When you're attacking FBI agents because you're under criminal investigation, you're losing

The FBI top brass has destroyed their reputation. Pity. Partisan hacks they are.
The FBI top brass has destroyed their reputation. Pity. Partisan hacks they are.

Yes, that is what we hear -
That damn lifelong Republican and the most respected FBI leader in US history is on a WITCH HUNT!!
And she's learned her lesson along with the rest of America hasn't she now? That the top FBI brass are as dirty as all get out.

I would say that she DIDN'T lear her lesson and was correct a year ago.

"When you're attacking FBI agents because you're under criminal investigation, you're losing"

But the Huck Chubber certainly is a prolific liar! :)
The FBI top brass has destroyed their reputation. Pity. Partisan hacks they are.

And amazingly, RWNJs believe trrump's lies.

Or do they?

Seriously, I wonder if "partisan hacks" like tinydancer are really falling for trump's daily attempts to cover what is really going on.

Oh hell, most of them are indeed falling in line and donning the knee pads for Cheeto Jesus.
Now we have Orrin Hatch and Lindsey Graham talking about what a great and magnificent leader he is.
Hatch: "Maybe the best president EVER!"

Lindsey Graham, 2017: I’m tired of media portraying Trump as a kook. Graham, 2016: Trump is a kook.

What happened to THIS guy anyway?

Who said dat --- Hmmm .. Could it be Sarah Huckabee Sanders a year ago during campaign with regards to Hillary? :rolleyes-41:

Don't miss the comments just below - hilarious

Sarah Sanders on Twitter

Absolutely true, Trump should not be attacking the FBI on Twitter, or anywhere else.

HOWEVER, the media should be doing a more fair job of telling the American people exactly what is going on, and they aren't, so Trump feels like he has to.

Surely you don't deny that there was and still is some fishy stuff going on within the Justice Department and the MSM isn't even trying to accurately report on those things.
Absolutely true, Trump should not be attacking the FBI on Twitter, or anywhere else.

HOWEVER, the media should be doing a more fair job of telling the American people exactly what is going on, and they aren't, so Trump feels like he has to.

Surely you don't deny that there was and still is some fishy stuff going on within the Justice Department and the MSM isn't even trying to accurately report on those things.

No - surely I DO deny that. There are more Republicans in high places in the FBI and CIA than there are Democrats. IMHO, most of them are generally apolitical. But they are allowed to have personal political beliefs. And by in large they keep their heads down and do their jobs.
Absolutely true, Trump should not be attacking the FBI on Twitter, or anywhere else.

HOWEVER, the media should be doing a more fair job of telling the American people exactly what is going on, and they aren't, so Trump feels like he has to.

Surely you don't deny that there was and still is some fishy stuff going on within the Justice Department and the MSM isn't even trying to accurately report on those things.

No - surely I DO deny that. There are more Republicans in high places in the FBI and CIA than there are Democrats. IMHO, most of them are generally apolitical. But they are allowed to have personal political beliefs. And by in large they keep their heads down and do their jobs.

Oh I see. Your refusal to have a reasonable conversation is noted. Good day.
When I see FBI agents being removed from cases. Being removed from the
Special Counsel's team. Being reassigned different positions. Telling multiple
stories to Congress. Retiring at the ripe old age of 49.

I know the Prez is not only attacking the FBI...He is spot on and everyone of
those crooks is running for cover.

Long Live the Donald.

If the media wasn't complicit in its coverage and did its job to inform the
American people, he wouldn't have to be on Twitter.

Fuck the snowflakes
Oh I see. Your refusal to have a reasonable conversation is noted. Good day.

Oh I see - You believe that James Comey and Bob Mueller are Hillary defending liberals?

Okee .. Good Day :cool:

That plainly isn't what I said at all.

I am 100% not here to argue with children who lie about everything , including what other posters have said. Seems that plenty are here exactly for that, so go find one of them to argue with child.
Yeah the lefties swallowed the bull shit that they had Trump by the balls and he would be gone by Christmas.

Not they desperately cling to the hope that there is SOMETHING there when clearly there is not.

We will again get to point at them and laugh as reality kicks their stupid asses.
not all, they are folks who took money from the clintons for favors.

Neither McCabe nor his wife took money from the Clintons. Stop reading Gateway Pundit please.

Did acting FBI Director Andrew McCabe get money from Hillary Clinton, as Trump says?

"The Department of Justice’s Office of the Inspector General is reviewing whether McCabe should have recused himself from the Clinton investigation because his wife, Jill McCabe, ran for Virginia’s Senate in 2015 and received money from groups with ties to Governor McAuliffe. The inspector general announced the investigation in January, and Comey’s actions as director are also part of the review."

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