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What's the point of being a Christian when Jesus isn't coming back?

Pedro de San Patricio

Gold Member
Feb 14, 2015
I understand Judaism. The existence or lack thereof of Yhwh wouldn't really impact the culture, geopolitics, or tribal/superiority mindset. It frankly doesn't matter to the millions of Jews out there that there is never going to be a messiah or world to come. None of that effects the day to day. I can understand Islam for the exact same reasons. Christianity, on the other hand, baffles me. It doesn't create tribal ties between people. It very explicitly doesn't have a political message, though it's often used for political purposes anyway. It's solely focused on mythological events in the past leading up to an imminent grand supernatural finale in which each generation of Christians firmly believes they will play a leading role. Judaism doesn't really give a fuck about the world to come. Islam says it'll happen when it happens. Only Christians expect the end to come "this" generation, every generation for roughly the past 80. I just don't see the point in joining a religion like that that bases itself entirely around claims that are so obviously untrue.
I understand Judaism. The existence or lack thereof of Yhwh wouldn't really impact the culture, geopolitics, or tribal/superiority mindset. It frankly doesn't matter to the millions of Jews out there that there is never going to be a messiah or world to come. None of that effects the day to day. I can understand Islam for the exact same reasons. Christianity, on the other hand, baffles me. It doesn't create tribal ties between people. It very explicitly doesn't have a political message, though it's often used for political purposes anyway. It's solely focused on mythological events in the past leading up to an imminent grand supernatural finale in which each generation of Christians firmly believes they will play a leading role. Judaism doesn't really give a fuck about the world to come. Islam says it'll happen when it happens. Only Christians expect the end to come "this" generation, every generation for roughly the past 80. I just don't see the point in joining a religion like that that bases itself entirely around claims that are so obviously untrue.
There is your problem. "Joining a religion." You perceive it as joining a country club. Here are the club rules…blah..blah…blah…
It is unfortunate that many churches are just like a country club… anyhow, you made me laugh, thank you for that.
I keep repeating religions are societal road maps that tells one how to interact with a select group of the general popualce.

It is only those who attempt to assign human traits to these religions who show their lack of intelligence.

After all if all you see is another mythical being equal to Santa Clause or The Easter Bunny, your intelligence level is not sufficient enough to carry on an educated conversation with.
Hey stupid how would you interact with the catholic community as an ignorant towel head??

You accept that religion when you want to become part of that community.
I understand Judaism. The existence or lack thereof of Yhwh wouldn't really impact the culture, geopolitics, or tribal/superiority mindset. It frankly doesn't matter to the millions of Jews out there that there is never going to be a messiah or world to come. None of that effects the day to day. I can understand Islam for the exact same reasons. Christianity, on the other hand, baffles me. It doesn't create tribal ties between people. It very explicitly doesn't have a political message, though it's often used for political purposes anyway. It's solely focused on mythological events in the past leading up to an imminent grand supernatural finale in which each generation of Christians firmly believes they will play a leading role. Judaism doesn't really give a fuck about the world to come. Islam says it'll happen when it happens. Only Christians expect the end to come "this" generation, every generation for roughly the past 80. I just don't see the point in joining a religion like that that bases itself entirely around claims that are so obviously untrue.

He said He'd rise in 3 days and did it. He said He will return and He will.
Very precise prophesy tells us when we can expect His return. Millerites for example, forgot the, " The Jews will build a new Temple" one. Christ didn't say when you see one of these things come to pass, he said these things. These things are what we are seeing now. The prophesied peace treaty we are hearing so much about lately will allow for that Temple to be built.
To discuss why people believe in it when none of its claims have ever been true.
We have so many threads on the same shit you are proposing that it is overflowing the server. Guano himself posts the same shit about 20 times daily. Go look them up and have fun.
He said He'd rise in 3 days and did it. He said He will return and He will.
Very precise prophesy tells us when we can expect His return. Millerites for example, forgot the, " The Jews will build a new Temple" one. Christ didn't say when you see one of these things come to pass, he said these things. These things are what we are seeing now. The prophesied peace treaty we are hearing so much about lately will allow for that Temple to be built.

