When you become a God, will you use evil the way God does?

There is also the concept that God sees things we don't and acts accordingly....and our minds cannot handle those situations or actions. Science has concluded that we only use 10% of the full potential of our brains. Perhaps it's beyond our capabilities to understand these things.

Personally, there's a feeling that no matter how hard I try....I cannot shake. I think that perhaps, when we die....the afterlife will be different than we expect.

First a primer.... Religion is very much a cultural thing....people from the Far East tend to be Buddhists, Taoists, and Hindus....In the Middle East, Jewish and Muslims....with a smattering of Christianity thrown in....in Europe and in the West? Christians generally rule, with a smattering of the other major religions.

So....here's where I have problems with my own faith. I would think that an all powerful Creator-God would not get hung up on what people call him, or their method of worship...or perhaps even not need for us to worship him at all...He knows what's in our hearts and our minds...plus the fact that he's all powerful, and I don't think he suffers from self esteem issues.

In short, I think we tend to focus on the "Do's and Don'ts" of religion and lose the message. I also(and yes...I know, it could be considered blasphemy) That the Nicene Council may have been influenced by local politics and the Bible may reflect that.

I have no doubt it will be different than we expect. We know the bare minimum of what will happen after death.

Personally, I dont think we focus on the Dos and Don'ts enough. We tend to ignore them and think everything is alright no matter what God actually commanded. But His commandments are just as important as the message itself. One without the other is incomplete. And it seems like we live in a society that likes to choose betwene one or the other and not apply both.
I just hope that Jesus comes back soon, isn't he supposed to take all the retards off this earth with him? Sheesh bro, HURRY UP!

First, why would you be eager to leave?

Second, Jesus isnt taking people with him.

He's taking believers and leaving the earth to the rest of us, isn't he? CMON BUDDY GET YOUR ACT TOGETHER AND HURRY UP!
Adam was walking around one day with his kids. As they walked past the Garden of Eden, he said, "Look kids, that's where we used to live until your mom ate us out of house and home". ;)

Adam and Eve are in heaven, no need for guards anymore.

If God does no evil or sin and never misses his mark, then he would never have to repent.
Yet scriptures show that he did in Noah's day.
Scriptures say nothing of the kind. Sad yes, repentant no. Never. He had to do what He did to preserve man's DNA. There were 8 people left on earth whose DNA hadn't been contaminated by demons. He waited that long before He took action. He did not repent for salvaging mankind. Nor did He repent for changing our DNA to shorten our time on earth.
Until you study enough to understand the Bible, you need to stop quoting it. It makes you the LesserIam.

How childish. Grow up.

American King James Version
And it repented the LORD that he had made man on the earth, and it grieved him at his heart.

Only because you do not want to believe your own bible.

He didn't condemn us. We are responsible for our own decisions. He saved us from our own sin, not His.
Back to Genesis with you......... And here, take Matthew 5:22 with you when you go. :(

Who has the power to condemn us and send us to hell?
Who judges man?

"Therefore the Lord God sent him forth from the garden of Eden. He drove out the man; and he placed at the east of the garden of Eden Cherubim, and a flaming sword which turned every way, to keep the way of the tree of life."

As literature, the bible has some very iconic proses and statements.

But as a description of the world--it is kind of sucky. I mean--where on Earth is this big bad Angel with the flaming sword anyway? I mean, just seeing that otherworldly beingdoing its job would put me in my place right away. But nope--no angels guarding any patch or land or gardens anywhere.

AnyHOO that is not why I am posting.

If my understanding is correct, what ever god does is not evil since only god is the one who decides of what is good or evil--not man.. So saying would I commit evil if I am or become a god is a nonsensical question in that--1) God does not commit evil and 2)man can not become god.

Even if I were to become a god, my actions would not be evil because I would be god, and gods acts are not evil, despite your judgement.

Get with the program. God is not evil. It is impossible for god to commit evil. And despite what your judgement is, if god committed the act, then the act is not evil, but blessed by the actor,god himself.

If God does no evil or sin and never misses his mark, then he would never have to repent.
Yet scriptures show that he did in Noah's day.

