When They Come To Take Over, Who Will Be The Easiest to Capture/Execute?

Eightball said:
Awe..........totally forgot that(not!)..........Too bad we didn't wait for some of the nice gas he used on the Kurdish to make to the N.Y. Subway during heavy work hours........
Really? Saddam had tangible plans to bomb New York with WMD's? Production and, more importantly, delivery issues aside, why would he do that? Where did you gather this information?
Eightball said:
Would that be better? Then could we attack........?
Got be punched in the nose first........then it's ok to fight?
Well, to continue your metaphor, you do realize that the guy who punches second gets off on self defense. The other guy gets left in the county jail with a $2,000 fine.
Eightball said:
Can't anticipate the fist coming and react first........for the protection of our own folks?
The difference is that Saddam, even if he felt like randomly attacking the United States for no reason with WMD's, which he could have done in the 80s and early 90s, but didn't, was totally incapable of delivering the WMDs to our continent. There was no threat to the America, and Israel can defend itself.
Really? Saddam had tangible plans to bomb New York with WMD's? Production and, more importantly, delivery issues aside, why would he do that? Where did you gather this information?

Well, to continue your metaphor, you do realize that the guy who punches second gets off on self defense. The other guy gets left in the county jail with a $2,000 fine.

The difference is that Saddam, even if he felt like randomly attacking the United States for no reason with WMD's, which he could have done in the 80s and early 90s, but didn't, was totally incapable of delivering the WMDs to our continent. There was no threat to the America, and Israel can defend itself.

Israel cannot defend itself, without US support. It would be better if the 'West' would support, which would give us a breather, but they seemed committed to their anti-Semitism:

Kathianne said:
Israel cannot defend itself, without US support. It would be better if the 'West' would support, which would give us a breather, but they seemed committed to their anti-Semitism:
Sorry, I should have been more specific. I don't mind giving the Israelis some aid and selling them weapons, but I'm against sending US troops over to fight their battles.
Sorry, I should have been more specific. I don't mind giving the Israelis some aid and selling them weapons, but I'm against sending US troops over to fight their battles.
Well me too, the administration too, obviously, the Italians are leading, since the French already threw the white flag.
I know. I'm very glad the administration didn't get involved in Lebanon, as are the Democrats.

You know, the number of Republican positions I take would surprise you.
How many and what kind of guns do you have?

Just a .410 and a .22, but while my parents are too hippy to have guns (my grandpa gave me the two), there's nothing wrong with that as long as you're not too preachy to have friends with guns that you can either borrow from or hide behind. We have plenty. I could get a .44 mag or a Browning .45 if I needed one.
Just a .410 and a .22, but while my parents are too hippy to have guns (my grandpa gave me the two), there's nothing wrong with that as long as you're not too preachy to have friends with guns that you can either borrow from or hide behind. We have plenty. I could get a .44 mag or a Browning .45 if I needed one.

Somehow I think we will not face much hand to hand combat. I think it's more likely we'll be nuked. But if they come strolling down the street it would be nice to have a few guns.
Kathianne said:
Well me too, the administration too, obviously, the Italians are leading, since the French already threw the white flag.
I wonder how many years until the "multinational force" arrives.
Somehow I think we will not face much hand to hand combat. I think it's more likely we'll be nuked. But if they come strolling down the street it would be nice to have a few guns.

Our nuke arsenal is enough to blow the rest of the world many times over. Nobody would ever win by nuking us, as they'd be a sheet of glass before we were even at 3/4 strength.
Our nuke arsenal is enough to blow the rest of the world many times over. Nobody would ever win by nuking us, as they'd be a sheet of glass before we were even at 3/4 strength.

That imbalance in power won't stop these fools from setting off a nuke. They think they are going to heaven. If they're willing to blow themselves up they are willing to set off a suitcase nuke in an American city.
When they try to take over, who will be the easiest infidels to capture and execute?

I'd say it will be the ones that say, "peace bro; I just want to be your friend, bro".

I'd say it will be the ones that say, "Make love not war, bro".

I'd say it will be the ones that say, "Hey man, sh*t happens.".

I'd say it will be the ones that say, "Our government is more dangerous than the terrorists.".

I'd say it will be those that believe that the U.S. Constitution is a living, breathing document.".

I'd say it will be the ones that worship intellect over wisdom.

