What's Not Changing After Yesterday's Election


Diamond Member
Jul 15, 2009
The Free Texas Republic
Some new faces, some different attitudes. There may be some tinkering at the margins. Government, the state, will continue to grow in size, scope, and reach. To pay the bills, borrowing and taxes will continue to grow also. The FED will continue to print devalued money and your purchasing power will continue to shrink. The economy may pick up, and Obama will be in position to take credit - his programs prior to the GOP takeover will be his claim. If it doesn't, he can blame it on GOP obstructionism. Foreign (Military) policy isn't going to change. So woohoo John Boehner is third in line for succession. Meet the new boss, same as the old boss...
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will any functionallity change? Same game just a few new faces?
Waaaaaaay back when the GOPers had their much vaunted show downs with Clinton, the argument was never about real cuts, but reductions in the rate of growth. Same game. Same expectations that the boobus will not really know the difference.
Some new faces, some different attitudes. There may be some tinkering at the margins. Government, the state, will continue to grow in size, scope, and reach. To pay the bills, borrowing and taxes will continue to grow also. The FED will continue to print devalued money and your purchasing power will continue to shrink. The economy may pick up, and Obama will be in position to take credit - his programs prior to the GOP takeover will be his claim. If it doesn't, he can blame it on GOP obstructionism. Foreign (Military) policy isn't going to change. So woohoo John Boehner is third in line for succession. Meet the new boss, same as the old boss...

Yeah, that's how I see it, too.

I don't see anything on the horizen that going to much change the economy or the way business is done in America.

AFter the elation for this big win, comes the time when the GOP has to get something (and something REAL) done.

I have my doubts they'll be able to get much done.

I have my doubts any party unwilling to radically change some fundamental laws about economic and the way things are done now, can really do much to change the slow decline that the American Republic is obviously facing.

We're on our way to becoming a third world economy with first world super military power.

Much as the Soviety Union was before it fell apart.
Some new faces, some different attitudes. There may be some tinkering at the margins. Government, the state, will continue to grow in size, scope, and reach. To pay the bills, borrowing and taxes will continue to grow also. The FED will continue to print devalued money and your purchasing power will continue to shrink. The economy may pick up, and Obama will be in position to take credit - his programs prior to the GOP takeover will be his claim. If it doesn't, he can blame it on GOP obstructionism. Foreign (Military) policy isn't going to change. So woohoo John Boehner is third in line for succession. Meet the new boss, same as the old boss...

Sadly, you are correct sir.
What's not changing??

The fact that a majority of politicians will still do the wrong thing.. more into expanding power, pet projects, etc... more into having government grow so their power is entrenched further..

And until the US populace takes their heads out of their collective asses and kicks these motherfuckers from both sides out of office, we're still going to have a overbloated and horrible government
hey, you know what? It think any sentient being knows that IF unemployment is ot below, say 8% come 12, another wave will come...... Now even if the reps just march in place, as one part of the 3 doesn't give them any real power, incumbents etc. will be right back on the block again. And let me say here and now , I DON'T CARE what party they are, they can all go down if they play the same old games.

in short IF 12 comes and its the same old shit, once again..


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