What would jesus do about illegal aliens?

José;2298282 said:
Mentally retarded super patriotic american clown of the US Message Board:

If "boundaries were set in place by God from the beginning of time and for a reason" California, Texas, New Mexico and Arizona would be MEXICAN TERRITORY now!!!!

no it wouldn't you dumbass....the Indians were here before anyone of us.....
José;2298282 said:
Mentally retarded super patriotic american clown of the US Message Board:

If "boundaries were set in place by God from the beginning of time and for a reason" California, Texas, New Mexico and Arizona would be MEXICAN TERRITORY now!!!!

no it wouldn't you dumbass....the Indians were here before anyone of us.....


I agree 100%, Harry...

I don't pass moral judgement on the thousands of illegal americans who stole half of Mexico in the 19th century and on the illegal Mexicans flocking to the USA now because:

Ladron que roba a ladron tiene cien años de perdon (SPANISH SAYING).

Literal translation:

Thief who robs another thief gets 100 years of forgiveness.

It's no crime to steal from a thief.
José;2308471 said:
José;2298282 said:
Mentally retarded super patriotic american clown of the US Message Board:

If "boundaries were set in place by God from the beginning of time and for a reason" California, Texas, New Mexico and Arizona would be MEXICAN TERRITORY now!!!!

no it wouldn't you dumbass....the Indians were here before anyone of us.....


I agree 100%, Harry...

I don't pass moral judgement on the thousands of illegal americans who stole half of Mexico in the 19th century and on the illegal Mexicans flocking to the USA now because:

Ladron que roba a ladron tiene cien años de perdon (SPANISH SAYING).

Literal translation:

Thief who robs another thief gets 100 years of forgiveness.

It's no crime to steal from a thief.

Maybe stealing from a thief is no crime Jose, in YOUR world - here we say 'two wrongs don't make a right'.
José;2308471 said:
José;2298282 said:
Mentally retarded super patriotic american clown of the US Message Board:

If "boundaries were set in place by God from the beginning of time and for a reason" California, Texas, New Mexico and Arizona would be MEXICAN TERRITORY now!!!!

no it wouldn't you dumbass....the Indians were here before anyone of us.....


I agree 100%, Harry...

I don't pass moral judgement on the thousands of illegal americans who stole half of Mexico in the 19th century and on the illegal Mexicans flocking to the USA now because:

Ladron que roba a ladron tiene cien años de perdon (SPANISH SAYING).

Literal translation:

Thief who robs another thief gets 100 years of forgiveness.

It's no crime to steal from a thief.

This argument you keep throwing out is really getting old!

Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna! I'm sure you know this name. He overthrew your government in 1828 and won the Presidency in 1833. After becoming President, he began to change the Mexican Constitution to his liking and cause a huge rift in Mexico. This rift led to coahuila y tejas (known today as Texas!), the northern territory that formed Mexico's northern border, to seek its independence. But wait, before this. In the early 1800s, Mexicans didn't want to settle the rough terrain of Texas and ended up leaving Juan Bautista de Las Casas, Mexican leader of the northern territory, no other option but to encourage massive immigration from their northern neighbor, The United States. What, say it isn't so! Oh, but wait, Steven F. Austin, you may know this name, but if you don't, its not a Mexican name! He was the first empresario (what an American) in the territory! but how is that! According to you, we stole everything and Americans where evil people! Mexico screwed up! Get over it! We stole nothing from Mexico! Mexico lost it's own territory!!!

Todays illegal alien problem has nothing to do with anything that occurred in the 1800s! Stop with the ignorant argument and provide some substance to the threads or just simply stop posting!
José;2298282 said:
Mentally retarded super patriotic american clown of the US Message Board:

If "boundaries were set in place by God from the beginning of time and for a reason" California, Texas, New Mexico and Arizona would be MEXICAN TERRITORY now!!!!

Sorry.....Mexico wasn't a country at the beginning of time.