And the hand writing on the wall says the middle east will be consumed in flames, shouldn't be long and Iran will make that one come true...............
To discuss why people believe in it when none of its claims have ever been true.

You are incorrect.
Here is one:
Israel will be a Nation in one day. It did. In fact, if you adjust for the two calendars, our modern and their Hebrew, the exact day was prophesied.
The Jews will return to their Hebrew tongue.
They are the only Nation in history to return to their land and revive their original language.
The rest are too numerous to list, so there is just a few to shatter your statement.
And the hand writing on the wall says the middle east will be consumed in flames, shouldn't be long and Iran will make that one come true...............
Well, actually, this link is a picture of the real “hand writing on the wall” --- by Rembrandt https://924jeremiah.files.wordpress.com/2014/09/194.jpg

And I question you questioning the intelligence of those who seek to serve and obey God. I imagine when Jesus said "an evil age is eager for a sign, but no sign will be given it except that of Jonah" he was referring to those who refuse to see or believe in any of the signs. Not that signs have not been given, they surely have.

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Chapter five of the Book of Daniel describes the royal banquet of King Belshazzar, the son of Nebuchadnezzar. Nebuchadnezzar was the Babylonian emperor who had conquered Jerusalem, exiled its people, destroyed the Temple and carried off its sacred vessels in triumph. Interestingly, the Bible portrays him as eventually acknowledging his hubris and humbling himself, as he says, 'before the Ever-Living One, whose dominion is an everlasting dominion and whose kingdom endures throughout the generations. All the inhabitants of the earth are of no account...' (Daniel 4:31-32).

Belshazzar, his son, was nowhere near as humble. In the midst of a gala banquet he ordered the sacred vessels to be brought to his palace. In addition to profaning them by using them as common drinking cups, he added sacrilege by toasting and praising his pagan gods. As punishment for glorifying lifeless gods, the live hand of God writes a cryptic message on the palace wall: Mene Mene Tekel Upharsin

But you Belshazzar his son, did not humble yourself although you knew all this. You exalted yourself against the Lord of Heaven and had the vessels of His temple brought to you. You and your nobles, your consorts and your concubines drank wine from them and praised the gods of silver and gold, bronze and iron, wood and stone which do not see, hear or understand; but the God who controls your life breath and every move you make - Him you did not glorify! He therefore made the hand appear and caused the writing that is inscribed: Mene Mene Tekel Upharsin... (Daniel 5:22-25).

Overcome by terror, Belshazzar called for his soothsayers. No one could interpret the inscription. The Queen suggested that they check with Daniel, one of the exiles from Jerusalem, who was summoned to solve the riddle. Daniel asserts that while his father Nebuchanezzar humbled himself before the Lord, Belshazzar's impious desecration of the sacred vessels had called forth immediate punishment. The cryptograms, reduced to three, are to be deciphered as follows:

Mene - numbered; God numbered your reign and ended it.
Tekel - weighed; you have been weighed in the balance and found wanting
Pharsin - divided; your kingdom has been divided and given to the Medes and Persians.

The story ends with Daniel being given the insignia of nobility and Belshazzar being killed that very night.
Where did I question anyone's intelligence??

You are one more post away from ignore.

Now you lunatic rantings were uncalled for and had nothing what so ever to do with my post.

When your comprehension of others English is superior to it's current poor quality come back and try it again.

Why do others not understand how easy it is to be put on ignore, where you never come off??
Where did I question anyone's intelligence??

Oh, I don't know, maybe I was not intelligent enough to comprehend these words of yours earlier in this thread?

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"It is only those who attempt to assign human traits to these religions who show their lack of intelligence.
After all if all you see is another mythical being equal to Santa Clause or The Easter Bunny, your intelligence level is not sufficient enough to carry on an educated conversation with."

