What's Going On? Hillary Lost Five Out Of Six States To Sanders This Past Week

And Trump is the most disliked, by far, candidate in either party.

Doesn't bode well.
And Trump is the most disliked, by far, candidate in either party.

Doesn't bode well.

yeah and you are tops on the list (going back 7 months) saying Trump cannot win, Trump won't run, Trump on publicity stunt, Trump can't win FLA, Trump can't win Ohio (ooops). I am watching you......
I'd love to see Sanders win if Trump loses the nomination.

Both will fix our trade and do what needs to be done.
"What's Going On? Hillary Lost Five Out Of Six States To Sanders This Past Week"

What’s going on is the democratic presidential primary is unfolding exactly as Clinton and democrats had hoped.

The last thing democrats wanted was a primary season that was nothing more than a de facto coronation of Clinton.

With Sanders’ victories democrats are remaining involved and participating, which wouldn’t be the case if Clinton were winning every primary, something that could actually jeopardize her chances in November.

It’s remarkable, but not surprising, that most on the right are this devoid of political acumen.
One super-dumbass left-wing liberal pinhead loon on T. V. last night dismissed the Sanders rout in Washington State by saying it would go Democratic in the General Election, anyway.

I'm not sure just what you're trying to say here.....because Washington State has been Democrat for years. WA has 102 Dem delegates vs 44 Repub, and Sanders only won 23 vs Clinton 8. That's only 31....what about the other 71??? Is it really possible that WA has flipped to Republican?

delegate count - Bing

Or am I completely misunderstanding this whole thing?

Yes mam, bless you. You are completely missing the whole darn thing. But, you have thought to have a picture of Lucille Ball as your avatar....she never had a clue either, and she was one of the most endearing people in recent American history.
One super-dumbass left-wing liberal pinhead loon on T. V. last night dismissed the Sanders rout in Washington State by saying it would go Democratic in the General Election, anyway.

He didn't mention that ***Mrs. Bill Clinton would be getting her ample ass absolutely kicked in Pledged Delegates, but for the Blacks in states like Mississippi, Texas, Louisisana, Alabama, South Carolina...which most certainly will go Republican in the General Election.

If Blacks realized they are consummate Socialists, which they don't for some reason, ***Mrs. Bill Clinton would be getting killed in Pledged delegates, and only hanging on by use of the Super Delegates which she bought off long ago with the help of Wall Street, shady/criminal donations to the Clinton Foundation, and the influence of ***Mr. Bill Clinton.

***Mr. Bill Clinton is the only reason Mrs. Bill Clinton is in the conversation for the Presidency to begin with. He got her every job she's ever had...going back to that law firm in Arkansas, which needed State Legal Business...and she's fucked everyone of them up. This experience her husband got for her is her only claim to this next job, but her experience has done nothing more than highlight & confirm her complete incompetency.

Thus so many---Feeling the Bern.
simply hogwash....

Just a couple of questions.

Do you consider this a Board for legitimate Political Discourse?

Do you consider your response: "legitimate Political Discourse".
One super-dumbass left-wing liberal pinhead loon on T. V. last night dismissed the Sanders rout in Washington State by saying it would go Democratic in the General Election, anyway.

I'm not sure just what you're trying to say here.....because Washington State has been Democrat for years. WA has 102 Dem delegates vs 44 Repub, and Sanders only won 23 vs Clinton 8. That's only 31....what about the other 71??? Is it really possible that WA has flipped to Republican?

delegate count - Bing

Or am I completely misunderstanding this whole thing?

Yes mam, bless you. You are completely missing the whole darn thing. But, you have thought to have a picture of Lucille Ball as your avatar....she never had a clue either, and she was one of the most endearing people in recent American history.

Lucille Ball didn't have a clue?

