Impure "Vaccinated" People Shedding Poison On To The Pure Ones .

You simply betray your profound ignorance .

The scientific peer reviewed literature is now very clear as to likelihood of immediate , short , medium and long term effects .

If you cannot be bothered to read the science and do not understand how results are expressed , there is very little we can do to help you .

In the simplest possible terms .
Ten people eat poisoned food and nine are hospitalised . But the tenth then tells everybody that the food was not poisoned and he is living proof of that .
Such ignorance exists , as hopefully you now realise .
I have read alot on both sides. The peer reviewers of the hysterical anti vax cult are themsleves hysterical antivaxers and they all manipulate data and outright you. And when you lie, people die
a retired now nurse friend who agreed 100 percent with the jabs now has reccurent breast cancer- i think she got at least 2 jabs prob more.
Idiotic anecdotal codswallop. A false logical fallacy as well, I know dozens of people who have had multiple shots and none of then have had any ill effects attributed to the vax. They in turn know many more vaxxed people who have not had any ill effects from it. While that too is anecdotal, it carries a lot more weight then the isolated story of your nurse. If the shit that you people peddle were remotely factual, there would be bodies pilling up in refrigerated trailers like they were at the height of the pandemic, and it would be all over the news. You people are pathetic and dangerous. You have blood on your hands,.You lie and people die
Idiotic anecdotal codswallop. A false logical fallacy as well, I know dozens of people who have had multiple shots and none of then have had any ill effects attributed to the vax. They in turn know many more vaxxed people who have not had any ill effects from it. While that too is anecdotal, it carries a lot more weight then the isolated story of your nurse. If the shit that you people peddle were remotely factual, there would be bodies pilling up in refrigerated trailers like they were at the height of the pandemic, and it would be all over the news. You people are pathetic and dangerous. You have blood on your hands,.You lie and people die
youre so brainwashed. excess deaths have skyrocket WORLDWIDE since the poison jab was rolled out.
Idiotic anecdotal codswallop. A false logical fallacy as well, I know dozens of people who have had multiple shots and none of then have had any ill effects attributed to the vax. They in turn know many more vaxxed people who have not had any ill effects from it. While that too is anecdotal, it carries a lot more weight then the isolated story of your nurse. If the shit that you people peddle were remotely factual, there would be bodies pilling up in refrigerated trailers like they were at the height of the pandemic, and it would be all over the news. You people are pathetic and dangerous. You have blood on your hands,.You lie and people die
Is this why I'm itching all the time? I thought it was allergies.
Are people going to spend the rest of their lives crying over a vaccine? My grandson`s pediatrician gives children Hot Wheels or some other little toy after they get their shots.

Is that supposed to help prevent issues from the vax ????
Don't push Deniers too hard .
They walk around on a knife edge and due to their neurological imbalance could try to bite your nose or pull your hair or ears .
Happened to me several times which is why I now wear my sweater when I leave the bunker which has "Fuck Off Impure Ones " emblazoned it .
OK I get some funny looks . But I am still alive .
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Bullshit! I have has 7 shots since they became available and there is not a god damed thing wrong with my brian
So why do you burble every time you post ?And spout nonsense ?
How is Brian ?
I know it is wrong to laugh at the afflicted but you are a natural comedian and I suspect you have no close pal to have a quiet chat with you .
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Now all that you have to do is show cause andeffect. Take your time

So why do you burble every time you post ?And spout nonsense ?
How is Brian ?
I know it is wrong to laugh at the afflicted but you are a natural comedian and I suspect you have no close pal to have a quiet chat with you .
7 shots for a cold...I guess he hasn't heard of that thing called the immune system. BTW 99.9 percent recovery rate. Idiots.
So why do you burble every time you post ?And spout nonsense ?
How is Brian ?
I know it is wrong to laugh at the afflicted but you are a natural comedian and I suspect you have no close pal to have a quiet chat with you .
You'll have to excuse fire Island patriot ...the aids,hepatitis, and blood clots have affected his brain
7 shots for a cold...I guess he hasn't heard of that thing called the immune system. BTW 99.9 percent recovery rate. Idiots.
3 months in the hospital using a ventilator and the Covid was gone. No harm, no foul when someone else is paying the bill. Idiot!
So why do you burble every time you post ?And spout nonsense ?
How is Brian ?
I know it is wrong to laugh at the afflicted but you are a natural comedian and I suspect you have no close pal to have a quiet chat with you .
Try selling that codswallop to the survivors of the dead and those living with long Covid

covid deaths to date in usa - Search ( 1,138,309 Dead in US /103,436,829 cases of which 1/5 ( 20K ) have long term debilitating effects (long Covid) That is not recovery

As opposed to:
Flu deaths by year U.S. 2010-2022 | Statista 30,000 Since 2020
A small number die from a cold , usually if the develop pneumonia
Try selling that codswallop to the survivors of the dead and those living with long Covid

covid deaths to date in usa - Search ( 1,138,309 Dead in US /103,436,829 cases of which 1/5 ( 20K ) have long term debilitating effects (long Covid) That is not recovery

As opposed to:
Flu deaths by year U.S. 2010-2022 | Statista 30,000 Since 2020
A small number die from a cold , usually if the develop pneumonia

There, there Brian the Brain . Do not over heat it

Try another Topic area as you certainly do not understand Causal Effect analysis , Probability Assessment or Disease Classification criteria .

So let me ask you . Do you have any outdoor hobbies ?
I have read alot on both sides. .

And when you lie, people die
That's how you got so much wrong initially -- not realising that people write on both sides . You only got half the story !

But you have helped me understand life so much better . I thought that people died from old age and illness .
But it is actually due to somebody lying , the Death Fairy hearing and then doing the dirty deed. .
Thanks for the tip .

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