When GUKTA use will be banned, Karachi Pakistan


VIP Member
Mar 4, 2011
When GUKTA use will be banned, Karachi Pakistan
I want to drawn attention of Chief Minister and Governor of Sind what reason Sindh government still do not make decision to banned the use of GUKTA.

Those who using GUKTA one see his teeth THAN realized how is dirty but does not care teeth but always remain hungry to eat GUKTA, but never feel shameful for spitting in public place, road and street but the said GENTLEMAN never dare to spit own his flat or office premises.

Those who eat GUKTA and spit are consider worse than animal and no value in the society and always mouth is fill of GUKTA PROBLEM TO TALK but they feel pleasure to eat till they do come across some major diseases after that no cure will be helpful.

Any one watch the street, road and public place un-educated people do not shy to spit and keep dirty the specific area but Govt look helpless or no courage to banned the GUKTA. I am giving example of SNGAPORE where a citizen eat chewing gum on road he has to pay fine Singapore Dollar 50 during 2000, But you citizen no sincere and royal to keep own city neat and clean plus Govt do not taking any action again those who spitting GUKTA and make city more dirty.

According to medical point of view the use of GUKTA use is full of hazards but those who are using never realized how dangerous and what price one has to pay.

Thanking You

Yours faithfully

( Ashfaq Sharif )

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