Now you lunatic rantings were uncalled for and had nothing what so ever to do with my post.Why do others not understand how easy it is to be put on ignore, where you never come off??
We've never met... I did not realize you would be so touchy.
I have no problem with others' "lunatic rantings" if I find them mildly interesting.
Apparently, it set off an ignore button for you? A thousand pardons.
I understand Judaism. The existence or lack thereof of Yhwh wouldn't really impact the culture, geopolitics, or tribal/superiority mindset. It frankly doesn't matter to the millions of Jews out there that there is never going to be a messiah or world to come. None of that effects the day to day. I can understand Islam for the exact same reasons. Christianity, on the other hand, baffles me. It doesn't create tribal ties between people. It very explicitly doesn't have a political message, though it's often used for political purposes anyway. It's solely focused on mythological events in the past leading up to an imminent grand supernatural finale in which each generation of Christians firmly believes they will play a leading role. Judaism doesn't really give a fuck about the world to come. Islam says it'll happen when it happens. Only Christians expect the end to come "this" generation, every generation for roughly the past 80. I just don't see the point in joining a religion like that that bases itself entirely around claims that are so obviously untrue.

He said He'd rise in 3 days and did it. He said He will return and He will.
Very precise prophesy tells us when we can expect His return. Millerites for example, forgot the, " The Jews will build a new Temple" one. Christ didn't say when you see one of these things come to pass, he said these things. These things are what we are seeing now. The prophesied peace treaty we are hearing so much about lately will allow for that Temple to be built.

And his rising was recorded no where else in history expect in christian mythology
Yea, 2000 years and still no jebus

“For the Son of Man is going to come in the glory of His Father with His angels, and will then repay every man according to his deeds. Truly I say to you, there are some of those who are standing here who will not taste death until they see the Son of Man coming in His kingdom. (Matthew 16: 27, 28)

“Behold, I have told you in advance. So if they say to you, ‘Behold, He is in the wilderness,’ do not go out, or, ‘Behold, He is in the inner rooms,’ do not believe them. For just as the lightning comes from the east and flashes even to the west, so will the coming of the Son of Man be. Wherever the corpse is, there the vultures will gather.

But immediately after the tribulation of those days the sun will be darkened, and the moon will not give its light, and the stars will fall from the sky, and the powers of the heavens will be shaken. And then the sign of the Son of Man will appear in the sky, and then all the tribes of the earth will mourn, and they will see the Son of Man coming on the clouds of the sky with power and great glory. And He will send forth His angels with a great trumpet and they will gather together His elect from the four winds, from one end of the sky to the other.

Now learn the parable from the fig tree: when its branch has already become tender and puts forth its leaves, you know that summer is near; so, you too, when you see all these things, recognize that He is near, right at the door. Truly I say to you, this generation will not pass away until all these things take place. (Matthew 24: 25-34)

“Do not seek a wife. This is what I mean, brothers: the appointed time has grown very short. From now on, let those who have wives live as though they had none, and those who mourn as though they were not mourning, and those who rejoice as though they were not rejoicing, and those who buy as though they had no goods, and those who deal with the world as though they had no dealings with it. For the present form of this world is passing away.” (1 Corinthians 7:27,29-31)

The end of all things is near…” (1 Peter 4:7)

