What will Israel do with 7 Million Palestinians?

Hamas does NOT consider Gaza occupied:

BETHLEHEM (Ma'an) -- Hamas leader Mahmoud Zahhar has cast doubt his party will take up peaceful resistance against Israel as advocated by former rivals Fatah.
Under a reconciliation deal between the factions signed in May, officials called for a unified "national strategy," and Fatah officials say that Hamas chief-in-exile Khalid Mashaal agreed to adopt non-violent popular action in favor of armed struggle.

But in comments to Ma'an late Monday, senior Hamas official in Gaza Zahhar stressed the situation in the Gaza Strip is different to the occupied West Bank.

"Against whom could we demonstrate in the Gaza Strip? When Gaza was occupied, that model was applicable," Zahhar said.

Hamas: Peaceful resistance not applicable to Gaza
You didn't understand the post.

I think I did, it's not that difficult, written black on white.You in the West have Your own TV version of Palestine, You should try to read what they say in Arabic.

Anyway keep dancing like You usually do:

"Against whom could we demonstrate in the Gaza Strip? When Gaza was occupied, that model was applicable," Zahhar said.

Hamas: Peaceful resistance not applicable to Gaza
Actually they do have peaceful protests in Gaza.

Israel shoots them.
Hamas does NOT consider Gaza occupied:

BETHLEHEM (Ma'an) -- Hamas leader Mahmoud Zahhar has cast doubt his party will take up peaceful resistance against Israel as advocated by former rivals Fatah.
Under a reconciliation deal between the factions signed in May, officials called for a unified "national strategy," and Fatah officials say that Hamas chief-in-exile Khalid Mashaal agreed to adopt non-violent popular action in favor of armed struggle.

But in comments to Ma'an late Monday, senior Hamas official in Gaza Zahhar stressed the situation in the Gaza Strip is different to the occupied West Bank.

"Against whom could we demonstrate in the Gaza Strip? When Gaza was occupied, that model was applicable," Zahhar said.

Hamas: Peaceful resistance not applicable to Gaza
You didn't understand the post.

I think I did, it's not that difficult, written black on white.You in the West have Your own TV version of Palestine, You should try to read what they say in Arabic.

Anyway keep dancing like You usually do:

"Against whom could we demonstrate in the Gaza Strip? When Gaza was occupied, that model was applicable," Zahhar said.

Hamas: Peaceful resistance not applicable to Gaza
Actually they do have peaceful protests in Gaza.

Israel shoots them.

Deflection. Hamas official clearly says - Gaza not occupied anymore.
But that won't sell as prime time on TV, better sell lies to useful idiots continents away.
Hamas does NOT consider Gaza occupied:

BETHLEHEM (Ma'an) -- Hamas leader Mahmoud Zahhar has cast doubt his party will take up peaceful resistance against Israel as advocated by former rivals Fatah.
Under a reconciliation deal between the factions signed in May, officials called for a unified "national strategy," and Fatah officials say that Hamas chief-in-exile Khalid Mashaal agreed to adopt non-violent popular action in favor of armed struggle.

But in comments to Ma'an late Monday, senior Hamas official in Gaza Zahhar stressed the situation in the Gaza Strip is different to the occupied West Bank.

"Against whom could we demonstrate in the Gaza Strip? When Gaza was occupied, that model was applicable," Zahhar said.

Hamas: Peaceful resistance not applicable to Gaza
You didn't understand the post.

I think I did, it's not that difficult, written black on white.You in the West have Your own TV version of Palestine, You should try to read what they say in Arabic.

Anyway keep dancing like You usually do:

"Against whom could we demonstrate in the Gaza Strip? When Gaza was occupied, that model was applicable," Zahhar said.

Hamas: Peaceful resistance not applicable to Gaza
Actually they do have peaceful protests in Gaza.

Israel shoots them.

Deflection. Hamas official clearly says - Gaza not occupied anymore.
But that won't sell as prime time on TV, better regurgitate lies for silly westerners continents away.
Protests are political theatre. Why protest if there is nobody to see it?
Hamas does NOT consider Gaza occupied:

BETHLEHEM (Ma'an) -- Hamas leader Mahmoud Zahhar has cast doubt his party will take up peaceful resistance against Israel as advocated by former rivals Fatah.
Under a reconciliation deal between the factions signed in May, officials called for a unified "national strategy," and Fatah officials say that Hamas chief-in-exile Khalid Mashaal agreed to adopt non-violent popular action in favor of armed struggle.

But in comments to Ma'an late Monday, senior Hamas official in Gaza Zahhar stressed the situation in the Gaza Strip is different to the occupied West Bank.

"Against whom could we demonstrate in the Gaza Strip? When Gaza was occupied, that model was applicable," Zahhar said.

Hamas: Peaceful resistance not applicable to Gaza
You didn't understand the post.

I think I did, it's not that difficult, written black on white.You in the West have Your own TV version of Palestine, You should try to read what they say in Arabic.

Anyway keep dancing like You usually do:

"Against whom could we demonstrate in the Gaza Strip? When Gaza was occupied, that model was applicable," Zahhar said.

Hamas: Peaceful resistance not applicable to Gaza
Actually they do have peaceful protests in Gaza.

Israel shoots them.

Deflection. Hamas official clearly says - Gaza not occupied anymore.
But that won't sell as prime time on TV, better regurgitate lies for silly westerners continents away.
Protests are political theatre. Why protest if there is nobody to see it?

I could gather a protest against the Flying Spaghetti Monster if You give me a week and some money from the UN.
You're still deflecting.

ICJ Excerpt:

"26. Israel maintains that following the 2005 disengagement, it is no longer an occupying power in Gaza as it does not exercise effective control over the area.

27. However, the prevalent view within the international community is that Israel remains an occupying power in Gaza despite the 2005 disengagement. In general, this view is based on the scope and degree of control that Israel has retained over the territory of Gaza following the 2005 disengagement – including, inter alia, Israel’s exercise of control over border crossings, the territorial sea adjacent to the Gaza Strip, and the airspace of Gaza; its periodic military incursions within Gaza; its enforcement of no-go areas within Gaza near the border where Israeli settlements used to be; and its regulation of the local monetary market based on the Israeli currency and control of taxes and customs duties. The retention of such competences by Israel over the territory of Gaza even after the 2005 disengagement overall supports the conclusion that the authority retained by Israel amounts to effective control.

28. Although it no longer maintains a military presence in Gaza, Israel has not only shown the ability to conduct incursions into Gaza at will, but also expressly reserved the right to do so as required by military necessity. This consideration is potentially significant considering that there is support in international case law for the conclusion that it is not a prerequisite that a State maintain continuous presence in a territory in order to qualify as an occupying power. In particular, the ICTY has held that the law of occupation would also apply to areas where a state possesses “the capacity to send troops within a reasonable time to make the authority of the occupying power felt.” In this respect, it is also noted that the geographic proximity of the Gaza Strip to Israel potentially facilitates the ability of Israel to exercise effective control over the territory, despite the lack of a continuous military presence.

29. Overall, there is a reasonable basis upon which to conclude that Israel continues to be an occupying power in Gaza despite the 2005 disengagement. The Office has therefore proceeded on the basis that the situation in Gaza can be considered within the framework of an international armed conflict in view of the continuing military occupation by Israel."