I'd say it will be the ones that have no pride in their nation, but just see it as an extension of Europe.

I'd say it will be those that disdain the military.

I'd say that it will be those that see all illegal immigrants as potential, viable voters.

I'd say it will be those that worhip at the alter of secular humanism.

I'd say it will be those that only see Fundamentalist Christians as the only, immediate threat.

Those that minimize or deny the holocaust.

Looks more like a wishlist than something rational and thought out.

Hobbit said:
The ones who would fall first in an invasion of this country would be the ones who were too hippy to own a gun, too preachy to have any friends with guns, and too stupid to hide behind somebody with a gun.

I'll agree with that.
That imbalance in power won't stop these fools from setting off a nuke. They think they are going to heaven. If they're willing to blow themselves up they are willing to set off a suitcase nuke in an American city.

I'm not saying they won't detonate. I'm saying that they won't get enough of their arsenal active to wipe us out. They don't have the resources to wipe out more than a few cities at once, and if that happens, America will survive and nobody will be getting captured or executed, as that requires troops on the ground.
Conservative Right Wingers will be the ones to surrender as history proves. For example the Revolutionists in the American Revolution were radicals, the conservatives sucked up to the King at the time and didn't want a Revolution. The Conservatives were so scared they tired to convince the radicals that whining before the king would be preferable than the gun.

Go back and read a history book junior. The left and right in 1776 was completely different. Todays definition of political affiliation would never be able to define the political climate in Revolutionary America. Political ideals were not the same so therefore our Founding Fathers could not be defined as "librull" or " right wingers."

During the Nazi occupation of France it was the Conservative right wingers that surrendered and collaborated with the Nazis. In fact the right wingers were so zealous in collaborating with the Nazis, the Nazis were astonished. The French resistance were those on the left. The Conservative Right Wingers ratted out the left and turned them over to the Nazis to be taken to the concentration camp.
So the liberals won WW2. Tell that to my conservative Grandfather. Once again. Different time, different ideals. The French political climate during WW2 could never be compared to that of current day US. Being compared to the French is just downright insulting. Guess I missed the part in History class that gave credit for the surrender of France to President Bush. I'm by no means a fan of the President, but can we at least stop blaming him shit.

All those 50,000 names on the Wall of Vietnam were mainly those on the left. This would make sense because a vast majority that fought that war were poor or black and politically the poor and black would be on the left. The Right Wingers chickened out, ie. Rush Limbaugh, AWOL boy Junior, Chicken Dick Cheney, the list of Chicken Hawks aka Conservative Right Wingers is long.
This is the dumbest thing that I have read on this board in quite awhile. Since when does left equal poor and black. You think all poor people are liberal, ie. "on the left." I guess only rich people have voted in the last two elections. You really ought to stop and thnk before you type.

History proves that Conservative Right Wingers always chicken out and surrendered. This current administration has been nothing but cowardly. Junior let every Saudi escape questioning by our law enforcement agency right after 911, by allowing the Saudis to fly out of the country. This is because Junior was chicken, he was like the guy that got slapped and instead of hitting the slapper back, he slapped an innocent bystander ie Iraq, that's what a chicken does.

I'll give you this. It was bullshit that the Bin Ladens were allowed to leave. However, I can understand why it was done. There was nothing cowardly about it. I have a suggestion. In your posts, use less insults and more original thoughts.
These folks that just say they were called conservatives, and they did this.......therefore that must be what all conservatives stand for. Is just plain mis-information posting to further one's agenda.

The conservative by name political parties cover the whole gamut of philosophies throughout the world. I doubt that the conservative movements of Great Britain, France, Germany, would seem very similar to the U.S..

The same goes for the liberal moniker.

Even Democracy has been stretched to the point of meaning everything from communism to fascism when you observe the antics/actions of its many adherents.

You have Republicans that are picture perfect liberals, and you have Republicans that could easily fit into the libertarian party.
Anyway.........to say that it was conservatives that wanted to stay with the King/monarchy, and it was liberals that revolted and created the U.S.A. is really fantasizing, and most likely a big dose of hopeful thinking from a distraught present-day democrat/liberal?
Watch yourself.

Yeah, RWA. Make sure you don't call anyone a "nazi." They prefer the phrase, "those in favor of the extermination of others whose ideals oppose their own."

