When McCarthyism Came to a Small Town in Vermont


Diamond Member
Nov 26, 2015
Come to think of it, how much richer would communities across the United States have been without the damage wrought by McCarthyism?

History has been completely rewritten by the Left.

In the post-war period, there really was an active, clandestined Communist Party (CPUSA) which actively sought to steal military and other secrets, advance the interests of the Soviet Union, and bring about a communist revolution in the U.S. A lot of the effort was conducted by communist employees of the Federal Govt. By focusing exclusively on the excesses of Senator Joseph McCarthy, and dismissing this whole chapter of history as the "red scare," the Left has given generations of Americans the false impression that this was all made up, and didn't really exist. But the CPUSA was a real thing, with active members, meetings...the whole bit.

A large part of the effort was also present in Hollywood, where CPUSA members sought to shade popular entertainment to promote those ends.

Read articles like the linked one with a grain of salt.
No he wasn't.

Alger Hiss ring a bell? Harry White? Sam Dickstein? The Rosenberg's? Whittaker Chambers? Lauchlin Currie?

Hell, the government knew all about it at the time because they had already broken the Soviet diplomatic codes. It was known as "Venona", and through intercepts they discovered hundreds of spies (many of which were in the US government) through those intercepts.

I suggest you start with reading about Venona.

The republicans are the ones who have always whitewashed it.

Then how come his right hand man and his attorney in the investigations are never mentioned?
Sorry I don’t speak gibberish.
Try again in English.

I did not speak gibberish.

Most consider the "right hand man" of Senator McCarthy to have been JFK. The chief legal counsel for the committee was Robert Kennedy.

Funny, how almost nobody ever talks about that. Or that the Senator and the Kennedy clan were close. Not unlike that of the Clinton and Trump families.
McCarthy was just a big mouthed republican senator during a democrat majority in congress. McCarthy headed up no committees and had virtually little power. Harry Truman and his democrat party created HUAC which was responsible for issuing subpoenas related to communist influence. With the power of the media in their pockets, democrats managed to blame a single republican for the unpleasantness that the poor suspected commies endured when things started to go bad.
McCarthy did nothing wrong....

McCarthy was just a big mouthed republican senator during a democrat majority in congress. McCarthy headed up no committees and had virtually little power. Harry Truman and his democrat party created HUAC which was responsible for issuing subpoenas related to communist influence. With the power of the media in their pockets, democrats managed to blame a single republican for the unpleasantness that the poor suspected commies endured when things started to go bad.
The military and Jo fell out over UFOs .
The media turned McCarthy into the poster boy.

Mostly through lies, that is what I find most funny.

For example, he somehow gets blamed for the "Blacklists" and "Hollywood Purge", even though that was the HUAC, and he had absolutely nothing to do with that. In fact, I really find it puzzling that his hearings only went on for 3 months (April to Jun 1954), yet all of the blame of the excesses of the HUAC (which went on from 1945-1975) are somehow laid on him.
But ironically wasn't he basically right ?

Except it was even then the Nazis using the threat of communism as deflection and / or controlled opposition .
Nope . He was just a vicious drunk.
The media was (is) in the business of protecting (only) democrat administrations for the last hundred years. McCarthy was just a glitch in the history books but radical lefties turned him into the poster boy for intolerance when it was the rich elitist Hollywood moguls who fired writers because they assumed they would lose money if Americans boycotted movies written and/or produced by Communists. If you have the entire media as the propaganda arm of the democrat party it's easy to blame a republican senator even if he has no power or isn't even in the majority. You can add the fact that the education system controlled by democrats taught generations of kids the McCarthy lie in order to protect Truman's pitiful legacy.
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McCarthy was just a glitch in the history books but radical lefties turned him into the poster boy for intolerance when it was the rich elitist Hollywood moguls who fired writers because they assumed they would lose money if Americans boycotted movies written and/or produced by Communists. If you have the entire media as the propaganda arm of the democrat party it's easy to blame a republican senator even if he has no power or isn't even in the majority.

I have been pointing that out for decades. That almost everything known of that era is a complete lie.

Want to see a Braindead nutcase lose their mind? Ask them how many people in Hollywood that Senator McCarthy put on the blacklist.

Then when they give you their number, calmly explain to them as if they are children that was actually the Democratic Party in the House, and it was the House Unamerican Activities Commission. Specifically, it was Congressman Edward J. Hart (D) of New Jersey that led it. Being a Senator and not a Congressman, Joe McCarthy had not a damned thing to do with that. And his only interest was in government employees, and nobody else. It was the Democratic led House that went after every day people.

Then ask them to explain how one of the most powerful and influential members of his team was Senator John F. Kennedy (D) from Massachusetts, and the attorney that oversaw the investigations was Robert Kennedy. And neither John nor Robert Kennedy ever attacked, denounced, nor spoke badly of Senator McCarthy or the investigations.

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