What will the Russians and POT (Party of Trump) do if Biden gets the nomination?


Diamond Member
Oct 28, 2017
There will be a renewed smear campaign full of the same baseless innuendo and unsubstantiated charges made against Old Joe to date. Slimy Rudy will keep busy trying to dig up dirt if he doesn't end up defending himself from charges related to his shady, potentially illegal, dealings. SDNY Mulls New Charges Against Parnas That Could Pull Giuliani Deeper Into Scheme

Then again, Billy the Bagman will have his back just as he has Crooked Donald's now that the DoJ has been corrupted.

The Russians, who knows what they'll do? After the "sweeping and systematic" efforts on Don's behalf in 2016 described by Mueller they need a new schtick. Whatever they do we can be assured Don will welcome the efforts with open arms like a true patriot (wink).
There will be a renewed smear campaign full of the same baseless innuendo and unsubstantiated charges made against Old Joe to date. Slimy Rudy will keep busy trying to dig up dirt if he doesn't end up defending himself from charges related to his shady, potentially illegal, dealings. SDNY Mulls New Charges Against Parnas That Could Pull Giuliani Deeper Into Scheme

Then again, Billy the Bagman will have his back just as he has Crooked Donald's now that the DoJ has been corrupted.

The Russians, who knows what they'll do? After the "sweeping and systematic" efforts on Don's behalf in 2016 described by Mueller they need a new schtick. Whatever they do we can be assured Don will welcome the efforts with open arms like a true patriot (wink).

most likely laugh all the way to the election,,,
Trump is still favored by the Vegas odds setters at 2:1 against Joe Biden. Looking forward to November.
Looking forward to the debates too, especially after Barr and Durham finish their investigations.

Google the FB ads that the Russians put up in 2016 as part of their "sweeping and systemic" interference into the elections in favor of Trump.
They are hilarious. I'm sure they'd get you to vote for Trump.
There will be a renewed smear campaign full of the same baseless innuendo and unsubstantiated charges made against Old Joe to date. Slimy Rudy will keep busy trying to dig up dirt if he doesn't end up defending himself from charges related to his shady, potentially illegal, dealings. SDNY Mulls New Charges Against Parnas That Could Pull Giuliani Deeper Into Scheme

Then again, Billy the Bagman will have his back just as he has Crooked Donald's now that the DoJ has been corrupted.

The Russians, who knows what they'll do? After the "sweeping and systematic" efforts on Don's behalf in 2016 described by Mueller they need a new schtick. Whatever they do we can be assured Don will welcome the efforts with open arms like a true patriot (wink).
The voters are aware of all the BS. Fat Donnie, that is. FDT
Google the FB ads that the Russians put up in 2016 as part of their "sweeping and systemic"
Are you referring to the ones that reached 126M FB users?

Russian Influence Reached 126 Million Through Facebook Alone
Russian Influence Reached 126 Million Through Facebook Alone

If you read Mueller's report and didn't come away with an understanding of the scope of what Russia did, and instead are still dismissing it like a good brainwashed Trumpleton, there may be no hope for getting you to acknowledge reality.
There will be a renewed smear campaign full of the same baseless innuendo and unsubstantiated charges made against Old Joe to date. Slimy Rudy will keep busy trying to dig up dirt if he doesn't end up defending himself from charges related to his shady, potentially illegal, dealings. SDNY Mulls New Charges Against Parnas That Could Pull Giuliani Deeper Into Scheme

Then again, Billy the Bagman will have his back just as he has Crooked Donald's now that the DoJ has been corrupted.

The Russians, who knows what they'll do? After the "sweeping and systematic" efforts on Don's behalf in 2016 described by Mueller they need a new schtick. Whatever they do we can be assured Don will welcome the efforts with open arms like a true patriot (wink).
'What will the Russians and POT (Party of Trump) do if Biden gets the nomination?'

Laugh my ass off....

1) Because you are still referencing the debunked 'Russian Collusion Delusion' that was proven to be based on Russian-authored Counter-Intel propaganda delivered to Obama, Rosenstein, Comey, and Hillary by a known lying, Trump-hating, alternate agenda-driven foreign spy - propaganda that was used by these traitors to initiate a political coup that consisted of FISA Court abuses, obstruction, falsifying / altering official documents and testimony, espionage, perjury, sedition, and treason.

2) Because to prevent their Party from being taken over by a Socialist/Communist 'Castro FanBoy' the DNC had to get behind and prop up a dementia-suffering confessed extortionist:

You and the Dementia-suffering Extortionists better get used to seeing Joe's videotaped confession, in which he says Obama knew all about it and condoned it, over and over and over and over.......

Google the FB ads that the Russians put up in 2016 as part of their "sweeping and systemic"
Are you referring to the ones that reached 126M FB users?

