What would the situation look like in Texas if we had a libertarian government?

What would the situation look like in Texas if we had a libertarian government?

Currently 3/4 of the Federal budget is spent on programs not authorized by the U.S. Constitution and interest on the debt they created.

If we had a libertarian govt, that number would be zero. And the people of Texas would be able to put together huge reserve funds for a rainy day like the one they have had for the last week or so (and which happen every few generations, they know they're coming), and they wouldn't NEED the help of a Federal government.

And the bleatings of liberals who have been devoting their lives to making people more dependent on Big Government, would be lost in the noise of Texans digging and pumping their way out of this latest disaster, bringing in food from a nation of volunteers who also had the freed-up resources to help their neighbors etc. instead of giving it all to government.

Glad you asked.
If Texas was a real Libertarian state you wouldn't have all the welfare queens living off the filthy ass government so there would be a lot less people needing help and you would have people taking responsibility for their own emergency preparedness. Because it would be low taxes the people would have a lot more money to be able to afford to protect their families if they chose to.

Anybody deciding to live in a low area that is hurricane prone would be accepting the consequences of their choice and would not be demanding that somebody in Idaho pay to bail them out.
You realize that's pretty much the entire city of Houston? A lot of the southeastern coast of Texas, where our biggest oil refineries and many of our chemical plants are?
Can't live there because it might flood?

What the hell does that have to do with a Libertarian's outlook on the role of government?

The government should not subside the location of industry if the industry chose to locate in a flood zone.
What I'm saying is, it's way too late for that now. Those major, necessary businesses ARE there, and they require people and people require housing and they aren't going to commute two hundred miles to work every day.
It would be a tremendous hit to our economy to have those industries fold.
Boy, those people would be beyond screwed. "Help? Help yourselves! What, were you expecting help from the government? Looking for a handout, were you? LOL"

Good thing we didn't elect that stupid nutjob Johnson. Could you imagine?
Wouldn't be any different than it is now. The majority of the good stories are regular citizens doing it.

Bullshit. The government is keeping law and order. The government is rebuilding the washed out roads and bridges. The government is cleaning up the toxic waste. The government is providing housing, food, and clothing.

In Libertopia, private citizens would have to do every bit of that. Good luck!
There are still police in libertarian government. The gov isn't rebuilding shit yet and they won't be until they get bids from private contractors. No waste is being cleaned up yet and when it does it will also be contracted out. The Red Cross is providing food, food people around the country are donating.

Government is nothing more than an expensive inefficient middle man. Chockedfull of over paid worthless people that have no clue how to do the job themselves. There is no need for this much government.
If Texas was a real Libertarian state you wouldn't have all the welfare queens living off the filthy ass government so there would be a lot less people needing help and you would have people taking responsibility for their own emergency preparedness. Because it would be low taxes the people would have a lot more money to be able to afford to protect their families if they chose to.

Anybody deciding to live in a low area that is hurricane prone would be accepting the consequences of their choice and would not be demanding that somebody in Idaho pay to bail them out.
You realize that's pretty much the entire city of Houston? A lot of the southeastern coast of Texas, where our biggest oil refineries and many of our chemical plants are?
Can't live there because it might flood?

What the hell does that have to do with a Libertarian's outlook on the role of government?

The government should not subside the location of industry if the industry chose to locate in a flood zone.
What I'm saying is, it's way too late for that now. Those major, necessary businesses ARE there, and they require people and people require housing and they aren't going to commute two hundred miles to work every day.
It would be a tremendous hit to our economy to have those industries fold.
You don't think those refineries are already setting up housing for those workers? They aren't waiting on the government for that shit.
Boy, those people would be beyond screwed. "Help? Help yourselves! What, were you expecting help from the government? Looking for a handout, were you? LOL"

Good thing we didn't elect that stupid nutjob Johnson. Could you imagine?
Wouldn't be any different than it is now. The majority of the good stories are regular citizens doing it.

Bullshit. The government is keeping law and order. The government is rebuilding the washed out roads and bridges. The government is cleaning up the toxic waste. The government is providing housing, food, and clothing.

In Libertopia, private citizens would have to do every bit of that. Good luck!
There are still police in libertarian government. The gov isn't rebuilding shit yet and they won't be until they get bids from private contractors. No waste is being cleaned up yet and when it does it will also be contracted out. The Red Cross is providing food, food people around the country are donating.

Government is nothing more than an expensive inefficient middle man. Chockedfull of over paid worthless people that have no clue how to do the job themselves. There is no need for this much government.

There's nothing like a real world emergency situation that points out how libertarianism can only exist in the minds of deluded sociopaths, and completely fails in the real world. There is NO real world application for libertarian "philosophy." It fails across the board.

What I'm saying is, it's way too late for that now. Those major, necessary businesses ARE there, and they require people and people require housing and they aren't going to commute two hundred miles to work every day.
It would be a tremendous hit to our economy to have those industries fold.

Yea it is too late for that. People moved into a flood zone and companies built refineries in a flood zone and now there is going to be a shortage. Life sucks sometimes, doesn't it?

When I filled up my truck today the cost of gas was 32 cents per gallon more than it was a week ago. I am sure it will go up more.

It was a 500 year rainfall event in Houston. Hopefully it be another 500 years before the next flood of that proportion.

Maybe we should move all our refineries to the desert of West Texas and build pipelines to the ports.
What would the situation look like in Texas if we had a libertarian government?

Currently 3/4 of the Federal budget is spent on programs not authorized by the U.S. Constitution and interest on the debt they created.

If we had a libertarian govt, that number would be zero. And the people of Texas would be able to put together huge reserve funds for a rainy day like the one they have had for the last week or so (and which happen every few generations, they know they're coming), and they wouldn't NEED the help of a Federal government.

And the bleatings of liberals who have been devoting their lives to making people more dependent on Big Government, would be lost in the noise of Texans digging and pumping their way out of this latest disaster, bringing in food from a nation of volunteers who also had the freed-up resources to help their neighbors etc. instead of giving it all to government.

Glad you asked.
Looks like the usual leftist fanatics are carefully avoiding replying to these points. Can't blame them, since they show clearly that libertarian philosophies are vastly superior to their own for dealing with natural disasters such as Hurricane Harvey and the destruction and flooding it caused.
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