What you have to believe/accept in order to be a democrat


Platinum Member
Nov 17, 2023
You have to believe that the taxpayer's money is endless, and meant to be spent on anything liberals want ---and they always want what Americans do not

have to believe that there are 20 different genders, despite the obvious science/reality

have to believe that life begins after birth. What happens in the womb before then is unknown, I guess-- except that there sure is a lot of blood and guts when an abortion is done. But oh well...

have to believe that a boy can be a girl and that we must inform 8 year olds of this asap and encourage them to despise their own God given gender

must believe that dressing up like a clown-woman and doing sexually suggestive moves in front of 8 year olds is cool

Wow, who wouldn't want to join this party?
What Democrats think of America


What Republicans think of America



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Democrats only win because they cheat. Real proven fraud has been uncovered and it continues to be.
Democrats win because they put forth better candidates. They don't believe in the conspiracy theory of fraud.
As long as Republicans put forth crazy-assed candidates and continue to foam at the mouth about conspiracy theories, they will continue to lose elections.
Democrats win because they put forth better candidates. They don't believe in the conspiracy theory of fraud.
As long as Republicans put forth crazy-assed candidates and continue to foam at the mouth about conspiracy theories, they will continue to lose elections.
It is not a conspiracy theory. It is about to be proven in Fulton county to the tune of 150, 000 ballots and their images that were destroyed while an investigation was still going and an active court case.. Try to keep up traitor.
It is not a conspiracy theory. It is about to be proven in Fulton county to the tune of 150, 000 ballots and their images that were destroyed while an investigation was still going and an active court case.. Try to keep up traitor.
It's a conspiracy theory;. And not a very good one of that. He lost. Accept it and move on.
Why do Democrats LOVE America so much?

Because we believe we are a country of We the People
ALL the people ….not just white, Christian and straight

Just adding to the discussion. As for me, I have benefited a lot from democratic social programs and stand with the Republicans on some of the hot-button issues such as life issues and gun-control. There are factions in both parties that take the other parties positions on some issues. Both Parties are diverse and I have found in the past that being a precinct captain is a best way to make a difference besides voting. I encourage all here who feel strongly on wanting to be involved they will find Party membership and participation as a precinct captain is the best way to do it.

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