When Traditional Values Pay Off!


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
If one needed a short course in the doctrine of Liberalism....here it is:

" Tell me not, in mournful numbers,
Life is but an empty dream!
For the soul is dead that slumbers,
And things are not what they seem."
A Psalm of Life

Here is what is not what it seems: At first glance, the idea of non-judgmentalism, equivalence of every person's personal view of what is right, seems to be a prescription for happiness.
Maybe it is more familiar in this form: "If it feels good, do it."

The diminution of marriage, and the concomitant increase in out of wedlock births, is the result. Experience and data show that following from that,....poverty and crime.

1. " If we care about the poor we ought to care about marriage.

2. In 1980, when the sexual revolution and the expansion of the welfare state had already made inroads into the western family, 78 percent of American families with children still had married parents. By 2012 that figure had declined to 66 percent. .... this particular social change has contributed to hardship among low-income families.

3. .... the growth in median income of families with children would be 44 percent higher if the United States enjoyed 1980 levels of married parenthood today. .... at least 32 percent of the growth in family-income inequality since 1979 among families with children and 37 percent of the decline in men’s employment rates during that time can be linked to the decreasing number of Americans who form and maintain stable, married families.

4. ..... standard portrayals of family hardship arising in the midst of income inequality and joblessness ignore the part that family structure ....changes in family formation and stability are central to the changing economic landscape of American families, to the declining economic status of men, and to worries about the health of the American dream.”

5. ... [It is] poorer and less educated people who have been steadily retreating from marriage over the past three decades and who are suffering most as a result.

6. .... while there’s a moral and cultural argument for that struggle that also needs to be addressed, their argument is based solidly on evidence. And the evidence is that a strong marriage culture would significantly boost the economic fortunes of ordinary people.

7. .... “the evidence is widespread and consistent enough to suggest strong, causal positive roles for being raised in an intact family and for current marriage on a range of important economic outcomes for the average American.” MercatorNet For richer for poorer the difference marriage makes to family fortunes

Life choices have consequences....and, in this case, financial ones.
Liberals have given Blacks and poor people in general new terms......."Baby Daddy"..."Baby mama":woohoo:
If you want 'traditional values' so much that's cool. Get your skinny ass back in the kitchen and fix me a sandwich or I'll send you to the Moon! ;)
Republican Party[edit]

Since 1980, the Republican Party has used the issue of family values to attract socially conservative voters.[9] While "family values" remains an amorphous concept, social conservatives usually understand the term to include some combination of the following principles[citation needed] (also referenced in the 2004 Republican Party platform):[10]

* opposition to sex outside of marriage
* support for a traditional role for women in "the family"
* opposition to same-sex marriage
* support for complementarianism[11][12][13]
* opposition to legalized induced abortion
* support for abstinence education
* support for policies said to protect children from obscenity and exploitation

Social and religious conservatives often use the term "family values" to promote conservative ideology that supports traditional morality or Christian values.[14] Some American conservative Christians see their religion as the source of morality and consider the nuclear family an essential element in society. For example, "The American Family Association exists to motivate and equip citizens to change the culture to reflect Biblical truth and traditional family values."[15] Such groups[which?] variously oppose abortion, pornography, pre-marital sex, polygamy, homosexuality, certain aspects of feminism, cohabitation, separation of church and state, legalization of recreational drugs, and depictions of sexuality in the media.
Family values - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Excellent description of the so-called traditional American family here,
The Myth of Family Values
Yes, I think stable and monogamous marriages should be encouraged for all those that wish to legally marry.
If one needed a short course in the doctrine of Liberalism....here it is:

" Tell me not, in mournful numbers,
Life is but an empty dream!
For the soul is dead that slumbers,
And things are not what they seem."
A Psalm of Life

Here is what is not what it seems: At first glance, the idea of non-judgmentalism, equivalence of every person's personal view of what is right, seems to be a prescription for happiness.
Maybe it is more familiar in this form: "If it feels good, do it."

