What's The Difference Between Drug Cartels And Pharmaceutical Companies?

One of them sells laced with fentanyl illegal drugs and the other sells legal drugs.
One of them sells laced with fentanyl illegal drugs and the other sells legal drugs.
Legal drugs that kill you. This is a short list of celebrities that died from the effects of drugs some both legal and illegal...but mostly legal:

  • Truman Capota
  • Judy Garland
  • Marguax Hemmingway
  • Phillip Seymour Hoffman
  • Paul Horner
  • Howard Hughes
  • Michael Jackson
  • David A. Kennedy (Son of Bobby Kennedy)
  • Margot Kidder
  • Rodney King
  • Heath Ledger
  • Marilyn Monroe
  • Brittany Murphy
  • Tom Petty
  • Anna Nicole Smith
  • Natalie Wood
  • David Cassidy
  • Amy Winehouse
  • Oliver Reed
  • John Barrymore
  • F. Scott Fitzgerald
All drugs kill when used outside of their intent.
Fentanyl is a highly effective pain killer that works better than other opioids in certain medical conditions. It is horrifically deadly if used in higher doses, mixed with other drugs.
An example.
One of them sells laced with fentanyl illegal drugs and the other sells legal drugs.

Legal drugs eventually harm the kidneys and liver and other organs. They're just used in lower dosages. That's not a bash on legal drugs. ZPac is an awesome antibiotic.
Im a retired emt Muddy

would you mind if i blow chunks in your thread???

Go ahead.
But things have been changing the last few years.
I know the hard stuff was killing alot of people in the past....but now Fentanyl is laced in just about everything.
Then there's the sudden death syndrome from vaccines.
Go ahead.

first off, we're a 'pill popping' culture inclusive of the spectrum from school kids to seniors

big pharma has had it's hooks into our medical community for a few generations now

it's become our RX for everything , since the AMA kicked out all the homeopaths back in the 30's & 40's , despite their resurgence in recent times


first off, we're a 'pill popping' culture inclusive of the spectrum from school kids to seniors

big pharma has had it's hooks into our medical community for a few generations now

it's become our RX for everything , since the AMA kicked out all the homeopaths back in the 30's & 40's , despite their resurgence in recent times

Americans are as addicted to legally prescribed drugs as we are to illegal drugs.
Go ahead.
But things have been changing the last few years.
I know the hard stuff was killing alot of people in the past....but now Fentanyl is laced in just about everything.
Then there's the sudden death syndrome from vaccines.
Then PEDV spike should be compared with SARS2 spike. The former causes sudden death without the mRNA.

first off, we're a 'pill popping' culture inclusive of the spectrum from school kids to seniors

big pharma has had it's hooks into our medical community for a few generations now

it's become our RX for everything , since the AMA kicked out all the homeopaths back in the 30's & 40's , despite their resurgence in recent times

Former members of the FDA are on Pfizer's board now.
Things changed in the FDA in the 90s.
Now all they have to do is show all of the bad side-effects and they can sell any poison they want.
Videos of people on a lake having a great time....and this drug will help you quit smoking.....as long as you don't mind Pancreatic Cancer and anal leakage.
I will say this as it relates somewhat...
As some of you may have seen my thread on suffering Long covid since November 11th... I read that Vitamin C shows a promise to help with Long Covid because it is a natural protein inhibitor.
3 weeks ago I started taking 250mg of Vit C daily. I cannot tell you how better I am. I don't have the burning in my chest anymore, my coughing is a quarter what it was - everything way better. And it is just Vitamin C.
I will say this as it relates somewhat...
As some of you may have seen my thread on suffering Long covid since November 11th... I read that Vitamin C shows a promise to help with Long Covid because it is a natural protein inhibitor.
3 weeks ago I started taking 250mg of Vit C daily. I cannot tell you how better I am. I don't have the burning in my chest anymore, my coughing is a quarter what it was - everything way better. And it is just Vitamin C.
Anecdotally, the 'results' of a pharmaceutically influenced society became rather obvious to many like myself in the 'system'......~S~
Why lump all pharmaceutical companies together? The company I work for sells drip therapy. It definitely benefits people.

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