Where do Americans place their confidence?


The Magnificent!
Jun 24, 2011
According to this Gallup pole...

Americans Most Confident in Military, Least in Congress

...Americans place their highest faith in the U.S. military. As can be expected, Americans place their least faith in congress. I would have thought that the medical community would have garnered 1st place regarding Americans confidence... excluding the HMO's of course, which placed near the bottom of the list.

Incredibly organized religion placed 4th highest on the list! With church politics well known to be the most corrupt politics in the nation, this seriously rocked my confidence in the American constituencies ability to exhibit common sense. The religious right has lost power since 2000 but those power brokers are still hanging in there, preying on the gullible among the American constituency.

The venerable small business placed 2nd in the top three. These boys are the unsung hero's of the American dream. They have withstood the relentless assaults of the class envy permeated liberals/socialists that loathe private enterprise.

The police made 3rd place in American confidence despite dropping three percentage points. This shows that the American constituency overall places their highest confidence in authoritative government policy... military & police, small wonder Americans are losing their individual liberties!
Neither the Military or the Police create the laws and regulations under which they operate. If as you say, we are 'losing our individual liberties', that is our federal government.
Of course many Americans have great confidence in our military.

As they should.

AFter all the military is WELL funded, so it stands to reason that the military is prepared to do a good job.
Of course many Americans have great confidence in our military.

As they should.

AFter all the military is WELL funded, so it stands to reason that the military is prepared to do a good job.

They won't be if the idiot Dems don't stop the 'doomsday scenario'... but doing a fucking budget... your fucking President is supposed to run the country on a budget.

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