The diminution of marriage, and the concomitant increase in out of wedlock births, is the result. Experience and data show that following from that,....poverty and crime.

1. " If we care about the poor we ought to care about marriage.

2. In 1980, when the sexual revolution and the expansion of the welfare state had already made inroads into the western family, 78 percent of American families with children still had married parents. By 2012 that figure had declined to 66 percent. .... this particular social change has contributed to hardship among low-income families.

3. .... the growth in median income of families with children would be 44 percent higher if the United States enjoyed 1980 levels of married parenthood today. .... at least 32 percent of the growth in family-income inequality since 1979 among families with children and 37 percent of the decline in men’s employment rates during that time can be linked to the decreasing number of Americans who form and maintain stable, married families.

4. ..... standard portrayals of family hardship arising in the midst of income inequality and joblessness ignore the part that family structure ....changes in family formation and stability are central to the changing economic landscape of American families, to the declining economic status of men, and to worries about the health of the American dream.”

5. ... [It is] poorer and less educated people who have been steadily retreating from marriage over the past three decades and who are suffering most as a result.

6. .... while there’s a moral and cultural argument for that struggle that also needs to be addressed, their argument is based solidly on evidence. And the evidence is that a strong marriage culture would significantly boost the economic fortunes of ordinary people.

7. .... “the evidence is widespread and consistent enough to suggest strong, causal positive roles for being raised in an intact family and for current marriage on a range of important economic outcomes for the average American.” MercatorNet For richer for poorer the difference marriage makes to family fortunes

Life choices have consequences....and, in this case, financial ones.

The quickest path to poverty is the path of single motherhood.

Ain't many "Murphy Browns" out there.
If you want 'traditional values' so much that's cool. Get your skinny ass back in the kitchen and fix me a sandwich or I'll send you to the Moon! ;)
Hey, at least they were skinny back in the day.

Bit from Calvin and Hobbes has Calvin's female nemesis saying something about "At least you [boys] aren't expected to spend your lives 20 pounds underweight." :)
If one needed a short course in the doctrine of Liberalism....here it is:

" Tell me not, in mournful numbers,
Life is but an empty dream!
For the soul is dead that slumbers,
And things are not what they seem."
A Psalm of Life

Here is what is not what it seems: At first glance, the idea of non-judgmentalism, equivalence of every person's personal view of what is right, seems to be a prescription for happiness.
Maybe it is more familiar in this form: "If it feels good, do it."

The diminution of marriage, and the concomitant increase in out of wedlock births, is the result. Experience and data show that following from that,....poverty and crime.

1. " If we care about the poor we ought to care about marriage.

2. In 1980, when the sexual revolution and the expansion of the welfare state had already made inroads into the western family, 78 percent of American families with children still had married parents. By 2012 that figure had declined to 66 percent. .... this particular social change has contributed to hardship among low-income families.

3. .... the growth in median income of families with children would be 44 percent higher if the United States enjoyed 1980 levels of married parenthood today. .... at least 32 percent of the growth in family-income inequality since 1979 among families with children and 37 percent of the decline in men’s employment rates during that time can be linked to the decreasing number of Americans who form and maintain stable, married families.

4. ..... standard portrayals of family hardship arising in the midst of income inequality and joblessness ignore the part that family structure ....changes in family formation and stability are central to the changing economic landscape of American families, to the declining economic status of men, and to worries about the health of the American dream.”

5. ... [It is] poorer and less educated people who have been steadily retreating from marriage over the past three decades and who are suffering most as a result.

6. .... while there’s a moral and cultural argument for that struggle that also needs to be addressed, their argument is based solidly on evidence. And the evidence is that a strong marriage culture would significantly boost the economic fortunes of ordinary people.

7. .... “the evidence is widespread and consistent enough to suggest strong, causal positive roles for being raised in an intact family and for current marriage on a range of important economic outcomes for the average American.” MercatorNet For richer for poorer the difference marriage makes to family fortunes

Life choices have consequences....and, in this case, financial ones.

The quickest path to poverty is the path of single motherhood.

