When & Why Did Our Moms Become Less Than Human?

What happened? Why have females fallen out of favor with many young people who write rap hip hop performances?

Presenting ignorance as a foundation for your thoughts is fun. See because there is plenty of hip hop out there about love, marriage etc but you seem to only gravitate toward the "trap music" and as a result of you only listening to one facet of Hip hop it makes you believe thats all their is out there.

Its like saying Rock is violent when all I listen to is Megadeath

Hello, ClosedCaption.

Do you have a theory for why many American rappers and hip hoppers characterize the maternal half of our population as bitches and whores?

Because society is that way and always have been. White people came up with bitch, wore (Hoe is ours), *****, etc.

This weird white boy idea that this is exclusive to hip hoppers (whatever that is) is the epitome of the problem.
You seem anxious and a bit rattled this morning, Correll.

Go do your stretching exercises and come back more on track.

Yeah, there was racism in the comments from known racists, as pointed out, so know you will always be called out when you do it.

The OP contains when-why-did-our-moms-become-less-than-human, and the talks was about rap music. So, yep, the two are related.

Save you attempts at spin.

I have repeatedly addressed your claims of racism. You have failed to defend your hysterical conclusion that mentioning blacks in an answer to a question about blacks is racism.

You just keep repeating your slander without support.

That is a dick move.

The Op obviously was referring to the opinions of the rap music writers and contained nothing implying that the mothers become less than human if they listen to rap.

You are demonstrating that you are not capable of discussing any issue touching on race honestly or rationally.
hmmm . . . when-why-did-our-moms-become-less-than-human

Because of rap? No. That is a symptom of the larger problem.

What are you talking about Jake? Women historically have been treated with the highest respect. Whores didn't exist until 1994 when the Geto Boys first made up the term. Ludicrous in 1996 furthered the trend of women disrespect never seen before by discussion women of loose moral character. It started with hip hop....:rolleyes:
Your attempt to deflect and deny are noted, and they have been summarily dismissed.

You will not discuss the topic honestly, Correll.
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hmmm . . . when-why-did-our-moms-become-less-than-human

Because of rap? No. That is a symptom of the larger problem.

What are you talking about Jake? Women historically have been treated with the highest respect. Whores didn't exist until 1994 when the Geto Boys first made up the term. Ludicrous in 1996 furthered the trend of women disrespect never seen before by discussion women of loose moral character. It started with hip hop....:rolleyes:
You seem anxious and a bit rattled this morning, Correll.

Go do your stretching exercises and come back more on track.

Yeah, there was racism in the comments from known racists, as pointed out, so know you will always be called out when you do it.

The OP contains when-why-did-our-moms-become-less-than-human, and the talks was about rap music. So, yep, the two are related.

The op specifically questioned BLACK moms in relation to rap music.

"Who is responsible for *influencing or conditioning* many young Americans of African descent <--- that means black -- to characterize our moms, sisters, grandmas, daughters and aunts as less than human creatures?"

People answering the op are not racist.

The more you post the more you're a dumbass.
hmmm . . . when-why-did-our-moms-become-less-than-human

Because of rap? No. That is a symptom of the larger problem.

What are you talking about Jake? Women historically have been treated with the highest respect. Whores didn't exist until 1994 when the Geto Boys first made up the term. Ludicrous in 1996 furthered the trend of women disrespect never seen before by discussion women of loose moral character. It started with hip hop....:rolleyes:

Do you think that if there were more and better paying jobs, especially manufacturing jobs, that women, especially black women would be better able to find suitable husbands and we would see a drop in illegitimacy and thus all the social ills such as the misogyny noted in the OP?
The responders based on their comments twisted the OP into a racist chant.

That is why I included my questions about other races.

Racists, like you, are never permitted to get away with defining racism.
hmmm . . . when-why-did-our-moms-become-less-than-human

Because of rap? No. That is a symptom of the larger problem.