Opinio Juris » Blog Archive The OTP Concludes Israel Is Still Occupying Gaza - Opinio Juris
We are thoroughly inured to poverty, pain, agony, and harsh life, so no matter what Israel does to us short of physical extermination, we will remain a thorn in its side until Israel’s comes to terms with our humanity and human rights, including the right to absolute equality. After all, Ismael was not a child of a lesser God.

View attachment 138237

Please at least read the essay prior to posting your idiotic crap.



That you could show those maps without mentioning that the changes were the results of

war start by arabs.

to destroy Israel

the arabs lose, then whine like faggots,


destroys any shred of credibility that you have, or any source you are using.

What war was started by Arabs? The Europeans invaded Palestine, the Christians and Muslims were simply defending themselves. It's like claiming the American Indians started the war against the British colonists. You are a nutcase.

Your pretense that you do not understand the concept of linear time reveals you to be purposefully deceptive.

WHich strongly implies that you know that your claims are bs.

Which raises the question, why do you hold a position that you cannot honestly defend?

Is it because you are aware that if you were honest about the REASON for your position, that it would reveal it to be indefensible?
ICJ Excerpt:

"26. Israel maintains that following the 2005 disengagement, it is no longer an occupying power in Gaza as it does not exercise effective control over the area.

27. However, the prevalent view within the international community is that Israel remains an occupying power in Gaza despite the 2005 disengagement. In general, this view is based on the scope and degree of control that Israel has retained over the territory of Gaza following the 2005 disengagement – including, inter alia, Israel’s exercise of control over border crossings, the territorial sea adjacent to the Gaza Strip, and the airspace of Gaza; its periodic military incursions within Gaza; its enforcement of no-go areas within Gaza near the border where Israeli settlements used to be; and its regulation of the local monetary market based on the Israeli currency and control of taxes and customs duties. The retention of such competences by Israel over the territory of Gaza even after the 2005 disengagement overall supports the conclusion that the authority retained by Israel amounts to effective control.

28. Although it no longer maintains a military presence in Gaza, Israel has not only shown the ability to conduct incursions into Gaza at will, but also expressly reserved the right to do so as required by military necessity. This consideration is potentially significant considering that there is support in international case law for the conclusion that it is not a prerequisite that a State maintain continuous presence in a territory in order to qualify as an occupying power. In particular, the ICTY has held that the law of occupation would also apply to areas where a state possesses “the capacity to send troops within a reasonable time to make the authority of the occupying power felt.” In this respect, it is also noted that the geographic proximity of the Gaza Strip to Israel potentially facilitates the ability of Israel to exercise effective control over the territory, despite the lack of a continuous military presence.

29. Overall, there is a reasonable basis upon which to conclude that Israel continues to be an occupying power in Gaza despite the 2005 disengagement. The Office has therefore proceeded on the basis that the situation in Gaza can be considered within the framework of an international armed conflict in view of the continuing military occupation by Israel."

Opinio Juris » Blog Archive The OTP Concludes Israel Is Still Occupying Gaza - Opinio Juris

And the govt. in Gaza disagrees. Who was elected to represent Gazans?

You guys in the west think You define reality, but You live in some distant universe when it comes to understanding anything in the ME.
Hamas does NOT consider Gaza occupied:

BETHLEHEM (Ma'an) -- Hamas leader Mahmoud Zahhar has cast doubt his party will take up peaceful resistance against Israel as advocated by former rivals Fatah.
Under a reconciliation deal between the factions signed in May, officials called for a unified "national strategy," and Fatah officials say that Hamas chief-in-exile Khalid Mashaal agreed to adopt non-violent popular action in favor of armed struggle.

But in comments to Ma'an late Monday, senior Hamas official in Gaza Zahhar stressed the situation in the Gaza Strip is different to the occupied West Bank.

"Against whom could we demonstrate in the Gaza Strip? When Gaza was occupied, that model was applicable," Zahhar said.

Hamas: Peaceful resistance not applicable to Gaza
You didn't understand the post.

I think I did, it's not that difficult, written black on white.You in the West have Your own TV version of Palestine, You should try to read what they say in Arabic.

Anyway keep dancing like You usually do:

"Against whom could we demonstrate in the Gaza Strip? When Gaza was occupied, that model was applicable," Zahhar said.

Hamas: Peaceful resistance not applicable to Gaza
Actually they do have peaceful protests in Gaza.

Israel shoots them.

Deflection. Hamas official clearly says - Gaza not occupied anymore.
But that won't sell as prime time on TV, better sell lies to useful idiots continents away.

You are sooo right about these Western useful idiots and tools of the Islamists!
We are thoroughly inured to poverty, pain, agony, and harsh life, so no matter what Israel does to us short of physical extermination, we will remain a thorn in its side until Israel’s comes to terms with our humanity and human rights, including the right to absolute equality. After all, Ismael was not a child of a lesser God.

View attachment 138237

Please at least read the essay prior to posting your idiotic crap.



That you could show those maps without mentioning that the changes were the results of

war start by arabs.

to destroy Israel

the arabs lose, then whine like faggots,


destroys any shred of credibility that you have, or any source you are using.

What war was started by Arabs? The Europeans invaded Palestine, the Christians and Muslims were simply defending themselves. It's like claiming the American Indians started the war against the British colonists. You are a nutcase.

Your pretense that you do not understand the concept of linear time reveals you to be purposefully deceptive.

WHich strongly implies that you know that your claims are bs.

Which raises the question, why do you hold a position that you cannot honestly defend?

Is it because you are aware that if you were honest about the REASON for your position, that it would reveal it to be indefensible?

So, let's break this down. I only state fact. None of what I post is derived from other than source or close to the source data.

1. There were people living in Palestine/Ottoman Kuds Special District and environs in 1850. About 400,000 people according to Ottoman census data.
2. The people overwhelmingly practiced the Christian or Muslim religion. Perhaps 2-4% practiced Judaism.
3. Europeans that practiced Judaism began to arrive over the next few decades notwithstanding the fact that Ottoman laws had been passed that stated that those of the Jewish faith could settle anywhere in the Empire except for Palestine (Filistin).

"With growing numbers of Russian Jews applying to the Ottoman Consul-General at Odessa for visas to enter Palestine, the following notice was posted outside his office a few months later, on April 28, 1882: The Ottoman Government informs all [Jews] wishing to immigrate into Turkey that they are not permitted to settle in Palestine. They may immigrate into the other provinces of [the Empire] and settle as they wish, provided only that they become Ottoman subjects and accept the obligation to fulfil the laws of the Empire. "

http://ismi.emory.edu/home/documents/Readings/Mandel, Neville J. Ottoman Policy.pdf

Are we agreed so far?

4. What were the intentions of the Europeans arriving in Palestine. Can we accept their own announcements in the press at the time?

Zionists plan to colonize Palestine in 1899 NY Times

An article about a Conference of Zionists published on July 20, 1899 in the New York Times depicts how the Conference sought to “colonize Palestine” and discussed the purchasing of land with English Zionists.
World Bulletin/News Desk

An article about a Conference of Zionists published on July 20, 1899 in the New York Times expresses that the Zionists “will colonize Palestine.”

