When they're not wearing masks, we wear blindfolds. We refuse to see it.


Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2012

There is a reason Hamas wears masks, not just in Gaza, but around the world Hamas supporters wear masks. Why? What do they have to be so ashamed of?

The charter for Hamas is there for all to read, much like Hitler's Mien Kampf was there for all to read, yet people don't. People won't. Then when they attain power, the world acts surprised at what they do.

I want to tell you a story about Ahed Tamimi. This curly-haired blonde, rosy-cheeked 20-something was a Palestinian activist who was jailed for a few months for hitting and abusing Israeli soldiers. This was a photogenic media martyrdom. She immediately was portrayed as a loving, peaceful Palestinian person. The media turned her into a worldwide freedom fighter and political prisoner who just wanted peace.

Well, she let her mask down just a little bit this month. She posted this about the Jews on her social media: “We will slaughter you. And you will say what Hitler did to you, was a joke. We will drink your blood and eat your skull. Come on! We're waiting for you.”

The Palestinian government that was elected by the people of Palestine have rejected a 2 state solution time and time again in the past. Why?

It is because there is but one solution, and that is the final solution from the river to the sea as they like to shout out in protests around the world.

Those that hate Israel will never agree to any terms that allows the Zionist state to exist. They have proven that time and again.

After all, those that hate the Zionist state think that they are pure evil, no good can come from them, and they cause all the ills of the world, so why do we think they would ever tolerate them to exist?
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There is a reason Hamas wears masks, not just in Gaza, but around the world Hamas supporters wear masks. Why? What do they have to be so ashamed of?

The charter for Hamas is there for all to read, much like Hitler's Mien Kampf was there for all to read, yet people don't. People won't. Then when they attain power, the world acts surprised at what they do.

I want to tell you a story about Ahed Tamimi. This curly-haired blonde, rosy-cheeked 20-something was a Palestinian activist who was jailed for a few months for hitting and abusing Israeli soldiers. This was a photogenic media martyrdom. She immediately was portrayed as a loving, peaceful Palestinian person. The media turned her into a worldwide freedom fighter and political prisoner who just wanted peace.

Well, she let her mask down just a little bit this month. She posted this about the Jews on her social media: “We will slaughter you. And you will say what Hitler did to you, was a joke. We will drink your blood and eat your skull. Come on! We're waiting for you.”

The Palestinian government that was elected by the people of Palestine have rejected a 2 state solution time and time again in the past. Why?

It is because there is but one solution, and that is the final solution from the river to the sea as they like to shout out in protests around the world.

Those that hate Israel will never agree to any terms that allows the Zionist state to exist. They have proven that time and again.

After all, those that hate the Zionist state think that they are pure evil, no good can come from them, and they cause all the ills of the world, so why do we think they would ever tolerate them to exist?
Not all Muslims are evil, but many Fundamentalist are. Since childhood those Radicalized Muslim are taught that there is no meaning to their lives, which is why they so easily strap a bomb to themselves and march into a place where they can kill many...

Like so many OPs now , ultra hysterical and veering decidely toward the mentally unbalanced .

There is a reason Hamas wears masks, not just in Gaza, but around the world Hamas supporters wear masks. Why? What do they have to be so ashamed of?

The charter for Hamas is there for all to read, much like Hitler's Mien Kampf was there for all to read, yet people don't. People won't. Then when they attain power, the world acts surprised at what they do.

I want to tell you a story about Ahed Tamimi. This curly-haired blonde, rosy-cheeked 20-something was a Palestinian activist who was jailed for a few months for hitting and abusing Israeli soldiers. This was a photogenic media martyrdom. She immediately was portrayed as a loving, peaceful Palestinian person. The media turned her into a worldwide freedom fighter and political prisoner who just wanted peace.

Well, she let her mask down just a little bit this month. She posted this about the Jews on her social media: “We will slaughter you. And you will say what Hitler did to you, was a joke. We will drink your blood and eat your skull. Come on! We're waiting for you.”

The Palestinian government that was elected by the people of Palestine have rejected a 2 state solution time and time again in the past. Why?

It is because there is but one solution, and that is the final solution from the river to the sea as they like to shout out in protests around the world.

Those that hate Israel will never agree to any terms that allows the Zionist state to exist. They have proven that time and again.

After all, those that hate the Zionist state think that they are pure evil, no good can come from them, and they cause all the ills of the world, so why do we think they would ever tolerate them to exist?

Even if they got their River to the Sea, the problem is, the ideology that the Palestinians (lets say radical ones) and other radical Islamists have been existing inside of, wont go away. They have been raised on the belief that Jews love to kill Muslims just for the joy of it, and other conspiracy theories. They are taught the Jews control the world, so even should they take Israel, the Great Satan..U.S. and Europe will be next

It is just in the Nature of Radical Islam.

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