What's Biden Up To? New York City Starts Airing 'Nuclear Attack' Public Service Announcements

I remember reports that the Russian bombs are "dirtier" than ours. The environmentalists will be enraged.
Democrats fleeing their shit holes will find it even worse as Americans refuse to help them. They will be treated like invaders.
It's apparent that many Russians (check the Europe message board), believe that Russia has a decisive advantage in nuclear weapons.

It's doubtful that any advantage that they may have would be enough to prevent the total destruction of Russia in a nuclear war, but if they believe it they won't know until it's too late.

Let's hope it's nothing but more Russian saber rattling. Of course with Trump as President they probably got full and complete info on the status of the U.S. nuclear arsenal and any R&D.

Thanks Trumpbots!
Is Moscow full of Maggot like you this time of year, Comrade?
What's up with this?

There goes my literary agent and publishing house.

In the early 90's the US Army trained us to tuck up in a ball with our faces away from the mushroom cloud. This public service announcement isn't much better. How are New Yorkers going to listen to instructions from authorities when all infrastructure in the surrounding city area has been fried? Guess they didn't think that one through. So New York city is worried about being aborted, eh? How ironic.
It's apparent that many Russians (check the Europe message board), believe that Russia has a decisive advantage in nuclear weapons.

It's doubtful that any advantage that they may have would be enough to prevent the total destruction of Russia in a nuclear war, but if they believe it they won't know until it's too late.

Let's hope it's nothing but more Russian saber rattling. Of course with Trump as President they probably got full and complete info on the status of the U.S. nuclear arsenal and any R&D.

Thanks Trumpbots!
you forgot to mention Russia didnt invade any country while Trump was POTUS ... but the Russians did invade a country when Obama was POTUS and then again when Biden became POTUS ! are all communist as ill informed as you are ?
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So if NYC is attacked with nukes, get in the middle of a building or wash yourself off if caught outside?
Maybe the people caught in sun like temperatures as the entire city disintegrates into a crater should use some sun screen too?
It's on point for lefties, Lefties live in a vaccum and no issues ever intersect( EXCPT for race/gender)......and you get this. If in a nuclear blast (by weapons much much worse than Japan's bombing) they think that will work. That is hilarious. I'm crying I'm laughing so hard.
It's apparent that many Russians (check the Europe message board), believe that Russia has a decisive advantage in nuclear weapons.

It's doubtful that any advantage that they may have would be enough to prevent the total destruction of Russia in a nuclear war, but if they believe it they won't know until it's too late.

Let's hope it's nothing but more Russian saber rattling. Of course with Trump as President they probably got full and complete info on the status of the U.S. nuclear arsenal and any R&D.

Thanks Trumpbots!
Sure, that's why they took over countries EXCEPT when Trump was in charge.....You people are dumb as fuck. You just read talking points, logic has no impact on you.
....or they SHOULD!

You are infinitely more likely to be mugged, asssaulted, stabbed, or murdered by a homeless person in LA than nuked in NYC...unless Antifa & BLM are in town to hold another 'Mostly Peaceful Protest'....

Sure, that's why they took over countries EXCEPT when Trump was in charge.....You people are dumb as fuck. You just read talking points, logic has no impact on you.

Russia was still developing it's hypersonic missiles when Trump was in office.

Besides, Trump was the guy that wanted to illegally withhold weapon shipments to Ukraine unless Zelensky was willing to fraudulently help Trump's Presidential campaign.

He was impeached for it...or did you forget?
Russia was still developing it's hypersonic missiles when Trump was in office.

Besides, Trump was the guy that wanted to illegally withhold weapon shipments to Ukraine unless Zelensky was willing to fraudulently help Trump's Presidential campaign.

He was impeached for it...or did you forget?

Did Russia stop developing hyersonic missles now?
Wait I searched.....still going Russia says it has test-fired another hypersonic missile

So that point is total shit

I forgot, becasue it was more bullshit. Another nothingburger. Ukraine didn't provide the info and they still got their weapons......so again nothing happened.
Russia was still developing it's hypersonic missiles when Trump was in office.
Besides, Trump was the guy that wanted to illegally withhold weapon shipments to Ukraine unless Zelensky was willing to fraudulently help Trump's Presidential campaign.
He was impeached for it...or did you forget?
1. Actually Obama did not give Ukraine weapons.

2. Trump gave Ukraine Javelin anti-tank weapons.

You're proven wrong as usual.
Did Russia stop developing hyersonic missles now?
Wait I searched.....still going Russia says it has test-fired another hypersonic missile

So that point is total shit

I forgot, becasue it was more bullshit. Another nothingburger. Ukraine didn't provide the info and they still got their weapons......so again nothing happened.

Of course Russia is continuing to do R&D and test fire their hyper-sonics. But they've already used them in Ukraine. If you had read my original message - without pitching a tizzy - I said that that are Russians posting in the Europe message section that seem to believe that the Russian now have functioning hypersonic ICBMs.

Trump was unable to withhold weapons from Ukraine only because he got caught.
1. Actually Obama did not give Ukraine weapons.

2. Trump gave Ukraine Javelin anti-tank weapons.

You're proven wrong as usual.

The Obama administration did not allow direct shipments of arms to Ukraine, but did allow independent commercial shipments:

Trump may have agreed to give Ukraine weapons, but then he threatened to withhold them if Zelensky didn't cooperate.

Of course Russia is continuing to do R&D and test fire their hyper-sonics. But they've already used them in Ukraine. If you had read my original message - without pitching a tizzy - I said that that are Russians posting in the Europe message section that seem to believe that the Russian now have functioning hypersonic ICBMs.

Trump was unable to withhold weapons from Ukraine only because he got caught.
So why are you brining up Trump, if the most popular and most legitimate President ever, Joe Biden, can't stop them. I love how you guys blame Trump for shit Obama and Joe Biden couldnt stop either.
The Obama administration did not allow direct shipments of arms to Ukraine, but did allow independent commercial shipments:
Trump may have agreed to give Ukraine weapons, but then he threatened to withhold them if Zelensky didn't cooperate.
1. The Obama admin did NOT allow direct shipments of weapons to Ukraine, period.

2. The Trump admin did ship weapons directly to Ukraine, period.

Trump did not threaten to withhold weapons if Zeenskyy didn't cooperate, that's a LIE. Prove that if you can.
Go inside your house? Lol. Wait to hear emergency updates on your electronic devices? Lol. Id suggest looking up some images of the hiroshima and nagasaki blasts and multiplying by about 50. They were measured in kilotons. Fat man and little boy had a total of 37 kilotons. Todays nuclear bombs are measured in megatons. For reference, 1 megaton = 1000 kilotons.

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