When One Crosses The Democrats....


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
....they are never satisfied until they destroy the individual who had such temerity.

"Prosecutors open probe into whether Biden accuser Tara Reade lied under oath
Prosecutors in Monterey County, California, have opened a probe into whether Tara Reade, the woman accusing Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden of sexual assault nearly two decades ago, lied under oath when testifying in recent trials focused on domestic violence, the district attorney's office said.

"We are investigating whether [she] gave false testimony under oath," Monterey County chief assistant district attorney Berkley Brannon said in a statement to ABC News. "

Did anyone see any prosecutors open investigations into Christine Blasey Ford , who clearly lied in several instances.?

Does the name Jeffrey Epstein, and the word 'arkancide' ring a bell?
....they are never satisfied until they destroy the individual who had such temerity.

"Prosecutors open probe into whether Biden accuser Tara Reade lied under oath
Prosecutors in Monterey County, California, have opened a probe into whether Tara Reade, the woman accusing Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden of sexual assault nearly two decades ago, lied under oath when testifying in recent trials focused on domestic violence, the district attorney's office said.

"We are investigating whether [she] gave false testimony under oath," Monterey County chief assistant district attorney Berkley Brannon said in a statement to ABC News. "

Did anyone see any prosecutors open investigations into Christine Blasey Ford , who clearly lied in several instances.?

Does the name Jeffrey Epstein, and the word 'arkancide' ring a bell?
Thanks for yet ANOTHER fine post, PC.
Dems are Assholes................they demand ME TOO ME TOO until it's someone accusing their members of it.

Then it's HOW DARE YOU...........The DNC have no morals........hell the Hildabeast was their candidate before.

This is what the Left does.....in Cuba, the Soviet Union, .....America.

They can't rest until they destroy, put one in prison, ruin financially.....anyone in their way.

General Flynn

Scooter Libby

Papadopolous, Page, .......Trump

Any charges or investigations of Julie Swetnick ????
It’s not like she lied about a blowjob

That will get ya impeached !

You mean lying under oath about getting a blowjob.

As usual, you present the irrelevant part of the story.

You lie under oath, there is a penalty.

But you ignore that since you seem to think you are somehow influencing people with your shitty little one liners.

Fuck you and anyone who looks like you for being such a cowardly asshole.

"Mere days before the Senate Judiciary Committee was scheduled to hear Christine Blasey Ford’s sexual-assault allegation against then–Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh last year, a woman named Deborah Ramirez came forward with her own accusation against Kavanaugh, claiming that he thrust his penis in her face at a dorm party when they were both students at Yale. "

Was she investigated?????
Did Ford testify under oath ?

Did Blasey Ford or Swetnick?

That's what I am asking ?

Seems like....if they did...there should be some kind of wrap up.

Ford, from what I can recall (pardon the pun) could not recall shit.

I think she should be investigated as well as her handlers. How could they bring that shit up with absolutely no story whatsoever.

Maybe she'll get convicted....and appeal to.....the SCOTUS....what great thing.
It’s not like she lied about a blowjob

That will get ya impeached !

You mean lying under oath about getting a blowjob.

As usual, you present the irrelevant part of the story.

You lie under oath, there is a penalty.

But you ignore that since you seem to think you are somehow influencing people with your shitty little one liners.

Fuck you and anyone who looks like you for being such a cowardly asshole.

Clinton could shoot someone on Fifth Avenue and get away with it

Oh wait.....
That would be Trump
....they are never satisfied until they destroy the individual who had such temerity.

"Prosecutors open probe into whether Biden accuser Tara Reade lied under oath
Prosecutors in Monterey County, California, have opened a probe into whether Tara Reade, the woman accusing Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden of sexual assault nearly two decades ago, lied under oath when testifying in recent trials focused on domestic violence, the district attorney's office said.

"We are investigating whether [she] gave false testimony under oath," Monterey County chief assistant district attorney Berkley Brannon said in a statement to ABC News. "

Did anyone see any prosecutors open investigations into Christine Blasey Ford , who clearly lied in several instances.?

Does the name Jeffrey Epstein, and the word 'arkancide' ring a bell?

Honestly, I blame Trump for letting the coup plotters walk away scot free.
It’s not like she lied about a blowjob

That will get ya impeached !

You mean lying under oath about getting a blowjob.

As usual, you present the irrelevant part of the story.

You lie under oath, there is a penalty.

But you ignore that since you seem to think you are somehow influencing people with your shitty little one liners.

Fuck you and anyone who looks like you for being such a cowardly asshole.

Clinton could shoot someone on Fifth Avenue and get away with it

Oh wait.....
That would be Trump

Deflecting again, fucktard ?

You lie under oath, there is a penalty.

But, then you being a left wing asswipe really don't care for the rules if they work against you.

Clinton should not have been impeached. He should have had his widdle bottom paddled...and sent back to the WH.
It’s not like she lied about a blowjob

That will get ya impeached !

You mean lying under oath about getting a blowjob.

As usual, you present the irrelevant part of the story.

You lie under oath, there is a penalty.

But you ignore that since you seem to think you are somehow influencing people with your shitty little one liners.

Fuck you and anyone who looks like you for being such a cowardly asshole.

Clinton could shoot someone on Fifth Avenue and get away with it

Oh wait.....
That would be Trump

Vince Fosters last words, Hillary I have to talk to the FBI about Whitewater
It’s not like she lied about a blowjob

That will get ya impeached !

You mean lying under oath about getting a blowjob.

As usual, you present the irrelevant part of the story.

You lie under oath, there is a penalty.

But you ignore that since you seem to think you are somehow influencing people with your shitty little one liners.

Fuck you and anyone who looks like you for being such a cowardly asshole.
Well, rw IS an idiot when it comes to anything political in nature. ASTOUNDINGLY idiotic, in fact. VERY sad, but QUITE preventable.
It’s not like she lied about a blowjob

That will get ya impeached !

You mean lying under oath about getting a blowjob.

As usual, you present the irrelevant part of the story.

You lie under oath, there is a penalty.

But you ignore that since you seem to think you are somehow influencing people with your shitty little one liners.

Fuck you and anyone who looks like you for being such a cowardly asshole.

Clinton could shoot someone on Fifth Avenue and get away with it

Oh wait.....
That would be Trump
Tell that to Foster........LOL
It’s not like she lied about a blowjob

That will get ya impeached !

You mean lying under oath about getting a blowjob.

As usual, you present the irrelevant part of the story.

You lie under oath, there is a penalty.

But you ignore that since you seem to think you are somehow influencing people with your shitty little one liners.

Fuck you and anyone who looks like you for being such a cowardly asshole.

Clinton could shoot someone on Fifth Avenue and get away with it

Oh wait.....
That would be Trump

Did Trump say that under oath ?
It’s not like she lied about a blowjob

That will get ya impeached !

You mean lying under oath about getting a blowjob.

As usual, you present the irrelevant part of the story.

You lie under oath, there is a penalty.

But you ignore that since you seem to think you are somehow influencing people with your shitty little one liners.

Fuck you and anyone who looks like you for being such a cowardly asshole.
Well, rw IS an idiot when it comes to anything political in nature. ASTOUNDINGLY idiotic, in fact. VERY sad, but QUITE preventable.

People accuse him of being paid.

I can't figure out what he'd be paid for.

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