What are you talking about Jake? Women historically have been treated with the highest respect. Whores didn't exist until 1994 when the Geto Boys first made up the term. Ludicrous in 1996 furthered the trend of women disrespect never seen before by discussion women of loose moral character. It started with hip hop....:rolleyes:

Do you think that if there were more and better paying jobs, especially manufacturing jobs, that women, especially black women would be better able to find suitable husbands and we would see a drop in illegitimacy and thus all the social ills such as the misogyny noted in the OP?
Why "especially black women"? It would apply across the board to all women.
hmmm . . . when-why-did-our-moms-become-less-than-human

Because of rap? No. That is a symptom of the larger problem.

What are you talking about Jake? Women historically have been treated with the highest respect. Whores didn't exist until 1994 when the Geto Boys first made up the term. Ludicrous in 1996 furthered the trend of women disrespect never seen before by discussion women of loose moral character. It started with hip hop....:rolleyes:

Do you think that if there were more and better paying jobs, especially manufacturing jobs, that women, especially black women would be better able to find suitable husbands and we would see a drop in illegitimacy and thus all the social ills such as the misogyny noted in the OP?

Maybe, but those are leaps of hypothetical answers to an hypothetical world. Would there be more jobs, better inventions, more upward mobility and a woman president before now if women didnt face misogyny?

Sure, except that world and the one you present dont exist. So anything is possible.
The responders based on their comments twisted the OP into a racist chant.

That is why I included my questions about other races.

Racists, like you, are never permitted to get away with defining racism.

YOu are the one trying to define other people based on the weakest of rationalizations.
The responders based on their comments twisted the OP into a racist chant.

That is why I included my questions about other races.

Racists, like you, are never permitted to get away with defining racism.

When you even attempt to ask about another race (whites) they rush back to focus on blacks. Then blame the OP, you, Me, liberals and everyone else for their lack of even wanting to touch a discussion on all races. Just black
hmmm . . . when-why-did-our-moms-become-less-than-human

Because of rap? No. That is a symptom of the larger problem.

What are you talking about Jake? Women historically have been treated with the highest respect. Whores didn't exist until 1994 when the Geto Boys first made up the term. Ludicrous in 1996 furthered the trend of women disrespect never seen before by discussion women of loose moral character. It started with hip hop....:rolleyes:

Do you think that if there were more and better paying jobs, especially manufacturing jobs, that women, especially black women would be better able to find suitable husbands and we would see a drop in illegitimacy and thus all the social ills such as the misogyny noted in the OP?
Why "especially black women"? It would apply across the board to all women.

NOt equally. The decline in manufacturing jobs has disproportionately impacted black men.

THus, better trade policy would disproportionately benefit black men.

And possibly, hopefully black illegitimacy rates.
hmmm . . . when-why-did-our-moms-become-less-than-human

Because of rap? No. That is a symptom of the larger problem.

What are you talking about Jake? Women historically have been treated with the highest respect. Whores didn't exist until 1994 when the Geto Boys first made up the term. Ludicrous in 1996 furthered the trend of women disrespect never seen before by discussion women of loose moral character. It started with hip hop....:rolleyes:

Do you think that if there were more and better paying jobs, especially manufacturing jobs, that women, especially black women would be better able to find suitable husbands and we would see a drop in illegitimacy and thus all the social ills such as the misogyny noted in the OP?

Maybe, but those are leaps of hypothetical answers to an hypothetical world. Would there be more jobs, better inventions, more upward mobility and a woman president before now if women didnt face misogyny?

Sure, except that world and the one you present dont exist. So anything is possible.

Why quibble about something being hypothetical when we have been wasting most of our time discussing something that is false, ie that mentioning blacks in an answer to a question about blacks is racist?

Discussing hypothetical solutions seems a far more productive and pleasant choice.
Hi. I am puzzled by something, perhaps someone can help?

