Where are the Feminists & Liberals

Arm the women. That's what I say.

I get the distinct impression that if ME women were armed when ISIS came after them and their children they would suffer heavy casualties. Far more so than they have suffered at the hands of the Iraqi military to date.

2 doctors, a politician, and one other woman executed by the IS barbarians in Mosul, Iraq. And one body was tossed into a well.

So, where's the outcry of rage? Of demanding that the rights of women be protected?

So, let's get real. Just who is truly waging a War on Women?

Read more @ IS jihadists execute four women in northern Iraq
Just my personal opinion but I think its time to fight fire with fire. ISIS knows that beheadings and executions are inflaming the civilized world and they do these things to provoke and terrorize. Taking a page from their book, the appropriate response would be to hire mercenaries to search for and capture these sub-human animals. Huge pits could be dug, filled with wild dogs, wolves or hyenas. Film these pits and inform ISIS that a countermeasure to their heinous acts is now in effect but that no public release of videos would occur, just word of mouth back to ISIS. I wonder what would be the outcome?
Why not wild hogs in those pits?
I thought of that but then realized that if people objected to dogs, wolves and hyenas, then instead of hogs, about 10 foot deep liquified hogshit would be adequate.

2 doctors, a politician, and one other woman executed by the IS barbarians in Mosul, Iraq. And one body was tossed into a well.

So, where's the outcry of rage? Of demanding that the rights of women be protected?

So, let's get real. Just who is truly waging a War on Women?

Read more @ IS jihadists execute four women in northern Iraq

Has ISIS killed as many innocents as our bombs did when we tried to bomb Iraq into democracy?

Not nearly as many as Saddam did himself.

The War in Iraq 10 years and counting Iraq Body Count
IBC has documented 112,017 - 122,438 civilian deaths from violence between 20 March 2003 and 14 March 2013.
A complete account of violent deaths that includes Iraqi and foreign combatants (including coalition forces), as well as previously unreported civilian deaths still being extracted by IBC from the Iraq War Logs released by WikiLeaks, would include:
  • 39,900 (combatants killed of all nationalities)
  • 11,500 civilians (likely to be added from the Iraq War Logs)
2 For details, see IBC’s 2012 annual report with updates on overall numbers and the Iraq War Logs.
3 70,000 people killed in Iraq since 2003, says Human Rights Ministry, AK News
yielding about 174,000 as the number of people documented killed in violence in Iraq since 2003.

Under the Tyrant Saddam since 1979.
IRAQ Deaths under Saddam Hussein
The Documental Centre for Human Rights in Iraq has compiled documentation on over 600,000 civilian executions in Iraq. Human Rights Watch reports that in one operation alone, the Anfal, Saddam killed 100,000 Kurdish Iraqis. Another 500,000 are estimated to have died in Saddam's needless war with Iran. Coldly taken as a daily average for the 24 years of Saddam's reign, these numbers give us a horrifying picture of between 70 and 125 civilian deaths per day for every one of Saddam's 8,000-odd days in power"

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