What you must believe to think Biden is innocent.

Of course you're lying.

"They’ve pointed in particular to Biden’s move in March 2016 to pressure the Ukrainian government to fire its top prosecutor, Viktor Shokin, who had previously led an investigation into Burisma’s owner."

Biden was representing the official position of the U.S. government, a position that was also supported by other Western governments and many in Ukraine, who accused Shokin of being soft on corruption.

Corruption has continued to fester in Ukraine. In May, the country’s new president, Volodymyr Zelenskiy, came into office with no political experience but with bold promises to put an end to the corrupt practices.

Around this time, Giuliani began reaching out to Zelenskiy and his aides to press for a government investigation into Burisma and Hunter Biden’s role with the company.

In a Fox News interview on May 19, Trump claimed the former Ukrainian prosecutor “was after” Joe Biden’s son and that was why the former vice president demanded he be fired. There is no evidence of this.

It's a lie
It's documented.
Every time your Cult tells you to post that, it will still be a lie.

A lie doesn't morph into truth through repetition.
Maybe you don't know that?
I don't doubt the Bidens have their hands in shit they shouldn't. The problem is the Republican Party's incompetence to prove any of it. Maybe the Democrats are better at weeding out malfeasance in their political opposition or maybe the Bidens are just smarter than the Trumps when it comes to covering their tracks.
Hunter wasn't that good at hiding anything, it seems....?

and he definitely was unethical imo in how he used his last name and the allusion of father's connection... to work his business opportunities....

But, I do not believe Joe was fully aware...?

if Joe was aware, and crooked, he would have simply fired David Weiss along with all the other Trump prosecutors that he got to replace with his own....
It would be good to see puddles though.

No puddles

There are plenty of puddles, but Democrats have their duck boots(blinders) on and are sloshing right through acting as if they don't exist.
Ok, wasn't sure on the standard here, but "reasonable" is the key word here. It is far from reasonable that Hunter would be paid the sums of money he was paid with literally no results and no benefit for the companies involved. Were they getting business deals we don't know about because a Biden was on their board? If so, please point to those specific deals. There has to be a real monetary gain for these companies for it to make any sense whatsoever.

Joe was on 20+ phone calls with Hunter's business partners, that is actual access, not illusionary as the left has attempted to proclaim.

I might also add that is quite funny how the story continues to change as more evidence becomes available. First, it was that the laptop was not Hunter's. After that was debunked, the story changed to the chain of custody was a problem. Next, it was that Joe had no knowledge of his son's business deals nor any contact with any of Hunter's business partners. As evidence to the contrary came to light, the story has changed to it doesn't matter, they just talked about the weather and such. An uninterested jury member would very likely find the changing of the story, along with the other evidence submitted, a bit alarming. It would be quite reasonable for them to feel that way, don't you think?
Again, your ability to be “reasonable” may be impacted by your political bias.

Hunter Biden had a good name and knew a lot of people. That would be useful to people. He also wasn’t the dumbest person in the world, having good degrees from excellent schools. The people he was dealing with thought that might be useful. Although the sums seem large to you, they’re not when you consider he was dealing with billionaires.

You can believe whatever you want to believe is reasonable, but until you can tell us what the actual quid pro quo was, you don’t have much. It would be absurd to impeach Biden because you believed he did “something”.
Again, your ability to be “reasonable” may be impacted by your political bias.

Hunter Biden had a good name and knew a lot of people. That would be useful to people. He also wasn’t the dumbest person in the world, having good degrees from excellent schools. The people he was dealing with thought that might be useful. Although the sums seem large to you, they’re not when you consider he was dealing with billionaires.

You can believe whatever you want to believe is reasonable, but until you can tell us what the actual quid pro quo was, you don’t have much. It would be absurd to impeach Biden because you believed he did “something”.
Hunter has lengthy experience in international business and a law degree from a major university

To claim he brings nothing to the table is naive

Did he use his name?
Of course he did. Just like every other child of th rich and famous.
Joe was involved. Would you routinely get on phone calls with your son's business partners whom you don't even know just to shoot the breeze? It makes little sense. Be honest.
Yet, nobody has testified, Joe did anything on the phones beyond accepting his son's call and basically saying hi. If there is anything there, we will just have to wait until it comes out. You could have something or it could be BS wishful thinking, related to his asshole son, but not him without somthing concrete such as records, and they don't appear to have records.
Right, Joe just got on the phone to talk about the weather. He didn't know who he was talking to nor did he know the reason he was talking to them in the first place.

He might have talked about the weather among other things

What we do know is he was not involved in his sons business dealings.

Nobody has testified he discussed business
Nobody has testified Joe Biden received any money
Nobody has testified Biden provided any favors
He might have talked about the weather among other things

What we do know is he was not involved in his sons business dealings.

Nobody has testified he discussed business
Nobody has testified Joe Biden received any money
Nobody has testified Biden provided any favors
Bobolinski says you are an idiot.
In order to believe Biden is taking bribes….

You must see evidence that he was actually sent money
You must see unexplained money in Biden’s accounts
You must see specific actions that Biden took in return

Until you have that, you have no evidence of a crime
Like this?

Bobolinski says you are an idiot.

Bobo who?

If he is such a credible witness, why hasn’t the Republican House called on him to testify under oath for the last 8 months?

Tucker Carlson may believe his lies but the partisan Republican Congress doesn’t
He is an established US politicain so of course he is not innocent. The question is, is he guilty of the crimes the Neo-GOP claim he is? They don't have a good record on shit like that do they? I mean look at all the crimes they accused Obama of in his eight years. The got Zip. Look at all the crimes they accuse Hillary of and she was never president. A big Zero. Not to forget the Durham investigation that was going to expose the whole "Obamagate Conspiracy". Nada. Zip, Zero, Nada.

The Neo-GOP is the ultimate Boy Who Cried Wolfe. When will the sheep learn?
Oh riiigght. The Muslim in Chief, who came into office with $5, is a millionaire by accident too.

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