Whatever Happened To That Obamacare Replacement?

We never did see that Obamacare replacement the GOP and then Donald Trump promised us they had. Trump's was "terrific". It was swell. It was the best health care plan ever. You were going to get tired of being so healthy.

While Obama was President, the Republican House partially or fully repealed Obamacare more than 60 times!

And yet, strangely, when they had full control of both houses of Congress, and the White House, there were no more repeals!


They had a partial repeal, with no replacement, which passed the House while Trump was president, and Trump held a prematurely ejaculatory celebration on the White House lawn. But then John McCain spoiled the whole thing with a thumbs down since it was all a hoax and did not actually replace Obamacare.

There's a way you can always tell when Trump is lying. He repeats the lie three times. Like this:

“Make no mistake,” (one!) the president said at one point,this is a repeal and a replace of Obamacare, make no mistake (two!) about it. Make no mistake.”(three!)


Since then, the organization formerly known as the Republican Party has failed to cough up a replacement for Obamacare.

You see, folks, if you want to win, you have to have better ideas than your opposition.

That's the key to long term success.

The real evilness is that the GOP told you they did have a better idea. But they didn't. They wanted you to bleev what turned out to be a total hoax.

And you never held them accountable. That's why they lie to you.

You never hold Trump accountable. That's why HE lies to you.

Guess what the number one issue on the minds of Americans is?

Health care costs.


This has been at or near the top of the list for DECADES. And the GOP has come up with NOTHING in all that time.

The organization formerly known as the Republican Party is now the party of, "LOOK! SQUIRREL!"

Nothing but pointless and hateful distractions to keep you from focusing on their total incompetence.

When will you finally, finally, finally start holding them accountable?

Your guy Mc Cain ruined it.
We never did see that Obamacare replacement the GOP and then Donald Trump promised us they had. Trump's was "terrific". It was swell. It was the best health care plan ever. You were going to get tired of being so healthy.

While Obama was President, the Republican House partially or fully repealed Obamacare more than 60 times!

And yet, strangely, when they had full control of both houses of Congress, and the White House, there were no more repeals!


They had a partial repeal, with no replacement, which passed the House while Trump was president, and Trump held a prematurely ejaculatory celebration on the White House lawn. But then John McCain spoiled the whole thing with a thumbs down since it was all a hoax and did not actually replace Obamacare.

There's a way you can always tell when Trump is lying. He repeats the lie three times. Like this:

“Make no mistake,” (one!) the president said at one point,this is a repeal and a replace of Obamacare, make no mistake (two!) about it. Make no mistake.”(three!)


Since then, the organization formerly known as the Republican Party has failed to cough up a replacement for Obamacare.

You see, folks, if you want to win, you have to have better ideas than your opposition.

That's the key to long term success.

The real evilness is that the GOP told you they did have a better idea. But they didn't. They wanted you to bleev what turned out to be a total hoax.

And you never held them accountable. That's why they lie to you.

You never hold Trump accountable. That's why HE lies to you.

Guess what the number one issue on the minds of Americans is?

Health care costs.


This has been at or near the top of the list for DECADES. And the GOP has come up with NOTHING in all that time.

The organization formerly known as the Republican Party is now the party of, "LOOK! SQUIRREL!"

Nothing but pointless and hateful distractions to keep you from focusing on their total incompetence.

When will you finally, finally, finally start holding them accountable?

Trump doesn’t have a plan on the issue of health care.
We don’t need to replace it, just repeal it.
Did you see the chart in post 2?

My god, no wonder you are so easily hoaxed.

The whole reason we have Obamacare is because health care costs were skyrocketing for DECADES before that.

And to this day, the GOP has come up with NOTHING.

Repealing Obamacare would do fuck-all to stop health care costs from accelerating.
Republicans have done nothing.
Democrats have done next to nothing.
Democrats have been telling us since the 70s that if they are given the chance, they will enact universal health care. Ted Kennedy championed what was called "socialized medicine" at the time.

What the rubes have yet to understand is that the Republicans sold us all down the river to the Democrats on health care.

The Republicans put up a token resistance, but they surrendered a long, long time ago.

The rubes have not figured that out yet.

The "repeal and replace" hoax was revealed when the GOP had total control of the government and did NOTHING.

And yet the rubes are so gaslighted, they STILL don't see they were hoaxed.
Broken record but...

Leave the government out of healthcare. The shambling wretch that it is.
The false dichotomy tards think I am a liberal groomer Bidenista because of my utter hatred of a man who steals from cancer kids.

Yet here are my thoughts on health care in America:

Health care costs have been skyrocketing for at least half a century. The Democrat answer to this problem was, is, and always will be what was originally called "socialized medicine" and is now known as Universal Health Care. The stigma of "socialized" has been removed by the ad men. :lol:

Ted Kennedy was not the first advocate, but he was the biggest.

What I am saying is that for basically forever, the Democrats have been telegraphing exactly what their goal is. They did not make it a secret. They shouted it from the mountain. But for most of that time, they were screaming into the void.

But over all that time, the Democrats have succeeded in incrementally achieving the goal. George W. Bush even chipped in by creating a whole new government health care program to pander votes, and it has added more to the debt than Obamacare. Most right wingers are completely ignorance of this. Hell, Bush didn't even bother to try to offset the cost! At least Obama made an attempt to do so with the ACA.