That is his own judgement against himself. Not mine.

Perhaps you will do better than that God on your own world.


It depend on how you read it--and which references you use (with the bible.)

It seems that amongst christian(not necessarily scholars, mind you) that god did not repent but promised not to destroy the Earth with water again. Some even venture to suggest that the Lord will use some other means to destroy the Earth. Such as fire, Earthquake, any one of those dreaded curse found in revelation..

Hey--it is a consistent argument in view of revelations. Thus god is still just according to this viewpoint. It is man that is the issue of judgement. I find this interpretation kind of screwy myself but still thats the argument.

On the other hand, If one wishes to recall the epic of Gilgamesh(Sumerian mythology), then your argument that god(the lead god in this case) did repent after being lectured to by th lseeser gods. In this view point, the lead god An(that is the name) commanded Enki to open the flood gates to destroy the world. But Enki rescued some by warning them to build a boat thus saving mankind. According to this myth, Ishtar(yep, the whore of Babylon) argued that justice should be applied equally and justly to all of man. Do not punish the guilty with the innocent. Do not kill a theft and allow a murder to walk free. (Funny thing, this describes modern jurispudence.) In other words, the lead god did perform an unjust act and did repent.

Of course you can see the difference between Judeo-Christian-Islamic concepts of god versus other religions concepts of god. According to The J-C-I concept, god is infalliable--thus leading to infallible leaders and strict and closed views about law, justice, society and the world around the follower. According to non-J-C-I concepts, the god/gods themselves are fallible, thus the presence of fallible leaders and judges and so forth. Yet man is still able to determine right from wrong and apply justice appropriately--although he may not chose to at times and for various reasons.

I think you are trying to apply a non-J-C-I viewpoint among believers of a J-C-I religious group. That will create conflict, of course. But to answer your question correctly according to a J-C-I viewpoint is to note that God cannot perform evil. Thus your question is not sensible to this group.

On the other hand, to some one who is not a member of a J-C-I religion,then the answer is yes, one will perform some "evils" within reason or for another goal that is unreachable by restraining their actions.. I tend to fall in this group so I guess I will be an evil-committing god.

Sorry about the lenghty post--but the point that god "repented" after the flood is not shared by everyone and it seemed impotant to examine this claim a little first.

Thanks for this.

God using evil and being the bringer of all evil is quite prominent in scriptures.

Nehemiah 13:18
Did not your fathers thus, and did not our God bring all this evil upon us, and upon this city?

Jeremiah 19:15
Thus saith the LORD of hosts, the God of Israel; Behold, I will bring upon this city and upon all her towns all the evil that I have pronounced against it,

Amo 3:6 Shall a trumpet be blown in the city, and the people not be afraid? shall there be evil in a city, and the LORD hath not done it?

There is also the concept that God sees things we don't and acts accordingly....and our minds cannot handle those situations or actions. Science has concluded that we only use 10% of the full potential of our brains. Perhaps it's beyond our capabilities to understand these things.

Personally, there's a feeling that no matter how hard I try....I cannot shake. I think that perhaps, when we die....the afterlife will be different than we expect.

First a primer.... Religion is very much a cultural thing....people from the Far East tend to be Buddhists, Taoists, and Hindus....In the Middle East, Jewish and Muslims....with a smattering of Christianity thrown in....in Europe and in the West? Christians generally rule, with a smattering of the other major religions.

So....here's where I have problems with my own faith. I would think that an all powerful Creator-God would not get hung up on what people call him, or their method of worship...or perhaps even not need for us to worship him at all...He knows what's in our hearts and our minds...plus the fact that he's all powerful, and I don't think he suffers from self esteem issues.

In short, I think we tend to focus on the "Do's and Don'ts" of religion and lose the message. I also(and yes...I know, it could be considered blasphemy) That the Nicene Council may have been influenced by local politics and the Bible may reflect that.

Place no one above me as I am a jealous God says that God does have issues of self-esteem.

You may also be interested in Constantine and his reasons for going to Christianity.

