When will the left wing Social Justice Warrior, fake racism mob drag Tina Fey to the Guillotine?


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
I am watching the show "30 Rock," a show created and written by Tina Fey, once a head writer for Saturday Night Live, and the creator of the massive hit movie "Brides Maids."

She is an excellent writer, the show is funny, really funny......she even makes Alec Baldwin into a likeable character........

So....why is she going to be dragged to the SJW guillotine for her crimes?

-Black Face
-making fun of gay people
-making fun of sexual harrassment
-making fun of Black Culture

The list is endless.............any one of those crimes would get her sent to the guillotine.....but all of them...I will be surprised if she even makes it to the scaffold before they tear her apart....

Where is her false confession to crimes that don't really exist? Where is her confession where she says she is trying to be a better person now.....that she regrets having done any of that stuff.......

Why isn't her career over?
She will confess all of her counter revolutionary activities to the party. She will be struggled against. She will be reeducated.

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