When you see International events with police forces, are you concerned about what it means for you?


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
So I saw a photo put up by Vince Hawkes, he's the head of the OPP in Ontario. He took a photo with the Chief of Police for Arlington. Knowing what I know, I couldn't help but think that this can't be beneficial to the state of Texas. Canada is outright neo-communist, Ontario the closest thing to old school communism anywhere in the West, with a bloated, intrusive security apparatus to boot.

It seems Canada has really been pushing hard to influence states that in the past they might not have, especially places like Georgia, Texas, Arizona. Canada already has strong cross border relations with police in California, Seattle and NY. How are those cities and states? Strong conservative or libertarian locations? Right...

So I ask Americans, do you think this kind of collaboration and "education sharing" is good for your system, when the Canadian system of laws and individual rights is far inferior to your own?

As a direct example, there are sting operation in Canada which the RCMP use which are referred to as "Mr. Big" operations. In the U.S the FBI refused to use these tactics as they rightfully viewed them as entrapment and unreliable as people lie and exaggerate to impress people all the time. However, I do recall they did use this tactic at least once at one point, though not sure if continued. I assure you this isn't good for U.S liberty.

Agree or disagree? If you disagree, tell me how this doesn't ultimately threaten U.S citizens and your constitution.
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