What's the next economic crisis du jour?

what next?

  • foreclosuregate gets messy

    Votes: 1 16.7%
  • States start defaulting

    Votes: 4 66.7%
  • PIIGS start defaulting

    Votes: 1 16.7%
  • BRIC bubbles pop

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • The food crisis worsens

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Commodoties drop like a rock

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
I went with states defaulting. It's as close as I could get to thinking there will be major issues with pensions for more and more states.

If that happens, I'm thinking a domino effect will take over and lots of things are going to change.
except for the state's default scenario, the remaining disasters are all different faces of the same ailment: too much money, not enough real investment. the best case scenario is an all of the above episode which evaporates some ($10^12 or better) of the cash upon ignition.
I predict the States, since they are in the worst shape and have the most means to get in the way of economic progress. They always cut the front lines and never cut the administrators. The retired administrators somehow see this as okay.

It's going to be a real mess.
The DOW has recently hit 12,000.

What is everyone so worried about?
A currency crisis or a sovereign debt crisis, if it happens. It has to be bigger than Lehman and subprime and the housing bubble collapse.

I think a state defaulting isn't that big of a deal.
Oil skyrocketing to $100+ a barrel. This causes the consumer to spend more money for gas ($4.00/gal) and causing the economy to backslide back into recession. Food prices continue to soar as a result of the increased fuel costs and the natural disaters around the world causing global unrest. What is happening now is just the beginning. State default looks like a real possibility with a return of recession.
frankly an 'all of the above' option would not have been bad. ;)
Oil skyrocketing to $100+ a barrel. This causes the consumer to spend more money for gas ($4.00/gal) and causing the economy to backslide back into recession. Food prices continue to soar as a result of the increased fuel costs and the natural disaters around the world causing global unrest. What is happening now is just the beginning. State default looks like a real possibility with a return of recession.

Here we go again with people not comprehending the reason why oil and food prices are increasing.

It's like 2007 all over again.
How else can we have a recovery if everyone does not pay more for what they already buy?
I suspect we will see Dow 16K+/S&P 1700+ by August and Dow 4K-/S&P 500- by June of 2012. The reason I asked which one next is that I take it as a given that the rest of the blow ups will happen shortly after the first as the house of cards collapses.
I suspect we will see Dow 16K+/S&P 1700+ by August and Dow 4K-/S&P 500- by June of 2012. The reason I asked which one next is that I take it as a given that the rest of the blow ups will happen shortly after the first as the house of cards collapses.

I m not sure that false hope and even a relatively lively consumer will prevent the market from another 'correction' as to that -4/5K sooner ......june 12 is a long time.

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