The article explains that the conference discussed a paper from the English Zionist Federation “proposing the re-establishment of Judea as an independent State, suggesting the purchase of the Maccabean sites in Palestine, and the beginning of the work by the establishment of a Jewish colony and a Jewish Agricultural College there.”

It further clarifies that “The site to be purchased comprises about fifty acres, six miles from a station on the railroad between Jappa and Jerusalem, and within sight of the sea and a large stretch of the Palestinian coast.”

It notes that English Zionists have gathered 2,500 dollars in the currency of the period and request that quantity from the American Zionists.

The article also explains that “On motion of Dr. Wise, the Federation voted $100 as the nucleus of the required fund of $2,500, the remainder to be raised by subscriptions from the 125 societies and individuals, both Jews and Gentiles. A general appeal to the public will be made.”

It also conveys that delegates will be elected at the Zionist meeting in Baltimore.


The straightforward and comfortable manner with which the colonization is pursued is indicative how, before having to be concerned with the image of Zionism and public relations, Zionist leaders depicted their movement as a colonial mission during a time in which European nations were colonial powers.

Zionists plan to colonize Palestine in 1899 NY Times - World Bulletin

5. So, were they lying that they intended to colonize a place that was already inhabited by several hundred thousand native inhabitants? Should the Muslims and Christians have allowed themselves to be colonized without putting up resistance?

The native people were defending themselves, as I stated previously. It is you that are full of B.S.
We are thoroughly inured to poverty, pain, agony, and harsh life, so no matter what Israel does to us short of physical extermination, we will remain a thorn in its side until Israel’s comes to terms with our humanity and human rights, including the right to absolute equality. After all, Ismael was not a child of a lesser God.

View attachment 138237

Please at least read the essay prior to posting your idiotic crap.



That you could show those maps without mentioning that the changes were the results of

war start by arabs.

to destroy Israel

the arabs lose, then whine like faggots,


destroys any shred of credibility that you have, or any source you are using.

What war was started by Arabs? The Europeans invaded Palestine, the Christians and Muslims were simply defending themselves. It's like claiming the American Indians started the war against the British colonists. You are a nutcase.

Your pretense that you do not understand the concept of linear time reveals you to be purposefully deceptive.

WHich strongly implies that you know that your claims are bs.

Which raises the question, why do you hold a position that you cannot honestly defend?

Is it because you are aware that if you were honest about the REASON for your position, that it would reveal it to be indefensible?

So, let's break this down. I only state fact. None of what I post is derived from other than source or close to the source data.

1. There were people living in Palestine/Ottoman Kuds Special District and environs in 1850. About 400,000 people according to Ottoman census data.
2. The people overwhelmingly practiced the Christian or Muslim religion. Perhaps 2-4% practiced Judaism.
3. Europeans that practiced Judaism began to arrive over the next few decades notwithstanding the fact that Ottoman laws had been passed that stated that those of the Jewish faith could settle anywhere in the Empire except for Palestine (Filistin).

"With growing numbers of Russian Jews applying to the Ottoman Consul-General at Odessa for visas to enter Palestine, the following notice was posted outside his office a few months later, on April 28, 1882: The Ottoman Government informs all [Jews] wishing to immigrate into Turkey that they are not permitted to settle in Palestine. They may immigrate into the other provinces of [the Empire] and settle as they wish, provided only that they become Ottoman subjects and accept the obligation to fulfil the laws of the Empire. "

http://ismi.emory.edu/home/documents/Readings/Mandel, Neville J. Ottoman Policy.pdf

Are we agreed so far?

4. What were the intentions of the Europeans arriving in Palestine. Can we accept their own announcements in the press at the time?

Zionists plan to colonize Palestine in 1899 NY Times

An article about a Conference of Zionists published on July 20, 1899 in the New York Times depicts how the Conference sought to “colonize Palestine” and discussed the purchasing of land with English Zionists.
World Bulletin/News Desk

An article about a Conference of Zionists published on July 20, 1899 in the New York Times expresses that the Zionists “will colonize Palestine.”

The article explains that the conference discussed a paper from the English Zionist Federation “proposing the re-establishment of Judea as an independent State, suggesting the purchase of the Maccabean sites in Palestine, and the beginning of the work by the establishment of a Jewish colony and a Jewish Agricultural College there.”

It further clarifies that “The site to be purchased comprises about fifty acres, six miles from a station on the railroad between Jappa and Jerusalem, and within sight of the sea and a large stretch of the Palestinian coast.”

It notes that English Zionists have gathered 2,500 dollars in the currency of the period and request that quantity from the American Zionists.

The article also explains that “On motion of Dr. Wise, the Federation voted $100 as the nucleus of the required fund of $2,500, the remainder to be raised by subscriptions from the 125 societies and individuals, both Jews and Gentiles. A general appeal to the public will be made.”

It also conveys that delegates will be elected at the Zionist meeting in Baltimore.


The straightforward and comfortable manner with which the colonization is pursued is indicative how, before having to be concerned with the image of Zionism and public relations, Zionist leaders depicted their movement as a colonial mission during a time in which European nations were colonial powers.

Zionists plan to colonize Palestine in 1899 NY Times - World Bulletin

5. So, were they lying that they intended to colonize a place that was already inhabited by several hundred thousand native inhabitants? Should the Muslims and Christians have allowed themselves to be colonized without putting up resistance?

The native people were defending themselves, as I stated previously. It is you that are full of B.S.

This is illegal immigration decades before any of the border changes your maps indicate.

It certainly would be quite provocative and could be, depending on other factors, a Just Cause for War.

But, there was no war, for over 50 years.

Claiming self defense 50 years after the fact is a bit of a stretch.
We are thoroughly inured to poverty, pain, agony, and harsh life, so no matter what Israel does to us short of physical extermination, we will remain a thorn in its side until Israel’s comes to terms with our humanity and human rights, including the right to absolute equality. After all, Ismael was not a child of a lesser God.

View attachment 138237

Please at least read the essay prior to posting your idiotic crap.



That you could show those maps without mentioning that the changes were the results of

war start by arabs.

to destroy Israel

the arabs lose, then whine like faggots,


destroys any shred of credibility that you have, or any source you are using.

What war was started by Arabs? The Europeans invaded Palestine, the Christians and Muslims were simply defending themselves. It's like claiming the American Indians started the war against the British colonists. You are a nutcase.

Your pretense that you do not understand the concept of linear time reveals you to be purposefully deceptive.

WHich strongly implies that you know that your claims are bs.

Which raises the question, why do you hold a position that you cannot honestly defend?

Is it because you are aware that if you were honest about the REASON for your position, that it would reveal it to be indefensible?

So, let's break this down. I only state fact. None of what I post is derived from other than source or close to the source data.

1. There were people living in Palestine/Ottoman Kuds Special District and environs in 1850. About 400,000 people according to Ottoman census data.
2. The people overwhelmingly practiced the Christian or Muslim religion. Perhaps 2-4% practiced Judaism.
3. Europeans that practiced Judaism began to arrive over the next few decades notwithstanding the fact that Ottoman laws had been passed that stated that those of the Jewish faith could settle anywhere in the Empire except for Palestine (Filistin).

