What world would you like to visit

What world would you like to visit

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Democrat all the way!
Mar 16, 2010
What world would you like to visit within our solar system?

Mars--->Some of the most amazing geology in the solar system ;) Higher mountains then earth. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mars

Europa--->Icy world with a under ground world with depths many times that of our oceans. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Europa_(moon)

Titan--->Only world with standing sea's and weather ;)
Cassini spacecraft reveals clues about Saturn moon

Io--->Most volcanically active body in the solar system.

I chose these 4 as they're very interesting worlds.
But there's no way in hell I'd go to Europa. I was warned.

not a world...but a third dimension...............I'm ready :)
All of the above!!!!!! Actually, I would like to see some serous exploration of Jupiter. That is my choice for finding life not as we know it.
All of the above!!!!!! Actually, I would like to see some serous exploration of Jupiter. That is my choice for finding life not as we know it.

Been some amazing science fiction written about life on Jupiter -- or rather, in its atmosphere.
This is a hard one for me as I'd like to go to them all ;)

Either Titan or Io.

Walking on the beaches of Titan and seeing the methane rain is hard to beat. BUT seeing the lava fields and volcano's of Io would also be amazing.

Europa only if a special sub like vehicle was built to go down into the ocean.
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The one all the gods, angels, demons, and mythical beings are from. :) I figure at least 1 or some of them must be real. Not everyone can be nuts. So there must be a planet they come from somewhere. I wanna go there. :)

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