Originally Posted by animefan48
Well, the reality is most Christians do buy into the trinity doctrine because of persecution of the early Gnostics and non-Trinitarians, and the religious councils were dissenters were forced to agree to a Trinitarian theology. Many Unitarian and Universalist theologies argue that when Jesus said he was the way, he meant that he was an example of how to live to be united/reunited with God. As for the name, God does give other names for himself including the Alpha and Omega, as well as some believe a name that should not be written (or even spoken I believe). Honestly, I think using the name I Am That I Am would just be confusing and convoluted, seriously. I seriously do not believe that it is a continuation of Gnostic/mystical/Unitarian suppression. Even the Gnostic and mystical traditions within Islam and Christianity do not tend to use that name, and among the 99 Names of Allah, I did not find that one. Also, many Rastafarians believe that the Holy Spirit lives in humans and will sometimes say I and I instead of we, yet they don't seem to use the name I Am for God/Jah either, so I really don't think it can be related to suppressing mystical and Gnostic interpretations. I think that originally oppressing those ideas and decreeing them heretical are quite enough, the early Church did such a good job that after the split many Protestant groups continued to condemn mystical and later Gnostic sects and theologies.

Yup, the bishops voted and it was settled for all time!!1 (Some say the preliminary votes were 150 something to 140 something in favor of the trinity)

But then Constantine stepped in: After a prolonged and inconclusive debate, the impatient Constantine intervened to force an end to the conflict by demanding the adoption of the creed. The vote was taken under threat of exile for any who did not support the decision favored by Constantine. (And later, they fully endorsed the trinity idea when it all happened again at the council of Constantinople in AD 381, where only Trinitarians were invited to attend. Surprise! They also managed to carry a vote in favor of the Trinity.)


Even a Trinitarian scholar admits the Earliest & Original beliefs were NOT Trinitarian!

The trinity formulation is a later corruption away from the earliest & original beliefs!

"It must be admitted by everyone who has the rudiments of an historical sense that the doctrine of the Trinity, as a doctrine, formed no part of the original message. St Paul knew it not, and would have been unable to understand the meaning of the terms used in the theological formula on which the Church ultimately agreed".
Dr. W R Matthews, Dean of St Paul's Cathedral, "God in Christian Thought and Experience", p.180

"In order to understand the doctrine of the Trinity it is necessary to understand that the doctrine is a development, and why it developed. ... It is a waste of time to attempt to read Trinitarian doctrine directly off the pages of the New Testament".
R Hanson: "Reasonable Belief, A survey of the Christian Faith, p.171-173, 1980

The doctrine of the Trinity is not taught in the Old Testament.
New Catholic Encyclopedia, 1967, Vol. XIV, p. 306.

"The formulation ‘One God in three Persons' was not solidly established, certainly not fully assimilated into Christian life and its profession of faith, prior to the end of the 4th century.... Among the Apostolic Fathers, there had been nothing even remotely approaching such a mentality or perspective"
New Catholic Encyclopedia, 1967, Vol. 14, p. 299.

"The formulation ‘One God in three Persons' was not solidly established, certainly not fully assimilated into Christian life and its profession of faith, prior to the end of the 4th century.... Among the Apostolic Fathers, there had been nothing even remotely approaching such a mentality or perspective" (New Catholic Encyclopedia, 1967, Vol. 14, p. 299).

"Fourth-century Trinitarianism did not reflect accurately early Christian teaching regarding the nature of God; it was, on the contrary a deviation from this teaching" (The Encyclopedia Americana, p. 1956, p. 2941).

Was Jesus God to Paul and other early Christians? No. . . . .
(Source: How the Bible became the Bible by Donald L. O'Dell - ISBN 0-7414-2993-4 Published by INFINITY Publishing.com)

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WD0eSqFJ7J4]Secrets of Christianity: Selling Christianity - YouTube[/ame]

"Therefore the Lord God sent him forth from the garden of Eden. He drove out the man; and he placed at the east of the garden of Eden Cherubim, and a flaming sword which turned every way, to keep the way of the tree of life."

If God does no evil or sin and never misses his mark, then he would never have to repent.
Yet scriptures show that he did in Noah's day.