Russian Influence Reached 126 Million Through Facebook Alone
Russian Influence Reached 126 Million Through Facebook Alone

If you read Mueller's report and didn't come away with an understanding of the scope of what Russia did, and instead are still dismissing it like a good brainwashed Trumpleton, there may be no hope for getting you to acknowledge reality.
There will be a renewed smear campaign full of the same baseless innuendo and unsubstantiated charges made against Old Joe to date. Slimy Rudy will keep busy trying to dig up dirt if he doesn't end up defending himself from charges related to his shady, potentially illegal, dealings. SDNY Mulls New Charges Against Parnas That Could Pull Giuliani Deeper Into Scheme

Then again, Billy the Bagman will have his back just as he has Crooked Donald's now that the DoJ has been corrupted.

The Russians, who knows what they'll do? After the "sweeping and systematic" efforts on Don's behalf in 2016 described by Mueller they need a new schtick. Whatever they do we can be assured Don will welcome the efforts with open arms like a true patriot (wink).

If Biden gets the nomination, Trump will just beat him. The Russians on the other hand, would just slip him a cup of Polonium tea.

Either way, Biden's "presidency" is dead meat.
Because you are still referencing the debunked 'Russian Collusion Delusion'
That makes for a cute alliterative phrase but nonetheless is in denial of reality.

Guide to the Mueller Report’s Findings on “Collusion”

Guide to the Mueller Report’s Findings on “Collusion”

"Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s final report focuses only on whether crimes were committed. It addresses two Russian conspiracies to interfere in the 2016 election—one involving a social media influence campaign and the other involving the hacking and dissemination of stolen emails. The Report then addresses whether Trump Campaign associates knowingly entered an agreement with the Russian government to assist those conspiracies.

As many experts have noted, what’s missing from the Mueller Report is the Special Counsel’s counterintelligence findings. We don’t know what the Special Counsel’s Office or the FBI have assessed, for example, with respect to whether Trump associates engaged in reciprocal efforts with Russian agents without entering a criminal agreement to do so, whether Americans have been witting or unwitting Russian assets, and what leverage or influence Moscow may have over particular individuals.

As a shorthand, we may use the term “collusion” to refer to these kinds of activities, which would be implicated in a counterintelligence analysis—though, as Asha Rangappa and I have written, the more analytically precise issues to consider are whether Trump Campaign associates “coordinated with, cooperated with, encouraged, or gave support” to the Russia/WikiLeaks election interference activities. Those are important questions regardless of whether such activities amounted to crimes, regardless of whether individuals’ actions and intentions can be proven beyond a reasonable doubt, regardless of whether Americans acted as unwitting Kremlin assets in support of Russian operations, and regardless of whether individuals and organizations can be prosecuted without endangering First Amendment interests.

Although the Mueller Report does not squarely address these questions of “collusion” that fall outside the scope of potential criminal liability, it can be mined for substantive information that provides some meaningful answers.

What follows is a detailed guide to the Mueller Report’s evidence on collusion. The analysis discusses affirmative evidence and countervailing evidence in the Report, references the Special Counsel’s court filings and reliable news reports that help shed additional light on information in the Report, and identifies significant loose ends that the investigation was unable to answer."

Trump Should Be Removed from Office
Trump Should Be Removed from Office
Google the FB ads that the Russians put up in 2016 as part of their "sweeping and systemic"
Are you referring to the ones that reached 126M FB users?

Russian Influence Reached 126 Million Through Facebook Alone
Russian Influence Reached 126 Million Through Facebook Alone

If you read Mueller's report and didn't come away with an understanding of the scope of what Russia did, and instead are still dismissing it like a good brainwashed Trumpleton, there may be no hope for getting you to acknowledge reality.

Maximize your window to see these FB ads, they would make me switch to TRUMP. The link below should get you to them:
russian facebook ads examples - Google Search
There will be a renewed smear campaign full of the same baseless innuendo and unsubstantiated charges made against Old Joe to date. Slimy Rudy will keep busy trying to dig up dirt if he doesn't end up defending himself from charges related to his shady, potentially illegal, dealings. SDNY Mulls New Charges Against Parnas That Could Pull Giuliani Deeper Into Scheme

Then again, Billy the Bagman will have his back just as he has Crooked Donald's now that the DoJ has been corrupted.

The Russians, who knows what they'll do? After the "sweeping and systematic" efforts on Don's behalf in 2016 described by Mueller they need a new schtick. Whatever they do we can be assured Don will welcome the efforts with open arms like a true patriot (wink).

Doesn't matter which Clown gets the Dimsocialist nomination.....Putin will troll you single digit IQ Dimsocialists and play you like a fiddle.
There will be a renewed smear campaign full of the same baseless innuendo and unsubstantiated charges made against Old Joe to date. Slimy Rudy will keep busy trying to dig up dirt if he doesn't end up defending himself from charges related to his shady, potentially illegal, dealings. SDNY Mulls New Charges Against Parnas That Could Pull Giuliani Deeper Into Scheme

Then again, Billy the Bagman will have his back just as he has Crooked Donald's now that the DoJ has been corrupted.