Ain't many "Murphy Browns" out there.

You couldn't be more correct!

Dollars and sense......the result of careful consideration of choices in life.

"This is the great contribution of our Judeo-Christian foundation to Western civilization. The principles of justice are laid down in the Torah and the Gospels, and implemented throughhuman actions memorialized in judicial codes.
The written laws and rules are codifications of the unwritten ones worked out over millennia as the result of human interactions and experience."
David Mamet

Recent studies indicate that the understandings that Mamet refers to have a monetary, as well as social value:

8. " Growing up with both parents (in an intact family) is strongly associated with more education, work, and income among today’s young men and women. Young men and women from intact families enjoy an annual “intact-family premium” that amounts to $6,500 and $4,700, respectively, over the incomes of their peers from single-parent families." MercatorNet For richer for poorer the difference marriage makes to family fortunes

a. Only 4% of college graduates have illegitimate children, and only 16% of college graduates get divorced, compared to 46% of high school dropouts, who marry in smaller numbers to begin with.
Dr. David Popenoe, “The Future Of Marriage In America; “The Frayed Knot – Marriage in America”, The Economist, May 26, 2007

b. 50% of single mothers are below the poverty line, their children are 6 times more likely to be in poverty than children with married parents.
Chuck Colson, “How Shall We Live”, Tyndale House.

c. 85% of homeless families are single mother families.
Barry H. Waldman and Stephen P. Perlman, “Homeless Children With Disabilities, “ The Exceptional Parent, June 1, 2008 (American Academy of Developmental Medicine and Dentistry

d. 90% of welfare recipients are single mothers.
Jason DeParle, “Raising Kevion”, New York Times, Aug. 22, 2004

And, of course, it's clear which party supports policies which allow poverty to continue unabated.
We won big because the women and minorities voted in bigger numbers, necessary numbers, for such victories.

They want governance, they want government to work, and if it is the same ol same ol (doing the will of the far right), we will lose in 2016 in a big way.

Women and minorities determine the vote now.
We won big because the women and minorities voted in bigger numbers, necessary numbers, for such victories.

They want governance, they want government to work, and if it is the same ol same ol (doing the will of the far right), we will lose in 2016 in a big way.

Women and minorities determine the vote now.

Yeah, now if Obola can get the other 2/3rds of them to show up and vote
They voted in increasing numbers in 2008 and 2012.

They will do so in 2016.
We won big because the women and minorities voted in bigger numbers, necessary numbers, for such victories.

They want governance, they want government to work, and if it is the same ol same ol (doing the will of the far right), we will lose in 2016 in a big way.

Women and minorities determine the vote now.

"We won big...."

No, silly.....you lost!
The Republicans won.
9. " Men obtain a substantial “marriage premium” and women bear no marriage penalty in their individual incomes, and both men and women enjoy substantially higher family incomes, compared to peers with otherwise similar characteristics. For instance, men enjoy a marriage premium of at least $15,900 per year in their individual income compared to their single peers. -

10 . Growing up with both parents increases your odds of becoming highly educated, which in turn leads to higher odds of being married as an adult. Both the added education and marriage result in higher income levels. Indeed, men and women who were raised with both parents present and then go on to marry enjoy an especially high income as adults. Men and women who are currently married and were raised in an intact family enjoy an annual “family premium” in their household income that exceeds that of their unmarried peers who were raised in non-intact families by at least $42,000."
MercatorNet For richer for poorer the difference marriage makes to family fortunes

This proves what has been said often on this board about conservatives as compared to Liberals...and bears repeating:

" Liberals and Conservatives differ in the way to proceed. For Conservatives, data informs policy. (“More Guns, Less Crime” and “Mass murderers apparently can’t read, since they are constantly shooting up ‘gun-free zones.’”- Coulter) We use Conservative principles to the best of our ability, but when confronting new and original venues, we believe in testing, and analysis of the results of the tests. For liberals, feeling passes for knowing; it is based on emotion often to the exclusion of thinking."

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