What will the filthy 1% rich do with their TAX Cuts??

Most people who whine about this stuff, are miserable losers. Who cares what other Citizens do with their money? That's their business. If you're not trying to get rich, you're likely an Entitlement Thief. And i have no repsect for Entitlement Thieves. Get rich, or die trying. If you ain't doing that, you get no respect. Period, end of story.
willow persues the American dream.

washing rich peoples clothes for pennies

that's exactly how I made and saved my first dime. Washing and ironing my filthy brother's shirts. I still have that dime too. :D

I started as a waitress in a diner. Then progressed to cleaning toilets in a law office. Sometimes I think about scrubbing out those toilet bowls knowing that if I hadn't done that, I would probably never have ended up with my own law degree and law office.

Well.. I've got mixed feelings about your comment.

I am very very proud of someone like you who LIKE me did those nasty type jobs! Believe me I like you know how filthy people can be in restrooms as I cleaned them as part of my job working as one of several jobs flipping burgers! So you like me have seen the really crappy (literally!!) aspect of working to reach higher goals!
But my attitude about "Lawyers" constrains congratulations!

Most of my angst about lawyers comes from surveys of physicians 90% of which say they order duplicate tests, refers to specialists, ALL because of fear of lawsuits.
They say for every $4 spent in health care, $1 is out of fear of lawsuits. $600 billion a year is their estimate. And this is a major cost driver of escalating health costs.
Again congrats on your work ethic but I'd certainly like to hear your response to the surveys of physicians that $600 billion a year is unnecessary due to fear of lawsuits.
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If you ain't trying to get Rich, that's on you. Don't blame & hate others for being Rich. You are what you are. It's all on you. Peace out.
Given that Romney is as liberal/progressives/idiots complain, giving the wealthy tax breaks much like Obama enjoys.. (Obama deducted the $48k he gave his daughters.."gift deduction)...what will those filthy 1% rich do with the tax savings?

1) Will they spend it on yachts,planes, more houses?
2) Even after spending more will they
a) bury this excess money in the backyard?
b) hide under the mattresses?

What happens?

Would you liberals/progressives tell me what happens with these tax savings?

They'll deposit the money into a banking system which is already overloaded with cash - i.e. it goes into a bank vault or a federal reserve deposit account and sits there and does absolutely nothing to help anyone. In many cases it will even get deposited in foreign bank accounts. Sorry, but the wealthy have plenty of cash to invest. They aren't investing it because demand is low.

President Obama and his wife, Michele, gave a total of $48,000 in tax-free gifts to their daughters, according to tax records made public on Friday.

The president and his wife separately gave each daughter a $12,000 gift under a section of the federal tax code that exempts such donations from federal taxes.

There is nothing illegal about the president’s taking advantage of this tax shelter, but it does raise eyebrows given that he has lamented the myriad tax exemptions used by the wealthy—“millionaires and billionaires” like himself—to pay less in taxes.

Sorry but the Obama's already paid taxes on that 48k, you entirely misunderstand the law.
But of course, you didn't bother to even check out that law yourself, because you're not an independent thinker and never question what the right wing media tells you.

The exemption is for an additional tax the IRS levies on the giver of a gift. This tax is meant (in part) to prevent the uber-wealthy from avoiding the estate tax by transferring their wealth to their heirs while they are still alive. There is an exempt amount because obviously, it would be absurd if you couldn't give your kid a gift without paying a tax. This exemption is the same exemption that allows every parent, aunt, grandpa, etc. to give a child a birthday present without having to pay an additional tax to the IRS on that gift. The Obamas already paid taxes on their income. The exemption just allows them to give their children a cash gift without being subject to an additional tax.

:eusa_drool:And the amount of money the rich put under their mattress has already been taxed. Its not that they didn't earn it. Since they did they can do anything they want with it. The left just wants them to redistibute it. Well they can go out and earn for themselves. Stop looking for handouts.

Thanks bro.
Well Romney may not take a salary as he did ..
During the 2008 primary campaign, Romney said he would donate his salary to charity. In Massachusetts he declined his $135,000 a year salary.

That would be like you or me declining to take $5 in gas money from a fellow car pooler or hitch-hiker.

