What Will It Take?

The Rabbi

Diamond Member
Sep 16, 2009
What will it take for progressives/liberals/Democrat whatever to admit that Obama has screwed up and is a terrible president?
Every campaign promise has been broken. Far from repudiation Bush's policies, he has furthered them. Far from bringing single payer, he did not push it. S&P has warned of a downgrade. Is there any better rebuke than this? Every metric is worse now than when he took office.
So what would make his supporters suddenly change their minds?
He has done what we wanted.

Single Payer he took off the table but had a huge healthcare law that was passed that isn't perfect but is very good.

Passed the stimulus that has worked and created jobs to improve infrastructure.

Regulations for credit cards and Wall Street.

Is he perfect? Hell no. Has he done things that pissed me off? Sure.

Does that mean I will vote Republican so they can change the country into something like Somolia?

He has done what we wanted.

Single Payer he took off the table but had a huge healthcare law that was passed that isn't perfect but is very good.

Passed the stimulus that has worked and created jobs to improve infrastructure.

Regulations for credit cards and Wall Street.

Is he perfect? Hell no. Has he done things that pissed me off? Sure.

Does that mean I will vote Republican so they can change the country into something like Somolia?


spoken like a true puppet.

Stimulus is a known failure.
infrastructure jobs are temp jobs, at best.
CC regs have driven rates up
Wall street only people making money

And you claim the reps are gunna 3rd world us?

wake the fuck up and smell the fuckover. You've been had, and you liked it.
reduce unemployment, utter fail. however in the short time the rnc took the House it went down 1%
ended wars; started a 3rd
close gitmo; keeping it open
end Patriot act; strengthened the damn thing
debt; through the ROOF

blame bush
reps wanna kill............................................................................................. with their draconain 2% cut to spending
agreed to extend Bush tax levels then bitched like a spoiled brat about it months later [reblamed Bush]
nixed gay marriage
little movement on securing the boarder

yeah, great things to stand behind.
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yes he is bad but he hasn't had a terrorist attack destroying building and killing thousands, or invaded 2 countries, or passed a 7 trillion dollar medicare expansion that wasn't paid for.
He has done what we wanted.

Single Payer he took off the table but had a huge healthcare law that was passed that isn't perfect but is very good.

Passed the stimulus that has worked and created jobs to improve infrastructure.

Regulations for credit cards and Wall Street.

Is he perfect? Hell no. Has he done things that pissed me off? Sure.

Does that mean I will vote Republican so they can change the country into something like Somolia?


spoken like a true puppet.

Stimulus is a known failure.
infrastructure jobs are temp jobs, at best.
CC regs have driven rates up
Wall street only people making money

And you claim the reps are gunna 3rd world us?

wake the fuck up and smell the fuckover. You've been had, and you liked it.

A known failure? You mean the countless infrastructure improvements that although were temporary, PAID PEOPLE TO WORK WHICH MEANS THEY SPENT THE MONEY!!! That may not have changed the situation but it helped stop the bleeding.

CC raise rates is fine with me, at least they can't just raise rates without my knowledge and putting more fees after fees to destroy this country. That is more important to me that the CONSUMER HAS RIGHTS. I know you hate people having rights but I actually believe in rights.
yes he is bad but he hasn't had a terrorist attack destroying building and killing thousands, or invaded 2 countries, or passed a 7 trillion dollar medicare expansion that wasn't paid for.

Yeah. That Bill Clinton sure sucked.
What will it take for progressives/liberals/Democrat whatever to admit that Obama has screwed up and is a terrible president?
Every campaign promise has been broken. Far from repudiation Bush's policies, he has furthered them. Far from bringing single payer, he did not push it. S&P has warned of a downgrade. Is there any better rebuke than this? Every metric is worse now than when he took office.
So what would make his supporters suddenly change their minds?

How many times do I have to say he is a 3rd Bush term?

Partisan parrots do not change their minds, they are not capable of it.
Same with either party.
What will it take for progressives/liberals/Democrat whatever to admit that Obama has screwed up and is a terrible president?
Every campaign promise has been broken. Far from repudiation Bush's policies, he has furthered them. Far from bringing single payer, he did not push it. S&P has warned of a downgrade. Is there any better rebuke than this? Every metric is worse now than when he took office.
So what would make his supporters suddenly change their minds?

How many times do I have to say he is a 3rd Bush term?

Partisan parrots do not change their minds, they are not capable of it.
Same with either party.

But Bush in his worst avatar. Bush was basically a very nice guy who actually cared about people. Obama thinks he's always the smartest guy in the room.
He is the Bush of prescription drug benefits, steel tariffs, and other big government initiatives. But with an added dose of clueless.
What will it take for progressives/liberals/Democrat whatever to admit that Obama has screwed up and is a terrible president?
Every campaign promise has been broken. Far from repudiation Bush's policies, he has furthered them. Far from bringing single payer, he did not push it. S&P has warned of a downgrade. Is there any better rebuke than this? Every metric is worse now than when he took office.
So what would make his supporters suddenly change their minds?