Who is responsible for *influencing or conditioning* many young Americans of African descent to characterize our moms, sisters, grandmas, daughters and aunts as less than human creatures?

Growing up in the 60s, year after year I'd roll out of bed in the morning, crank up my 9v transistor radio listening to contemporary sounds, including a new genre of American music its artists, composers, lyricists and producers called Motown.

My Motown musician friends wrote and performed music that made me smile, wanting to dance, celebrate life and wanting to experience the love between a man and a woman they were constantly telling me about. Every hour of every day I could tune in my radio and listen to my talented Motown musician friends singing songs praising and loving women

Listening to these musicians celebrating life and loving women *conditioned me* to believe they are good, peaceful people deserving of respect, admiration and a large *"Thank you"* for sharing their musical talent with me, my friends and our world.

What I am trying to figure out is why today, many of my Motown friend's children and grandchildren are writing contemporary music performance lyrics that clearly are demeaning and HATING on each other, as well as writing lyrics demeaning women, our moms, sisters, grandmas, daughters and aunts, characterizing women as *itches* and *hores*, essentially less than human not deserving of respect? Which is pretty much how greedy or genuinely ignorant early Euros characterized the African people they abducted and enslaved.

What happened? Why have females fallen out of favor with many young people who write rap hip hop performances?

Another question. Today when ten-year-old American kids wake up, tune into their fav contemporary radio station, listening to lyrics describing anti-social activities and behaviors their parents, community and educators are telling them are harmful to them, their neighbors and community, what opinions, if any, will these 5th grade children form about the music performers writing music lyrics describing anti-social behaviors and activities that often emotionally traumatize and physically harm individual peaceful people and the neighborhoods they live or work in?

Who is responsible for influencing some or many Americans of African descent to view females as less than human *itches?

What subliminal messages are today's youngsters learning when they hear Americans of African descent characterizing women, aka our moms, sisters, grandmas, daughters and aunts, as inhuman bvtches, not worthy of respect?



As human beings, we have both "good and bad" inside of us.
Music (among other things) can tap into both.

There was a day "good" was stressed in our society. Wholesome enjoyment of life and love.
Christianity and "wholesome" were cornerstones of the American life.

It only takes a few people to start a movement. Tapping into people's "bad" - the songs and messages of rebellion and hatred and disguising it as freedom invaded our culture, and, so here we are.....

Lol. Who wants to listen to "Christian" music? The only Christian music I would listen to would be Creed, and even that is a bit on the "dark" side. :D

The responders based on their comments twisted the OP into a racist chant.

That is why I included my questions about other races.

Racists, like you, are never permitted to get away with defining racism.

When you even attempt to ask about another race (whites) they rush back to focus on blacks. Then blame the OP, you, Me, liberals and everyone else for their lack of even wanting to touch a discussion on all races. Just black

The black community is more messed up than other races.

We need to ask why and what can be done about it.
The responders based on their comments twisted the OP into a racist chant.

That is why I included my questions about other races.

Racists, like you, are never permitted to get away with defining racism.

When you even attempt to ask about another race (whites) they rush back to focus on blacks. Then blame the OP, you, Me, liberals and everyone else for their lack of even wanting to touch a discussion on all races. Just black

The black community is more messed up than other races.

We need to ask why and what can be done about it.

No its not, its just that you refuse to see the mess in your own community. Introspection is hard
The responders based on their comments twisted the OP into a racist chant.

That is why I included my questions about other races.

Racists, like you, are never permitted to get away with defining racism.

When you even attempt to ask about another race (whites) they rush back to focus on blacks. Then blame the OP, you, Me, liberals and everyone else for their lack of even wanting to touch a discussion on all races. Just black

The black community is more messed up than other races.

We need to ask why and what can be done about it.

No its not, its just that you refuse to see the mess in your own community. Introspection is hard

Yes, it is.

I see the mess in my own community.

Introspection is hard. I have done quite a bit of it, and am quite good at it.

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