What would rather have?COMPLETE DEMOCRACY or SOCIALISM?

Would you like DEMOCRACY or COMMUNISM?

  • i dont want control.let the government do it for me.im a sheeple.

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Ed Spacer

Jan 16, 2012
Which would you rather have...
a system where you direct where your moneys goes,and be able to have a vote in every level of government,and have your interests represented directly..n'

a nanny state,to be told,what,where,and how your money goes,what and how you can earn,where it gets redistributed,and a government working unto itself,for its own causes and interests,to be a sheeple without control,only government control?

Vote and discuss.
Ron paul has his revolution.i believe in evolution,government by the people,for the people,and of the people.
As long as it is a constitutional republic as ours was founded I am good with it. If it is a democracy by mob rule I am not for it.
Agreedand im not saying mob rule,but responsible voting. My proposals have it,where citizens have final call and say on budgets,there would be no gridlock.people have the right to decide and control where their funds are appropriated.citizen government investment funds,each level of government run like a business,profitable for all citizen investors. I personally dont need the government taking my money,and working its own interests,look at the billions going to the middle east,out of our pockets,without our say.
This is true taxation without representation,as we had no say in the disbursements,and in a true democracy,we will. Opposite of socialism.
I dont need a redistribution of funds to causes or other countries without mine,ir any other us citizens say. Seems like both sides are conditioned to need a government to decide for them.a true government leads,and represents the interests of the people,not itself.
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How about a sustainable budget with programs the US can actually afford? You could be harsh, but lets face it, if the US wants to survive as a super power it is going to have to cut programs and increase taxes (or cut programs, and remove powers and responsibilities of the Federal Government). That or the debt will just keep rising, and China will overtake the American economy.
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Taxation is slavery.true democracy is partnership between citizens and its leadership,working on behalf of the interests of the people,again,not itself.gut the bydget,screw overseas,restore america here,end entitlements and redistributive waste.
Here is a revelation for you...if I believed true socialism was a realistic possibility, I would be for it.

But the fact is, socialism has invariably transformed to totalitarianism.

Even here in the U.S., as we become more socialistic, the central government takes more and more power from the people and the states and consolidates it with itself.

Capitalism is not a perfect system, it is merely better than the alternatives.
P.S. - With TRUE socialism, the government does not control ownership of property...

"Socialism is a system whereby the ownership of capital, resources and production capability reside with and are controlled by the citizens. In theory, citizens have equal access to the products and resources and are compensated based on the amount of work performed.This form of economic control claims to have the benefit of allocating resources, services and compensation equitably among the population. In other words, the system purports to be fair to everyone and to provide everyone with an equal piece-of-the-pie."

Here is a revelation for you...if I believed true socialism was a realistic possibility, I would be for it.

But the fact is, socialism has invariably transformed to totalitarianism.

Even here in the U.S., as we become more socialistic, the central government takes more and more power from the people and the states and consolidates it with itself.

Capitalism is not a perfect system, it is merely better than the alternatives.
Welfare states work fine so long as the the country can afford to sustain it (and the money is spent wisely), we took some pain in social services rather than raise taxes in New Zealand. The US would have been out of this mess ages ago if it had cut corporate subsidies, looked through the books and cut bureaucratic waste, and likewise passed legislation against lobbyists contributing to politics.
Here is a revelation for you...if I believed true socialism was a realistic possibility, I would be for it.

But the fact is, socialism has invariably transformed to totalitarianism.

Even here in the U.S., as we become more socialistic, the central government takes more and more power from the people and the states and consolidates it with itself.

Capitalism is not a perfect system, it is merely better than the alternatives.
Welfare states work fine so long as the the country can afford to sustain it (and the money is spent wisely), we took some pain in social services rather than raise taxes in New Zealand. The US would have been out of this mess ages ago if it had cut corporate subsidies, looked through the books and cut bureaucratic waste, and likewise passed legislation against lobbyists contributing to politics.

Human nature precludes the possibility of the sustainable welfare state...ask any Greek.
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Which would you rather have...
a system where you direct where your moneys goes,and be able to have a vote in every level of government,and have your interests represented directly..n'

a nanny state,to be told,what,where,and how your money goes,what and how you can earn,where it gets redistributed,and a government working unto itself,for its own causes and interests,to be a sheeple without control,only government control?

Vote and discuss.

What is the difference between complete democracy and socialism?
The possibility for realistic true socialism can only be realized after robots can build Star Trek replicators.
Here is a revelation for you...if I believed true socialism was a realistic possibility, I would be for it.

But the fact is, socialism has invariably transformed to totalitarianism.

Even here in the U.S., as we become more socialistic, the central government takes more and more power from the people and the states and consolidates it with itself.

Capitalism is not a perfect system, it is merely better than the alternatives.
Welfare states work fine so long as the the country can afford to sustain it (and the money is spent wisely), we took some pain in social services rather than raise taxes in New Zealand. The US would have been out of this mess ages ago if it had cut corporate subsidies, looked through the books and cut bureaucratic waste, and likewise passed legislation against lobbyists contributing to politics.

Human nature precludes the possibility of the sustainable welfare state...ask any Greek.
That's Europe. The Asia-Pacific region is doing just fine, Australia never had a recession, and New Zealand only had a slight one and we share a common market and banking system with Australia.

We actually work rather than expand the size of government to make it appear unemployment went down (which was the policy of the inept Greek government), while boosting the size of European Union bureaucracy (the fault of naive member nations), and taking away the democratic rights of struggling member nations (Italy and Greece especially).

I know its strange, but if people work hard, they can have a piece of cake at each others expense, Europe wanted to have the whole cake and eat it too, now they are dealing with the consequences.
Doesn't matter to me. Whatever works and democracy and socialism seem to work for us.
Which would you rather have...
a system where you direct where your moneys goes,and be able to have a vote in every level of government,and have your interests represented directly..n'

a nanny state,to be told,what,where,and how your money goes,what and how you can earn,where it gets redistributed,and a government working unto itself,for its own causes and interests,to be a sheeple without control,only government control?

Vote and discuss.

Just about anything would be better than Reagan and the Bushes:


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