Hate to tell you this but regardless of what you think, Mexico lost their rights to those lands a long time ago. Just as Russia sold away their rights to Alaska.

However if you want to purchase them back I think about $200 trillion might be a decent down-payment.

Check your wallet and see if you can find it.
José;2308471 said:
no it wouldn't you dumbass....the Indians were here before anyone of us.....


I agree 100%, Harry...

I don't pass moral judgement on the thousands of illegal americans who stole half of Mexico in the 19th century and on the illegal Mexicans flocking to the USA now because:

Ladron que roba a ladron tiene cien años de perdon (SPANISH SAYING).

Literal translation:

Thief who robs another thief gets 100 years of forgiveness.

It's no crime to steal from a thief.

This argument you keep throwing out is really getting old!

Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna! I'm sure you know this name. He overthrew your government in 1828 and won the Presidency in 1833. After becoming President, he began to change the Mexican Constitution to his liking and cause a huge rift in Mexico. This rift led to coahuila y tejas (known today as Texas!), the northern territory that formed Mexico's northern border, to seek its independence. But wait, before this. In the early 1800s, Mexicans didn't want to settle the rough terrain of Texas and ended up leaving Juan Bautista de Las Casas, Mexican leader of the northern territory, no other option but to encourage massive immigration from their northern neighbor, The United States. What, say it isn't so! Oh, but wait, Steven F. Austin, you may know this name, but if you don't, its not a Mexican name! He was the first empresario (what an American) in the territory! but how is that! According to you, we stole everything and Americans where evil people! Mexico screwed up! Get over it! We stole nothing from Mexico! Mexico lost it's own territory!!!

Todays illegal alien problem has nothing to do with anything that occurred in the 1800s! Stop with the ignorant argument and provide some substance to the threads or just simply stop posting!

Funny thing is if Mexico were given the lands outright their value would crater overnight.

You see Mexico squanders their resources and their government allows their cities to fall into neglect and decay. It wouldn't be long that the mess that is Mexico would be spread all over California, Arizona, New Mexico, and Texas. So Mexico would be larger, but not worth much more.
José;2298282 said:
Mentally retarded super patriotic american clown of the US Message Board:

If "boundaries were set in place by God from the beginning of time and for a reason" California, Texas, New Mexico and Arizona would be MEXICAN TERRITORY now!!!!

He means the CONCEPT, you fucknut. Not the specific lines drawn on a map. What a retard.
Originally posted by Cecilie1200
He means the CONCEPT, you fucknut. Not the specific lines drawn on a map. What a retard.

It doesn't change the fact that Americans violated the so called "divinely intituted concept of boundaries" when they entered Mexico without its government's permission.
Originally posted by Mudwhistle
Sorry.....Mexico wasn't a country at the beginning of time.

Hate to tell you this but regardless of what you think, Mexico lost their rights to those lands a long time ago. Just as Russia sold away their rights to Alaska.

However if you want to purchase them back I think about $200 trillion might be a decent down-payment.Check your wallet and see if you can find it.

This might surprise you, Mud, but I do agree with what you said.

Mexico does not have any legitimate claim over Cali, Arizona, etc... BUT NOT FOR THE USUAL REASONS MOST PEOPLE THINK.

Pay attention to this comparison:

America might lose 100 hundred wars to Canada over Maine and Obama might sign a gazillion documents ceding Maine to Canada... As long as the cession of Maine is not accepted, even if reluctantly, by THE AMERICAN SOCIETY his signature and the paper he signed on are not worth the toilet paper we use everyday.

Similarly, Mexico lost any right to its northern provinces not because Mexico lost the war, not because a Mexican political representative signed the Treaty of Guadalupe-Hidalgo, not because Mexico was invaded, occupied and strong-armed into "selling" its territories with a gun pointed to its head, but because the loss of those regions was GRUDGINGLY accepted by the Mexican society.

IF THE MEXICAN SOCIETY hadn't come to terms with the loss of their northern provinces and lost the will to fight for it almost 200 years ago, Mexico would still have a valid claim over those regions, no matter how many wars it would have lost nor how many "treaties" Mexican politicians would have signed.