You start out with a false and highly partisan assumption and then wonder why your thoughts aren't taken seriously?
What will it take for progressives/liberals/Democrat whatever to admit that Obama has screwed up and is a terrible president?
Every campaign promise has been broken. Far from repudiation Bush's policies, he has furthered them. Far from bringing single payer, he did not push it. S&P has warned of a downgrade. Is there any better rebuke than this? Every metric is worse now than when he took office.
So what would make his supporters suddenly change their minds?

You start out with a false and highly partisan assumption and then wonder why your thoughts aren't taken seriously?

Which part of it was false? Which campaign promise has he kept?
Obama is nothing but a career politician. He will say and do anything he feels it takes to continue to be in office. Just like the rest of the vermin we have in Washington these days, he is worthless and he, along with his throng of sheep, will never admit that the wrong road has been taken and they will ride America into the ground just to hold on to political power - no matter what the cost to our future.
yes he is bad but he hasn't had a terrorist attack destroying building and killing thousands, or invaded 2 countries, or passed a 7 trillion dollar medicare expansion that wasn't paid for.

Yeah. That Bill Clinton sure sucked.

your nose getting in the way of reality again?

his brain is the problem. not his nose, david.

that said, we should be out of iraq and afghanistan and there should have been an end to the bush tax cuts.

but if the president did that, the pretend rabbi and his buddies would be shrieking about the weak, muslim loving, socialist anyway.

so they should be ignored. they're hacks no matter how you slice it.
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What will it take for progressives/liberals/Democrat whatever to admit that Obama has screwed up and is a terrible president?
Every campaign promise has been broken. Far from repudiation Bush's policies, he has furthered them. Far from bringing single payer, he did not push it. S&P has warned of a downgrade. Is there any better rebuke than this? Every metric is worse now than when he took office.
So what would make his supporters suddenly change their minds?

How many times do I have to say he is a 3rd Bush term?

Partisan parrots do not change their minds, they are not capable of it.
Same with either party.

But Bush in his worst avatar. Bush was basically a very nice guy who actually cared about people. Obama thinks he's always the smartest guy in the room.
He is the Bush of prescription drug benefits, steel tariffs, and other big government initiatives. But with an added dose of clueless.

You are of course entitled to your opinion about Bush. No matter how inaccurate it might be.
I view Obama as pretty much a 3rd Bush term.
Bring em on!
if the loons really believed obama was the same as bush, they wouldn't be screaming like stuck pigs all day long, every day.
He has done what we wanted.

Single Payer he took off the table but had a huge healthcare law that was passed that isn't perfect but is very good.

Passed the stimulus that has worked and created jobs to improve infrastructure.

Regulations for credit cards and Wall Street.

Is he perfect? Hell no. Has he done things that pissed me off? Sure.

Does that mean I will vote Republican so they can change the country into something like Somolia?


spoken like a true puppet.

Stimulus is a known failure.
infrastructure jobs are temp jobs, at best.
CC regs have driven rates up
Wall street only people making money

And you claim the reps are gunna 3rd world us?

wake the fuck up and smell the fuckover. You've been had, and you liked it.

A known failure? You mean the countless infrastructure improvements that although were temporary, PAID PEOPLE TO WORK WHICH MEANS THEY SPENT THE MONEY!!! That may not have changed the situation but it helped stop the bleeding.

CC raise rates is fine with me, at least they can't just raise rates without my knowledge and putting more fees after fees to destroy this country. That is more important to me that the CONSUMER HAS RIGHTS. I know you hate people having rights but I actually believe in rights.

Links with proof it wasn't going to happen anyway and actually fixed the bridge-road.

Your 2nd paragraph just shows how dumb you are. The rates got raised to such a high point it was brutal. But I'm glad to see you want granny starving to death cuz she can't afford to put food on her CC until her check comes in.
He has done what we wanted.

Single Payer he took off the table but had a huge healthcare law that was passed that isn't perfect but is very good.

Passed the stimulus that has worked and created jobs to improve infrastructure.

Regulations for credit cards and Wall Street.

Is he perfect? Hell no. Has he done things that pissed me off? Sure.

Does that mean I will vote Republican so they can change the country into something like Somolia?


spoken like a true puppet.

Stimulus is a known failure.
infrastructure jobs are temp jobs, at best.
CC regs have driven rates up
Wall street only people making money

And you claim the reps are gunna 3rd world us?

wake the fuck up and smell the fuckover. You've been had, and you liked it.

A known failure? You mean the countless infrastructure improvements that although were temporary, PAID PEOPLE TO WORK WHICH MEANS THEY SPENT THE MONEY!!! That may not have changed the situation but it helped stop the bleeding.

Yes you jack ass. When your over all problem is one caused by Debt. Giving some people short term Temporary jobs at the cost of almost a Trillion dollars IS NOT A SUCCESS.
How many times do I have to say he is a 3rd Bush term?

Partisan parrots do not change their minds, they are not capable of it.
Same with either party.

But Bush in his worst avatar. Bush was basically a very nice guy who actually cared about people. Obama thinks he's always the smartest guy in the room.
He is the Bush of prescription drug benefits, steel tariffs, and other big government initiatives. But with an added dose of clueless.

You are of course entitled to your opinion about Bush. No matter how inaccurate it might be.
I view Obama as pretty much a 3rd Bush term.
Bring em on!

Nothing inaccurate about my view. Yours might be though.

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