When Did you/will you delete your Twitter and Facebook accounts? They are toxic and bad for politics

They sow political discourse and are evil and thoughtless.

They do not promote discussion.

The modern tech giants that spy on you and sell your data to 3rd parties for profit, Google, Twitter, Facebook....if you use them, you are part of the herd of useful sheep running off a cliff.

I don't use twitter. I will not delete my FaceBook account. I enjoy it. I don't post much in the way of political stuff.

But I talk to and see pics of my children and my grandchild. I stay in contact with friends from school and that I have made in life. I laugh at hilarious posts people make.

As far as tech giants spying, I don't post my address, cell phone, or any other personal data on FaceBook, whether public or private.

Don’t worry they have it. As well as everywhere you go, the content of your email and every search you make. And they sell it.

I use FaceBook on a computer in my home. I don't post every where I go.

Someone knowing my searches or whatever doesn't bother me. I get fewer ads for bras, midget porn, penis enlargement and spas. They may target my sites with ads that apply to me. But it is still up to me to select the ad and buy from them. I don't.
It bothers me how they selectively edit political content. Like 90% slanted to censoring the right.

A,so Facebook admitted they tried to help HIllary in the 2016 election.

The CEOs act helpless, like it’s not their issue to fairly control their content.

Zuck is the worst. Facebook farms out their content control so they can be oblivious to it. That’s bullshit. Facebook employees in the Facebook building should be the ones looking at videos of animal cruelty and child abuse and fights. They are cowardly cvnts.
No Twitter, not much Google, DuckDuckGo mostly, and I use FB to keep in touch with family. I'm real close to closing the FB account, many of my family and friends use Instagram now.
That’s all I use FB for also. Family. But I’m
Not on there that much so...
Got rid of Fakebook years ago and never was on Twitter. Both are toxic
Twitter is full of sheltered bubble dwelling celebrities that are bored and all their looney fans that hang on their every word and suck their ass.

You find out quickly what a bunch of morons famous people are.
I need not be concerned with deleting a Twitter, or a Facebook account because I have the sense not to use such asinine resources.

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