The Russians, who knows what they'll do? After the "sweeping and systematic" efforts on Don's behalf in 2016 described by Mueller they need a new schtick. Whatever they do we can be assured Don will welcome the efforts with open arms like a true patriot (wink).

There will be a renewed smear campaign full of the same baseless innuendo and unsubstantiated charges made against Old Joe to date.

There will be a renewed smear campaign full of the same baseless innuendo and unsubstantiated charges made against Old Joe to date. Slimy Rudy will keep busy trying to dig up dirt if he doesn't end up defending himself from charges related to his shady, potentially illegal, dealings. SDNY Mulls New Charges Against Parnas That Could Pull Giuliani Deeper Into Scheme

Then again, Billy the Bagman will have his back just as he has Crooked Donald's now that the DoJ has been corrupted.

The Russians, who knows what they'll do? After the "sweeping and systematic" efforts on Don's behalf in 2016 described by Mueller they need a new schtick. Whatever they do we can be assured Don will welcome the efforts with open arms like a true patriot (wink).

We will celebrate.

Republican Senator to Issue First Subpoena in Hunter Biden, Burisma Probe
Indictments should be rolling in against the bigwigs of the Party of Child Sex Trafficking and Slavery right about election time...
Google the FB ads that the Russians put up in 2016 as part of their "sweeping and systemic"
Are you referring to the ones that reached 126M FB users?

Russian Influence Reached 126 Million Through Facebook Alone
Russian Influence Reached 126 Million Through Facebook Alone

If you read Mueller's report and didn't come away with an understanding of the scope of what Russia did, and instead are still dismissing it like a good brainwashed Trumpleton, there may be no hope for getting you to acknowledge reality.

Stop talking in talking points and get into specifics:
1. How many votes were affected by the 2016 Russian interference?
2. What other countries "interfered" in the 2016 election, including the Ukraine's Op-Eds.
Foreign electoral intervention - Wikipedia skip down to USA
Because you are still referencing the debunked 'Russian Collusion Delusion'
That makes for a cute alliterative phrase but nonetheless is in denial of reality.

Guide to the Mueller Report’s Findings on “Collusion”

Guide to the Mueller Report’s Findings on “Collusion”

"Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s final report focuses only on whether crimes were committed. It addresses two Russian conspiracies to interfere in the 2016 election—one involving a social media influence campaign and the other involving the hacking and dissemination of stolen emails. The Report then addresses whether Trump Campaign associates knowingly entered an agreement with the Russian government to assist those conspiracies.

As many experts have noted, what’s missing from the Mueller Report is the Special Counsel’s counterintelligence findings. We don’t know what the Special Counsel’s Office or the FBI have assessed, for example, with respect to whether Trump associates engaged in reciprocal efforts with Russian agents without entering a criminal agreement to do so, whether Americans have been witting or unwitting Russian assets, and what leverage or influence Moscow may have over particular individuals.

As a shorthand, we may use the term “collusion” to refer to these kinds of activities, which would be implicated in a counterintelligence analysis—though, as Asha Rangappa and I have written, the more analytically precise issues to consider are whether Trump Campaign associates “coordinated with, cooperated with, encouraged, or gave support” to the Russia/WikiLeaks election interference activities. Those are important questions regardless of whether such activities amounted to crimes, regardless of whether individuals’ actions and intentions can be proven beyond a reasonable doubt, regardless of whether Americans acted as unwitting Kremlin assets in support of Russian operations, and regardless of whether individuals and organizations can be prosecuted without endangering First Amendment interests.

Although the Mueller Report does not squarely address these questions of “collusion” that fall outside the scope of potential criminal liability, it can be mined for substantive information that provides some meaningful answers.

What follows is a detailed guide to the Mueller Report’s evidence on collusion. The analysis discusses affirmative evidence and countervailing evidence in the Report, references the Special Counsel’s court filings and reliable news reports that help shed additional light on information in the Report, and identifies significant loose ends that the investigation was unable to answer."

Trump Should Be Removed from Office
Trump Should Be Removed from Office


Dude, you seriously need to seek professional help. The Mueller Report definitively stated it did NOT find any illegal collusion between Russia and the Trump team....as opposed to Obama, his criminal administration, and Hillary Clinton.

You refuse to accept the results of the 2016 election.

You refuse to accept the results of the Mueller Report.

You obviously refuse to accept the disastrous results of the failed Democrat Impeachment coup attempt.

You are obviously a deranged, delusional, triggered, Trump-hating, TDS-suffering nut job still living in your mom's basement.

Move on...get a life.


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If Biden gets the nomination and loses what will the party of excuses do? Probably this.

Maximize your window to see these FB ads, they would make me switch to TRUMP. The link below should get you to them:
I get what you are going for with that post but given what I see posted on a regular basis on this board from members of Trump's cult you have to be naive to think some people aren't persuaded by garbage like that. After all, some of you folks believe the ridiculous assertion Mueller didn't prove Trump is guilty of obstruction even though the evidence is documented in black and white, so.........................................

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