*When Drivers Of Big Rigs Use Thier Trucks As Lethal Weapons: Fair Game?*

*Are Big Rigs Lethal Weapons: And Should I Be Able To Defend Myself With Firearm ?*

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Sorry bout that,

Sorry bout that,

1. Now where was I?
2. Truckers have an advantage, and if they knew that some drivers had the *equalizer* a gun, then they would automatically give people in cars the respect they deserve.
3. I'm talking families with several children, single girls, men, just all sorts of drivers get killed because of *the bad truckers*.:evil:


My boyfriend is a truck driver. And I must say I take great offense to #2. You want them to give the car drivers the respect they deserve...when do the truck drivers get the respect they deserve? Everything you buy at the store - EVERYTHING, food, clothing, gas, even the sh*t to build your house - came on a truck.

Every day I listen to my boyfriend get pissed off at some idiot in a car that has decided that he can get two feet off my boyfriend's back bumper and then get pissed that my boyfriend won't go faster. Or they get two inches in front of him and slam on the brakes. Or speed up when he tries to pass them because they are going so slow, or speed up when they're merging so they can get in front of him and then slow down right in front of him.

The advantage you claim truckers have is not an advantage at all. Yes, they are in a truck much bigger than your car. That truck takes much longer to stop than your car. And perhaps, instead of attacking the trucker, you could instead remember the fact that it takes him longer to stop, and use your head to realize that maybe you shouldn't cut him off, slam on your brakes, speed up when he tries to pass, or slow down right in front of him.

Now, I'm off to tell my trucker how wonderful he is for putting up with...well, I won't say exactly what I think of people like you, but something tells me he'll be in here later to tell you.

Your Attempt to use logic and reason is admirable. However you are also trying to reason with an irrational individual.

1. You I have no mercy for, I checked mated your arguement a while back.
2. Perhaps one day you will learn that there are some *evil trucker*s out there.
3. But it may be too late, while you're run off the road.

Sorry bout that,

When you're on the highway, anywhere near a big rig- back the fuck off. Drive with your brains, not your wanna-balls.

1. So everytime you see a truck you back off?
2. You sound like a person who is always being shoved backwards.
3. A sissy driver in life, and perhaps in many things?
4. I don't give truckers much thought, unless they try to do *evil* to me.:evil:
5. And its happened.

Sorry bout that,

Sorry bout that,

My boyfriend is a truck driver. And I must say I take great offense to #2. You want them to give the car drivers the respect they deserve...when do the truck drivers get the respect they deserve? Everything you buy at the store - EVERYTHING, food, clothing, gas, even the sh*t to build your house - came on a truck.

Every day I listen to my boyfriend get pissed off at some idiot in a car that has decided that he can get two feet off my boyfriend's back bumper and then get pissed that my boyfriend won't go faster. Or they get two inches in front of him and slam on the brakes. Or speed up when he tries to pass them because they are going so slow, or speed up when they're merging so they can get in front of him and then slow down right in front of him.

The advantage you claim truckers have is not an advantage at all. Yes, they are in a truck much bigger than your car. That truck takes much longer to stop than your car. And perhaps, instead of attacking the trucker, you could instead remember the fact that it takes him longer to stop, and use your head to realize that maybe you shouldn't cut him off, slam on your brakes, speed up when he tries to pass, or slow down right in front of him.

Now, I'm off to tell my trucker how wonderful he is for putting up with...well, I won't say exactly what I think of people like you, but something tells me he'll be in here later to tell you.

1. So your saying *all* truckers are angels?
2. You've flipped out on some drugs huh?
3. Get off the dope.
4. Some truckers are total pros, and I respect them, for driving in a straight line, obeying the rules of the road, and having consideration for me, in my tiny car, compared to a big rig.
5. Your bf might be a pro, but haul him in here so he can flip out too, its cool with me.
6. I am sure he being a trucker has seen some real morons behind the wheel of some rigs, and perhaps he's even seen some bad ol *evil truckers*.
7. I am sure I am not alone.
8. Like I said when I started this thread, I have shared the road with *two evil truckers* who more or less tried to use their truck as a weapon.
9. Thou I have not spoken in detail just what took place on either incident, I will, one day.
10. And I am sure he sees many cars doing stupid stuff too, but this thread isn't about them, sometimes when these stupid people in cars do stupid things, they wipe out, thats for sure, but truckers should not facilitate it.


Never done drugs, as*hole. I didn't flip out on you. You want to see flip out, I can gladly show you.

You claim I'm trying to claim all truckers are angels because I'm dating a good one - yet you're claiming they're all evil because you've shared the road with 2 that weren't so good? Out of over a million drivers, 2 have convinced you they're bad? That's the screwed up logic, dear, not mine. And frankly, given your idiotic, completely a** back wards ridiculous statements, I'm betting that the two that you think were so horrible were probably attempting to compensate for your idiocy.

I would continue to attempt to get you to see reason, but as someone else has pointed out to me, it's clear it won't work on you. So, instead I'll resort to your level for just a moment: stop the drugs, hon. They're killing brain cells you can't afford to lose.

Excuse me while I return to the level of sane people.

