When will the surface(land) temperature start going up more then +.15/decade


Democrat all the way!
Mar 16, 2010
When will the surface(land) temperature start going up more then +.15/decade again.(.015c/year)....

The UN, IPPC and most scientist are now admitting it.

I'll guess 2030-2040 we will come out of the -pdo ;)

2010-2019 I'll predict .05c
2020-2029 I'll predict .11c
2030-2039 I'll Predict .18c
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This is just a bad decade as the 60's were for seeing the warming :(
It will begin when the natural cycles which we are far from understanding dictate that it start. There is no doubt that at some point, warming will begin since for most of earth's history the average mean temperature has been so warm that there was no ice at one or both of the poles. CO2 clearly isn't going to get it going again.....atmospheric CO2 has risen 40% since the pause began. If an increase of 40% can't induce warming then it is clear that CO2 is not even a bit player in the system.
It will begin when the natural cycles which we are far from understanding dictate that it start. There is no doubt that at some point, warming will begin since for most of earth's history the average mean temperature has been so warm that there was no ice at one or both of the poles. CO2 clearly isn't going to get it going again.....atmospheric CO2 has risen 40% since the pause began. If an increase of 40% can't induce warming then it is clear that CO2 is not even a bit player in the system.

So... ocean warming is insignificant. And, as far as energy being absorbed by CO2...the radiative balance at TOA... you've got the math to back that up. Right?
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So... ocean warming is insignificant. And, as far as energy being absorbed by CO2...the radiative balance at TOA... you've got the math to back that up. Right?

So the sky stopped falling and the ocean ate your heat? Get over it guy. You are just making yourself look more stupid with every post. Ocean warming which the IPCC (your religious instructors) didn’t predict, can’t measure accurately, and, even by the best estimates we have, has not been anywhere near enough warming to explain the missing energy.

Grabbing at straws is just pitiful. Admit that you fell for the hoax because of your political leanings and you will feel so much better. The lies, and uncertainty will be over and you can get on with living your life. I am sure it won't be long till something else comes along to scare you. Hell, you could even concentrate your energy on something important like actual pollution, and the damage run off is doing to the water...and how about the millions of birds and bats that are being killed by wind turbines....not to mention the decimation of the raptor populations...and the environmental damage being caused by solar panels....and the enormous amount of pollution being created in the manufacture of electric and hybrid cars.
nobody knows.....and the more important ? is, if it does, when do temps retreat again? Zero way of knowing......because computer models are gay.
It will begin when the natural cycles which we are far from understanding dictate that it start. There is no doubt that at some point, warming will begin since for most of earth's history the average mean temperature has been so warm that there was no ice at one or both of the poles. CO2 clearly isn't going to get it going again.....atmospheric CO2 has risen 40% since the pause began. If an increase of 40% can't induce warming then it is clear that CO2 is not even a bit player in the system.

So... ocean warming is insignificant. And, as far as energy being absorbed by CO2...the radiative balance at TOA... you've got the math to back that up. Right?

Ocean and global warming is insignificant, because as was pointed out, it has happened already in the past naturally.

You bed wetters are just in it for the fear mongering and the political agenda it helps to achieve.
It will begin when the natural cycles which we are far from understanding dictate that it start. There is no doubt that at some point, warming will begin since for most of earth's history the average mean temperature has been so warm that there was no ice at one or both of the poles. CO2 clearly isn't going to get it going again.....atmospheric CO2 has risen 40% since the pause began. If an increase of 40% can't induce warming then it is clear that CO2 is not even a bit player in the system.

Crap. Come on, that is about the dumbest thing I have seen your post. Atmospheric CO2 has risen about 40% since 1850. And that increase, plus the 250% increase in CH4, has created a rapidly warming world.

UAH V5.6 Global Temperature Update for August, 2013: +0.16 deg. C « Roy Spencer, PhD

The lowest point of the running average on that graph for the last decade is only 0.1 degree below the highest point prior to 1998. And the average has matched that of 1998 once in 2010 by Dr. Spencer's graph. The last decade is the warmest decade on record.
It will begin when the natural cycles which we are far from understanding dictate that it start. There is no doubt that at some point, warming will begin since for most of earth's history the average mean temperature has been so warm that there was no ice at one or both of the poles. CO2 clearly isn't going to get it going again.....atmospheric CO2 has risen 40% since the pause began. If an increase of 40% can't induce warming then it is clear that CO2 is not even a bit player in the system.

So... ocean warming is insignificant. And, as far as energy being absorbed by CO2...the radiative balance at TOA... you've got the math to back that up. Right?

Ocean and global warming is insignificant, because as was pointed out, it has happened already in the past naturally.

You bed wetters are just in it for the fear mongering and the political agenda it helps to achieve.

Dumb fuck. Just because some die of pneumonia means that dying from a poison gas in meaningless? One is natural, the other man created.

As far as the warming being insignificant, what you are refering to is the other extinction events in the geological record. A record I know well. And, today, we are moving at a pace, in the increase of GHGs in the atmosphere and effects on the cryosphere, that is a magnitude faster than what happened in those events. We may not be able to kill the planet or life, but we can sure make things miserable and challenging for our descendents.
So... ocean warming is insignificant. And, as far as energy being absorbed by CO2...the radiative balance at TOA... you've got the math to back that up. Right?

So the sky stopped falling and the ocean ate your heat? Get over it guy. You are just making yourself look more stupid with every post. Ocean warming which the IPCC (your religious instructors) didn’t predict, can’t measure accurately, and, even by the best estimates we have, has not been anywhere near enough warming to explain the missing energy.