This is a dumb thread. We're not in ANY danger of a hostile Muslim takeover.
Yeah, RWA. Make sure you don't call anyone a "nazi." They prefer the phrase, "those in favor of the extermination of others whose ideals oppose their own."

This is a dumb thread. We're not in ANY danger of a hostile Muslim takeover.

I didn't start this thread with the mindset that they're coming over the next hill for us.

I did however lay out a few comments of my own of who I thought might be the most vunerable if we were under siege from the Islamo-extremist element.

I do agree, that the U.S. being taken over or besieged in the streets is a "stretch". My post was to stimulate discussion and debate as to other's thoughts/takes on my comments.

I still feel, that the best defense is a good offense. If that offense ever waver's, then all bets are dropped.
Now, as for far-fetched; as my eyes watched the sudden demise of the USSR on worldwide satellite T.V., I can't help but wonder if other scenarios that seem far-fetched could come to surprising fruition?
When they try to take over, who will be the easiest infidels to capture and execute?

I'd say it will be the ones that say, "peace bro; I just want to be your friend, bro".

I'd say it will be the ones that say, "Make love not war, bro".

I'd say it will be the ones that say, "Hey man, sh*t happens.".

I'd say it will be the ones that say, "Our government is more dangerous than the terrorists.".

I'd say it will be those that believe that the U.S. Constitution is a living, breathing document.".

I'd say it will be the ones that worship intellect over wisdom.

I'd say it will be the ones that have no pride in their nation, but just see it as an extension of Europe.

I'd say it will be those that disdain the military.

I'd say that it will be those that see all illegal immigrants as potential, viable voters.

I'd say it will be those that worhip at the alter of secular humanism.

I'd say it will be those that only see Fundamentalist Christians as the only, immediate threat.

Those that minimize or deny the holocaust.

Why would they come to take us over, I thought BUsh was keeping us safe, despite all the gaping holes in our security?

If they did come over, its obvious who would be the easiest for them. Right wingers. They just have to knock on the door, and say "Come with me, its for your own protection and safety from the terrorists. We are disguised this way to keep the real terrorists from catching on. We work for the CIA."
Why would they come to take us over, I thought BUsh was keeping us safe, despite all the gaping holes in our security?

If they did come over, its obvious who would be the easiest for them. Right wingers. They just have to knock on the door, and say "Come with me, its for your own protection and safety from the terrorists. We are disguised this way to keep the real terrorists from catching on. We work for the CIA."

We need to attack Pakistan Spidey--stop playing games. Bin laden is there and his capture will solve everything.
We need to attack Pakistan Spidey--stop playing games. Bin laden is there and his capture will solve everything.

Well, I'm "with you", yet I'm not, how's that for twisting up a response?

The capture of Bin Laden won't solve everything dillduck, but I KNOW you KNOW that.

Killing the MF would be a good start, capture would just screw the whole deal up, we would play right into the surrender monkeys hands.

Really, when you honestly think about it, Afghanistan NEEDS, I mean REALLY is the primire site for a couple of really well place "nuke's".

By the time the terrorist networks figured out what had happened, they would be doomed. And really, who gives a shit if Bin Laden is dead or not. I mean really, he's a loser anyway. Kinda like one of them tree huggers, don't work, don't have to worry about money, and takes advantage of all the poor, and disadvantaged.

When they try to take over, who will be the easiest infidels to capture and execute?

I'd say it will be the ones that say, "peace bro; I just want to be your friend, bro".

I'd say it will be the ones that say, "Make love not war, bro".

I'd say it will be the ones that say, "Hey man, sh*t happens.".

I'd say it will be the ones that say, "Our government is more dangerous than the terrorists.".

I'd say it will be those that believe that the U.S. Constitution is a living, breathing document.".

I'd say it will be the ones that worship intellect over wisdom.

I'd say it will be the ones that have no pride in their nation, but just see it as an extension of Europe.

I'd say it will be those that disdain the military.

I'd say that it will be those that see all illegal immigrants as potential, viable voters.

I'd say it will be those that worhip at the alter of secular humanism.

I'd say it will be those that only see Fundamentalist Christians as the only, immediate threat.

Those that minimize or deny the holocaust.

Awwwwwweeeeeeee, fearfull of eeeveeeeel mooosleeem booogeymen?? Quick hide......they're coming!!!!!!!!

Grow a spine will ya!:baby: :baby: :baby:

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