Where are the "Dissent is the highest form of patriotism" bumper stickers??

Sunni Man

Diamond Member
Aug 14, 2008
Patriotic American Muslim
Before 2008 it seems like every other car where I live (a college town in a deep blue state) had the bumper sticker "Dissent is the highest form of patriotism" proudly stuck on the back of their car.

But now I rarely see one; unless it's really old and faded.

This leads me to believe that liberals/progressives do not tolerate dissent when their party is in charge.

And that it's no longer considered patriotic by them to have an opposing opinion. .. :cool:
It isn't liberals who conflate dissent with treason.

That's what those bumper stickers were about.
Progressives are anti-tolerance 100% of the time......single greatest threat to the Republic.

Sorry, progressives are what make this country what it is today. The founding fathers were largely progressive.
Before 2008 it seems like every other car where I live (a college town in a deep blue state) had the bumper sticker "Dissent is the highest form of patriotism" proudly stuck on the back of their car.

But now I rarely see one; unless it's really old and faded.

This leads me to believe that liberals/progressives do not tolerate dissent when their party is in charge.

And that it's no longer considered patriotic by them to have an opposing opinion. .. :cool:

There is nothing patriotic about swinging between anti-government libertarian and ultra nationalist war lover depending on who sits in the oval office. Your anti-authoritarian noise would be taken more seriously if you were consistent about it. Instead you guys will just keep it up until you finally get the presidency and will turn right around and start cheerleading their every move just like the last time and somehow not feel like a total fraud.

This accusation of liberal swings from nationalist to dissention and back, while not entirely false, is still nothing like the amazing flip conservatives do when they finally get leaders they feel are legitimate enough to implicitly trust with a devotion few liberals are capable of.
Before 2008 it seems like every other car where I live (a college town in a deep blue state) had the bumper sticker "Dissent is the highest form of patriotism" proudly stuck on the back of their car.

But now I rarely see one; unless it's really old and faded.

This leads me to believe that liberals/progressives do not tolerate dissent when their party is in charge.

And that it's no longer considered patriotic by them to have an opposing opinion. .. :cool:


In Islam taqiyya تقية (alternative spellings taqiyeh, taqiya, taqiyah, tuqyah) is a form of religious dissimulation,[1] or a legal dispensation whereby a believing individual can deny his faith or commit otherwise illegal or blasphemous acts while they are at risk of significant persecution.[2]

This practice was emphasized in Shi'a Islam whereby adherents may conceal their religion when they are under threat, persecution, or compulsion.[3] Taqiyya was developed to protect Shi'ites who were usually in minority and under pressure. In the Shi'a view, taqiyya is lawful in situations where there is overwhelming danger of loss of life or property and where no danger to religion would occur thereby.[1]

The term taqiyya does not exist in Sunni jurisprudence. In the Sunni view, denying faith under duress is "only at most permitted and not under all circumstances obligatory".[4] However, there are examples of practicing taqiyya among Sunnis where it was necessary.[5]

Taqiyya - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Progressives are anti-tolerance 100% of the time......single greatest threat to the Republic.

Sorry, progressives are what make this country what it is today.

Make your case.

Minimum wage, 8-hr workday, women, blacks, Latinos, Irish, Italians, Chinese, etc. being allowed to vote, desegregation, children learning in public schools instead of dying in deregulated factory fires and collapsed mine shafts.

Generation after generation, Progressives have had to drag Conservatives kicking and screaming into the future.
Progressives are anti-tolerance 100% of the time......single greatest threat to the Republic.


I agree.

There is some historical context that can be applied to this very succinct truism.

The Puritans landed in Massachusetts and immediately declared themselves "The Elect of God". They were imbued with a sense of moral and intellectual superiority, and, while they left England for religious freedom, they were very soon hanging women in Boston Commons---for being Quakers instead of Puritans. (See Mary Dyer for example). A generation or so later, they were hanging and burning teenage girls as witches for non-conformity.

They were prolific in the bedroom, and 10 kids was about average, with the result that they filled up New England, New York and New Jersey...and then spread across the north founding now rotting cities like Cleveland and Chicago.

Suffice it to say, they became one of the two or three principal cultures in this country, and there is no doubt that they have made a significant contribution to the greatness of the country.

But, they have always overreached. This is the same culture that passed the Sedition Acts--such that John Adams (of Massachusetts) was able to put people in jail for criticizing his Administration. It was one of the reasons Jefferson ran against him, and beat his ass. Jefferson immediately pardoned all the people in jail for exercising their right of Freedom of Speech.

This "Progressive" culture no longer knows the Lord, but they have not lost their sense of superiority, and the need to tell others what to do. Some other groups of Americans don't listen well (for example, the Scotch-Irish of the South), and so these political correctness nazis seek ever growing Control in order to force the folks to do what they have decided is their in own good but which they themselves do not have the good sense to realize.

Its an old problem--dealing with people who are convinced that no one else has the sense, or the right, to disagree with them. Jefferson said they were far too obnoxious to ever control the government, but Jefferson never dreamed they would run up a 17 trillion dollar debt using borrowed money to buy votes from blacks and Mexicans; or that Public Employee Unions would become a branch of the Democratic Party.

It is the old Elect of God at work, except that God has been discarded, and something like Totalitarianism mixed with Marxism substituted in His place.

Very dangerous times for our country.
Progressives are anti-tolerance 100% of the time......single greatest threat to the Republic.

Sorry, progressives are what make this country what it is today. The founding fathers were largely progressive.
Yeah just took them over one hundred years to wreck it beginning with Woodrow Wilson. YOU are 100% correct.
Party (or faction) membership is largely to blame for much of the hypocrisy ,corruption and unconstitutional activities we see today.

Members are expected to support whatever the leadership dictates, regardless of the ethics thereof. Members expect to enjoy privileges that non-members do not have and will do so as long as the leader stays in charge. When the leader is deposed by one from another faction, the privileges of the staff are in jeopardy. Their livelihood is threatened. They will lie, steal, cheat and likely kill to keep their side in control.

Party loyalty leads to Leader loyalty leads to ethics-be-damned. ALL Parties do this! UNIONS do this! PRIVATE CLUBS do this! It's human nature!
The anti-establishment, hate government hippies of the 60's are now in charge and people who are against overwhelming government overreach and oppression are now in charge.

Funny how that turned out, isn't it? I've also not heard Hillary say anything about how debate is American and how it is patriotic to debate and question the opposition party. What was her exact phrase leftists? Do you even remember?

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