to the occupied West Bank.

"Against whom could we demonstrate in the Gaza Strip? When Gaza was occupied, that model was applicable," Zahhar said.

Hamas: Peaceful resistance not applicable to Gaza
You didn't understand the post.
Hamas does NOT consider Gaza occupied:

BETHLEHEM (Ma'an) -- Hamas leader Mahmoud Zahhar has cast doubt his party will take up peaceful resistance against Israel as advocated by former rivals Fatah.
Under a reconciliation deal between the factions signed in May, officials called for a unified "national strategy," and Fatah officials say that Hamas chief-in-exile Khalid Mashaal agreed to adopt non-violent popular action in favor of armed struggle.

But in comments to Ma'an late Monday, senior Hamas official in Gaza Zahhar stressed the situation in the Gaza Strip is different to the occupied West Bank.

"Against whom could we demonstrate in the Gaza Strip? When Gaza was occupied, that model was applicable," Zahhar said.

Hamas: Peaceful resistance not applicable to Gaza
You didn't understand the post.

I think I did, it's not that difficult, written black on white.You in the West have Your own TV version of Palestine, You should try to read what they say in Arabic.

Anyway keep dancing like You usually do:

"Against whom could we demonstrate in the Gaza Strip? When Gaza was occupied, that model was applicable," Zahhar said.

Hamas: Peaceful resistance not applicable to Gaza
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