Fortunately for America some would say fortunately for Mexico : ) the Mexican society did just that.


If you doubt me just ask the Israelis and Palestinians.
Originally posted by Reidlr
This argument you keep throwing out is really getting old!

Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna! I'm sure you know this name. He overthrew your government in 1828 and won the Presidency in 1833. After becoming President, he began to change the Mexican Constitution to his liking and cause a huge rift in Mexico. This rift led to coahuila y tejas (known today as Texas!), the northern territory that formed Mexico's northern border, to seek its independence. But wait, before this. In the early 1800s, Mexicans didn't want to settle the rough terrain of Texas and ended up leaving Juan Bautista de Las Casas, Mexican leader of the northern territory, no other option but to encourage massive immigration from their northern neighbor, The United States. What, say it isn't so! Oh, but wait, Steven F. Austin, you may know this name, but if you don't, its not a Mexican name! He was the first empresario (what an American) in the territory! but how is that! According to you, we stole everything and Americans where evil people! Mexico screwed up! Get over it! We stole nothing from Mexico! Mexico lost it's own territory!!!

Todays illegal alien problem has nothing to do with anything that occurred in the 1800s! Stop with the ignorant argument and provide some substance to the threads or just simply stop posting!

Unlike its predecessor, the Mexican law required immigrants to practice Catholicism and stressed that foreigners needed to learn Spanish. Settlers were supposed to own property or have a craft or useful profession, and all people wishing to live in Texas were expected to report to the nearest Mexican authority for permission to settle. The rules were widely disregarded and many families became squatters.

Mexican Texas - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

This is ILLEGAL AMERICANS IN MEXICO for you, Reidlr!!!!

Also in 1830, Bustamante outlawed the immigration of United States citizens to Texas. The ban and other measures did not stop U.S. citizens from migrating to Texas by the thousands. By 1834, it was estimated that over 30,000 Anglos lived in Texas, compared to only 7,800 Mexicans.

Mexican Texas - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Many of the Anglo-American settlers owned slaves. Texas was granted a one-year exemption from Mexico's 1829 edict outlawing slavery but Mexican president Anastasio Bustamante ordered that all slaves be freed in 1830. To circumvent the law, many Anglo colonists converted their slaves into indentured servants for life. By 1836 there were 5,000 slaves in Texas.

Mexican Texas - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
This is the "freedom" the "noble American revolutionaries" fought for during the Texas landgrab.

The "freedom" to practice slavery.

The "freedom" to owe other human beings as property.

The "freedom" to rob a foreign country of half of its territory by brute force.

The "freedom" to declare a land most of them had inhabited for LESS THAN 10 YEARS!! (yes, you heard that right... 10 years!!!!) as their "HOMELAND".

"Revolutions" don't get any more sad and pathetic than the Texas "Revolution".
I have a confession to make now.

After having decisively crushed and pulverized Reidlr's shameless rape of the History of Texas, Cali, etc... I must confess I do not have a solid reply to Angelhair's post: "two wrongs don't make a right".

I'm not backpedaling from what I said before to Harry Dresden ("it's no crime to steal from a thief").

I do find it hard to feel sorry for the landgrab America inflicted on Mexico 200 years ago, when I remember Mexicans were thieves themselves who were at the time actively trying to displace the Apaches and all the other native american tribes that inhabited Cali, Texas, etc...

I also find it hard to feel sorry for America being flooded with Mexicans when I remember that Angelhair's ancestors took that land from Mexico through violence.

But the fact that both Mexicans and Americans were land thieves doesn't mean they deserved/deserve to suffer the same fate.

I'm right when I say thieves don't deserve much sympathy when they get robbed but Angelhair is also right when she says "two wrongs don't make a right".
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Personally I think Jesus would finally get really fucking pissed off and go all retaliation-crucifixion on everyone’s ass.
José;2298551 said:
Originally posted by Granny
Native American Granny, to you, Jose.

The Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo, Jose. $13 million for a worthless barren piece of land in 1848. Let's see. Now it would be worth more than Mexico is worth.
Who's the retard?

Granny, Granny...

Out of all the people in the world you should understand the way America "bought" half of Mexico...

The same way they "bought" the rest of the country from "your people".... They occupied your land (and Mexico), put a gun to your head and made you sign a document "selling" your land for peanuts making clear they would just invade it if you didn't...

And the best man won - give it a rest. Nothing is more damaging than living in the past - no matter if the past was to your liking......or not. Mexico teaches that it was stolen; the USA teaches that it was bought. Case closed.
José;2311248 said:
I have a confession to make now.

After having decisively crushed and pulverized Reidlr's shameless rape of the History of Texas, Cali, etc... I must confess I do not have a solid reply to Angelhair's post: "two wrongs don't make a right".

I'm not backpedaling from what I said before to Harry Dresden ("it's no crime to steal from a thief").

I do find it hard to feel sorry for the landgrab America inflicted on Mexico 200 years ago, when I remember Mexicans were thieves themselves who were at the time actively trying to displace the Apaches and all the other native american tribes that inhabited Cali, Texas, etc...

I also find it hard to feel sorry for America being flooded with Mexicans when I remember that Angelhair's ancestors took that land from Mexico through violence.

But the fact that both Mexicans and Americans were land thieves doesn't mean they deserved/deserve to suffer the same fate.

I'm right when I say thieves don't deserve much sympathy when they get robbed but Angelhair is also right when she says "two wrongs don't make a right".

Forty-seven percent of Mexicans in MEXICO would like it if the USA took it over. Why would you be so disappointed that the USA BOUGHT (or as you were taught, stole) the southwest?? If it had not been so, the Mexicans would be jumping the fence further north - and still be focused on 'el norte' - the 'place of dreams and opportunity'....and FREEBIES!
How exactly did I judge anything?

By saying that "some posters will quote passages from scripture in order to sit in judgement" is in fact judging "some" posters on their actions.

Judgement is nothing more than forming an opinion or evaluation after consideration or deliberation.

Hmmmm. That's actually a very interesting point.

I suppose logically that would lead to a conclusion that anyone who uses the phrase "Judge not lest ye be judged" to someone is by definition guilty of being judgmental.

I don't agree that we can extrapolate what Jesus would do by reference to scripture. A lot of what's in the bible is, history would appear to indicate, there for political reasons. In addition, a lot of what Jesus actually did say is, I believe, probably lost in the mists of poor translation and the prevailing theological dogma of the time. There I go judging again.

Your point about judgment is well made. After, as you put it, due "consideration and deliberation", I may well have to re-evaluate my future participation on USMB (not that that will bother anyone, I'm sure :lol:). After all, that's what we do here, isn't it? Judge people.

And to be honest, the fact that it is frequently so very unpleasant has been bothering me for quite a while. Maybe it would be better if I just left it to those who enjoy it.

Thanks for your observation. You've opened my eyes to what should have been blindingly obvious. I'll have to think about this a bit longer.

I believe you're right, that's pretty much what we all do on here is judge people and their actions. I also believe that honesty is a rarity among those that engage on these boards and the evidence is overwhelming and those of us who do try to maintain a level of integrity are all too often scorned. I have found that most liberals are incapable of honesty and therefore have zero integrity, hell they can't even admit when their guy (Obama) flat out lies to them.

I've enjoyed reading your opinions and though I didn't always agree with them, they did provide valuable insight.

You will be missed.

Take care TigerBob, best wishes for you and yours.
'I also find it hard to feel sorry for America being flooded with Mexicans when I remember that Angelhair's ancestors took that land from Mexico through violence.'

Of course you can't feel sorry for America, YOUR heart belongs to Mexico. Can you name ONE country that took another WITHOUT violence??? Even as I write this, Mexico itself is being taken over by violence - and by its OWN people!!!

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