"With growing numbers of Russian Jews applying to the Ottoman Consul-General at Odessa for visas to enter Palestine, the following notice was posted outside his office a few months later, on April 28, 1882: The Ottoman Government informs all [Jews] wishing to immigrate into Turkey that they are not permitted to settle in Palestine. They may immigrate into the other provinces of [the Empire] and settle as they wish, provided only that they become Ottoman subjects and accept the obligation to fulfil the laws of the Empire. "

http://ismi.emory.edu/home/documents/Readings/Mandel, Neville J. Ottoman Policy.pdf

Are we agreed so far?

4. What were the intentions of the Europeans arriving in Palestine. Can we accept their own announcements in the press at the time?

Zionists plan to colonize Palestine in 1899 NY Times

An article about a Conference of Zionists published on July 20, 1899 in the New York Times depicts how the Conference sought to “colonize Palestine” and discussed the purchasing of land with English Zionists.
World Bulletin/News Desk

An article about a Conference of Zionists published on July 20, 1899 in the New York Times expresses that the Zionists “will colonize Palestine.”

The article explains that the conference discussed a paper from the English Zionist Federation “proposing the re-establishment of Judea as an independent State, suggesting the purchase of the Maccabean sites in Palestine, and the beginning of the work by the establishment of a Jewish colony and a Jewish Agricultural College there.”

It further clarifies that “The site to be purchased comprises about fifty acres, six miles from a station on the railroad between Jappa and Jerusalem, and within sight of the sea and a large stretch of the Palestinian coast.”

It notes that English Zionists have gathered 2,500 dollars in the currency of the period and request that quantity from the American Zionists.

The article also explains that “On motion of Dr. Wise, the Federation voted $100 as the nucleus of the required fund of $2,500, the remainder to be raised by subscriptions from the 125 societies and individuals, both Jews and Gentiles. A general appeal to the public will be made.”

It also conveys that delegates will be elected at the Zionist meeting in Baltimore.


The straightforward and comfortable manner with which the colonization is pursued is indicative how, before having to be concerned with the image of Zionism and public relations, Zionist leaders depicted their movement as a colonial mission during a time in which European nations were colonial powers.

Zionists plan to colonize Palestine in 1899 NY Times - World Bulletin

5. So, were they lying that they intended to colonize a place that was already inhabited by several hundred thousand native inhabitants? Should the Muslims and Christians have allowed themselves to be colonized without putting up resistance?

The native people were defending themselves, as I stated previously. It is you that are full of B.S.

This is illegal immigration decades before any of the border changes your maps indicate.

It certainly would be quite provocative and could be, depending on other factors, a Just Cause for War.

But, there was no war, for over 50 years.

Claiming self defense 50 years after the fact is a bit of a stretch.

So, you believe that the Muslims and Christians should just give up and submit to Jew rule. Do you think that the non-whites in Apartheid South Africa should have just given up and accepted white-rule?
That you could show those maps without mentioning that the changes were the results of

war start by arabs.

to destroy Israel

the arabs lose, then whine like faggots,


destroys any shred of credibility that you have, or any source you are using.

What war was started by Arabs? The Europeans invaded Palestine, the Christians and Muslims were simply defending themselves. It's like claiming the American Indians started the war against the British colonists. You are a nutcase.

Your pretense that you do not understand the concept of linear time reveals you to be purposefully deceptive.

WHich strongly implies that you know that your claims are bs.

Which raises the question, why do you hold a position that you cannot honestly defend?

Is it because you are aware that if you were honest about the REASON for your position, that it would reveal it to be indefensible?

So, let's break this down. I only state fact. None of what I post is derived from other than source or close to the source data.

1. There were people living in Palestine/Ottoman Kuds Special District and environs in 1850. About 400,000 people according to Ottoman census data.
2. The people overwhelmingly practiced the Christian or Muslim religion. Perhaps 2-4% practiced Judaism.
3. Europeans that practiced Judaism began to arrive over the next few decades notwithstanding the fact that Ottoman laws had been passed that stated that those of the Jewish faith could settle anywhere in the Empire except for Palestine (Filistin).

"With growing numbers of Russian Jews applying to the Ottoman Consul-General at Odessa for visas to enter Palestine, the following notice was posted outside his office a few months later, on April 28, 1882: The Ottoman Government informs all [Jews] wishing to immigrate into Turkey that they are not permitted to settle in Palestine. They may immigrate into the other provinces of [the Empire] and settle as they wish, provided only that they become Ottoman subjects and accept the obligation to fulfil the laws of the Empire. "

http://ismi.emory.edu/home/documents/Readings/Mandel, Neville J. Ottoman Policy.pdf

Are we agreed so far?

4. What were the intentions of the Europeans arriving in Palestine. Can we accept their own announcements in the press at the time?

Zionists plan to colonize Palestine in 1899 NY Times

An article about a Conference of Zionists published on July 20, 1899 in the New York Times depicts how the Conference sought to “colonize Palestine” and discussed the purchasing of land with English Zionists.
World Bulletin/News Desk

An article about a Conference of Zionists published on July 20, 1899 in the New York Times expresses that the Zionists “will colonize Palestine.”

The article explains that the conference discussed a paper from the English Zionist Federation “proposing the re-establishment of Judea as an independent State, suggesting the purchase of the Maccabean sites in Palestine, and the beginning of the work by the establishment of a Jewish colony and a Jewish Agricultural College there.”

It further clarifies that “The site to be purchased comprises about fifty acres, six miles from a station on the railroad between Jappa and Jerusalem, and within sight of the sea and a large stretch of the Palestinian coast.”

It notes that English Zionists have gathered 2,500 dollars in the currency of the period and request that quantity from the American Zionists.

The article also explains that “On motion of Dr. Wise, the Federation voted $100 as the nucleus of the required fund of $2,500, the remainder to be raised by subscriptions from the 125 societies and individuals, both Jews and Gentiles. A general appeal to the public will be made.”

It also conveys that delegates will be elected at the Zionist meeting in Baltimore.


The straightforward and comfortable manner with which the colonization is pursued is indicative how, before having to be concerned with the image of Zionism and public relations, Zionist leaders depicted their movement as a colonial mission during a time in which European nations were colonial powers.

Zionists plan to colonize Palestine in 1899 NY Times - World Bulletin

5. So, were they lying that they intended to colonize a place that was already inhabited by several hundred thousand native inhabitants? Should the Muslims and Christians have allowed themselves to be colonized without putting up resistance?

The native people were defending themselves, as I stated previously. It is you that are full of B.S.

This is illegal immigration decades before any of the border changes your maps indicate.

It certainly would be quite provocative and could be, depending on other factors, a Just Cause for War.

But, there was no war, for over 50 years.

Claiming self defense 50 years after the fact is a bit of a stretch.

So, you believe that the Muslims and Christians should just give up and submit to Jew rule. Do you think that the non-whites in Apartheid South Africa should have just given up and accepted white-rule?

Why would the minority Jewish population allow themselves to be put in the position of dhimmis under the Islamist savages?
What war was started by Arabs? The Europeans invaded Palestine, the Christians and Muslims were simply defending themselves. It's like claiming the American Indians started the war against the British colonists. You are a nutcase.

Your pretense that you do not understand the concept of linear time reveals you to be purposefully deceptive.

WHich strongly implies that you know that your claims are bs.

Which raises the question, why do you hold a position that you cannot honestly defend?

Is it because you are aware that if you were honest about the REASON for your position, that it would reveal it to be indefensible?