That is his own judgement against himself. Not mine.

Perhaps you will do better than that God on your own world.


Yet scriptures show that he did in Noah's day

to quote "scriptures" is for you then to be a Judea / Christian ... ?

the Parable written for Noah is not found in "scriptures" and is the sentence exacted by God for the expulsion from the Garden of Eden.

When either the last good person or the last evil person dies God will return to judge those who are remaining - they or the last to die will be returned to the OuterWorld of the Everlasting.

the death of Noah would have been the death of the last good person, as per the Parable God would have had only evil remaining and Mankind would have been permanently destroyed - but rather before Noah's death, God returned beforehand and destroyed all those who were sentenced by their evil to death and gave Mankind one last chance.

GreatestIam (then he would never have to repent - that he did in Noah's day) does not understand God nor does the Judea / Christian Bible.

If God is so hot for acting on his sentences, why is Satan still around.

Justice delayed is justice denied. Right?

God kicked Adam out of Eden for banging the chick. Pretty gay stuff if you ask me.
God kicked Adam out of Eden for banging the chick. Pretty gay stuff if you ask me.

For sure but if you follow the story, God told A & E to reproduce in Genesis 1 yet did not give them the desire to do so till after they are of the tree of knowledge in Genesis 3.

Many in the Jewish community think that Eden is all about awakening desire in man that had as yet lain un-awakened. They had to know they were naked and did not till after eating of the tree of knowledge.

If God does no evil or sin and never misses his mark, then he would never have to repent.
Yet scriptures show that he did in Noah's day.

That is his own judgement against himself. Not mine.

Perhaps you will do better than that God on your own world.


Yet scriptures show that he did in Noah's day

to quote "scriptures" is for you then to be a Judea / Christian ... ?

the Parable written for Noah is not found in "scriptures" and is the sentence exacted by God for the expulsion from the Garden of Eden.

When either the last good person or the last evil person dies God will return to judge those who are remaining - they or the last to die will be returned to the OuterWorld of the Everlasting.

the death of Noah would have been the death of the last good person, as per the Parable God would have had only evil remaining and Mankind would have been permanently destroyed - but rather before Noah's death, God returned beforehand and destroyed all those who were sentenced by their evil to death and gave Mankind one last chance.

GreatestIam (then he would never have to repent - that he did in Noah's day) does not understand God nor does the Judea / Christian Bible.

If God is so hot for acting on his sentences, why is Satan still around.

Justice delayed is justice denied. Right?


If God is so hot for acting on his sentences, why is Satan still around.

your thoughts are imbedded with what you have read and not what there is to be discovered in finding the truth.

I just hope that Jesus comes back soon, isn't he supposed to take all the retards off this earth with him? Sheesh bro, HURRY UP!

As far as God repenting:
RE-PENT = to return to the highest level. God never left.

As for Jesus coming back, I hope you are one of the retards He takes with Him, because what is left will be pure evil. The first event has Christ removing His believers out of the way of what's coming. He never touches the ground during that event. You won't see Him.
You will see Him return however, to prevent man from annihilating himself completely. That's if you make it through the nukes, famine and disease. Maranatha .

And Ima, God did not kick Adam out of the garden for banging the chick. God made the chick so they could bang each other. Once Eve's blood was infected with sin, she could no longer stay in the garden. Eve was deceived, but Adam chose to share her fate.
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I just hope that Jesus comes back soon, isn't he supposed to take all the retards off this earth with him? Sheesh bro, HURRY UP!

First, why would you be eager to leave?

Second, Jesus isnt taking people with him.

He's taking believers and leaving the earth to the rest of us, isn't he? CMON BUDDY GET YOUR ACT TOGETHER AND HURRY UP!

No. Believers are coming up to meet Him as He returns while the wicked are destroyed and the meek inherit the earth.
God kicked Adam out of Eden for banging the chick. Pretty gay stuff if you ask me.

I recommend you reread the scriptures because they dont say or imply anything of the sort.
God kicked Adam out of Eden for banging the chick. Pretty gay stuff if you ask me.