At the Olympics, which he headed for two years, he said he would only accept the $250,000 pay check if the games made a profit. When the Olympics were financially successfully [sic] he turned that money over to charity.
Of course he said that - he had 400 million dollars in taxpayer money to help him ensure the olympics were profitable.

You really are a dumbfuck.

OK. Why?

Romney is worth $300 million, every bit of which he earned on his own in the private sector, not through tax payers.

OK. Did I say otherwise? Romney having 300 million dollars makes me a dumbfuck? That's amazing! Can you explain that?

What a moron.

OK. Why?
Most people who whine about this stuff, are miserable losers. Who cares what other Citizens do with their money? That's their business. If you're not trying to get rich, you're likely an Entitlement Thief. And i have no repsect for Entitlement Thieves. Get rich, or die trying. If you ain't doing that, you get no respect. Period, end of story.

LMAO. The "Filthy Rich??"

I guess if you have the smarts, drive, ambition, determination and good luck to be rich then in some peoples eyes your "Filthy."

The rich pay the majority of the Fed taxes in this country. If it weren't for them we in the middle class would be picking up that tab. I love rich folks and wish there were loads more of them to pay those Fed taxes.

We have 49% who pay no Fed taxes at all. Pretty soon its going to be 50% or higher.

The poor pay for nothing now and will continue to pay for nothing. They get that free ride. ONly problem is nothing is free. Someone else is paying the freight.
Most people who whine about this stuff, are miserable losers. Who cares what other Citizens do with their money? That's their business. If you're not trying to get rich, you're likely an Entitlement Thief. And i have no repsect for Entitlement Thieves. Get rich, or die trying. If you ain't doing that, you get no respect. Period, end of story.

LMAO. The "Filthy Rich??"

I guess if you have the smarts, drive, ambition, determination and good luck to be rich then in some peoples eyes your "Filthy."

The rich pay the majority of the Fed taxes in this country. If it weren't for them we in the middle class would be picking up that tab. I love rich folks and wish there were loads more of them to pay those Fed taxes.

If it weren't for the middle class who would the rich make money off of?

We have 49% who pay no Fed taxes at all. Pretty soon its going to be 50% or higher.

The poor pay for nothing now and will continue to pay for nothing. They get that free ride. ONly problem is nothing is free. Someone else is paying the freight.

The poor pay for nothing? Or the poor pay no income tax? Do you even know the difference?

Hey brilliant plan - lets take money from people who have none and fund government with it.
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I know for a fact the clean rich ones are planning on more Hot Tub and arable land purchases. :eusa_shhh:


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Only because they have someone to wash their clothes for them.

:mad:Just remember JEALOUSY can kill the rat.

Awesome so now poor people are rats.

Attitudes like that will surely win the White House for Romney.

:lol:Well dude did I say poor people were rats? I stated jealousy would kill a rat. Ive seen a few times in experiment stations in the past. You should learn to read and use words a bit better. Maybe go back to 2nd grade and start over. It might help you.
Most people who whine about this stuff, are miserable losers. Who cares what other Citizens do with their money? That's their business. If you're not trying to get rich, you're likely an Entitlement Thief. And i have no repsect for Entitlement Thieves. Get rich, or die trying. If you ain't doing that, you get no respect. Period, end of story.

LMAO. The "Filthy Rich??"

I guess if you have the smarts, drive, ambition, determination and good luck to be rich then in some peoples eyes your "Filthy."

The rich pay the majority of the Fed taxes in this country. If it weren't for them we in the middle class would be picking up that tab. I love rich folks and wish there were loads more of them to pay those Fed taxes.

If it weren't for the middle class who would the rich make money off of?

We have 49% who pay no Fed taxes at all. Pretty soon its going to be 50% or higher.

The poor pay for nothing now and will continue to pay for nothing. They get that free ride. ONly problem is nothing is free. Someone else is paying the freight.

The poor pay for nothing? Or the poor pay no income tax? Do you even know the difference?

Hey brilliant plan - lets take money from people who have none and fund government with it.

Well even if we did that the gov't would still end up with nothing to spend. Thats the way they do it today.

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