So, let's break this down. I only state fact. None of what I post is derived from other than source or close to the source data.

1. There were people living in Palestine/Ottoman Kuds Special District and environs in 1850. About 400,000 people according to Ottoman census data.
2. The people overwhelmingly practiced the Christian or Muslim religion. Perhaps 2-4% practiced Judaism.
3. Europeans that practiced Judaism began to arrive over the next few decades notwithstanding the fact that Ottoman laws had been passed that stated that those of the Jewish faith could settle anywhere in the Empire except for Palestine (Filistin).

"With growing numbers of Russian Jews applying to the Ottoman Consul-General at Odessa for visas to enter Palestine, the following notice was posted outside his office a few months later, on April 28, 1882: The Ottoman Government informs all [Jews] wishing to immigrate into Turkey that they are not permitted to settle in Palestine. They may immigrate into the other provinces of [the Empire] and settle as they wish, provided only that they become Ottoman subjects and accept the obligation to fulfil the laws of the Empire. "

http://ismi.emory.edu/home/documents/Readings/Mandel, Neville J. Ottoman Policy.pdf

Are we agreed so far?

4. What were the intentions of the Europeans arriving in Palestine. Can we accept their own announcements in the press at the time?

Zionists plan to colonize Palestine in 1899 NY Times

An article about a Conference of Zionists published on July 20, 1899 in the New York Times depicts how the Conference sought to “colonize Palestine” and discussed the purchasing of land with English Zionists.
World Bulletin/News Desk

An article about a Conference of Zionists published on July 20, 1899 in the New York Times expresses that the Zionists “will colonize Palestine.”

The article explains that the conference discussed a paper from the English Zionist Federation “proposing the re-establishment of Judea as an independent State, suggesting the purchase of the Maccabean sites in Palestine, and the beginning of the work by the establishment of a Jewish colony and a Jewish Agricultural College there.”

It further clarifies that “The site to be purchased comprises about fifty acres, six miles from a station on the railroad between Jappa and Jerusalem, and within sight of the sea and a large stretch of the Palestinian coast.”

It notes that English Zionists have gathered 2,500 dollars in the currency of the period and request that quantity from the American Zionists.

The article also explains that “On motion of Dr. Wise, the Federation voted $100 as the nucleus of the required fund of $2,500, the remainder to be raised by subscriptions from the 125 societies and individuals, both Jews and Gentiles. A general appeal to the public will be made.”

It also conveys that delegates will be elected at the Zionist meeting in Baltimore.


The straightforward and comfortable manner with which the colonization is pursued is indicative how, before having to be concerned with the image of Zionism and public relations, Zionist leaders depicted their movement as a colonial mission during a time in which European nations were colonial powers.

Zionists plan to colonize Palestine in 1899 NY Times - World Bulletin

5. So, were they lying that they intended to colonize a place that was already inhabited by several hundred thousand native inhabitants? Should the Muslims and Christians have allowed themselves to be colonized without putting up resistance?

The native people were defending themselves, as I stated previously. It is you that are full of B.S.

This is illegal immigration decades before any of the border changes your maps indicate.

It certainly would be quite provocative and could be, depending on other factors, a Just Cause for War.

But, there was no war, for over 50 years.

Claiming self defense 50 years after the fact is a bit of a stretch.

So, you believe that the Muslims and Christians should just give up and submit to Jew rule. Do you think that the non-whites in Apartheid South Africa should have just given up and accepted white-rule?

Why would the minority Jewish population allow themselves to be put in the position of dhimmis under the Islamist savages?
There was no dhimmi status before WWI and not in Palestine after.

So why do you clutter the board with irrelevance?
Your pretense that you do not understand the concept of linear time reveals you to be purposefully deceptive.

WHich strongly implies that you know that your claims are bs.

Which raises the question, why do you hold a position that you cannot honestly defend?

Is it because you are aware that if you were honest about the REASON for your position, that it would reveal it to be indefensible?

So, let's break this down. I only state fact. None of what I post is derived from other than source or close to the source data.

1. There were people living in Palestine/Ottoman Kuds Special District and environs in 1850. About 400,000 people according to Ottoman census data.
2. The people overwhelmingly practiced the Christian or Muslim religion. Perhaps 2-4% practiced Judaism.
3. Europeans that practiced Judaism began to arrive over the next few decades notwithstanding the fact that Ottoman laws had been passed that stated that those of the Jewish faith could settle anywhere in the Empire except for Palestine (Filistin).

"With growing numbers of Russian Jews applying to the Ottoman Consul-General at Odessa for visas to enter Palestine, the following notice was posted outside his office a few months later, on April 28, 1882: The Ottoman Government informs all [Jews] wishing to immigrate into Turkey that they are not permitted to settle in Palestine. They may immigrate into the other provinces of [the Empire] and settle as they wish, provided only that they become Ottoman subjects and accept the obligation to fulfil the laws of the Empire. "

http://ismi.emory.edu/home/documents/Readings/Mandel, Neville J. Ottoman Policy.pdf

Are we agreed so far?

4. What were the intentions of the Europeans arriving in Palestine. Can we accept their own announcements in the press at the time?

Zionists plan to colonize Palestine in 1899 NY Times

An article about a Conference of Zionists published on July 20, 1899 in the New York Times depicts how the Conference sought to “colonize Palestine” and discussed the purchasing of land with English Zionists.
World Bulletin/News Desk

An article about a Conference of Zionists published on July 20, 1899 in the New York Times expresses that the Zionists “will colonize Palestine.”

The article explains that the conference discussed a paper from the English Zionist Federation “proposing the re-establishment of Judea as an independent State, suggesting the purchase of the Maccabean sites in Palestine, and the beginning of the work by the establishment of a Jewish colony and a Jewish Agricultural College there.”

It further clarifies that “The site to be purchased comprises about fifty acres, six miles from a station on the railroad between Jappa and Jerusalem, and within sight of the sea and a large stretch of the Palestinian coast.”

It notes that English Zionists have gathered 2,500 dollars in the currency of the period and request that quantity from the American Zionists.

The article also explains that “On motion of Dr. Wise, the Federation voted $100 as the nucleus of the required fund of $2,500, the remainder to be raised by subscriptions from the 125 societies and individuals, both Jews and Gentiles. A general appeal to the public will be made.”

It also conveys that delegates will be elected at the Zionist meeting in Baltimore.


The straightforward and comfortable manner with which the colonization is pursued is indicative how, before having to be concerned with the image of Zionism and public relations, Zionist leaders depicted their movement as a colonial mission during a time in which European nations were colonial powers.

Zionists plan to colonize Palestine in 1899 NY Times - World Bulletin

5. So, were they lying that they intended to colonize a place that was already inhabited by several hundred thousand native inhabitants? Should the Muslims and Christians have allowed themselves to be colonized without putting up resistance?

The native people were defending themselves, as I stated previously. It is you that are full of B.S.

This is illegal immigration decades before any of the border changes your maps indicate.

It certainly would be quite provocative and could be, depending on other factors, a Just Cause for War.

But, there was no war, for over 50 years.

Claiming self defense 50 years after the fact is a bit of a stretch.

So, you believe that the Muslims and Christians should just give up and submit to Jew rule. Do you think that the non-whites in Apartheid South Africa should have just given up and accepted white-rule?