Might want to look up Desilu Studios, and see what that scatterbrained redhead accomplished.
What's going on? America is going to embrace communism, then wonder where all the Patriots went.
Sanders pretty much avoids the whole question of terrorism, and when he is forced to address it, he’s even weaker than Clinton. But, the fact that Clinton continues to be humiliated by Sanders, just demonstrates how weak a candidate she really is. The weakness is even more pronounced, because Sanders rarely attacks her on anything of consequence, she’s just failing on her own.


RNC mocks Clinton's 1-of-6 wins, 'embarrassing performance'

In gaming terms, her saved game has been deleted.
The beauty of it is that if not for Trump, Bernie Sanders would be almost universally dismissed as unelectable in November.
"What's Going On? Hillary Lost Five Out Of Six States To Sanders This Past Week"

What’s going on is the democratic presidential primary is unfolding exactly as Clinton and democrats had hoped.

The last thing democrats wanted was a primary season that was nothing more than a de facto coronation of Clinton.

With Sanders’ victories democrats are remaining involved and participating, which wouldn’t be the case if Clinton were winning every primary, something that could actually jeopardize her chances in November.

It’s remarkable, but not surprising, that most on the right are this devoid of political acumen.

I first acknowledge that the above post seems to be "legitimate political discourse".....as I believe this board was meant for.

It comes as a great surprise, being from a Poster who has previously failed to accomplish this simple task in his 35,000 previous attempts...judging from the sampling I have read.

But, legitimate political discourse it is. Of course, it treats "the right" with some asperity, there at the end...but the rest of it enlightens a great many of us on the shrewdnss of the Democratic Party as to how to fix a primary.

First, load up the Fixee--Mrs. Bill Clinton (Hillary has always had the Fix in)...load up this Pathological Liar-Cow with Super-Delegates bought for her by her Husband and their Foundation, and those who made the Foundation rich...being those who needed help from the State Department while she was Secretary of State;

Second, Remind the Blacks that Bill Clinton was the first Black President, and hope the Blacks don't figure out that they are the truest socialists around and so...and don't figure out who "The Bern" is....rack up huge leads in all the Southern States where, by the way, a Democrat will never win in the General Election---the one that counts;

Then, have the rest of the States, the ones that Hillary might naturally carry if she was a legitimate Democratic candidate..not another Banana Republic Evita Peron who her husband thinks he can make President, because he was President....have those ordinarily Blue States just wax her ass...in favor of an old Socialist curmudgeon....have him beat her like a drum---almost 80/20....to keep the folks interested.

Its damn fine Political Discourse.

But, I think they could have done with-out this last one--the one where Bernie whips her like a rented mule...Trump is keepng us folks interested enough to suit us
I had to look up asperity. Sometimes I realize how book-word stupid I really am. enjoyed the parts like "wax her ass..,have him beat her like a drum-Bernie whips her like a rented mule."

I feel like Ernest T. Bass of Mayberry. "i just love this kinda stuff"
they can't show their cheating is so Blatant. so the nobody guy has to get a few states.
The fact is that hard core democrats are stuck with the old commie or the abused wife of a pervert. They aren't necessarily inclined to be socialist but Hillary is just so damned unlikable.

Hillary? Abused? :lmao:

One super-dumbass left-wing liberal pinhead loon on T. V. last night dismissed the Sanders rout in Washington State by saying it would go Democratic in the General Election, anyway.

I'm not sure just what you're trying to say here.....because Washington State has been Democrat for years. WA has 102 Dem delegates vs 44 Repub, and Sanders only won 23 vs Clinton 8. That's only 31....what about the other 71??? Is it really possible that WA has flipped to Republican?

delegate count - Bing

Or am I completely misunderstanding this whole thing?

Yes mam, bless you. You are completely missing the whole darn thing. But, you have thought to have a picture of Lucille Ball as your avatar....she never had a clue either, and she was one of the most endearing people in recent American history.

So jackass......instead of insulting my intelligence and deflecting about my avatar, where's the answer about the other 71 delegates of Washington???? It was a serious question......
These were caucuses he was supposed to win. She was lucky to leave WA with any bound delegates.

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