These passages show that these New Testament writers did believed the apocalypse was very near. They were clear that they were living in the last days when Jesus was to return in the clouds and bring about the end of the world as they knew it.
Jesus sent me a tweet. He told me that he is coming back to clean up my landscaping, but that he was delayed at the border. He said that he should be able to get back on schedule in 6 months, provided that Pedro's pickup is still working when he gets out.
I understand Judaism. The existence or lack thereof of Yhwh wouldn't really impact the culture, geopolitics, or tribal/superiority mindset. It frankly doesn't matter to the millions of Jews out there that there is never going to be a messiah or world to come. None of that effects the day to day. I can understand Islam for the exact same reasons. Christianity, on the other hand, baffles me. It doesn't create tribal ties between people. It very explicitly doesn't have a political message, though it's often used for political purposes anyway. It's solely focused on mythological events in the past leading up to an imminent grand supernatural finale in which each generation of Christians firmly believes they will play a leading role. Judaism doesn't really give a fuck about the world to come. Islam says it'll happen when it happens. Only Christians expect the end to come "this" generation, every generation for roughly the past 80. I just don't see the point in joining a religion like that that bases itself entirely around claims that are so obviously untrue.

Well you must be worried on some level or you wouldn't have bothered with this thread.
I understand Judaism. The existence or lack thereof of Yhwh wouldn't really impact the culture, geopolitics, or tribal/superiority mindset. It frankly doesn't matter to the millions of Jews out there that there is never going to be a messiah or world to come. None of that effects the day to day. I can understand Islam for the exact same reasons. Christianity, on the other hand, baffles me. It doesn't create tribal ties between people. It very explicitly doesn't have a political message, though it's often used for political purposes anyway. It's solely focused on mythological events in the past leading up to an imminent grand supernatural finale in which each generation of Christians firmly believes they will play a leading role. Judaism doesn't really give a fuck about the world to come. Islam says it'll happen when it happens. Only Christians expect the end to come "this" generation, every generation for roughly the past 80. I just don't see the point in joining a religion like that that bases itself entirely around claims that are so obviously untrue.

Well you must be worried on some level or you wouldn't have bothered with this thread.
I'm from the South. Religion affects my life.
I understand Judaism. The existence or lack thereof of Yhwh wouldn't really impact the culture, geopolitics, or tribal/superiority mindset. It frankly doesn't matter to the millions of Jews out there that there is never going to be a messiah or world to come. None of that effects the day to day. I can understand Islam for the exact same reasons. Christianity, on the other hand, baffles me. It doesn't create tribal ties between people. It very explicitly doesn't have a political message, though it's often used for political purposes anyway. It's solely focused on mythological events in the past leading up to an imminent grand supernatural finale in which each generation of Christians firmly believes they will play a leading role. Judaism doesn't really give a fuck about the world to come. Islam says it'll happen when it happens. Only Christians expect the end to come "this" generation, every generation for roughly the past 80. I just don't see the point in joining a religion like that that bases itself entirely around claims that are so obviously untrue.

Yes each generation thought they would see the arrival of Gods kingdom, but what they didn't realize( because it was hidden( Daniel 12:4) that the 7th and final world power had to be in place--4 world powers listed in Daniel 7--each given the mark of a beast--then the roman empire#5--the british empire-#6--and the 7th and final--the two horned beast of Rev 13--which the world has been witnessing for years now. it is almost done.
Jesus received his crown here--rev 6( post war in heaven-first ride of the white horse) at the second ride of the white horse Jesus returns to earth, but he will be leading Gods armies, to destroy all wickedness and to abyss satan and his angels for 1000 years. Gods kingdom begins.
I understand Judaism. The existence or lack thereof of Yhwh wouldn't really impact the culture, geopolitics, or tribal/superiority mindset. It frankly doesn't matter to the millions of Jews out there that there is never going to be a messiah or world to come. None of that effects the day to day. I can understand Islam for the exact same reasons. Christianity, on the other hand, baffles me. It doesn't create tribal ties between people. It very explicitly doesn't have a political message, though it's often used for political purposes anyway. It's solely focused on mythological events in the past leading up to an imminent grand supernatural finale in which each generation of Christians firmly believes they will play a leading role. Judaism doesn't really give a fuck about the world to come. Islam says it'll happen when it happens. Only Christians expect the end to come "this" generation, every generation for roughly the past 80. I just don't see the point in joining a religion like that that bases itself entirely around claims that are so obviously untrue.

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