Why would the minority Jewish population allow themselves to be put in the position of dhimmis under the Islamist savages?
There was no dhimmi status before WWI and not in Palestine after.

So why do you clutter the board with irrelevance?
Because she doesn't even understand the catchphrases she uses and is starved for attention.

As far as this topic, it seems that israel will continue to make life as miserable as possible for them, but they are too resilient and will remain a thorn in the side of the theocratic fascists until israel destroys herself from within.
That you could show those maps without mentioning that the changes were the results of

war start by arabs.

to destroy Israel

the arabs lose, then whine like faggots,


destroys any shred of credibility that you have, or any source you are using.

What war was started by Arabs? The Europeans invaded Palestine, the Christians and Muslims were simply defending themselves. It's like claiming the American Indians started the war against the British colonists. You are a nutcase.

Your pretense that you do not understand the concept of linear time reveals you to be purposefully deceptive.

WHich strongly implies that you know that your claims are bs.

Which raises the question, why do you hold a position that you cannot honestly defend?

Is it because you are aware that if you were honest about the REASON for your position, that it would reveal it to be indefensible?

So, let's break this down. I only state fact. None of what I post is derived from other than source or close to the source data.

1. There were people living in Palestine/Ottoman Kuds Special District and environs in 1850. About 400,000 people according to Ottoman census data.
2. The people overwhelmingly practiced the Christian or Muslim religion. Perhaps 2-4% practiced Judaism.
3. Europeans that practiced Judaism began to arrive over the next few decades notwithstanding the fact that Ottoman laws had been passed that stated that those of the Jewish faith could settle anywhere in the Empire except for Palestine (Filistin).

"With growing numbers of Russian Jews applying to the Ottoman Consul-General at Odessa for visas to enter Palestine, the following notice was posted outside his office a few months later, on April 28, 1882: The Ottoman Government informs all [Jews] wishing to immigrate into Turkey that they are not permitted to settle in Palestine. They may immigrate into the other provinces of [the Empire] and settle as they wish, provided only that they become Ottoman subjects and accept the obligation to fulfil the laws of the Empire. "

http://ismi.emory.edu/home/documents/Readings/Mandel, Neville J. Ottoman Policy.pdf

Are we agreed so far?

4. What were the intentions of the Europeans arriving in Palestine. Can we accept their own announcements in the press at the time?

Zionists plan to colonize Palestine in 1899 NY Times

An article about a Conference of Zionists published on July 20, 1899 in the New York Times depicts how the Conference sought to “colonize Palestine” and discussed the purchasing of land with English Zionists.
World Bulletin/News Desk

An article about a Conference of Zionists published on July 20, 1899 in the New York Times expresses that the Zionists “will colonize Palestine.”

The article explains that the conference discussed a paper from the English Zionist Federation “proposing the re-establishment of Judea as an independent State, suggesting the purchase of the Maccabean sites in Palestine, and the beginning of the work by the establishment of a Jewish colony and a Jewish Agricultural College there.”

It further clarifies that “The site to be purchased comprises about fifty acres, six miles from a station on the railroad between Jappa and Jerusalem, and within sight of the sea and a large stretch of the Palestinian coast.”

It notes that English Zionists have gathered 2,500 dollars in the currency of the period and request that quantity from the American Zionists.

The article also explains that “On motion of Dr. Wise, the Federation voted $100 as the nucleus of the required fund of $2,500, the remainder to be raised by subscriptions from the 125 societies and individuals, both Jews and Gentiles. A general appeal to the public will be made.”

It also conveys that delegates will be elected at the Zionist meeting in Baltimore.


The straightforward and comfortable manner with which the colonization is pursued is indicative how, before having to be concerned with the image of Zionism and public relations, Zionist leaders depicted their movement as a colonial mission during a time in which European nations were colonial powers.

Zionists plan to colonize Palestine in 1899 NY Times - World Bulletin

5. So, were they lying that they intended to colonize a place that was already inhabited by several hundred thousand native inhabitants? Should the Muslims and Christians have allowed themselves to be colonized without putting up resistance?

The native people were defending themselves, as I stated previously. It is you that are full of B.S.

This is illegal immigration decades before any of the border changes your maps indicate.

It certainly would be quite provocative and could be, depending on other factors, a Just Cause for War.

But, there was no war, for over 50 years.

Claiming self defense 50 years after the fact is a bit of a stretch.

So, you believe that the Muslims and Christians should just give up and submit to Jew rule. Do you think that the non-whites in Apartheid South Africa should have just given up and accepted white-rule?

NOthing of what you wrote there is in any way connected with anything in my post, that you hit the reply button to.

Please try again. Or not, if you have reached the point where you can't face honest and serious challenges anymore.

This is illegal immigration decades before any of the border changes your maps indicate.

It certainly would be quite provocative and could be, depending on other factors, a Just Cause for War.

But, there was no war, for over 50 years.

Claiming self defense 50 years after the fact is a bit of a stretch.
What war was started by Arabs? The Europeans invaded Palestine, the Christians and Muslims were simply defending themselves. It's like claiming the American Indians started the war against the British colonists. You are a nutcase.

Your pretense that you do not understand the concept of linear time reveals you to be purposefully deceptive.

WHich strongly implies that you know that your claims are bs.

Which raises the question, why do you hold a position that you cannot honestly defend?

Is it because you are aware that if you were honest about the REASON for your position, that it would reveal it to be indefensible?

So, let's break this down. I only state fact. None of what I post is derived from other than source or close to the source data.

1. There were people living in Palestine/Ottoman Kuds Special District and environs in 1850. About 400,000 people according to Ottoman census data.
2. The people overwhelmingly practiced the Christian or Muslim religion. Perhaps 2-4% practiced Judaism.
3. Europeans that practiced Judaism began to arrive over the next few decades notwithstanding the fact that Ottoman laws had been passed that stated that those of the Jewish faith could settle anywhere in the Empire except for Palestine (Filistin).

"With growing numbers of Russian Jews applying to the Ottoman Consul-General at Odessa for visas to enter Palestine, the following notice was posted outside his office a few months later, on April 28, 1882: The Ottoman Government informs all [Jews] wishing to immigrate into Turkey that they are not permitted to settle in Palestine. They may immigrate into the other provinces of [the Empire] and settle as they wish, provided only that they become Ottoman subjects and accept the obligation to fulfil the laws of the Empire. "

http://ismi.emory.edu/home/documents/Readings/Mandel, Neville J. Ottoman Policy.pdf

Are we agreed so far?

4. What were the intentions of the Europeans arriving in Palestine. Can we accept their own announcements in the press at the time?

Zionists plan to colonize Palestine in 1899 NY Times

An article about a Conference of Zionists published on July 20, 1899 in the New York Times depicts how the Conference sought to “colonize Palestine” and discussed the purchasing of land with English Zionists.
World Bulletin/News Desk

An article about a Conference of Zionists published on July 20, 1899 in the New York Times expresses that the Zionists “will colonize Palestine.”

The article explains that the conference discussed a paper from the English Zionist Federation “proposing the re-establishment of Judea as an independent State, suggesting the purchase of the Maccabean sites in Palestine, and the beginning of the work by the establishment of a Jewish colony and a Jewish Agricultural College there.”