1. For a newbie, you do have a rather sailors mouth on you.
2. And on top of that a girl.
3. Listen sweets, just *what if the really strange happens*, and your bf goes nutter on the road on you, and tries to kill you with his big rig, not knowing its you, wouldn't it be okay for you to shoot his ass with a gun before he did it?
4. Or are you just supposed to just let it happen, go flying off a bridge down into a deep valley into a huge river to float out to sea?
5. You know what the answer is, but you will fall back onto your political correct statement, claiming *all truckers are angels*.
6. I would claim that at least .05 percent of truckers are proven *evil truckers*, and their driving records will show it fairly clearly, and in some court rooms, but it is quite difficult to prove *evil intent* with ones actions, on a big rig, seeing they can just say, "I never saw the car".
7. You are not alone, most people can not see *the big picture*, thats why I'm here, I think truckers should be video monitored full time, along both sides, front and back, of the truck itself, what they saw, what they did, and how they did it, can be recorded *full time*, and online as well so that a monitoring org. can at any time click in and see whats going on, satellite alerts can prove helpful, when truckers get too close to cars bumpers, having censors embedded in their bumpers.
8. And I am lobbying for it right here.
9. Trust me, people in power read every word I write.
10. Now move along little girl, I think your momma is calling you back in to do the dishes or mop the floors or something important for you.

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Sorry bout that,

When you're on the highway, anywhere near a big rig- back the fuck off. Drive with your brains, not your wanna-balls.

1. So everytime you see a truck you back off?
2. You sound like a person who is always being shoved backwards.
3. A sissy driver in life, and perhaps in many things?
4. I don't give truckers much thought, unless they try to do *evil* to me.:evil:
5. And its happened.


I drive defensively, and give the big rigs the benefit of the doubt.
You seem to have road rage issues, and perhaps in many other things too?
Sorry bout that,

Sorry bout that,

When you're on the highway, anywhere near a big rig- back the fuck off. Drive with your brains, not your wanna-balls.

1. So everytime you see a truck you back off?
2. You sound like a person who is always being shoved backwards.
3. A sissy driver in life, and perhaps in many things?
4. I don't give truckers much thought, unless they try to do *evil* to me.:evil:
5. And its happened.


I drive defensively, and give the big rigs the benefit of the doubt.
You seem to have road rage issues, and perhaps in many other things too?

1. I'll admit, I do road rage a tad when *evil truckers* try to take me out.
2. But as of now, I never took any action, not even when those two *evil truckers* tried to kill me and mine.
3. I was able to thwart them.
4. Other than that, I'm good.:clap2:

Sucks to have a bad experience like that. I just can't see demonizing the lot for the few bad eggs.
Sorry bout that,

Sucks to have a bad experience like that. I just can't see demonizing the lot for the few bad eggs.

1. For insurance reasons we should be monitoring *all* truckers.
2. For peace of mind too.
3. They basically are driving a house on the open roads of America.
4. The least we should do is monitor them.
5. To protect the innocent.
6. What I do is bring to light the sad reality of the mind set of hundreds of truckers, and what should be done to protect the innocent.
7. Its not a smear on *all* truckers.
8. From the beginning of this thread I have acknowledged that there are *Pro Drivers*.

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Sorry bout that,

1. In my opinion a driver of a big rig truck trying to run you off the road is worthy of getting his ass shot off!
2. The big rigs are lethal weapons rolling down the freeways, and everyday, these truck drivers flip out and go road rage on innocent people like myself, it has happened to me no less than two times in less than a year.
3. I think when they do that, I should be legally able to shoot them bastards in the head! :eek:
4. I will describe both inccidents after awhile.
5. Here's a youtube link showing what I'm refering too:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Drs0Ir_KCvE&feature=related


Watching that video I couldn't help but think , why didn't that little sports car leave the rig in the dust?

But I'm all for using deadly force in situations like this.
Sorry bout that,

Sorry bout that,

1. In my opinion a driver of a big rig truck trying to run you off the road is worthy of getting his ass shot off!
2. The big rigs are lethal weapons rolling down the freeways, and everyday, these truck drivers flip out and go road rage on innocent people like myself, it has happened to me no less than two times in less than a year.
3. I think when they do that, I should be legally able to shoot them bastards in the head! :eek:
4. I will describe both incidents after awhile.
5. Here's a youtube link showing what I'm referring too:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Drs0Ir_KCvE&feature=related


Watching that video I couldn't help but think , why didn't that little sports car leave the rig in the dust?

But I'm all for using deadly force in situations like this.

1. We have a winner!
2. Day in day out truckers like the one on that video get away with killing people in cars.
3. Its no accident, its bold faced murder.
4. I think we have the technology to monitor them all, we shouldn't just give all truckers the green light and benefit of the doubt, we should mandate by law computer monitoring of their trucks, including the gas and brake peddles, video from all sides, speeds, and censors in both bumpers when too close to other vehicles, also they should be monitored on sound, we need to know what they're saying when they go nutters.
5. We need to get this done folks, to protect that family of six, just driving down the road, its not fair for them to suffer at *evil truckers* hands.

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Sorry bout that,

1. But not a few French men will agree with me now.


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