What would happen if we raised kids...


Gold Member
Dec 12, 2013
/devil's advocate ON

...with the same facts of life, realities, and truisms adults maintain? Probably every one of us was raised being told that hitting's wrong. Yet as adults we see countries 'hitting' each other all the time. War is glamorous, patriotic, and exciting - hitting's good it seems. So what would happen if instead of telling kids not to hit, that violence never solved anything, etc. we told them that if someone's trying to bully you to hit them, if you see someone's getting bullied pick a side and come in swinging, if someone has something you desire, take it from them, if they resist hit them until they give up.

This is what awaits every child so why not get them used to it early on instead of perpetuating a false reality where 'violence never solves anything?'

/devil's advocate OFF
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just on the hitting , its good in my opinion but only in self defense . Being made fun of , a form of bullying is no reason for hitting though .
The point was, as adults, and a country, we hit for the very reasons we tell our children not to.

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