It further clarifies that “The site to be purchased comprises about fifty acres, six miles from a station on the railroad between Jappa and Jerusalem, and within sight of the sea and a large stretch of the Palestinian coast.”

It notes that English Zionists have gathered 2,500 dollars in the currency of the period and request that quantity from the American Zionists.

The article also explains that “On motion of Dr. Wise, the Federation voted $100 as the nucleus of the required fund of $2,500, the remainder to be raised by subscriptions from the 125 societies and individuals, both Jews and Gentiles. A general appeal to the public will be made.”

It also conveys that delegates will be elected at the Zionist meeting in Baltimore.


The straightforward and comfortable manner with which the colonization is pursued is indicative how, before having to be concerned with the image of Zionism and public relations, Zionist leaders depicted their movement as a colonial mission during a time in which European nations were colonial powers.

Zionists plan to colonize Palestine in 1899 NY Times - World Bulletin

5. So, were they lying that they intended to colonize a place that was already inhabited by several hundred thousand native inhabitants? Should the Muslims and Christians have allowed themselves to be colonized without putting up resistance?

The native people were defending themselves, as I stated previously. It is you that are full of B.S.

This is illegal immigration decades before any of the border changes your maps indicate.

It certainly would be quite provocative and could be, depending on other factors, a Just Cause for War.

But, there was no war, for over 50 years.

Claiming self defense 50 years after the fact is a bit of a stretch.

So, you believe that the Muslims and Christians should just give up and submit to Jew rule. Do you think that the non-whites in Apartheid South Africa should have just given up and accepted white-rule?

NOthing of what you wrote there is in any way connected with anything in my post, that you hit the reply button to.

Please try again. Or not, if you have reached the point where you can't face honest and serious challenges anymore.

This is illegal immigration decades before any of the border changes your maps indicate.

It certainly would be quite provocative and could be, depending on other factors, a Just Cause for War.

But, there was no war, for over 50 years.

Claiming self defense 50 years after the fact is a bit of a stretch.

What should an occupied and colonized population claim, except self-defense?
We are thoroughly inured to poverty, pain, agony, and harsh life, so no matter what Israel does to us short of physical extermination, we will remain a thorn in its side until Israel’s comes to terms with our humanity and human rights, including the right to absolute equality. After all, Ismael was not a child of a lesser God.

View attachment 138237

Please at least read the essay prior to posting your idiotic crap.



That you could show those maps without mentioning that the changes were the results of

war start by arabs.

to destroy Israel

the arabs lose, then whine like faggots,


destroys any shred of credibility that you have, or any source you are using.

What war was started by Arabs? The Europeans invaded Palestine, the Christians and Muslims were simply defending themselves. It's like claiming the American Indians started the war against the British colonists. You are a nutcase.

Your pretense that you do not understand the concept of linear time reveals you to be purposefully deceptive.

WHich strongly implies that you know that your claims are bs.

Which raises the question, why do you hold a position that you cannot honestly defend?

Is it because you are aware that if you were honest about the REASON for your position, that it would reveal it to be indefensible?

So, let's break this down. I only state fact. None of what I post is derived from other than source or close to the source data.

1. There were people living in Palestine/Ottoman Kuds Special District and environs in 1850. About 400,000 people according to Ottoman census data.
2. The people overwhelmingly practiced the Christian or Muslim religion. Perhaps 2-4% practiced Judaism.
3. Europeans that practiced Judaism began to arrive over the next few decades notwithstanding the fact that Ottoman laws had been passed that stated that those of the Jewish faith could settle anywhere in the Empire except for Palestine (Filistin).

"With growing numbers of Russian Jews applying to the Ottoman Consul-General at Odessa for visas to enter Palestine, the following notice was posted outside his office a few months later, on April 28, 1882: The Ottoman Government informs all [Jews] wishing to immigrate into Turkey that they are not permitted to settle in Palestine. They may immigrate into the other provinces of [the Empire] and settle as they wish, provided only that they become Ottoman subjects and accept the obligation to fulfil the laws of the Empire. "

http://ismi.emory.edu/home/documents/Readings/Mandel, Neville J. Ottoman Policy.pdf

Are we agreed so far?

4. What were the intentions of the Europeans arriving in Palestine. Can we accept their own announcements in the press at the time?

Zionists plan to colonize Palestine in 1899 NY Times

An article about a Conference of Zionists published on July 20, 1899 in the New York Times depicts how the Conference sought to “colonize Palestine” and discussed the purchasing of land with English Zionists.
World Bulletin/News Desk

An article about a Conference of Zionists published on July 20, 1899 in the New York Times expresses that the Zionists “will colonize Palestine.”

The article explains that the conference discussed a paper from the English Zionist Federation “proposing the re-establishment of Judea as an independent State, suggesting the purchase of the Maccabean sites in Palestine, and the beginning of the work by the establishment of a Jewish colony and a Jewish Agricultural College there.”

It further clarifies that “The site to be purchased comprises about fifty acres, six miles from a station on the railroad between Jappa and Jerusalem, and within sight of the sea and a large stretch of the Palestinian coast.”

It notes that English Zionists have gathered 2,500 dollars in the currency of the period and request that quantity from the American Zionists.

The article also explains that “On motion of Dr. Wise, the Federation voted $100 as the nucleus of the required fund of $2,500, the remainder to be raised by subscriptions from the 125 societies and individuals, both Jews and Gentiles. A general appeal to the public will be made.”

It also conveys that delegates will be elected at the Zionist meeting in Baltimore.


The straightforward and comfortable manner with which the colonization is pursued is indicative how, before having to be concerned with the image of Zionism and public relations, Zionist leaders depicted their movement as a colonial mission during a time in which European nations were colonial powers.

Zionists plan to colonize Palestine in 1899 NY Times - World Bulletin

5. So, were they lying that they intended to colonize a place that was already inhabited by several hundred thousand native inhabitants? Should the Muslims and Christians have allowed themselves to be colonized without putting up resistance?

The native people were defending themselves, as I stated previously. It is you that are full of B.S.

Jews were living in Palestine beyond the Jerusalem district.
There were communities in the Acre, Nablus and Damascus Sanjuks as well.
Your pretense that you do not understand the concept of linear time reveals you to be purposefully deceptive.

WHich strongly implies that you know that your claims are bs.

Which raises the question, why do you hold a position that you cannot honestly defend?

Is it because you are aware that if you were honest about the REASON for your position, that it would reveal it to be indefensible?

So, let's break this down. I only state fact. None of what I post is derived from other than source or close to the source data.

1. There were people living in Palestine/Ottoman Kuds Special District and environs in 1850. About 400,000 people according to Ottoman census data.
2. The people overwhelmingly practiced the Christian or Muslim religion. Perhaps 2-4% practiced Judaism.
3. Europeans that practiced Judaism began to arrive over the next few decades notwithstanding the fact that Ottoman laws had been passed that stated that those of the Jewish faith could settle anywhere in the Empire except for Palestine (Filistin).

"With growing numbers of Russian Jews applying to the Ottoman Consul-General at Odessa for visas to enter Palestine, the following notice was posted outside his office a few months later, on April 28, 1882: The Ottoman Government informs all [Jews] wishing to immigrate into Turkey that they are not permitted to settle in Palestine. They may immigrate into the other provinces of [the Empire] and settle as they wish, provided only that they become Ottoman subjects and accept the obligation to fulfil the laws of the Empire. "

http://ismi.emory.edu/home/documents/Readings/Mandel, Neville J. Ottoman Policy.pdf

Are we agreed so far?