Speaking of the ACA, which was a Great Leap Forward for socialized medicine, the Republicans immediately promised to repeal and replace Obamacare if they were given the power. This was the greatest political hoax of the modern era.

While they were out of power, the GOP passed, what, over 60 repeals knowing Obama would veto every one of those bills. But boy it was great theater for the rubes, wasn't it? They just kept voting for those hucksters until finally that glorious day arrived when the Republicans were given the House, the Senate, and the White House.

Then, suddenly, the GOP repeal and replacement program went dark. If that was not solid proof it had all been a hoax, then nothing is.

And yet the rubes didn't catch on! Unbelievable! They STILL have not caught on!

A "skinny repeal" was passed in the House on Trump's watch, and he did that repeat-a-lie-three-times thing he does. On the White House lawn, Trump held a party and prematurely ejaculated, stating, "“Make no mistake, (one!) “this is a repeal and a replace of Obamacare, make no mistake (two!) about it. Make no mistake.”(three!)


But it wasn't even close to a full repeal, and it certainly was not a replacement.


And who did the rubes get mad at?

John McCain.

You can't make this shit up.

As a result of all this hucksterism by Trump and the Republicans, Obamacare is now immortal. A third rail like Social Security and Medicare. Thanks, Drumpf!

The Democrats have moved the ball MUCH closer to the goal. UHC is now inevitable.

That's because the Republicans have never had a plan to get health care costs under control. They are too intellectually bankrupt, and so they have silently assented to UHC. They sold us all down the river to UHC decades ago.

Decades ago.

So what is G5000's plan for better health care?

Go ahead and call me a commie Democrat Biden-loving groomer homo, but I believe we have to get the government the fuck out of health care entirely.

With the exception of Medicare.

Ladies and gentlemen, the government is the biggest player in the healthcare market, and they get to write the rules for their private sector competitors! Does it get more fucking commie than that!?!?

You know how you can pick up your phone and dial ANY car insurance company in America and personally negotiate for the car insurance which best suits your needs?

You know how you can pick up your phone and dial ANY life insurance company in America and personally negotiate for the life insurance which best suits your needs?

Avoid whole life insurance. Those are a scam. Go with term life insurance. And tell your beneficiaries to punch any insurance person who tries to tell them to accept your life insurance in annuities right in their fat gob. That's another scam. Tell your survivors to take the lump sum. My dad was an underwriter for 30 years, this is him talking.

But I digress.

You know how you can pick up your phone and dial ANY home insurance company in America and personally negotiate for the home insurance which best suits your needs?

I'm not one for conspiracy theories as you all well know. But the fact you CANNOT pick up your phone and call ANY health insurance company in America and personally negotiate for the health insurance which best suits your needs IS a vast bipartisan conspiracy.

You are deliberately being held hostage to your employer insurance. How's that been working for you?

You know how I feel about exemptions, deductions, and credits. Well, the tax deduction corporations get for employer-sponsored health insurance is bending the cost of healthcare UP.

Obama worked very hard to keep that alive. It was a big boon he gave to labor unions.

So that's my solution to healthcare. Get government the fuck out, and let Americans be able to call any health insurance company in America and negotiate for the best insurance which fits their needs.

The best part is that if you bundle all your insurance together with one insurance company, you get big discounts.

No, actually the best part is that you would be able to take your health insurance with you wherever you go. You would no longer be hostage to your employer. You know when you get a new job and you have to wait several months before they let you into their health plan and you pray to god you don't need medical care in the meantime?

That bullshit is gone.

We turned health care from medicine into a business. It does not matter as the costs will keep rising. At some point medical care will be rationed and operations will become politicized as who does and does not get them from each group. Republicans are taking the hit for any solution. However, Progs are the ones who are pushing it behind the scenes.
Republicans have no solution! That's why the Progs are winning.
Actually, our plan is get a job and pay into your employer health plan.
Or buy your own.
Instead of sitting on your front porch drinking 40 oz malt liquors.
As for dying quickly, thats the Dimtard plan right Mrs Jones, for babies and/or seniors?
You are suffering from Stockholm Syndrome. You love being hostage to your employer and whatever insurance they offer you.

Your guy Mc Cain ruined it.
Nope. McCain saved the Republicans from making things go from bad to worse.

The bill he gave a thumbs down to was a "skinny repeal" which would have made things worse.

Trump spit right in your credulous face when he told you it was an Obamacare replacement. He knew you cucks wouldn't read it. He probably didn't even read it himself.

McCain DID read it and did us all a favor.
Trump doesn’t have a plan on the issue of health care.
That's a fact. And yet the submissive cucks STILL haven't figured that out.

I asked them a zillion times in 2016 what Trump's plan was, and all I got was blank stares as their little minds froze up.

These idiots NEVER ask Trump to back up his words. They NEVER hold him accountable.

They DESERVE to be lied to.
Remember these famous words?

"I'm the government, and I'm here to help."

Well....truer words were never spoken when it comes to government healthcare
Again, see the chart in post 2.

Doing NOTHING is not the answer, fool!
Remember these famous words?

"I'm the government, and I'm here to help."

Well....truer words were never spoken when it comes to government healthcare
Remember those famous words?

"Repeal and REPLACE".

I asked a zillion times in 2016, "Repeal and replace...WITH WHAT!?!?"

Nothing but blank stares.

This question never occurred to the Trump supporters.

There's a reason I call them tards.

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