Grabbing at straws is just pitiful. Admit that you fell for the hoax because of your political leanings and you will feel so much better. The lies, and uncertainty will be over and you can get on with living your life. I am sure it won't be long till something else comes along to scare you. Hell, you could even concentrate your energy on something important like actual pollution, and the damage run off is doing to the water...and how about the millions of birds and bats that are being killed by wind turbines....not to mention the decimation of the raptor populations...and the environmental damage being caused by solar panels....and the enormous amount of pollution being created in the manufacture of electric and hybrid cars.

Ah, when called upon to produce real evidence for your position, scream, holler, and throw out multiple meaningless strawmen.

The GHGs in the atmosphere are increasing at a pace unmatched in the history of this planet. The world is warming, we are due to see an ice free Arctic Ocean in my lifetime, and all the flap-yap in the world will not change this. There are reasonable steps to take to prevent this from happening, but they will not be taken. We, the people of the world, will pay for the greed of the very few extremely wealthy, and the willfull ignorance of the very many like you.
When will the surface(land) temperature start going up more then +.15/decade again.(.015c/year)....

The UN, IPPC and most scientist are now admitting it.

I'll guess 2030-2040 we will come out of the -pdo ;)

2010-2019 I'll predict .05c
2020-2029 I'll predict .11c
2030-2039 I'll Predict .18c

Well, let's hope that the -pdo gives us that much time. So many other factors that may affect that. Like methane releases from the Arctic. We still do not understand the full implications of the loss of ice in the Arctic Ocean. Still, be real nice if the temperature increase is that low.
It will begin when the natural cycles which we are far from understanding dictate that it start. There is no doubt that at some point, warming will begin since for most of earth's history the average mean temperature has been so warm that there was no ice at one or both of the poles. CO2 clearly isn't going to get it going again.....atmospheric CO2 has risen 40% since the pause began. If an increase of 40% can't induce warming then it is clear that CO2 is not even a bit player in the system.

So... ocean warming is insignificant. And, as far as energy being absorbed by CO2...the radiative balance at TOA... you've got the math to back that up. Right?

Not what he said silly person. And where oh where is that missing heat? In the deep oceans? Got the math to back up that wild violation of physics?
It will begin when the natural cycles which we are far from understanding dictate that it start. There is no doubt that at some point, warming will begin since for most of earth's history the average mean temperature has been so warm that there was no ice at one or both of the poles. CO2 clearly isn't going to get it going again.....atmospheric CO2 has risen 40% since the pause began. If an increase of 40% can't induce warming then it is clear that CO2 is not even a bit player in the system.

Crap. Come on, that is about the dumbest thing I have seen your post. Atmospheric CO2 has risen about 40% since 1850. And that increase, plus the 250% increase in CH4, has created a rapidly warming world.

UAH V5.6 Global Temperature Update for August, 2013: +0.16 deg. C « Roy Spencer, PhD

The lowest point of the running average on that graph for the last decade is only 0.1 degree below the highest point prior to 1998. And the average has matched that of 1998 once in 2010 by Dr. Spencer's graph. The last decade is the warmest decade on record.

No, it's not. If it were "rapidly warming" there would be evidence of that. There is none. Go back to school, but I suggest a better one, your last one has made you stupid.
So... ocean warming is insignificant. And, as far as energy being absorbed by CO2...the radiative balance at TOA... you've got the math to back that up. Right?

Ocean and global warming is insignificant, because as was pointed out, it has happened already in the past naturally.

You bed wetters are just in it for the fear mongering and the political agenda it helps to achieve.

Dumb fuck. Just because some die of pneumonia means that dying from a poison gas in meaningless? One is natural, the other man created.

As far as the warming being insignificant, what you are refering to is the other extinction events in the geological record. A record I know well. And, today, we are moving at a pace, in the increase of GHGs in the atmosphere and effects on the cryosphere, that is a magnitude faster than what happened in those events. We may not be able to kill the planet or life, but we can sure make things miserable and challenging for our descendents.

Bullshit. There is ZERO evidence that the extinction events were caused by warming. Just look to the PETM. What happened the last time it got really warm on this planet?
Then apply the Principle of Uniformitarianism to what happened during the PETM.

Go ahead.... I DARE YOU!
It will begin when the natural cycles which we are far from understanding dictate that it start. There is no doubt that at some point, warming will begin since for most of earth's history the average mean temperature has been so warm that there was no ice at one or both of the poles. CO2 clearly isn't going to get it going again.....atmospheric CO2 has risen 40% since the pause began. If an increase of 40% can't induce warming then it is clear that CO2 is not even a bit player in the system.

Crap. Come on, that is about the dumbest thing I have seen your post. Atmospheric CO2 has risen about 40% since 1850. And that increase, plus the 250% increase in CH4, has created a rapidly warming world.

UAH V5.6 Global Temperature Update for August, 2013: +0.16 deg. C « Roy Spencer, PhD

The lowest point of the running average on that graph for the last decade is only 0.1 degree below the highest point prior to 1998. And the average has matched that of 1998 once in 2010 by Dr. Spencer's graph. The last decade is the warmest decade on record.

Note: In the previous version (v5.5, still provided to NOAA due to contract with NCDC) the temps are slightly cooler, probably due to the uncorrected diurnal drift of NOAA-18. Recall that in v5.6, we include METOP-A and NOAA-19, and since June they are the only two satellites in the v5.6 dataset whereas v5.5 does not include METOP-A and NOAA-19.

Again the AGW math is way off.

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