4. What were the intentions of the Europeans arriving in Palestine. Can we accept their own announcements in the press at the time?

Zionists plan to colonize Palestine in 1899 NY Times

An article about a Conference of Zionists published on July 20, 1899 in the New York Times depicts how the Conference sought to “colonize Palestine” and discussed the purchasing of land with English Zionists.
World Bulletin/News Desk

An article about a Conference of Zionists published on July 20, 1899 in the New York Times expresses that the Zionists “will colonize Palestine.”

The article explains that the conference discussed a paper from the English Zionist Federation “proposing the re-establishment of Judea as an independent State, suggesting the purchase of the Maccabean sites in Palestine, and the beginning of the work by the establishment of a Jewish colony and a Jewish Agricultural College there.”

It further clarifies that “The site to be purchased comprises about fifty acres, six miles from a station on the railroad between Jappa and Jerusalem, and within sight of the sea and a large stretch of the Palestinian coast.”

It notes that English Zionists have gathered 2,500 dollars in the currency of the period and request that quantity from the American Zionists.

The article also explains that “On motion of Dr. Wise, the Federation voted $100 as the nucleus of the required fund of $2,500, the remainder to be raised by subscriptions from the 125 societies and individuals, both Jews and Gentiles. A general appeal to the public will be made.”

It also conveys that delegates will be elected at the Zionist meeting in Baltimore.


The straightforward and comfortable manner with which the colonization is pursued is indicative how, before having to be concerned with the image of Zionism and public relations, Zionist leaders depicted their movement as a colonial mission during a time in which European nations were colonial powers.

Zionists plan to colonize Palestine in 1899 NY Times - World Bulletin

5. So, were they lying that they intended to colonize a place that was already inhabited by several hundred thousand native inhabitants? Should the Muslims and Christians have allowed themselves to be colonized without putting up resistance?

The native people were defending themselves, as I stated previously. It is you that are full of B.S.

This is illegal immigration decades before any of the border changes your maps indicate.

It certainly would be quite provocative and could be, depending on other factors, a Just Cause for War.

But, there was no war, for over 50 years.

Claiming self defense 50 years after the fact is a bit of a stretch.

So, you believe that the Muslims and Christians should just give up and submit to Jew rule. Do you think that the non-whites in Apartheid South Africa should have just given up and accepted white-rule?

NOthing of what you wrote there is in any way connected with anything in my post, that you hit the reply button to.

Please try again. Or not, if you have reached the point where you can't face honest and serious challenges anymore.

This is illegal immigration decades before any of the border changes your maps indicate.

It certainly would be quite provocative and could be, depending on other factors, a Just Cause for War.

But, there was no war, for over 50 years.

Claiming self defense 50 years after the fact is a bit of a stretch.

What should an occupied and colonized population claim, except self-defense?

What should have the Jewish communities done, after they have been expelled and massacred in the last 100 years in that land, if not for self determination?
Especially given the situation of rule change.
We are thoroughly inured to poverty, pain, agony, and harsh life, so no matter what Israel does to us short of physical extermination, we will remain a thorn in its side until Israel’s comes to terms with our humanity and human rights, including the right to absolute equality. After all, Ismael was not a child of a lesser God.

View attachment 138237

Please at least read the essay prior to posting your idiotic crap.



That you could show those maps without mentioning that the changes were the results of

war start by arabs.

to destroy Israel

the arabs lose, then whine like faggots,


destroys any shred of credibility that you have, or any source you are using.

What war was started by Arabs? The Europeans invaded Palestine, the Christians and Muslims were simply defending themselves. It's like claiming the American Indians started the war against the British colonists. You are a nutcase.

Your pretense that you do not understand the concept of linear time reveals you to be purposefully deceptive.

WHich strongly implies that you know that your claims are bs.

Which raises the question, why do you hold a position that you cannot honestly defend?

Is it because you are aware that if you were honest about the REASON for your position, that it would reveal it to be indefensible?

So, let's break this down. I only state fact. None of what I post is derived from other than source or close to the source data.

1. There were people living in Palestine/Ottoman Kuds Special District and environs in 1850. About 400,000 people according to Ottoman census data.
2. The people overwhelmingly practiced the Christian or Muslim religion. Perhaps 2-4% practiced Judaism.
3. Europeans that practiced Judaism began to arrive over the next few decades notwithstanding the fact that Ottoman laws had been passed that stated that those of the Jewish faith could settle anywhere in the Empire except for Palestine (Filistin).

"With growing numbers of Russian Jews applying to the Ottoman Consul-General at Odessa for visas to enter Palestine, the following notice was posted outside his office a few months later, on April 28, 1882: The Ottoman Government informs all [Jews] wishing to immigrate into Turkey that they are not permitted to settle in Palestine. They may immigrate into the other provinces of [the Empire] and settle as they wish, provided only that they become Ottoman subjects and accept the obligation to fulfil the laws of the Empire. "

http://ismi.emory.edu/home/documents/Readings/Mandel, Neville J. Ottoman Policy.pdf

Are we agreed so far?

4. What were the intentions of the Europeans arriving in Palestine. Can we accept their own announcements in the press at the time?

Zionists plan to colonize Palestine in 1899 NY Times

An article about a Conference of Zionists published on July 20, 1899 in the New York Times depicts how the Conference sought to “colonize Palestine” and discussed the purchasing of land with English Zionists.
World Bulletin/News Desk

An article about a Conference of Zionists published on July 20, 1899 in the New York Times expresses that the Zionists “will colonize Palestine.”

The article explains that the conference discussed a paper from the English Zionist Federation “proposing the re-establishment of Judea as an independent State, suggesting the purchase of the Maccabean sites in Palestine, and the beginning of the work by the establishment of a Jewish colony and a Jewish Agricultural College there.”

It further clarifies that “The site to be purchased comprises about fifty acres, six miles from a station on the railroad between Jappa and Jerusalem, and within sight of the sea and a large stretch of the Palestinian coast.”

It notes that English Zionists have gathered 2,500 dollars in the currency of the period and request that quantity from the American Zionists.

The article also explains that “On motion of Dr. Wise, the Federation voted $100 as the nucleus of the required fund of $2,500, the remainder to be raised by subscriptions from the 125 societies and individuals, both Jews and Gentiles. A general appeal to the public will be made.”

It also conveys that delegates will be elected at the Zionist meeting in Baltimore.


The straightforward and comfortable manner with which the colonization is pursued is indicative how, before having to be concerned with the image of Zionism and public relations, Zionist leaders depicted their movement as a colonial mission during a time in which European nations were colonial powers.

Zionists plan to colonize Palestine in 1899 NY Times - World Bulletin

5. So, were they lying that they intended to colonize a place that was already inhabited by several hundred thousand native inhabitants? Should the Muslims and Christians have allowed themselves to be colonized without putting up resistance?

The native people were defending themselves, as I stated previously. It is you that are full of B.S.

Jews were living in Palestine beyond the Jerusalem district.
There were communities in the Acre, Nablus and Damascus Sanjuks as well.

Jews were less 1% - 2% of the population prior to 1850 and they weren't European colonists.

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