For sure but if you follow the story, God told A & E to reproduce in Genesis 1 yet did not give them the desire to do so till after they are of the tree of knowledge in Genesis 3.

Many in the Jewish community think that Eden is all about awakening desire in man that had as yet lain un-awakened. They had to know they were naked and did not till after eating of the tree of knowledge.


So if we all descend from A&E, then their children had children, meaning incest, meaning we should all be blathering idiots from inbreeding?
God kicked Adam out of Eden for banging the chick. Pretty gay stuff if you ask me.

I recommend you reread the scriptures because they dont say or imply anything of the sort.

He ate the apple that turned him hetero, so he banged the chick and was booted out of gay heaven.

So not only are you not going to read what is actually written, youre going to make up more stuff?

Feel free to do so. It doesnt hurt my credibility. Nor does it affect my Eternal destiny. But you might want to think twice about it. Id recommend learning the truth and applying it in your life.

If God is so hot for acting on his sentences, why is Satan still around.

your thoughts are imbedded with what you have read and not what there is to be discovered in finding the truth.


Eh. Thanks for ignoring the question.
I guess it threw a wrench into your spokes.

I get that a lot from apologists who have no apology to offer and they try to B S themselves into un-deserved one-upmasnship.

Grow up anytime.

I recommend you reread the scriptures because they dont say or imply anything of the sort.

He ate the apple that turned him hetero, so he banged the chick and was booted out of gay heaven.

So not only are you not going to read what is actually written, youre going to make up more stuff?

Feel free to do so. It doesnt hurt my credibility. Nor does it affect my Eternal destiny. But you might want to think twice about it. Id recommend learning the truth and applying it in your life.
It is what it is. i didn't write the story.
God kicked Adam out of Eden for banging the chick. Pretty gay stuff if you ask me.

For sure but if you follow the story, God told A & E to reproduce in Genesis 1 yet did not give them the desire to do so till after they are of the tree of knowledge in Genesis 3.

Many in the Jewish community think that Eden is all about awakening desire in man that had as yet lain un-awakened. They had to know they were naked and did not till after eating of the tree of knowledge.


So if we all descend from A&E, then their children had children, meaning incest, meaning we should all be blathering idiots from inbreeding?

Perhaps. If you read it the way Christians do.

If you read it as written by the Jews who have first dibs on interpretation, the fall they see as our elevation and they wrote the name Adam, as adam, lower case, and that word means society or community. In their way, there is no incest.

This explains this.

Genesis 1:27
So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them.
Genesis 1:26-28
Male and female created he them; and blessed them, and called their name Adam, in the day when they were created.

Eve cannot be named Adam but she can be part of adam.
It seems like Adam is a spelling error but apparently in Hebrew, there is no way to tell and one must go by context.

Christians of course got the Jewish interpretation wrong.

Adam was walking around one day with his kids. As they walked past the Garden of Eden, he said, "Look kids, that's where we used to live until your mom ate us out of house and home". ;)

Adam and Eve are in heaven, no need for guards anymore.

If God does no evil or sin and never misses his mark, then he would never have to repent.
Yet scriptures show that he did in Noah's day.
Scriptures say nothing of the kind. Sad yes, repentant no. Never. He had to do what He did to preserve man's DNA. There were 8 people left on earth whose DNA hadn't been contaminated by demons. He waited that long before He took action. He did not repent for salvaging mankind. Nor did He repent for changing our DNA to shorten our time on earth.
Until you study enough to understand the Bible, you need to stop quoting it. It makes you the LesserIam.

How childish. Grow up.

American King James Version
And it repented the LORD that he had made man on the earth, and it grieved him at his heart.

Only because you do not want to believe your own bible.


Repent has several meanings and can be used as a noun or a verb. To understand the meaning in the verse you have copied, read it. The meaning is clarified in the rest of the sentence. He was grieved by us. We broke His heart.
He did not change His mind or turn away from man. Had He put man behind Him, as we are called to do with sin, there would have been no ark.

Only because you do not want to believe your own Bible. It belongs to us all. Sadly, understanding does not.

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